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Survey map and description of Nathan Pawling's land created by The Welland Canal Company. Included is a written description of the land along with a drawing of the land. Noteable features include; the dock, pier and tow path. The original bed of 12 mile creek is also noted on the map. Surveyor notes are seen in pencil on the map. The map notes the division of land between Pawling and Robert Brown's land. Click on 'detail' to see Map.
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con la Especialidad en Producción Agrícola) U.A.N.L.
Différentes méthodes ayant pour objectif une utilisation optimale d'antennes radio-fréquences spécialisées en imagerie par résonance magnétique sont développées et validées. Dans un premier temps, il est démontré qu'une méthode alternative de combinaison des signaux provenant des différents canaux de réception d'un réseau d'antennes mène à une réduction significative du biais causé par la présence de bruit dans des images de diffusion, en comparaison avec la méthode de la somme-des-carrés généralement utilisée. Cette réduction du biais engendré par le bruit permet une amélioration de l'exactitude de l'estimation de différents paramètres de diffusion et de diffusion tensorielle. De plus, il est démontré que cette méthode peut être utilisée conjointement avec une acquisition régulière sans accélération, mais également en présence d'imagerie parallèle. Dans une seconde perspective, les bénéfices engendrés par l'utilisation d'une antenne d'imagerie intravasculaire sont étudiés. Suite à une étude sur fantôme, il est démontré que l'imagerie par résonance magnétique intravasculaire offre le potentiel d'améliorer significativement l'exactitude géométrique lors de mesures morphologiques vasculaires, en comparaison avec les résultats obtenus avec des antennes de surface classiques. Il est illustré qu'une exactitude géométrique comparable à celle obtenue grâce à une sonde ultrasonique intravasculaire peut être atteinte. De plus, plusieurs protocoles basés sur une acquisition de type balanced steady-state free-precession sont comparés dans le but de mettre en évidence différentes relations entre les paramètres utilisés et l'exactitude géométrique obtenue. En particulier, des dépendances entre la taille du vaisseau, le rapport signal-sur-bruit à la paroi vasculaire, la résolution spatiale et l'exactitude géométrique atteinte sont mises en évidence. Dans une même optique, il est illustré que l'utilisation d'une antenne intravasculaire permet une amélioration notable de la visualisation de la lumière d'une endoprothèse vasculaire. Lorsque utilisée conjointement avec une séquence de type balanced steady-state free-precession utilisant un angle de basculement spécialement sélectionné, l'imagerie par résonance magnétique intravasculaire permet d'éliminer complètement les limitations normalement engendrées par l'effet de blindage radio-fréquence de l'endoprothèse.
In the present work different new approaches for the synthesis of Vitamin A are investigated. In these synthetic schemes, all the twenty carbon atoms of the target molecule are derived either fully from components isolated from common essential oils or partially from commercially available materials. By retrosynthetic analysis, Vitamin A molecule can be disconnected into a cyclic and a linear unit. Different methods for the synthesis of the linear and the cyclic components are described. The monoterpenes, geraniol and citral, major constituents of palmarosa and lemongrass oils, have the required basic carbon framework for consideration as starting materials for the synthesis of Vitamin A. The potential of these easily available naturally occurring compounds as promising starting materials for Vitamin A synthesis is demonstrated. Organoselenium and organosulfur mediated functional group transformations for the synthesis of the functionalised conjugated C10 linear components (ie., the dimethyloctatriene derivatives) are reported. The classical approaches as well as the attempted preparation of cyclic C10 and C13 units employed in the present study as intermediates for Vitamin A synthesis are described. The utility of commercially available materials namely 2-acetylbutyrolactone and levulinic acid in -the preparation of C5 intermediates for Vitamin A synthesis is demonstrated.
Se trata de un CD multimedia que desarrolla de una forma did??ctica, pero sin perder el rigor cient??fico y filos??fico, una serie de materiales de antropolog??a evolutiva pensados para el Bachillerato. Se pretende que el alumnado comprenda cu??les han sido los or??genes del hombre. Para ello se desarrollan: un tema introductorio sobre c??mo entender la evoluci??n org??nica y c??mo ha ido evolucionando la idea de evoluci??n desde Arist??teles a la Teor??a Sint??tica y otro, que es propiamente el contenido del CD, sobre la evoluci??n humana desde los primates hasta el hombre moderno.
Ganador del tercer premio de buenas pr??cticas en materia de convivencia, Gobierno de Arag??n 2009-10. Modalidad b
Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n
Nova et Vetera, ISSN 1692-5866, Año 4, No. 06 (Abril 13 - Abril 26 de 2009)
The effect of strongly destabilizing mutations, I106A and V108G of Ribonuclease A (RNase A), on its structure and stability has been determined by NMR. The solution structures of these variants are essentially equivalent to RNase A. The exchange rates of the most protected amide protons in RNase A (35ºC), the I106A variant (35ºC), and the V108G variant (10ºC) yield stability values of 9.9, 6.0, and 6.8 kcal/mol, respectively, when analyzed assuming an EX2 exchange mechanism. Thus, the destabilization induced by these mutations is propagated throughout the protein. Simulation of RNase A hydrogen exchange indicates that the most protected protons in RNase A and the V108G variant exchange via the EX2 regime, whereas those of I106A exchange through a mixed EX1 1 EX2 process. It is striking that a single point mutation can alter the overall exchange mechanism. Thus, destabilizing mutations joins high temperatures, high pH and the presence of denaturating agents as a factor that induces EX1 exchange in proteins. The calculations also indicate a shift from the EX2 to the EX1 mechanism for less protected groups within the same protein. This should be borne in mind when interpreting exchange data as a measure of local stability in less protected regions
En estos momentos se está produciendo una evolución hacia el uso de plataformas basadas en software libre orientadas por la política de la Junta de Andalucía (JA), en general y por el proyecto del SIG Corporativo en particular. La Consejería de Medio Ambiente (CMA) ha sido siempre dentro de la JA un gran baluarte en todo lo referido al tratamiento de información ambiental, por ello su gran preocupación por innovar y ser pionera. En esta línea se plantea esta comunicación donde se describirá el proceso completo que hemos conseguido desarrollar sobre un proyecto complejo tanto tecnológicamente como metodológicamente. En dicho proyecto se utiliza una arquitectura basada en tecnología de software libre en el que podemos destacar un visor geográfico desarrollado sobre OpenLayers, una aplicación para PDA desarrollado sobre el núcleo de Enebro y el uso de estándares OGC, tanto para la utilización de cartografía base mediante WMS, como el acceso y la edición vía web a través de WFS-T. Para la CMA, este proyecto es un claro exponente de las nuevas líneas seguidas por la organización en una clara apuesta por el uso del software libre como elemento principal para desarrollos complejos
Heating and cooling temperature jumps (T-jumps) were performed using a newly developed technique to trigger unfolding and refolding of wild-type ribonuclease A and a tryptophan-containing variant (Y115W). From the linear Arrhenius plots of the microscopic folding and unfolding rate constants, activation enthalpy (ΔH#), and activation entropy (ΔS#) were determined to characterize the kinetic transition states (TS) for the unfolding and refolding reactions. The single TS of the wild-type protein was split into three for the Y115W variant. Two of these transition states, TS1 and TS2, characterize a slow kinetic phase, and one, TS3, a fast phase. Heating T-jumps induced protein unfolding via TS2 and TS3; cooling T-jumps induced refolding via TS1 and TS3. The observed speed of the fast phase increased at lower temperature, due to a strongly negative ΔH# of the folding-rate constant. The results are consistent with a path-dependent protein folding/unfolding mechanism. TS1 and TS2 are likely to reflect X-Pro114 isomerization in the folded and unfolded protein, respectively, and TS3 the local conformational change of the β-hairpin comprising Trp115. A very fast protein folding/unfolding phase appears to precede both processes. The path dependence of the observed kinetics is suggestive of a rugged energy protein folding funne
Chlorosomes are the main light harvesting complexes of green photosynthetic bacteria. Recently, a lamellar model was proposed for the arrangement of pigment aggregates in Chlorobium tepidum chlorosomes, which contain bacteriochlorophyll (BChl) c as the main pigment. Here we demonstrate that the lamellar organization is also found in chlorosomes from two brown-colored species (Chl. phaeovibrioides and Chl. phaeobacteroides) containing BChl e as the main pigment. This suggests that the lamellar model is universal among green sulfur bacteria. In contrast to green-colored Chl. tepidum, chlorosomes from the brown-colored species often contain domains of lamellar aggregates that may help them to survive in extremely low light conditions. We suggest that carotenoids are localized between the lamellar planes and drive lamellar assembly by augmenting hydrophobic interactions. A model for chlorosome assembly, which accounts for the role of carotenoids and secondary BChl homologs, is presented
Pressure-jump (p-jump)-induced relaxation kinetics was used to explore the energy landscape of protein folding/unfolding of Y115W, a fluorescent variant of ribonuclease A. Pressure-jumps of 40MPa amplitude (5ms dead-time) were conducted both to higher (unfolding) and to lower (folding) pressure, in the range from 100 to 500MPa, between 30 and 50°C. Significant deviations from the expected symmetrical protein relaxation kinetics were observed. Whereas downward p-jumps resulted always in single exponential kinetics, the kinetics induced by upward p-jumps were biphasic in the low pressure range and monophasic at higher pressures. The relative amplitude of the slow phase decreased as a function of both pressure and temperature. At 50°C, only the fast phase remained. These results can be interpreted within the framework of a two-dimensional energy surface containing a pressure- and temperature-dependent barrier between two unfolded states differing in the isomeric state of the Asn-113–Pro-114 bond. Analysis of the activation volume of the fast kinetic phase revealed a temperature-dependent shift of the unfolding transition state to a larger volume. The observed compensation of this effect by glycerol offers an explanation for its protein stabilizing effect
Perante a conjuntura atual, de crescente complexidade e mutação organizacional, a compreensão do comprometimento organizacional tem-se tornado fundamental na gestão de recursos humanos. Na presente investigação procura-se saber qual a influência do “Modelo das Três-Componentes”, proposto por Meyer e Allen (1991) na Estratégia Comportamental Voz do Modelo EVLN, proposto por Farrell e Rusbult (Farrell, 1983; Rusbult et al., 1982). Procura-se ainda saber se esta relação é mediada pela Satisfação Global com o Trabalho, conforme Hackman e Oldham (1980). Foi aplicado um questionário a uma amostra probabilística de 144 colaboradores na empresa EGEAC, composto pela escala de comprometimento organizacional de Meyer e Allen (1997), a escala voz do modelo de estratégias comportamentais EVLN de Farrell e Rusbult (Farrell, 1983; Rusbult et al., 1982) e a escala de satisfação global com o trabalho, de Hackman e Oldham (1980). Perante os resultados obtidos pode-se constatar que a componente organizacional afetiva e normativa determinam a estratégia comportamental voz, e que esta relação é positivamente mediada pela satisfação global com o trabalho. Como contributo para a gestão de recursos humanos o presente estudo demonstra a importância da gestão dos afetos e responsabilidades, visto a preponderância apresentada por estas componentes.