898 resultados para 316:33[826.2]


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El ensayo estudió el efecto de cuatro niveles de ofrecimiento de concentrado comercial, adicionando forraje verde ad libitum en conejos durante el período de ceba. El forraje verde suministrado, consistió en una mezcla pi­cada, que contenía en base a peso fresco el 75% de hojas de musa. sp (plátano), 15% de hojas cajanus cajan (gandul) y 15% de hojas de pennisetum purpureum (taiwán). En el tratamiento utilizado como testigo T1, se suministró pienso comercial en cantidades en gramos por día por gazapo de 96, 129, 145, 158 y 162 para las semanas uno, dos, tres y cuatro respectivamente, para el tratamiento T2, se suministró el 75% del concentrado comercial ofrecido en T1, para el trata­ miento T3, se suministró el 50% del concentrado comercial ofre­cido en T1 y para el tratamiento T4, se suministró el 25% del concentrado comercial ofrecido en T1. Se utilizó un D C A (Diseño completamente aleatorio), incluyendo la covariable peso inicial. El período de evaluación fue de 35 días, con un tiempo de adaptación al alimento de 5 días. Las unidades experimentales fueron 22 gazapos al destete de 34 y 35 días de edad, nacidos en la granja, presentado caracteristicas entre las razas: Neozelandis, California, Pardo, Mariposa y Chinchilla. Se encontró efecto significativo al 0.05 para los tratamientos y no significativo al 0.05 para la covariable peso inicial, siendo las variables respuestas: Consumo de concentrado, consumo de forraje, ganancia media diaria, relación consumo de concentrado entre incremento de peso y relación consumo de forraje entre incremento de peso. Se obtuvieron ganancias medias promedios en gramos por día de 32.2, 28.57, 25.03 y 12.82. Los costos de alimentación en córdobas por gazapo en los 35 días de evaluación fueron 8.23, 6.29, 4.33 y 2.39, que se determinaron en base al análisis de presupuestos parciales, obteniendo un beneficio neto en córdobas de 32.95, 31.66, 30.28 y 21.619 para los tratamientos T1, T2, T3 y T4 respectivamente, a una taza de cambio de C$8.05: US$ 1.


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<正> 今年正值我的老朋友钱伟长先生九十华诞,我愿在此向他表示最诚挚的祝贺,祝愿他健康长寿、老当益壮、诸事顺遂! 我与伟长先生的相识、相知可追溯到半个多世纪之前. 1946年初我赴美留学, 2月间到了加州理工学院的喷气推进研究室(JPL),那时在Th.von Karman教授周围可谓人才济济,特别是集中着几位出类拔萃的中国青年学者:钱学森、钱伟长、郭永怀、林家翘等等,我很快就与他们熟悉了.青年钱伟长给我留下了


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Parte 1 - Atos do Poder Legislativo


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Descreve o conteúdo da Medida Provisória nº 687, de 17 de agosto de 2015 A MP 687 que autoriza o Poder Executivo a atualizar monetariamente três tributos : 1. Contribuição para o Desenvolvimento da Indústria Cinematográfica Nacional –Condecine (Medida Provisória 2.228-1/2001, art. 33, § 5º); 2. Taxas processuais cobradas pelo Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica – Cade (Lei 12.529/2011, art. 23, § único); e 3. Taxa de Controle e Fiscalização Ambiental – TCFA


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O aumento da longevidade evidenciou nas mulheres os efeitos deletérios da deficiência ovariana como, a obesidade central e as doenças neurodegenerativas. Os hábitos alimentares modernos favorecem o consumo excessivo de gorduras, que contribuem para efeitos adversos sobre a saúde, incluindo alteração da composição corporal e da função nervosa. Assim, objetivamos estudar como a dieta hiperlipídica (DH), contendo óleo de soja, associada à perda da função gonadal influenciam o comportamento e o desenvolvimento corporal de ratas adultas. Ratas Wistar adultas foram ovariectomizadas (OVX) ou pseudo-operadas (C) e após 7d passaram a receber dieta contendo 4%(normo) ou 19%(hiperlípidica) de óleo de soja: C4 (n=29), OVX4 (n=30), C19 (n=30), OVX19 (n=30). Foram avaliados a massa e o comprimento corporais e a ingestão alimentar, e aspectos comportamentais de ansiedade, através de teste no Labirinto em Cruz Elevado (LCE); de busca pela novidade, por testes no Campo Vazado (CV); e aprendizagem/memória avaliada no labirinto aquático radial de 8 braços (LAROB). Ao final dos testes, os animais foram anestesiados, exsanguinados e o tecido adiposo intra-abdominal foi coletado e pesado. O soro foi utilizado para dosagens de triglicerídeo (TG), VLDL-c, colesterol (COL), HDL-c e estradiol. A ingestão alimentar média e o comprimento corporal não diferiram entre os grupos, mas o grupo OVX19 mostrou ganho significativo (13,6%) de massa corporal mais precocemente que os demais. O mesmo padrão foi observado quanto à massa de tecido adiposo, que foi 86% maior no OVX19. Os TG, VLDL e COL aumentaram cerca de 28% no OVX19, porém sem alteração de HDL-c (33,762,2 mg/dl). A DH e a ovariectomia se mostraram ansiogênicos e quando associados, a DH parece reverter o efeito ansiogênico da castração. Padrão similar de resposta foi observado na resposta ao teste de busca por novidade. No teste de aprendizagem/memória o OVX4 apresentou maior tempo de latência no primeiro dia, e todos responderam de forma semelhante nos demais dias. Conclui-se que a deficiência de estradiol acompanhada da ingestão de dieta hiperlipídica mantém o desempenho cognitivo, o comportamento emocional e a motivação, embora prejudique a adiposidade e o metabolismo lipídico.


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This paper describes a new way to perform hydrodynamic chromatography (HDC) for the size separation of particles based on a unique recirculating flow pattern. Pressure-driven (PF) and electro-osmotic flows (EOF) are opposed in narrow glass microchannels that expand at both ends. The resulting bidirectional flow turns into recirculating flow because of nonuniform microchannel dimensions. This hydrodynamic effect, combined with the electrokinetic migration of the particles themselves, results in a trapping phenomenon, which we have termed flow-induced electrokinetic trapping (FIET). In this paper, we exploit recirculating flow and FIET to perform a size-based separation of samples of microparticles trapped in a short separation channel using a HDC approach. Because these particles have the same charge (same zeta potential), they exhibit the same electrophoretic mobility, but they can be separated according to size in the recirculating flow. While trapped, particles have a net drift velocity toward the low-pressure end of the channel. When, because of a change in the externally applied PF or electric field, the sign of the net drift velocity reverses, particles can escape the separation channel in the direction of EOF. Larger particles exhibit a larger net drift velocity opposing EOF, so that the smaller particles escape the separation channel first. In the example presented here, a sample plug containing 2.33 and 2.82 microm polymer particles was introduced from the inlet into a 3-mm-long separation channel and trapped. Through tuning of the electric field with respect to the applied PF, the particles could be separated, with the advantage that larger particles remained trapped. The separation of particles with less than 500 nm differences in diameter was performed with an analytical resolution comparable to that of baseline separation in chromatography. When the sample was not trapped in the separation channel but located further downstream, separations could be carried out continuously rather than in batch. Smaller particles could successfully pass through the separation channel, and particles were separated by size. One of the main advantages of exploiting FIET for HDC is that this method can be applied in quite short (a few millimeters) channel geometries. This is in great contrast to examples published to date for the separation of nanoparticles in much longer micro- and nanochannels.


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以F4代转hGH基因红鲤体细胞 (肾脏和尾鳍 )及培养 18代的F4代转hGH基因红鲤尾鳍细胞为核供体 ,泥鳅或黄河鲤成熟卵为受体 ,进行了核移植 ,以探讨外源F4代转基因鱼体外源基因的分布与存在形式、稳定性和克隆转基因鱼的可能性。F4代红鲤肾脏细胞核与泥鳅卵配合的核移植胚胎有 12 4 %发育到囊胚 ,0 33%发育到神经胚 ;F4代尾鳍细胞核移入泥鳅卵后的重组胚发育到囊胚、神经胚、肌节期和肌肉效应期的胚胎分别为 2 4 5 %、0 3%、0 2 %和 0 1% ;对照卵无发育。F4代红鲤尾鳍培养细胞与


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From 20 April to 25 June in 1999, an enclosure experiment was conducted in Lake Donghu to assess the impact of planktivorous silver carp on the planktonic rotifer community. We set up four treatments with silver carp biomass at 0, 116, 176, and 316 g m(-2). Total rotifer density was significantly higher in the no-fish enclosure than in fish-present enclosures. Fish predation on the rotifers alleviated zooplankton competition and resulted in dominance of small zooplankton species (Anureaopsis fissa, Trichocerca pusilla and Moina micrura) in fish-present enclosures. However, some relatively larger species (Polyarthra vulgaris, Brachionus angularis, Brachionus calyciflorus, and Asplanchna spp.) showed higher densities in the no-fish enclosure than in fish-present enclosures.


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An enclosure experiment was carried out to test trophic cascade effect of filter-feeding fish on the ecosystem: growth of crustacean zooplankton, and possible mechanism of changes of crustacean community structure. Four fish biomass levels were set as follows: 0, 116, 176 and 316 g m(-2), and lake water ( containing ca. 190 g m(-2) of filter-feeding fishes) was comparatively monitored. Nutrient levels were high in all treatments during the experiment. Lowest algal biomass were measured in fishless treatment. Algal biomass decreased during days 21-56 as a function of fish biomass in treatments of low (LF), medium (MF) and high (HF) fish biomass. Crustaceans biomass decreased with increasing fish biomass. Small-bodied cladocerans, Moina micrura, Diaphanosoma brachyurum and Scapholeberis kingii survived when fish biomass was high whilst, large-bodied cladocerans Daphnia spp. and the cyclopoids Theromcyclops taihokuensis, T. brevifuratus, Mescyclops notius and Cyclops vicinus were abundant only in NF enclosures. Evasive calanoid Sinodiaptomus sarsi was significantly enhanced in LF, but decreased significantly with further increase of fish biomass. Demographic data indicated that M. micrura was well developed in all treatments. Our study indicates that algal biomass might be controlled by silver carp biomass in eutrophic environment. Changes of crustacean community are probably affected by the age of the first generation of species. Species with short generation time were dominant and species with long generation time survived less with high fish biomass. Evasive calanoids hardly developed in treatments with high fish biomass because of the ( bottle neck) effect of nauplii. Species abundance were positively related to fish predation avoidance. Other than direct predation, zooplankton might also be suppressed by filter-feeding fish via competition.


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The responses of nutrients, water transparency, zooplankton and phytoplankton to a gradient of silver carp biomass were assessed using enclosure methods. The gradient of four silver carp biomass levels was set as follows: 0, 116, 176 and 316 g m(-2). Nutrients did not show any statistically significant differences among the treatments. An Outburst of Daphnia only occurred in fishless enclosures where phytoplankton biomass was the lowest and water clarity significantly increased. While among fish enclosures, the small-sized Moina micrura dominated throughout the experiment and both zooplankton and phytoplankton biomasses decreased with increased fish biomass. No large colonial cyanobacterial blooms occurred in the fishless enclosures as predicted. This might be due to low water temperature. short experiment time and the occurrence of large bodied Daphnia in our experiment. Cryptophyta was the most dominant group in most of the enclosures and the lake water throughout the experiment. The fishless enclosure had much lower proportion of Cyanophyta but higher proportion of Trachelomonas sp.


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In the framework of the effective-mass and adiabatic approximations, by setting the effective-mass of electron in the quantum disks (QDs) different from that in the potential barrier material, we make some improvements in the calculation of the electronic energy levels of vertically stacked self-assembled InAs QD. Comparing with the results when an empirical value was adopted as the effective-mass of electron of the system, we can see that the higher levels become heightened. Furthermore, the Stark shifts of the system of different methods are compared. The Stark shifts of holes are also studied. The vertical electric field changes the splitting between the symmetric level and the antisymmetric one for the same angular momentum. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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采用田间取样与实验室分析相结合的方法,研究了黄土高原坡地密植枣园土壤质地与肥力状况。结果表明,坡地枣园土壤肥力低,氮、磷严重缺乏,钾相对丰富,土壤属于砂壤土,通气性强,保肥、保水性差。0~60 cm土壤有机质含量为1.687~5.002 mg/kg;全氮为0.072~0.316 g/kg;硝酸盐为2.325~16.846 g/kg;铵态氮为1.187~2.146 g/kg,速效磷为0.270~2.480 mg/kg,速效钾为51.9~169.1 mg/kg,并且含量均随剖面向下减少。颗粒组成大部分为粉砂粒,含量一般在65.75%~68.98%;随有机质含量升高,0.25~0.05 mm微团聚体数量呈上升趋势,二者为正相关;<0.05 mm微团聚体含量则逐渐下降,二者呈负相关。黄土高原坡地密植枣园土壤肥力总体水平很低。除了速效钾为中等级外,有机质、全氮、碱解氮、速效磷均为很低等级。


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