814 resultados para Advanced cardiac life support
The Minister for Health and Children established the Task Force on Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD) in the Autumn of 2004, with the following terms of reference:1) Define SCD and describe its incidence and underlying causes in Ireland.2) Advise on the detection and assessment of those at high risk of SCD and their relatives.3) Advise on the systematic assessment of those engaged in sports and exercise for risk of SCD.4) Advise on maximizing access to basic life support (BLS) and automated external defibrillators (AEDs) and on:- appropriate levels of training in BLS and use of AEDs, and on the maintenance of that training- priority individuals and priority groups for such training- geographic areas and functional locations of greatest need- best practice models of first responder scheme and public access defibrillation, and- integration of such training services.5) Advise on the establishment and maintenance of surveillance systems, including a registry of SCD and information systems to monitor risk assessment, and training and equipment programmes.6) Advise and make recommendations on other priority issues relevant to SCD in Ireland.7) Outline a plan for implementation and advise on monitoring the implementation of recommendations made in the Task Force’s report. In undertaking its work the Task Force was mindful of national health policy, relevant national strategies and of the recently reformed structures for health service delivery in Ireland. Read the Report (PDF, 1.66mb)
Sudden death related to out-of hospital cardiac arrest is an important cause of mortality, which is mainly caused by ventricular fibrillation, a potentially reversible condition. The prognosis of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest remains dismal despite well developed emergency medical services. Witnessed arrest, ventricular fibrillation as the initial arrhythmia, cardiopulmonary resuscitation and early defibrillation are systematically associated with better survival. Key interventions must therefore be enforced to improve survival from out-of-hospital cardiac, introducing the concept of a "chain of survivals". The aim of the present article, which is illustrated by local results, is to review this important public health issue, to emphasize the role of the general practitioner in the chain of survival, and to promote education and training of basic and advanced life support.
Introduction: The interhospital aeromedical transfers concern mainly unstable patients presenting with multiple organ failure and among whom the intensity, as well as the difficulty of care are often underestimated. Material and method: Retrospective analysis of 2094 interhospital transfers made by the Rega helicopter of Lausanne between 2003 and 2008, with description of the pathologies, the demographic characteristics, as well as the medical and technical difficulties. Results: Male patient are overrepresented (65 vs 35%), their age being 40-80 years old. On the other hand, we note an important number (10%) of patients less than 10 years. The average time of flight is 13 minutes, with a high rate of night transfers (34%). In 73% of the cases, the transfers concern medical, especially cardiovascular and neurological situations. Trauma and surgical situations account for less than 20%. The transferred patients often require mechanical ventilation (27%), as well as invasive measure of blood pressure (11%), particularly in cases of neurological, pulmonary or cardiac diseases. In 6% of the cases, we note a haemodynamic instability, requiring the use of catecholamines. In 1% a cardiopulmonary resuscitation was initiated during the flight. The overall mortality at 48 hours is about 5%. Conclusions: In spite of relatively brief flights, the complexity and the variety of the pathologies require a specific training for the medical teams involved in the transfers, concerning the aspects of resuscitation, mechanical ventilation, and the knowledge of advanced life support in paediatrics, traumatology and cardiopulmonary intensive care.
El objetivo de este estudio, es determinar la capacidad de la diferencia venoarterial de de pCO2, como predictor de disfunción miocárdica en pacientes pediátricos con sepsis severa y choque séptico en la Unidad de Cuidado Intensivo Pediátrico de la Fundación Cardio Infantil. El documento eviado corresponde a un informe parcial de un estudio en curso en la Fundación CardioInfantil.
Introducción: La sepsis es una de las principales causas de morbilidad y mortalidad en la población pediátrica a nivel mundial, siendo la disminución del gasto cardiaco uno de los principales factores asociados a mortalidad. Se ha planteado la diferencia venoarterial de pCO2 como predictor de la función miocárdica en pacientes con sepsis, sin embargo hasta el momento no hay estudios en la población pediátrica que lo evalúen. Objetivo: Determinar la capacidad predictora y las características operativas de la diferencia venoarterial de pCO2, como predictor de disfunción miocárdica en pacientes pediátricos con sepsis severa y choque séptico. Métodos: Para alcanzar los objetivos del estudio, se llevo a cabo un estudio prospectivo de pruebas diagnósticas. Se realizó ecocardiograma y diferencia venoarterial de pCO2 en cada paciente, posteriormente se calculó las características operativas de la diferencia venoarterial de pCO2 para determinar su utilidad. Resultados: Se incluyeron 71 pacientes. La mediana de la diferencia venoarterial de pCO2 no fue significativamente mayor en los pacientes que tuvieron disfunción cardiaca en el ecocardiograma en comparación con los que no tuvieron disfunción. Se encontró una relación estadísticamente significativa de valores de 1,5 a 2,1 mmHg, como predictor negativo de disfunción miocárdica con una sensibilidad de 100% y una especificidad de 88%. Conclusiones: La diferencia venoarterial de pCO2 requiere de estudios mas extensos para determinar la probabilidad como predictor de disfunción miocárdica en pacientes pediátricos con sepsis severa y choque séptico, incluso cuando otros biomarcadores se encuentran dentro de límites normales.
Fatiga del reanimador y calidad de las compresiones torácicas en niños con y sin vía aérea asegurada
Introducción: La calidad de las compresiones torácicas tiene importancia durante la reanimación pediátrica y se ve afectada por diversos factores como la fatiga del reanimador, esta puede verse condicionada por las características de las compresiones establecidas según la presencia o ausencia de un dispositivo avanzado en la vía aérea determinando la interrupción continuidad de las mismas. En este estudio se realizó una simulación clínica, evaluando la presencia de fatiga del reanimador frente a pacientes con y sin dispositivo avanzado de la vía aérea. Metodología: Se incluyeron 12 participantes, quienes realizaron compresiones torácicas a un simulador clínico, tanto para el caso de la maniobra 1 correspondiente a ciclos interrumpidos con el fin de proporcionar ventilaciones, como para el caso de la maniobra 2 en la que la actividad fue continua. Se midieron calidad de compresiones, VO2 max y fatiga mediante escala de Borg RPE 6-20. Resultados: La calidad de las compresiones disminuyó en ambos grupos después del minuto 2 y más rápidamente cuando fueron ininterrumpidas. La fatiga se incrementó cuando las compresiones fueron continuas. Discusión: Se evidencia una relación directamente proporcional del aumento de la fatiga en relación al tiempo de reanimación e inversamente proporcional entre la calidad de las compresiones y la sensación de cansancio, en especial después del minuto 2. Un tiempo de 2 minutos podría ser el tiempo ideal para lograr compresiones de calidad y para realizar el reemplazo de la persona que realiza las compresiones.
Estudo transversal que avaliou a qualidade dos registros de enfermagem sobre ressuscitação cardiopulmonar. Foram revisados 42 prontuários de pacientes em uma unidade de terapia intensiva, utilizando o protocolo Utstein. Houve predomínio de homens (54,8%), idade de 21 a 70 anos (38,1%), correção de cardiopatias adquiridas (42,7%), com mais de um dispositivo pré-existente (147). Como causa imediata de parada cardiorrespiratória, predominou hipotensão (48,3%) e como ritmo inicial, bradicardia (37,5%). Apenas a hora do óbito e hora da parada foram registradas em 100% da amostra. Não foi registrado treinamento dos profissionais em Suporte Avançado de Vida. As causas da parada e ritmo inicial foram registrados em 69% e 76,2% da amostra. Compressões torácicas, obtenção de vias aéreas pérvias e desfibrilação foram registradas em menos de 16%. Os registros foram considerados de baixa qualidade, podendo incorrer em sanções legais aos profissionais e não permitindo a comparação da efetividade das manobras com outros centros.
In order to assess medical students' knowledge of Basic Life Support (BLS) principles, we defined a minimal knowledge (MK) of three life-threatening medical conditions that should be universally known: cardiac arrest, heart attack and stroke, and compared the results with those of laypersons.
Aims The effects of a system based on minimally trained first responders (FR) dispatched simultaneously with the emergency medical services (EMS) of the local hospital in a mixed urban and rural area in Northwestern Switzerland were examined. Methods and results In this prospective study 500 voluntary fire fighters received a 4-h training in basic-life-support using automated-external-defibrillation (AED). FR and EMS were simultaneously dispatched in a two-tier rescue system. During the years 2001–2008, response times, resuscitation interventions and outcomes were monitored. 1334 emergencies were included. The FR reached the patients (mean age 60.4 ± 19 years; 65% male) within 6 ± 3 min after emergency calls compared to 12 ± 5 min by the EMS (p < 0.0001). Seventy-six percent of the 297 OHCAs occurred at home. Only 3 emergencies with resuscitation attempts occurred at the main railway station equipped with an on-site AED. FR were on the scene before arrival of the EMS in 1166 (87.4%) cases. Of these, the FR used AED in 611 patients for monitoring or defibrillation. CPR was initiated by the FR in 164 (68.9% of 238 resuscitated patients). 124 patients were defibrillated, of whom 93 (75.0%) were defibrillated first by the FR. Eighteen patients (of whom 13 were defibrillated by the FR) were discharged from hospital in good neurological condition. Conclusions Minimally trained fire fighters integrated in an EMS as FR contributed substantially to an increase of the survival rate of OHCAs in a mixed urban and rural area.
Current guidelines for the treatment of hypothermic cardiocirculatory arrest recommend extracorporeal life support and rewarming, using cardiopulmonary bypass or extracorporeal membrane oxygenation circuits. Both have design-related shortcomings which may result in prolonged reperfusion time or insufficient oxygen delivery to vital organs. This article describes clear advantages of minimally invasive extracorporeal circulation systems during emergency extracorporeal life support in hypothermic arrest. The technique of minimally invasive extracorporeal circulation for reperfusion and rewarming is represented by the case of a 59-year-old patient in hypothermic cardiocirculatory arrest at 25.3°C core temperature, with multiple trauma. With femoro-femoral cannulation performed under sonographic and echocardiographic guidance, extracorporeal life support was initiated using a minimally invasive extracorporeal circulation system. Perfusing rhythm was restored at 28°C. During rewarming on the mobile circuit, trauma surveys were completed and the treatment initiated. Normothermic weaning was successful on the first attempt, trauma surgery was completed and the patient survived neurologically intact. For extracorporeal resuscitation from hypothermic arrest, minimally invasive extracorporeal circulation offers all the advantages of conventional cardiopulmonary bypass and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation systems without their shortcomings.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-07
Introduction: Caring for a child who has an unexpected ALTE in hospital can be stressful. An ALTE may include a cardiac arrest, respiratory arrest or call for immediate assistance. An international survey of practice was conducted to identify any existing interventions to inform a PhD program of work aimed at reducing the stress from these events through preparation and support. Purpose: The purpose of the survey was threefold: (1) Describe ‘normal’ practice when it comes to preparing staff or providing psychological support after caring for a child who has had an ALTE. (2) Determine if there are any interventions to prepare clinical staff for potential psychological effects of caring for a child who has an ALTE. (3) Determine if there are any interventions to provide support for clinical staff after caring for a child who has an ALTE. Material - Methods: An 18 item semi structured questionnaire was designed for the study to allow respondent to describe practices within their institution and outline their opinions and professional experiences. Clinicians from selected children’s and adult hospitals in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom and the United States of America were contacted by telephone. Following consent they were given the option to complete the survey via the telephone, by post or online. Results: Of the 61 hospitals approached 44 (72%) clinicians responded. Eighteen (41%) respondents identified interventions in place to prepare nurses for an ALTE ranging from (but not limited to) ad hoc discussions during life support training through to structured simulation training. Thirty-six (82%) respondents identified that they had interventions in place to support nurses after an ALTE ranging from (but not limited to) debriefing through to structured case reviews. Conclusions: Interventions varied across institutions, with no outcome or evaluation data for the interventions published to date.
Cardiopulmonary arrest is a medical emergency in which the lapse of time between event onset and the initiation of measures of basic and advanced support, as well as the correct care based on specific protocols for each clinical situation, constitute decisive factors for a successful therapy. Cardiopulmonary arrest care cannot be restricted to the hospital setting because of its fulminant nature. This necessitates the creation of new concepts, strategies and structures, such as the concept of life chain, cardio-pulmonary resuscitation courses for professionals who work in emergency medical services, the automated external defibrillator, the implantable cardioverter-defibrillator, and mobile intensive care units, among others. New concepts, strategies and structures motivated by new advances have also modified the treatment and improved the results of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in the hospital setting. Among them, we can cite the concept of cerebral resuscitation, the application of the life chain, the creation of the universal life support algorithm, the adjustment of drug doses, new techniques - measure of the end-tidal carbon dioxide levels and of the coronary perfusion pressure - and new drugs under research.
Nutritional metabolic management, together with other treatment and support measures used, is one of the mainstays of the treatment of septic patients. Nutritional support should be started early, after initial life support measures, to avoid the consequences of malnutrition, to provide adequate nutritional intake and to prevent the development of secondary complications such as superinfection or multiorgan failure. As in other critically-ill patients, when the enteral route cannot be used to ensure calorie-protein requirements, the association of parenteral nutrition has been shown to be safe in this subgroup of patients. Studies evaluating the effect of specific pharmaconutrients in septic patients are scarce and are insufficient to allow recommendations to be made. To date, enteral diets with a mixture of substrates with distinct pharmaconutrient properties do not seem to be superior to standard diets in altering the course of sepsis, although equally there is no evidence that these diets are harmful. There is insufficient evidence to recommend the use of glutamine in septic patients receiving parenteral nutrition. However, given the good results and absence of glutamine-related adverse effects in the various studies performed in the general population of critically-ill patients, these patients could benefit from the use of this substance. Routine use of omega-3 fatty acids cannot be recommended until further evidence has been gathered, although the use of lipid emulsions with a high omega-6 fatty acid content should be avoided. Septic patients should receive an adequate supply of essential trace elements and vitamins. Further studies are required before the use of high-dose selenium can be recommended.
La stratégie d'accès public à la défibrillation (APD) comprend l'installation de défibrillateurs automatiques externes (DAE) dans les lieux publics et l'entraînement de sauveteurs non professionnels à la réanimation cardio pulmonaire et à la défibrillation (RCP-D). Cette approche est recommandée pour le traitement des arrêts cardiaques (ACR) dans les lieux publics. Beaucoup d'études d'observation, mais peu d'études randomisées s'intéressant à cette approche ont été publiées. Cet article résume les différentes approches proposées dans le cadre d'APD. A notre avis, l'installation de DAE dans des lieux publics ou le choix d'une stratégie alternative doivent être précédés d'une étude de la démographie locale des ACR et de l'entraînement du plus grand nombre possible de laïcs à la reconnaissance des signes précurseurs d'ACR et au massage cardiaque externe. Placement of automated external defibrillators (AED) in public facilities and training of the lay persons in basic life support-defibrillation (BLS-D) was recommended by the American Heart Association for the treatment of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA). Immediate use of AED result in increase of survival to hospital discharge. Many observation and much less randomized trials describe clinical efficacy of this approach. However, "negative" trials have also been published and some recent data suggest that public access defibrillation (PAD) will have a minimal impact on population survival. In this article various PAD strategies were briefly reviewed. In our opinion installation of AED in public places should be based on the long-term study of local OHCA demography and preceded by widespread BLS training of lay population.