946 resultados para Active Lifestyle


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While there is sufficient evidence to suggest that physical activity is inversely related to lifestyle diseases, researchers are far from being certain that this evidence extends to children. Nevertheless, the school physical education curriculum has been targeted as an institutional agency that could have a significant impact on health during childhood and later during adulthood if individuals could be habituated to assume a physically active lifestyle. The purpose of this article is to examine the recontextualization of biomedical knowledge into an ideology of healthism in which health is conceived as a controllable certainty and used as a pedagogical construction to transform school physical education. Using a Foucauldian perspective, we explore how the atomized biomedical model of chemical and physical relationships is constructed, reproduced, and perpetuated to service and empower the discourse and the practices of researchers and scholars. In this process the sociological or cultural aspects of public health are marginalized or ignored. As a result of this examination, alternative approaches are proposed that engage the limitations of the biomedical model and openly consider the insights that are available from the social sciences regarding what participation in physical activity means to individuals.


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Les patients diabétiques de type 1 (DT1) ont avantage à avoir un bon contrôle glycémique pour réduire les effets négatifs à court et long terme d’un mauvais contrôle glycémique sur leur santé. Pour contrôler leur glycémie, ils doivent prendre de l’insuline, mais il est aussi recommandé qu’ils aient de bonnes habitudes de vie comme une nutrition appropriée et une pratique adéquate d’activité physique. Par contre, les patients DT1 ne suivent généralement pas les recommandations en activité physique et une partie du problème vient de leurs barrières personnelles à un style de vie actif, telle la peur des hypoglycémies. L’utilisation de la pompe comme traitement à l’insuline aide à mieux contrôler la glycémie, plus précisément l’hémoglobine glyquée, que les injections d’insuline, et le dispositif est de plus en plus prescrit chez les enfants et adolescents. Par contre, son impact sur la pratique des activités sédentaire et physique n’est pas encore bien connu. L’objectif de la présente étude est donc de révéler le profil d’activité physique complet, incluant les barrières à l’exercice et les habitudes de vie des parents, des enfants et adolescents DT1, selon leur type de traitement à l’insuline (pompe ou injections). L’étude a été conduite à la clinique d’endocrinologie du Centre hospitalier universitaire de Sainte-Justine (Montréal, Canada). Un questionnaire auto-administré a été complété par 188 patients DT1 âgés de 6 à 17 ans et un de leurs parents. Soixante pourcent des patients étaient des utilisateurs de la pompe à insuline. Il n’y avait pas de différence significative pour aucune des composantes du profil d’activité physique, des habitudes sédentaires et des barrières à l’exercice entre les patients DT1 utilisant les injections et ceux utilisant la pompe. La peur de faire des hypoglycémies était la barrière à l’activité physique principale pour les deux groupes de traitement. Les adolescents dont les parents pratiquaient une plus grande variété d’activités physiques faisaient plus d’activité physique d’intensité moyenne à élevée et passaient moins de temps devant les écrans. En conclusion, le type de traitement n’était pas associé à un style de vie plus sain chez les patients pédiatriques DT1, mais un profil d’activité physique parental varié était le facteur principal d’intérêt pour des habitudes de vie plus saines chez les adolescents DT1.


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Major factors influencing food development and food marketing strategies in global market places at present can be attributable to the changing age structure of the population. The significant shifts in global age structure will inevitably lead to the number of people aged 60 reaching an all-time high of one billion by the year 2020. The rapidly growing population of ageing people globally represents a large, neglected and very much under-developed category within the Food Industry. The primary focus of this study was the integration of knowledge creation techniques at early NPD stages, for the development of market-oriented new health promoting foods for the ageing population. The methodology of this study was centered on an exploratory sequential mixed methods strategy. Stage one of the study involved in-depth semi-structured interviews with 16 Stakeholders to facilitate the need identification stage of the NPD process. The main outputs identified were the need for: the fortification of foods for a preventative nutrition approach, the development of foods that targeted age-related conditions such as cognitive, heart, gut and bone health, the integration of ageing compensatory packaging adaptations and the creation of marketing messages with an active lifestyle message. Stage two consisted of a market-oriented computer assisted NPD technique, a user centered design interaction (UCD) to integrate consumers as co-creators throughout the idea generation stage of the NPD process. The most important product attributes identified in this stage included: products targeted at brain and cognitive health, liquid based beverages, easy to use packaging with environmentally friendly elements, simplistic marketing with a clear focus on health not age and realistic health claims constructed with consumer friendly terminology. Finally, Stage three used an abbreviated means-end chain (MEC) analysis to complete the concept development stage of the NPD process. This stage identified commercial information that could be used by food firms for the development of positioning and communication strategies. Equally, the information generated could be of high strategic importance to governments, policy makers, health professionals and medical professionals. The values and goals listed in this stage included: better overall health, active lifestyle, optimum nutrition and wellbeing feelings. Overall, this research illustrated that knowledge creation techniques can assist firms in the development of market-oriented health promoting foods for the ageing population.


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Les patients diabétiques de type 1 (DT1) ont avantage à avoir un bon contrôle glycémique pour réduire les effets négatifs à court et long terme d’un mauvais contrôle glycémique sur leur santé. Pour contrôler leur glycémie, ils doivent prendre de l’insuline, mais il est aussi recommandé qu’ils aient de bonnes habitudes de vie comme une nutrition appropriée et une pratique adéquate d’activité physique. Par contre, les patients DT1 ne suivent généralement pas les recommandations en activité physique et une partie du problème vient de leurs barrières personnelles à un style de vie actif, telle la peur des hypoglycémies. L’utilisation de la pompe comme traitement à l’insuline aide à mieux contrôler la glycémie, plus précisément l’hémoglobine glyquée, que les injections d’insuline, et le dispositif est de plus en plus prescrit chez les enfants et adolescents. Par contre, son impact sur la pratique des activités sédentaire et physique n’est pas encore bien connu. L’objectif de la présente étude est donc de révéler le profil d’activité physique complet, incluant les barrières à l’exercice et les habitudes de vie des parents, des enfants et adolescents DT1, selon leur type de traitement à l’insuline (pompe ou injections). L’étude a été conduite à la clinique d’endocrinologie du Centre hospitalier universitaire de Sainte-Justine (Montréal, Canada). Un questionnaire auto-administré a été complété par 188 patients DT1 âgés de 6 à 17 ans et un de leurs parents. Soixante pourcent des patients étaient des utilisateurs de la pompe à insuline. Il n’y avait pas de différence significative pour aucune des composantes du profil d’activité physique, des habitudes sédentaires et des barrières à l’exercice entre les patients DT1 utilisant les injections et ceux utilisant la pompe. La peur de faire des hypoglycémies était la barrière à l’activité physique principale pour les deux groupes de traitement. Les adolescents dont les parents pratiquaient une plus grande variété d’activités physiques faisaient plus d’activité physique d’intensité moyenne à élevée et passaient moins de temps devant les écrans. En conclusion, le type de traitement n’était pas associé à un style de vie plus sain chez les patients pédiatriques DT1, mais un profil d’activité physique parental varié était le facteur principal d’intérêt pour des habitudes de vie plus saines chez les adolescents DT1.


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Because children are becoming increasingly overweight, unhealthy and unfit, understanding the neurocognitive benefits of an active lifestyle in childhood has important public health and educational implications. Animal research has indicated that aerobic exercise is related to increased cell proliferation and survival in the hippocampus as well as enhanced hippocampal-dependent learning and memory. Recent evidence extends this relationship to elderly humans by suggesting that high aerobic fitness levels in older adults are associated with increased hippocampal volume and superior memory performance. The present study aimed to further extend the link between fitness, hippocampal volume, and memory to a sample of preadolescent children. To this end, magnetic resonance imaging was employed to investigate whether high- and low-fit 9- and 10-year-old children showed differences in hippocampal volume and if the differences were related to performance on an item and relational memory task. Relational but not item memory is primarily supported by the hippocampus. Consistent with predictions, high-fit children showed greater bilateral hippocampal volumes. Furthermore, hippocampal volume was positively associated with performance on the relational but not the item memory task. The findings are the first to suggest that aerobic fitness can impact the structure and function of the developing human brain.


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A prática regular de atividade física constitui um elemento essencial à promoção da saúde e prevenção de algumas doenças que acometem indivíduos e grupos populacionais. Apesar dos jovens serem a parcela mais ativa da população, os indicadores de sedentarismo crescente têm alertado os profissionais de saúde pública. Para diminuir o sedentarismo, estudos destacam a necessidade dos indivíduos modificarem seus estilos de vida, adquirindo e mantendo ações de promoção da saúde e prevenção de doenças durante todo o curso de vida. Nesse sentido, a atividade física praticada regularmente, pelo menos desde a adolescência, proporciona benefícios físicos e psicológicos considerados preditores da condição de saúde para a vida adulta. Conforme mencionado, os índices de sedentarismo têm constituído uma grande preocupação da saúde pública mundial. Isto pode ser causado, entre outros fatores, pela falta de esclarecimento adequado sobre os efeitos decorrentes da prática de atividade física regular. Sendo assim, o objetivo geral deste ensaio é sintetizar e analisar as informações disponíveis sobre a importância da prática da atividade física para a saúde de crianças e adolescentes, indicando possíveis limitações dos estudos e necessidades de pesquisas futuras. Espera-se que estas informações forneçam subsídios para o desenvolvimento de programas de promoção da atividade física para crianças e adolescentes e incentivem os próprios jovens a buscarem estilos de vida mais saudáveis e ativos. A atividade física deve ser disponibilizada e praticada por todos os jovens, em virtude dos benefícios, a curto e longo prazo, que proporciona à saúde. _______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT


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O presente relatório, intitulado “O Programa Idosos em Segurança: Estudo de Caso do Dter de Sintra”, baseia-se num estudo da análise do trabalho que é desenvolvido pelos militares do Destacamento Territorial de Sintra e tem a finalidade de avaliar o impacto e influência do Programa Idosos em Segurança na população adstrita a este Destacamento. O envelhecimento é uma realidade inevitável e que deve, cada vez mais ser preparada e antecipada, permitindo, a quem pretender participar na vida ativa da sua comunidade, que tal seja possível. Para aqueles que, não têm possibilidades de o fazer, deve garantir-se assegurada, em todas as situações a sua dignidade enquanto pessoa humana. O envelhecimento ativo é também uma temática abordada que carece de tratamento pela sua novidade e extrema relevância no contexto atual. Para que tais realidades sejam coincidentes é imperioso que o policiamento de proximidade se efetue e que se abram portas ao desenvolvimento das capacidades de resposta dos diferentes órgãos de apoio social e das Forças de Segurança. Para conseguirmos responder à Questão de Partida, formulámos quatro Questões Derivadas e consequentes Hipóteses que, através da sua verificação, validação ou refutação, nos permitiram responder às questões anteriormente levantadas. Foram realizadas Entrevistas e Questionários, que nos permitiram aceder às diferentes perspetivas que trabalham e são alvo deste Programa. A Guarda Nacional Republicana possui um grande reconhecimento junto das entidades externas e dos idosos com quem trabalha. Foram, no entanto, encontradas algumas falhas ao nível do efetivo, da formação, especialização e verificação do trabalho desenvolvido, a vários níveis. De salientar que muitas falhas são colmatadas pela boa capacidade de adaptação dos militares, o que evita que tais fragilidades afetem o serviço prestado e transpareçam para o exterior.


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Fysisk inaktivitet och stillasittande är stora hälsorisker då samhället idag blir allt mer beroende av teknologin både under fritid, inom arbetslivet och i skolan. Vårt syfte med denna studie är att undersöka om teknologin på något sätt påverkar barnens fysiska aktivitet negativt. Detta är en kvalitativ fallstudie med intervjuer och observationer som genomförts i två lågstadieklasser på två olika skolor med olika regler gällande användandet av teknologi. Ena skolan använder sig av surfplattor från och med förskoleklass medan den andra skolan inte börjar med teknologi, i form av datorer, förrän i sjundeklass. Undersökningens resultat visar att barnens fysiska aktivitet i skolmiljö inte påverkas nämnvärt av att skolorna har regler angående användandet av tekniska resurser. Utifrån våra observationer kan vi också se att det behövs mer fokus och riktlinjer på hur man kan förminska förslitningsskador från barnens dåliga hållning vid användandet av surfplatta i framtiden. Intervjuerna visar också att lärare tycker att mer ansvar bör läggas på föräldrarna än på skolorna för att få barnen mer aktiva och intresserade av en fortsatt aktiv livsstil.


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Objetivo: El propósito del estudio fue relacionar la etapa en el cambio en el comportamiento frente a la actividad física y el estado nutricional en escolares entre 9 y 17 años de Bogotá- Colombia, pertenecientes al estudio FUPRECOL. Método: Se trata de un estudio transversal, en 6.606 niños y adolescentes entre 9 y 17 años, pertenecientes a 24 instituciones educativas, de Bogotá-Colombia. Se aplicó de manera auto-diligenciada el cuestionario de cambio de comportamiento en función a la intensión de realizar actividad física (CCC-Fuprecol) y se midió el peso y la estatura para determinar el estado nutricional con el índice de masa corporal (IMC). Resultados: El porcentaje de respuesta fue 94% y se consideraron válidos 6,606 registros, siendo 58.3 % (n=3.850) niñas con un promedio de edad de 12,7±2,3 años. En la población general, el 5,3 % de los escolares se encontraban en etapa de pre-contemplación, 31,8 % en contemplación, el 26,7 % en acción y el 36,2 % en etapa de mantenimiento. Al comparar la etapa de cambio con el estado nutricional por IMC, los escolares clasificados en obesidad mostraron mayor frecuencia de respuesta en la etapa de pre-contemplación, mientras que los escolares con peso saludable acusaron mayores porcentajes en la etapa de mantenimiento. Conclusión: En escolares de Bogotá, Colombia, se encontró una relación estadísticamente significativa entre a la intensión de realizar actividad con el estado nutricional medido con el IMC. Fomentar la promoción de la actividad física y monitorear el estado nutricional, deberá ser una prioridad en las agendas y políticas públicas dentro del ámbito escolar.


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El concepto de actividad física es concebido de diferentes formas. Mostrando que existen varios factores que afectan de manera directa e indirecta la percepción que los sujetos construyen entorno a él, generando así una aproximación a diferentes definiciones de la actividad física desde varias perspectivas y dimensiones, donde predomina una noción netamente biológica. Este estudio pretende analizar, como desde las clases sociales se concibe la actividad física en sus conceptos y prácticas considerando los modelos de determinantes y determinación social para la salud. Con fin de comprender como los autores de la literatura científica conciben la actividad física y la relación con las clases sociales, desde una perspectiva teórica de los determinantes sociales de la salud y la teoría de la determinación social, se realizó una revisión documental y análisis de contenido de los conceptos y prácticas de la actividad física que se han considerado en los últimos 10 años. Para ello se seleccionaron las bases de datos PubMed y BVS (Biblioteca Virtual de Salud) por sus énfasis en publicaciones de salud mundialmente. Mostrando que la actividad física es concebida dominantemente desde una perspectiva biológica que ejerce una mirada reduccionista. Las relaciones entre actividad física y las clases sociales están claramente establecidas, sin embargo, estas relaciones pueden discrepar teniendo en cuenta el concepto de clase social, el contexto y la orientación de los autores y las poblaciones objetos de estudio. Obteniendo como resultado que los estudios documentados, revisados y analizados muestran una clara tendencia al modelo de determinantes; no obstante, algunos estudios en sus análisis se orientan hacia el modelo de determinación social. En cuanto al concepto de clases sociales los autores consideran una combinación de factores culturales y económicos sin atreverse a adoptar un concepto específico.


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Total hip and knee replacements (THR/TKR) are considered the gold standard surgical treatments for end-stage osteoarthritis (OA), effectively alleviating pain, enhancing joint mobility and quality of life (QoL). Maintaining an active lifestyle and regular physical activity (PA) is crucial for these patients, as it can increase bone density and stability of joint prosthesis. This thesis aims to: (1) systematically review recommendations from healthcare professionals; (2) explore interventions promoting an active lifestyle post-THR and TKR; (3) investigate the primary causes of stiffness post-TKR; (4) design an exercise protocol to enhance QoL post-THR and TKR; (5) evaluate orthopedic surgeons' attitudes toward PA for patients post-THR/TKR; and (6) assess changes in QoL after a specifically designed PA intervention. The initial review revealed consensus on permissible sports activities post-surgery, but few studies addressed interventions targeting PA behaviors. Subsequently, findings highlighted key factors contributing to post-TKR stiffness, including mispositioned components, psychological distress, and obesity. Building on these insights, a PA intervention was implemented, followed by a survey investigating orthopedic surgeons' attitudes towards PA, which demonstrated a general positive attitude. Lastly, a pilot randomized controlled trial demonstrated significant enhancements in QoL, physical function, and clinical outcomes following a three-month adapted PA intervention. Future research should focus on raising awareness among individuals and healthcare professionals, fostering engagement in PA programs, and promoting active lifestyles. PA represents a valuable strategy for mitigating the burden of chronic diseases on society.


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Sedentarism has become one of the major concerns of our times. Nowadays people spend most of the time sitting down and moving by mechanical means instead of exercising themselves. Younger generations do only a little more sport today than their counterparts did a decade ago. In other words, sedentary habits have become common in our society, especially among the young. What cultural mechanisms have contributed to this? What are the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle for our health and well-being? These are the questions we have posed in this study. We conducted qualitative research among Spanish young people, and the results have provided important clues to help us understand better how ?active sedentarism? has become the norm among young people.


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OBJECTIVE To analyze the prevalence of individuals at risk of dependence and its associated factors.METHODS The study was based on data from the Catalan Health Survey, Spain conducted in 2010 and 2011. Logistic regression models from a random sample of 3,842 individuals aged ≥ 15 years were used to classify individuals according to the state of their personal autonomy. Predictive models were proposed to identify indicators that helped distinguish dependent individuals from those at risk of dependence. Variables on health status, social support, and lifestyles were considered.RESULTS We found that 18.6% of the population presented a risk of dependence, especially after age 65. Compared with this group, individuals who reported dependence (11.0%) had difficulties performing activities of daily living and had to receive support to perform them. Habits such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and being sedentary were associated with a higher probability of dependence, particularly for women.CONCLUSIONS Difficulties in carrying out activities of daily living precede the onset of dependence. Preserving personal autonomy and function without receiving support appear to be a preventive factor. Adopting an active and healthy lifestyle helps reduce the risk of dependence.


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Background: Cardiovascular diseases are the current leading causes of death and disability globally. Objective: To assess the effects of a basic educational program for cardiovascular prevention in an unselected outpatient population. Methods: All participants received an educational program to change to a healthy lifestyle. Assessments were conducted at study enrollment and during follow-up. Symptoms, habits, ATP III parameters for metabolic syndrome, and American Heart Association’s 2020 parameters of cardiovascular health were assessed. Results: A total of 15,073 participants aged ≥ 18 years entered the study. Data analysis was conducted in 3,009 patients who completed a second assessment. An improvement in weight (from 76.6 ± 15.3 to 76.4 ± 15.3 kg, p = 0.002), dyspnea on exertion NYHA grade II (from 23.4% to 21.0%) and grade III (from 15.8% to 14.0%) and a decrease in the proportion of current active smokers (from 3.6% to 2.9%, p = 0.002) could be documented. The proportion of patients with levels of triglycerides > 150 mg/dL (from 46.3% to 42.4%, p < 0.001) and LDL cholesterol > 100 mg/dL (from 69.3% to 65.5%, p < 0.001) improved. A ≥ 20% improvement of AHA 2020 metrics at the level graded as poor was found for smoking (-21.1%), diet (-29.8%), and cholesterol level (-23.6%). A large dropout as a surrogate indicator for low patient adherence was documented throughout the first 5 visits, 80% between the first and second assessments, 55.6% between the second and third assessments, 43.6% between the third and fourth assessments, and 38% between the fourth and fifth assessments. Conclusion: A simple, basic educational program may improve symptoms and modifiable cardiovascular risk factors, but shows low patient adherence.