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Scorpion venoms are a particularly rich source of neurotoxic proteins/peptides that interact in a highly specific fashion with discrete subtypes of ion channels in excitable and non-excitable cells. Here we have employed a recently developed technique to effect molecular cloning and structural characterization of a novel putative potassium channel-blocking toxin from the same sample of venom from the North African scorpion, Androctonus amoreuxi. The deduced precursor open-reading frame is composed of 59 amino acid residues that consists of a signal peptide of approximately 22 amino acid residues followed by a mature toxin of 37 amino acid residues. The mature toxin contains two functionally important residues (Lys27 and Tyr36), constituting a functional dyad motif that may be critical for potassium channel-blocking activity that can be affirmed from structural homologs as occurring in the venoms from other species of Androctonus scorpions. Parallel proteomic/transcriptomic studies can thus be performed on the same scorpion venom sample without sacrifice of the donor animal.


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Prokineticins are small (8 kDa), biologically active secretory proteins whose primary structures have been highly conserved throughout the Animal Kingdom. Representatives have been identified in the defensive skin secretions of several amphibians reflecting the immense structural/functional diversity of polypeptides in such. Here we describe the identification of a prokineticin homolog (designated Bo8) from the skin secretion of the Oriental fire-bellied toad (Bombina orientalis). Full primary structural characterization was achieved using a combination of direct Edman microsequencing, mass spectrometry and cloning of encoding skin cDNA. The latter approach employed a recently described technique that we developed for the cloning of secretory peptide cDNAs from lyophilized skin secretion, and this was further extended to employ lyophilized skin as the starting material for cDNA library construction. The Bo8 precursor was found to consist of an open-reading frame of 96 amino acid residues consisting of a putative 19-residue signal peptide followed by a single 77-residue prokineticin (Mr = 7990 Da). Amino acid substitutions in skin prokineticins from the skin secretions of bombinid toads are confined to discrete sites affording the necessary information for structure/activity studies and analog design.


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Bradykinin and (Thr6)-bradykinin have been identified in the defensive skin secretion of the fire-bellied toad, Bombina orientalis. The homologous cDNAs for both peptides were cloned from a skin library using a 3'- and 5'-RACE strategy. Kininogen-1 (BOK-1) contained an open-reading frame of 167 amino acid residues encoding four repeats of bradykinin, and kininogen-2 (BOK-2) contained an open-reading frame of 161 amino acid residues encoding two repeats of (Thr6)-bradykinin. Alignment of both precursor nucleotide and amino acid sequences revealed a high degree of structural similarity. These amphibian skin kininogens/preprobradykinins are not biologically analogous to mammalian kininogens.


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Previous peptidomic analyses of the defensive skin secretion from the North American pickerel frog, Rana palustris, have established the presence of canonical bradykinin and multiple bradykinin-related peptides (BRPs). As a consequence of the multiplicity of peptides identified and their diverse primary structures, it was speculated that they must represent the products of expression of multiple genes. Here, we present unequivocal evidence that the majority of BRPs (11/13) identified in skin secretion by the peptidomic approach can be generated by differential site-specific protease cleavage from a single common precursor of 321 amino acid residues, named skin kininogen 1, whose primary structure was deduced from cloned skin secretion-derived cDNA. The organization of skin kininogen 1 consists of a hydrophobic signal peptide followed by eight non-identical domains each encoding a single copy of either canonical bradykinin or a BRP. Two additional splice variants, encoding precursors of 233 (skin kininogen 2) or 189 amino acid residues (skin kininogen 3), were also cloned and were found to lack BRP-encoding domains 5 and 6 or 4, 5 and 6, respectively. Thus, generation of peptidome diversity in amphibian defensive skin secretions can be achieved in part by differential protease cleavage of relatively large and multiple-encoding domain precursors reflecting a high degree of transcriptional economy.


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ß-Site amyloid precursor protein (APP)-cleaving enzyme 1 (BACE1) is a biological and positional candidate gene for Alzheimer’s disease (AD). BACE1 is a protease that catalyses APP cleavage at the ß-secretase site. We evaluated all common and putatively functional polymorphisms in the genomic region encompassing BACE1 for an association with AD, and for functional effects on platelet ß-secretase activity. Tag SNPs (n = 10) derived from phase II of the International HapMap Project, and a nonsynonymous variant, were successfully genotyped in 901 Caucasian individuals from Northern Ireland using Sequenom iPLEX and TaqMan technologies. APOE genotyping was performed by PCR-RFLP. Platelet membrane ß-secretase activity was assayed in a subset of individuals (n = 311). Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium was observed for all variants. Evidence for an association with AD was observed with multi-marker haplotype analyses (P = 0.01), and with rs676134 when stratified for APOE genotype (P = 0.02), however adjusting for multiple testing negated the evidence for association of this variant with AD. ?2 analysis of genotype and allele frequencies in cases versus controls for individual SNPs revealed no evidence for association (5% level). No genetic factors were observed that significantly influenced platelet membrane ß-secretase activity. We have selected an appropriate subset of variants suitable for comprehensive genetic investigation of the BACE1 gene. Our results suggest that common BACE1 polymorphisms and putatively functional variants have no significant influence on genetic susceptibility to AD, or platelet ß-secretase activity, in this Caucasian Northern Irish population.


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Bradykinins and related peptides (BRPs) occur in the defensive skin secretions of many amphibians. Here we report the structures of BRPs and their corresponding biosynthetic precursor cDNAs from the Chinese brown frog, Rana chensinensis, and the North American leopard frog, Lithobates pipiens. R. chensinensis skin contained four transcripts each encoding a different kininogen whose organizations and spectrum of encoded BRPs were similar to those reported for the pickerel frog, Lithobates palustris. In contrast, from L. pipiens, a single skin kininogen was cloned whose structural organization and spectrum of mature BRPs were similar to those reported for the Chinese piebald odorous frog, Huia schmackeri. These data also implied that the endogenous precursor processing proteases in each species pair have identical site-directed specificities, which in part may be dictated by the primary structures of encoded BRPs. Thus the spectra of skin BRPs and the organization of their biosynthetic precursors are not consistent with recent taxonomy. The natural selective pressures that mould the primary structures of amphibian skin secretion peptides are thought to be related to the spectrum of predators encountered within their habitats. Thus similarities and differences in skin bradykinins may be reflective of predator spectra rather than indicative of species relatedness.


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The skin secretion of the North American pickerel frog (Rana palustris) has long been known to have pronounced noxious/toxic properties and to be highly effective in defence against predators and against other sympatric amphibians. As it consists largely of a complex mixture of peptides, it has been subjected to systematic peptidomic study but there has been little focus on molecular cloning of peptide-encoding cDNAs and by deduction, the biosynthetic precursors that they encode. Here, we demonstrate that the cDNAs encoding the five major structural families of antimicrobial peptides can be elucidated by a single step “shotgun” cloning approach using a cDNA library constructed from the source material of the peptidomic studies—the defensive skin secretion itself. Using a degenerate primer pool designed to a highly conserved nucleic acid sequence 5' to the initiation codon of known antimicrobial peptide precursor transcripts, we amplified cDNA sequences representing five major classes of antimicrobial peptides, such as esculentins, brevinins, ranatuerins, palustrins and temporins. Bioinformatic comparisons of precursor open-reading frames and nucleic acid sequences revealed high degrees of structural similarities between analogous peptides of R. palustris and the Chinese bamboo odorous frog, Rana versabilis. This approach thus constitutes a robust technique that can be used either alone or ideally, in parallel with peptidomic analysis of skin secretion, to rapidly extract primary structural information on amphibian skin secretion peptides and their biosynthetic precursors.


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Odorous frogs of the sub-genus Odorrana are of oriental distribution, and are so called due to the foul smell of their defensive skin secretions released from specialized skin glands following stress or predator attack. Here we report the application of a “shotgun” skin secretion cDNA library cloning technique which can rapidly expedite identification of secretion bioactive peptides. From a library constructed from the skin secretion of the Large Chinese Odorous frog, Rana (Odorrana) livida, we have identified four novel peptides whose primary structures were deduced initially from cloned precursors. Subsequently, mature peptides were located in and structurally characterized from reverse phase HPLC fractions of skin secretion. Named lividins 1–4, these were found to be structural homologs of known antimicrobial peptide families from Rana frogs. Rapid identification of novel peptides can thus be rapidly achieved using this non-invasive, non-destructive technology and the extensive similarities revealed between antimicrobial peptide precursor organization and nucleic acid sequences would lend support to the hypothesis that they have a common ancestral origin.


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The defensive strategy of amphibians against predator attack relies heavily on the secretion of noxious/toxic chemical cocktails from specialized skin granular glands. Bioactive peptides constitute a major component of secretions in many species and the most complex are produced by neotropical leaf frogs of the sub-family Phyllomedusinae. We recently reported that these skin secretions contain elements of both the granular gland peptidome and transcriptome and that polyadenylated mRNAs constituting the latter are protected from degradation by interactions with endogenous amphipathic peptides. This thus permits parallel amino acid sequencing of peptides and nucleic acid sequencing of cloned precursor transcripts from single lyophilized samples of secretion. Here we report that the protection afforded is sufficiently robust to permit transcriptome studies by cloning of full-length polyadenylated peptide precursor encoding mRNAs from libraries constructed using ambient temperature air-dried skin from recently deceased specimens as source material. The technique was sufficiently sensitive to permit the identification of cDNAs encoding antimicrobial peptides constituted by six different isoforms of phylloseptin and two dermaseptins. Also, for the first time, establishment of the nucleic acid and amino acid sequence of the precursor encoding the phyllomedusine frog skin bradykinin-related peptide, phyllokinin, from cloned cDNA, was achieved. These data unequivocally demonstrate that the granular gland transcriptome persists in air-dried amphibian skin—a finding that may have fundamental implications in the study of archived materials but also in the wider field of molecular biology.