437 resultados para Abu Sueir
Gedicht von J.F. Hiemer ; Musik von Carl Maria von Weber ; vollständiger Clavierauszug vom Componisten.
Se trata del análisis y el estudio traductológico de Lámpara de los príncipes, traducción de la obra Sirāŷ al-mulūk de Abū Bakr al-Turtūŝī. La obra es de gran importancia en las culturas árabe y española por su carácter político, social, ético y de doctrina islámica, en relación al Ándalus y el mundo cristiano e islámico contemporáneo, a obra y a autor (nacido y criado en Tortosa, residente en Zaragoza y otras ciudades de Al-Ándalus, en La Meca, Bagdad, Jerusalén, el Líbano, Rasid y Alejandría). Es por tanto una fuente de primer orden para la historia de al-Ándalus y Egipto y el momento político, social, filosófico y espiritual de principios del siglo XII en al-Andalus y Oriente Medio. En esta tesis, Además del análisis traductológico se ha llevado a cabo un estudio de la obra original y una nueva traducción de la misma. Durante el proceso de la traducción hemos realizado un glosario de términos y expresiones islámicos traducidos de árabe a español, de este trabajo se concluyó la necesidad de la elaboración de un nuevo diccionario de expresiones y términos islámicos árabe-español como material interesante en la traducción religiosa del árabe al español. Los estudios que se realizaron sobre la obra de al-Ṭurṭusi en español son muy pocos en comparación con los estudios realizados en árabe, aunque su autor fuese, efectivamente, español. Tampoco se le hizo un homenaje merecido a Alarcón por su grandiosa traducción de la obra. Este trabajo es una llamada a seguir descubriendo las joyas literarias, filosóficas, y traductológicas de la obra, en el idioma español.
Uma das formas de atividade física que tem revelado expressivos resultados na mediação comportamental e cognitiva são as Artes Marciais (AM). Dentre elas, o Jiu-Jitsu Brasileiro ou BJJ (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu) tem se mostrado cada vez mais popular entre jovens de idade escolar, no entatanto nenhum estudo sobre os seus efeitos nas Funções Executivas (FE) foi encontrado. O objetivo desse estudo foi primeiramente, encontrar diferenças nas FE com a pratica do BJJ; secundariamente, pretendeu-se observar o tipo de correlação entre as FE e os niveis de participação; e por fim posicionar os resultados deste estudo a outros trabalhos similares da literatura científica. O estudo avaliou 125 alunos de uma escola pública de Abu Dhabi, antes e após 6 meses de prática, através de um modelo não randomizado. Após todas as exclusões, 59 alunos foram separados em 3 niveis de participação e correlacionados com os resultados do teste de Stroop (VST - Victoria Stroop Test). Os resultados deste estudo mostraram que 30 sessões de BJJ, foram suficientes para oferecer significativas diferenças no Controle Inibitório (CI). Sua boa participação (2 a 3 vezes por semana), não somente mostrou grande tamanho de efeito (SE) comparado a baixa e media participação, como maiores SE comparado a outras formas de Atividade Fisica e Artes Marciais Tradicionais como o Tae Kwon Do e Wu Shu (Kung Fu). Com uma moderada correlação, sua participação apontou uma capacidade de influenciar em 20,8% o (CI) sobre atividades automáticas, bem como 27,3% a distração sobre atividades irrelevantes. Esses achados sugerem que a pratica do BJJ possa levar a melhoras nas Funções Executivas de pré-adolescentes nativos dos Emirados Arabes Unidos.
Two synthetic analogues of murine epidermal. growth factor, [Abu6, 20] mEGF4-48 (where Abu denotes amino-butyric acid) and [G1, M3, K21, H40] mEGF1-48, have been investigated by NMR spectroscopy. [Abu6, 20] mEGF4-48 was designed to determine the contribution of the 6-20 disulfide bridge to the structure and function of mEGF The overall structure of this analogue was similar to that of native mEGF, indicating that the loss of the 6-20 disulfide bridge did not affect the global fold of the molecule. Significant structural differences were observed near the N-terminus, however, with the direction of the polypeptide chain between residues four and nine being altered such that these residues were now located on the opposite face of the main beta-sheet from their position in native mEGF Thermal denaturation experiments also showed that the structure of [Abu6, 20] mEGF4-48 was less stable than that of mEGF. Removal of this disulfide bridge resulted in a significant loss of both mitogenic activity in Balb/c 3T3 cells and receptor binding on A431 cells compared with native mEGF and mEGF4-48, implying that the structural changes in [Abu6, 20] mEGF4-48, although limited to the N-terminus, were sufficient to interfere with receptor binding. The loss of binding affinity probably arose mainly from steric interactions of the dislocated N-terminal region with part of the receptor binding surface of EGF [G1, M3, K21, H40] mEGF1-48 was also synthesized in order to compare the synthetic polypeptide with the corresponding product of recombinant expression. Its mitogenic activity in Balb/c 3T3 cells was similar to that of native mEGF and analysis of its H-1 chemical shifts suggested that its structure was also very similar to native.
A comparison is made between the structures and calcium binding properties of four cyclic octapeptides that differ in the number of heterocyclic thiazole and oxazoline ring constraints. The conformations of the naturally occurring cyclic octapeptides ascidiacyclamide 1 and patellamide D 2, which each contain two oxazoline and two thiazole rings, are compared by H-1 NMR spectroscopy with the analogues cyclo(Thr-D-Val(Thz)-Ile)(2) 3 with just two thiazoles, and cyclo(Thr-D-Val-alpha Abu-Ile)(2) 4, with no 5-membered rings. The conformations observed in the solid state for ascidiacyclamide (saddle) and patellamide D (twisted figure of eight) were retained in solution, whilst peptide 3 was found to have a chair shape and peptide 4 displayed a range of conformations. The solid state structure of 4 revealed that the peptide takes a relatively planar conformation with a number of transannular hydrogen bonds, which are apparently retained in solution. Complexation studies utilising H-1 NMR and CD spectroscopy yielded 1∶1 calcium-peptide binding constants (log K) for the four peptides (2.9 (1), 2.8 (2), 4.0 (3) and 5.5 (4)) as well as a 1 : 2 metal-peptide binding constant for 3 (log K = 4.5). The affinity for Ca2+ thus decreases with increasing number of 5-membered ring constraints in the macrocycle (4 > 3 > 2 approximate to 1).
Modulation of the cytochrome P450 (CYP) monooxygenase system and haem oxygenase by cadmium was investigated in male, adult DBA/2J mice treated with a single dose (16 Amol/kg body weight, i.p.) of cadmium chloride (CdCl2), at various time points. Total CYP content of liver microsomes decreased significantly (P < 0.05) at 12, 18, and 24 hours (22%, 47%, and 56%, respectively) after treatment. In contrast, progressive increases of hepatic coumarin 7-hydroxylase (COH) activity (indicative of CYP2A5 activity) were observed at 8 hrs (2-fold), 12 hrs (3-fold), and 7-fold at 18 and 24 hrs. Simultaneously, haem oxygenase activity increased significantly at 4 hours and continued to increase progressively to more than 50-fold compared to control. Liver CYP2A5 mRNA levels increased maximally 12 hours after treatment and decreased to almost half 6 hours later, while western blot analysis showed 2- and 3- fold increase in CYP2A5 apoprotein at 12 and 24 hours. The CYP2A5 mRNA levels in the liver increased after Cd treatment in Nrf2 +/+ but not in Nrf2 / mouse. This study demonstrates that hepatic haem oxygenase and CYP2A5 are upregulated by cadmium. The upregulation of haem oxygenase precedes that of CYP2A5. The strong upregulation of the CYP2A5 both at mRNA and enzyme activity levels, with a simultaneous decrease in the total CYP concentration suggest an unusual mode of regulation of CYP2A5 in response to cadmium exposure, amongst the CYP enzymes. The observed increase in the mRNA but not in protein levels after maximal induction may suggest involvement of post-transcriptional mechanisms in the regulation. Upregulation of CYP2A5 by cadmium in the Nrf2 +/+ mice but not in the Nrf2 / mice indicates a role for this transcription factor in the regulation.
A surdez súbita sensorioneural é uma perda auditiva súbita ou rapidamente progressiva. Na maioria dos casos a etiologia não é descoberta. Uma das causas possíveis de surdez súbita é a hemorragia intralabiríntica que, antes do surgimento da ressonância magnética, não era corretamente diagnosticada. O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar um caso de surdez súbita causada por hemorragia intralabiríntica e realizar uma revisão da literatura sobre este assunto.
Comunicação apresentada no 27th International Congress of Administrative Sciences "Global Competitiveness and Public Administration: implications for education and training" em Abu Dhai, United Arb Emirates de 9 a 14 de Julho de 2007.
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.
This thesis’ goal is to study the relationship between the Islamic State and Al-Qaeda, notably the hypotheses that the Islamic State derives from Al-Qaeda. The topic to be developed in the following pages is based in reliable sources so that we can obtain the most accurate possible conclusions. In preparation of this report, several quotes were used in order to present correct settings and make logical deductions based on documents. It aims to be a modest contribution to a reflection on the theme, which is addressed in a very general way. Concepts of terrorism and Islamic fundamentalism are addressed in the thesis. Al-Qaeda, the Islamic State and the response to terrorism are presented, with the aim of understanding the degree of complexity underlying the Islamic State.
The receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) curve is the most widely used measure for evaluating the performance of a diagnostic biomarker when predicting a binary disease outcome. The ROC curve displays the true positive rate (or sensitivity) and the false positive rate (or 1-specificity) for different cut-off values used to classify an individual as healthy or diseased. In time-to-event studies, however, the disease status (e.g. death or alive) of an individual is not a fixed characteristic, and it varies along the study. In such cases, when evaluating the performance of the biomarker, several issues should be taken into account: first, the time-dependent nature of the disease status; and second, the presence of incomplete data (e.g. censored data typically present in survival studies). Accordingly, to assess the discrimination power of continuous biomarkers for time-dependent disease outcomes, time-dependent extensions of true positive rate, false positive rate, and ROC curve have been recently proposed. In this work, we present new nonparametric estimators of the cumulative/dynamic time-dependent ROC curve that allow accounting for the possible modifying effect of current or past covariate measures on the discriminatory power of the biomarker. The proposed estimators can accommodate right-censored data, as well as covariate-dependent censoring. The behavior of the estimators proposed in this study will be explored through simulations and illustrated using data from a cohort of patients who suffered from acute coronary syndrome.
Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências (área de especialização em Química)