819 resultados para Accessibility and mobility


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The new mobilities paradigm has yet to have the same impact on archaeology as it has in other disciplines in the social sciences – on geography, sociology and anthropology in particular – yet mobility is fundamental to archaeology: all people move. Moving away from archaeology’s traditional focus upon place or location, this volume treats mobility as a central theme in archaeology. The chapters are wide-ranging and methodological as well as theoretical, focusing on the flows of people, ideas, objects and information in the past; it also focuses on archaeology’s distinctiveness. Drawing on a wealth of archaeological evidence for movement, from paths, monuments, rock art and boats, to skeletal and DNA evidence, Past Mobilities presents research from a range of examples from around the world to explore the relationship between archaeology and movement, thus adding an archaeological voice to the broader mobilities discussion. As such, they will be of interest not only to archaeologists and historians, but also to sociologists, geographers and anthropologists.


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The application of ergonomics in product design is essential to its accessibility and usability. The development of manual devices should be based on ergonomic principles. Effort perception analysis is an essential approach to understand the physical and subjective aspects of the interface. The objective of the present study was to analyze the effort perception during a simulated task with different door handles by Portuguese subjects of both genders and different ages. This transversal study agreed with ethical aspects. 180 subjects of both genders pertaining to three age groups have participated. Five door handles with different shapes were evaluated. A subjective numeric rating scale of 5 levels was used to evaluate the effort. For statistical analysis it was applied the Friedman non-parametric test. The results have showed no significant differences of effort perception in door handles "A" and "B"; "A" and "D"; and "D" and "C". Door handle "E" presented the lowest values of all. In general, there's an inverse relationship between the results of biomechanical studies and the effort perception of the same task activity. This shows that door handles design influence directly these two variables and can interfere in the accessibility and usability of these kinds of products.


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Includes bibliography


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This issue of the FAL Bulletin analyses institutional alternatives and international best practices for the development of transportation services that explicitly include and integrate users with some type of disability.


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This issue of the FAL bulletin analyses transport and mobility policy in Latin America, where the lack of integrated public policies for urban mobility and the failure to take coordinated action over time make it difficult to prioritize investments and coordinate existing initiatives (both public and private).


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This issue of the FAL Bulletin summarizes the main outcomes of a regional workshop held in Costa Rica in November 2012 that brought together ministers and high-level authorities from the member countries of the Mesoamerica Project.


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Much analysis and proposals on sustainable transport policies have been developed around the world, both at government and research institutions. It is clear that no action will provide the single solution and it is imperative to act simultaneously on: i) improvement of technology in vehicles, leading to increased energy efficiency; ii) the change in driver behavior, to use less fuel per kilometer; iii) reducing the distances traveled per vehicle; and iv) a change in the type of travels towards more sustainable modes of transport.In general, the recommendations for energy efficiency in transport are mainly focused on the first two priorities on the list, while the portfolios of policies —instrumental to the needs of the countries— should use trans-sectoral and multi-dimensional approaches, such as public transport planning and land use. In ECLAC, we consider that the time has come to provide Latin American and Caribbean countries with a deeper understanding and a more strategic vision (and adapted to the realities of the region) on these issues; in this sense, we hope that this document will help countries to improve and further expand their portfolios of energy efficiency policies in the transport sector, in order to achieve the ambitious goals of energy efficiency, needed to ensure a sustainable energy future.


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This FAL Bulletin summarizes the main findings and proposals contained in the document “Políticas de logística y movilidad para el desarrollo sostenible y la integración regional”, recently published by the Natural Resources and Infrastructure Division (NRID), ECLAC. It contains a proposal for a paradigm shift in the formulation of national logistics and mobility policies, with common guidelines for Latin American and Caribbean countries.


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This study aims to identify, describe, and analyse strategies used by a teacher to support the mobility of students with visual impairment in various school environments. A female student with visual impairment in Brazil, aged 5 years, and her classroom teacher participated in the study. Their interactions were videotaped, and later, their dialogue and actions were transcribed. Six themes of analysis were elaborated, one for each support strategy used by the teacher. The results revealed that the strategies employed by the teacher often hampered the child’s orientation and mobility. This was probably the result of a lack of assistance by professionals specialised in Orientation and Mobility, as stipulated in Brazilian legislation.


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AIM: To analyze the search for Emergency Care (EC) in the Western Health District of Ribeirão Preto (São Paulo), in order to identify the reasons why users turn to these services in situations that are not characterized as urgencies and emergencies. METHODS: A qualitative and descriptive study was undertaken. A guiding script was applied to 23 EC users, addressing questions related to health service accessibility and welcoming, problem solving, reason to visit the EC and care comprehensiveness. RESULTS: The subjects reported that, at the Primary Health Care services, receiving care and scheduling consultations took a long time and that the opening hours of these services coincide with their work hours. At the EC service, access to technologies and medicines was easier. CONCLUSION: Primary health care services have been unable to turn into the entry door to the health system, being replaced by emergency services, putting a significant strain on these services' capacity.


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ACADEMIC CONTENTS: Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations, eAULAS, Open Educational Resources. SCIENTIFIC CONTENTS: Digital Library of USP Intellectual Production, Scientific Journals Portal. OTHER CONTENTS: Rare books, Maps, Images.


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Nel corso degli ultimi decenni la fisica sperimentale ha raggiunto notevoli traguardi nel campo della manipolazione di sistemi di atomi freddi, riaccendendo l'interesse della ricerca su sistemi a lungo studiati teoricamente, ma fino a poco tempo fa impossibili da realizzare sperimentalmente. Questa riaccesa attenzione ha permesso di sfruttare le moderne capacità di calcolo per studiare sistemi quantistici che ancora risultano di difficile realizzazione. In questo contesto si inserisce il rinnovato interesse per i sistemi quantistici monodimensionali caratterizzati dalla presenza di potenziale disordinato. Questi presentano proprietà di trasporto particolari e sotto particolari condizioni sono oggetto di una transizione di localizzazione. La maggior parte degli studi in questo campo rivolgono la loro attenzione a sistemi di particelle fermioniche interagenti. In questo lavoro di tesi analizziamo, invece, sistemi quantistici fermionici non interagenti, mettendo in luce quanto già noto e proponendo strumenti di analisi derivati dallo studio dei sistemi interagenti. In particolare, proponiamo un'analisi statistica dei livelli energetici e poniamo le basi per futuri studi a riguardo.