508 resultados para 1531


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El experimento de campo se llevó a cabo en el ciclo de postrera (Agosto-Dic.) del año 1992 en los terrenos de la cooperativa "Rubén Duarte", Managua. Se estudió la influencia de rotaciones de cultivos (Maíz-Soya; Sorgo-Soya; Maíz-Ajonjolí y Sorgo-Ajonjolí), y tres controles de malezas (control químico, control período crítico, limpia periódica) sobre el comportamiento de la cenosis de las malezas en el crecimiento, desarrollo y rendimiento de la Soya (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) y del Ajonjolí (Sesamun indicum(L)). Se utilizó un diseño experimental de parcelas divididas en bloques completos al azar con 4 repeticiones, estudiados el factor A (Rotación de cultivos) en las parcelas grandes y el factor B (Control de malezas) en las subparcelas. La rotación Maíz-Soya mostró los menores niveles de abundancia, cobertura y biomasa de malezas y alcanzó al igual que la rotación Maíz-Ajonjolí los mayores rendimientos. Las rotaciones Sorgo-Ajonjolí y Sorgo-Soya presentaron una alta abundancia, diversidad, cobertura y biomasa de malezas, llegando a tener los más bajos rendimientos. La especie Cyperus rotundus estuvo presente en todas las rotaciones y en los tres controles de malezas. El control químico tuvo niveles intermedios de abundancia y diversidad en las malezas. El control por período crítico provocó un nivel alto de abundancia y diversidad de malezas, sin afectar el rendimiento. El control limpia periódica generó los menores rangos de abundancia Y diversidad de malezas, y obtuvo los rendimientos más altos.


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Fatigue testing was conducted using a kind of triangular isostress specimen to obtain the short-fatigue-crack behaviour of a weld low-carbon steel. The experimental results show that short cracks continuously initiate at slip bands within ferrite grain domains and the crack number per unit area gradually increases with increasing number of fatigue cycles. The dispersed short cracks possess an orientation preference, which is associated with the crystalline orientation of the relevant slip system. Based on the observed collective characteristics, computer modelling was carried out to simulate the evolution process of initiation, propagation and coalescence of short cracks. The simulation provides progressive displays which imitate the appearance of experimental observations. The results of simulation indicate that the crack path possesses a stable value of fractal dimension whereas the critical value of percolation covers a wide datum band, suggesting that the collective evolution process of short cracks is sensitive to the pattern of crack site distribution.


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Desenvolve estudo acerca da teoria política sobre as funções das câmaras altas no mundo, com ênfase no modelo presidencialista brasileiro. Discute as motivações da proposta do Partido dos Trabalhadores de transformar o Parlamento brasileiro em unicameralista.


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One of the causes of lower artesian pressure, water waste and aquifer contamination is the misuse and insufficient care of artesian wells. In 1953, Senate Bill No. 57, entitled "An Act to Protect and Control the Artesian Waters of the State" (see Appendix) became a law. This law was passed through the efforts exerted by leading members of the Senate and the House of Representatives, who understood the need for a wise and controlled expenditure of our most valuable natural resource. The State Geologist and his authorized representatives were designated by this law to enforce this conservation measure; however, no financial provision was included for the 1953-55 biennium. The proposed program of the Florida Geological Survey for this biennium did not include the funds nor provide any full-time personnel for the enforcement of this statute. As a result, little actual work was accomplished during these two years, although much time was given to planning and discussion of the problem. Realizing that this program could provide additional basic data needed in the analysis of the water-supply problem, the State Geologist sought and was granted by the 1955 Legislature adequate funds with which to activate the first phase of the enforcement of Florida Statute No. 370.051-054. Enumerated below is a summary of the progress made on this investigation as outlined previously: 1. Data have been collected on 967 wildly flowing wells in 22 counties. 2. Chloride determinations have been run on 850 of the 967 wells. 3. Of the 967 wells, 554 have chlorides in excess of the 250 ppm, the upper limit assigned by the State Board of Health for public consumption. 4. Water escapes at the rate of 37, 762 gallons per minute from these 967 wells. This amounts to 54, 377, 280 gallons per day. The investigation is incomplete at this time; therefore, no final conclusions can be reached. However, from data already collected, the following recommendations are proposed: 1. That the present inventory of wildly flowing wells be completed for the entire State. 2. That the current inventory of wildly flowing wells be expanded at the conclusion of the present inventory to include all flowing wells. 3. That a complete statewide inventory program be established and conducted in cooperation with the Ground Water Branchof the U.S. Geological Survey. 4. That the enforcement functions as set down in Sections 370.051/.054, Florida Statutes, be separated from the program to collect water-resource data and that these functions be given to the Water Resources Department, if such is created (to be recommended by the Water Resources Study Commission in a water policy law presented to the 1957 Legislature). 5. That the research phase (well inventory) of the program remain under the direction of the Florida Geological Survey. (PDF contains 204 pages.)


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João de Barros, historiador, renascentista português, nasceu por volta de 1496, provavelmente em Viseu, e morreu em 20 de outubro de 1570, na quinta de S. Lourenço, próximo da Ribeira de Litém. Entrou para o serviço do Rei D. Manuel desde menino, onde teve seus primeiros mestres e escreveu sua primeira obra, um romance de cavalaria, a Chronica do Imperador Clarimundo. Em 1525, foi nomeado tesoureiro e, em 1533, feitor da Casa da Índia, posto que lhe permitiu ter acesso a numerosas e autênticas fontes, tornando-se um dos historiadores mais importantes da expansão portuguesa. Quando o governo de D. João III estabeleceu para o Brasil o regime das capitanias hereditárias, a João de Barros e a dois associados (Aires da Cunha e Fernão de Álvares de Andrade) foi concedido o trato de terra que ia do Rio Grande ao Maranhão. Em 1531, morreu Lourenço de Cáceres, que deveria escrever a história da Índia, e foi esta, então, confiada a João de Barros, seu sobrinho. Em 1552, saía a primeira das Décadas da Ásia. Além dos trabalhos históricos , escreveu o tratado Rópica pneuma (Mercado espiritual); o Diálogo da viciosa vergonha; o Diálogo sobre preceitos morais; uma gramática da língua portuguesa e uma cartilha para aprender a ler. Dedicou-se às línguas e às letras clássicas, à Geografia, à História e à Cosmografia. A obra está assim dividida: da primeira à quarta década, por João de Barros, em oito volumes; um volume contendo a obra de João de Barros, por Manuel Severim de Faria , e o índice das quatro décadas; da quarta à décima segunda década, de Diogo do Couto, em quinze volumes, aí incluído o índice das Décadas de Couto. Contém, ainda, nas obras, retratos de João de Barros, do Infante D. Henrique e de Afonso de Albuquerque e cinco cartas geográficas. Segundo Brunet, as Décadas XI e XII parecem estar abreviadas. Classifica, também, esta como uma bela edição e que substitui com vantagens as anteriores. A primeira edição Da Asia de João de Barros e de Diogo de Couto foi publicada em Lisboa, em 1522, por Germão Galhardo.


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本文选取不同放牧率下的优势植物为研究对象,主要从植物解剖结构和化学成分方面,对内蒙古典型草原和北美混合普列里草原的放牧演替机制进行探讨,这将有助于进一步揭示放牧演替过程及其主要植物对放牧的适应机理。具体研究结果如下: 1. 长期不同放牧率的放牧(内蒙古典型草原区放牧15年和混合普列里草原放牧19年)对所有物种(IMGERS的羊草(Leymus chinensis)、冰草(Agropyron cristatum)、糙隐子草(Cleistogenes squarrosa)、扁蓿豆(Melissitus rutenica)、小叶锦鸡儿(Caragana microphylla)、冷蒿(Artemisia frigida)和星毛委陵菜(Potentilla acaulis)和CGREC的Artemisia frgida ,Poa pratensis, Agropyron smithii,Solidago rigida, Helianthus rigidus和Symphoricarpos occidentalis)叶片的角质层厚度、表皮细胞面积、叶肉细胞面积、栅栏/海绵组织厚度、叶片厚度、中脉厚度均产生显著影响;放牧显著影响了两个研究区不同生活型功能群植物叶片的角质层厚度、表皮细胞面积、叶肉面积、栅栏/海绵组织和中脉厚度。内蒙古典型草原研究区草本植物功能群的叶片下角质层厚度、栅栏/海绵组织厚度显著大于灌木功能群,而美国混合普列里草原研究区,草本植物功能群的叶片下角质层厚度、表皮细胞面积、叶肉细胞面积、栅栏/海绵组织厚度、叶片厚度、中脉厚度均显著大于灌木功能群。 2. 内蒙古典型草原研究区放牧率显著影响了糙隐子草和小叶锦鸡儿的比叶面积(SLA);在美国混合普列里草原研究区,放牧率显著影响了冷蒿SLA。但对生活型功能群的SLA影响不显著。 3. 内蒙古典型草原研究区放牧对物种叶片叶绿素含量、纤维素含量影响显著,放牧仅显著增加了扁蓿豆叶片的含氮量。美国混合普列里草原研究区物种叶片的全碳、干物质、酸性洗涤纤维、叶绿素a+b含量受放牧率的显著影响。两研究区放牧率对叶片叶绿素a+b含量影响显著。放牧率也显著影响了不同生活型功能群的全碳含量和叶绿素a+b含量。 4. 两研究区叶片表皮细胞面积和叶肉细胞面积无牧和重牧下显著正相关,表皮细胞面积和叶片厚度在轻牧下显著正相关,叶肉细胞面积和叶片厚度在无牧、中牧和重牧下显著正相关,比叶面积和叶绿素a+b含量在轻牧下显著正相关。扁蓿豆叶片的表皮细胞面积和叶肉细胞面积间存在显著的正相关,其全碳含量和叶绿素a+b含量间存在显著的正相关;Artemisia frgida叶片的角质层厚度和叶片厚度间显著正相关,Poa pratensis叶片的角质层厚度和表皮细胞面积间显著负相关,Solidago rigida叶片表皮细胞面积和光合速率显著正相关。Helianthus rigidus叶片叶肉细胞面积和叶片厚度显著负相关。


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An antimicrobial peptide named odorranain-HP was identified from skin secretions of the diskless odorous frog, Odorrana grahami. It is composed of 23 amino acids with an amino acid sequence of GLLRASSVWGRKYYVDLAGCAKA. By BLAST search, odorranain-HP had si


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云南马关矮马和普通马血清蛋白多态性与类缘关系的研究云南省畜牧兽医科学研究所解德文中科院昆明动物研究所刘爱华,林世英蛋白质多态性的研究是指从分子水平阐明群体中基因频率变化的有效手段,能较客观地反映不同品种马的遗传差异 ̄[1]。本文采用淀粉凝胶电泳技术测...