993 resultados para 17-167
Oxygen isotope analyses of Tertiary and Cretaceous planktic foraminifera indicate that species have been stratified with respect to depth in the water column at least since Albian time. There is a relationship between morphology and depth habitat. Species with globigerine morphology have consistently occupied shallower depths than have species with globorotalid morphology. Biserially arranged species occupied both shallow and deep levels in the water column. On the average, it appears that ancient species with shallow habitats have been more susceptible to dissolution and have been preserved less well than species dwelling in deeper habitats. This relationship is similar to that observed for Recent planktic foraminifera. Comparison of carbon isotope ratios of adult and juvenile forms indicates that either the source of the carbon found in the shell or the carbon isotopic fractionations which occur during calcite secretion change during the development of individual foraminifera. The carbon isotopic ratios do not provide a reliable means for reconstructing the depth habitats of ancient species. Temperature-depth profiles for tropical Tertiary oceans have been reconstructed from the isotopic temperatures of planktic and benthic foraminifera. The vertical thermal structure of Oligocene oceans resembled that of modern oceans most closely. Those of Paleocene and Maastrichtian times differed most from that of modern oceans.
Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Die Urwähler sind auch zur Wahl solcher Wahlmänner berechtigt, die in einem anderen als dem eigenen Distrikt aufgestellt wurden
Começa a primeira sessão dedicada ao debate dos temas mais polêmicos na Constituinte. O Líder do PMDB Mário Covas (PMDB-SP) fez o sorteio dos debatedores do partido que vão ficar encarregados de cada sessão. O primeiro assunto é o regime de governo, presidencialismo ou parlamentarismo. O Conselho de Comunicação também é tema polêmico na Assembleia Nacional Constituinte (ANC). A Deputada Rita Furtado (PFL-RO) informa que seu grupo não aceita a figura do Conselho. O Deputado Bernardo Cabral (PMDB-AM), Relator da Comissão de Sistematização, opta pela existência do Conselho, previsto no substitutivo do Deputado Artur da Távola (PMDB-RJ). O Deputado Arolde de Oliveira (PFL-RJ) informa que o Conselho é desnecessário, pois o Congresso tem função fiscalizadora. Armando Rollemberg, Presidente da Federação Nacional dos Jornalistas, defende o controle público para a concessão de canais de rádio e de televisão. O Deputado Roberto D`Ávila (PDT-RJ) declara que é favorável ao Conselho de Comunicação, com pessoas representativas da sociedade brasileira, de tal forma que o poder de outorga de canais de comunicação não seja mais prerrogativa apenas do Presidente da República. Histórico da ideia de criação do Conselho de Comunicação. O Deputado Jorge Maluly Neto (PFL-SP) declara que a opinião pública há de ser pública e não uma opinião publicada por poucos, porque isso leva a um problema de segurança do país. O Deputado Arolde de Oliveira (PFL-RJ) considera que não tem havido alternância do poder porque, se houvesse, também a distribuição de canais de rádio e de tv seria absolutamente democrática. O Deputado Carlos Alberto Oliveira Caó (PDT-RJ) afirma ser necessário pensar em mecanismos que assegurem a pluralidade de informações, que garanta a qualquer grupo social o acesso aos meios de informação. O Deputado Antônio Brito (PMDB-RS) declara que é certo que nada nesta matéria será da forma como é hoje, o que já significa um avanço.
Vorbesitzer: Abraham Merzbacher
Vorbesitzer: Brune-Kütze-Legat; Bartholomaeusstift Frankfurt am Main
Na 1 Nachlass Max Horkheimer, 519 - Korrespondenzen mit Walter Benjamin (Kopien) (p. VI 5A, 1 - 167)
4 Briefe zwischen Walter Benjamin und Cecilia Razovsky; 6 Briefe zwischen Cecilia Razovsky und Max Horkheimer; 1 Brief von Cecilia Razovsky an den American Consul, 17.11.1939; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an Georges Scelle, 11.11.1939;
Sediments from five Leg 167 drill sites and three piston cores were analyzed for Corg and CaCO3. Oxygen isotope stratigraphy on benthic foraminifers was used to assign age models to these sedimentary records. We find that the northern and central California margin is characterized by k.y.-scale events that can be found in both the CaCO3 and Corg time series. We show that the CaCO3 events are caused by changes in CaCO3 production by plankton, not by dissolution. We also show that these CaCO3 events occur in marine isotope Stages (MIS) 2, 3, and 4 during Dansgaard/Oeschger interstadials. They occur most strongly, however, on the MIS 5/4 glaciation and MIS 2/1 deglaciation. We believe that the link between the northeastern Pacific Ocean and North Atlantic is primarily transmitted by the atmosphere, not the ocean. Highest CaCO3 production and burial occurs when the surface ocean is somewhat cooler than the modern ocean, and the surface mixed layer is somewhat more stable.
Total organic carbon (TOC) and calcium carbonate (CaCO3) concentrations were determined for 304 samples, and biomarkers were analyzed for 101 samples from Core 167-1016C-1H. TOC varies between 1% and 2%, and CaCO3 is typically 1%-4%, with peaks reaching 14%. Paleotemperature estimated from Uk'37 varies from 8.5° to 17.5°C. The Uk'37 variation implies that Core 167-1016C-1H covers oxygen isotope Stages 1-6. Peaks of diatom-derived C25:1 HBI alkene concentrations occur during warming intervals, suggesting intensified upwelling during deglaciation. The concentrations of haptophyte-derived alkenones and diatom-derived C25:1 HBI alkene vary out of phase, which presumably resulted from the changes in the mode of nutrient supply to surface mixed layer. Maximal CaCO3 contents (>10%) were observed in both warming and cooling intervals. The peak in cooling interval relates to an alkenone maximum, whereas the peaks in warming intervals do not. This implies that carbonate production is not the only factor controlling carbonate compensation depth at this site, and it suggests considering the changes in North Pacific deep-water chemistry. Petroleum-type compounds are present in Site 1016 sediments. Their concentrations are maximized in the warming intervals that correspond to the timing of destruction of a huge tar mound off Point Conception. The tarry material was presumably transported by the Arguello Fan system to Site 1016.