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Identity orientation provides a means to understand the social motivations of organisational relationships and organisational policy and practices. This study uses identity orientation to understand the highly marketised context of independent ‘elite’ schools in Australia and how they relate to stakeholders to straddle their roles as social institutions that are increasingly required to operate in a corporate manner. Interviews with managers in quite new school roles such as marketing communication and business management were conducted in non-government schools to understand the schools' external orientations, coveted internal member traits, and frames of reference. The study shows that, in contrast to existing literature on the rhetoric of schools as focusing on ‘the child’, there was a strong emphasis on individualistic orientations in schools that saw stakeholders in instrumental terms of resources and connections, saw teachers as providing an innovative and leading edge, and used other prestigious schools as their frame of reference. To a lesser extent, schools would also be interested in the relationships with families, teachers, and the community for their own means. There were very few instances where the identity orientation was contributing to society, instead, focusing on university and network outcomes for pupils. Using identity orientation provides a theoretical lens to connect organisational governance to stakeholder engagement by providing insights into an organisation's identity including practices and behaviours, in relation to others.
This monograph argues for a repositioning of theatre as an antidote to the negative effects of the reduction of live social interaction among the current generation of young people. It argues for a repositioned valuing of the role that live performing arts can play in the development of social cohesion and well-being with young people. Highlighted therefore is an emphasis on developing ‘communitas’ or ‘collective joy’ (Turner, 2012) for young audiences. Using the lens of social acupuncture (O’Donnell, 2006) the monograph explores how two Australian live theatre or performance events – The Walking Neighbourhood and 지하 Underground – foreground inclusionary audience experiences. It concludes with a challenge to drama teachers, theatre makers, arts researchers, arts programmers and performance venue managers regarding how they might view their young audiences as more than just a marketing demographic and income stream, by providing new platforms for young people’s social cohesion and well-being.
Peak bone mass achieved in adolescence is a determinant of bone mass in later life. In order to identify genetic variants affecting bone mineral density (BMD), we performed a genome-wide association study of BMD and related traits in 1518 children from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC). We compared results with a scan of 134 adults with high or low hip BMD. We identified associations with BMD in an area of chromosome 12 containing the Osterix (SP7) locus, a transcription factor responsible for regulating osteoblast differentiation (ALSPAC: P = 5.8 × 10-4; Australia: P = 3.7 × 10-4). This region has previously shown evidence of association with adult hip and lumbar spine BMD in an Icelandic population, as well as nominal association in a UK population. A meta-analysis of these existing studies revealed strong association between SNPs in the Osterix region and adult lumbar spine BMD (P = 9.9 × 10-11). In light of these findings, we genotyped a further 3692 individuals from ALSPAC who had whole body BMD and confirmed the association in children as well (P = 5.4 × 10-5). Moreover, all SNPs were related to height in ALSPAC children, but not weight or body mass index, and when height was included as a covariate in the regression equation, the association with total body BMD was attenuated. We conclude that genetic variants in the region of Osterix are associated with BMD in children and adults probably through primary effects on growth.
Atherosclerosis plaque rupture has been considered to be a mechanical failure of the thin fibrous cap, resulted from extreme plaque stress. Plaque stress was affected by many factors from morphological features to biological abnormalities. In this study, geometrical factors (curvedness, fibrous cap thickness) were studied on assessing plaque vulnerability in comparison with stress analysis results obtained by fluid structure interaction from 20 human carotid atherosclerosis plaques. The results show that plaque surface curvedness could contribute to extreme stress level, especially in plaque shoulder region. General plaque stress distribution could be predicted by fibrous cap thickness and curvedness with multi-regression model. With more features included in the regression model, plaque stress could be easily calculated and used to assess plaque vulnerability.
The object of this study is Jacopo Bassano (c. 1510 1592) as a fresco painter and the significance of frescoes in his late production. The research focuses on the only surviving cycle of frescoes of his later years in the Cartigliano parish church, bearing the date 1575. The other cycle studied here was painted for the 16th century parish church of Enego. It contained one of the most extensive fresco decorations executed by Jacopo Bassano together with his eldest son Francesco. However, nothing has survived of the fresco cycle and the ceiling paintings of the church, nor is any visual documentation of them left. Only the small altarpiece attributed to Jacopo Bassano and depicting Saints Justine, Sebastian, Anthony Abbott, and Roch (dated to c. 1555/1560) has been preserved. I have suggested that the frescoes of the Cartigliano parish church should be examined in the interpretational context of the spirituality of the post-Tridentine period. This period frames the historical context for the frescoes and functions as a basis for the iconographical interpretation that I have proposed. I have shown that the iconographic programme of the frescoes in the choir of the Cartigliano parish church has obvious points of contact with the Catholic doctrines reconfirmed by the Council of Trent (1545 1563). I also argue that the fresco cycle and the ceiling paintings of the Enego church should be placed in the same interpretational context as the frescoes of Cartigliano. I present a reconstruction of the frescoes in the choir attributed to Jacopo Bassano and of those on the walls of the nave attributed to his son Francesco Bassano. According to my reconstruction, the frescoes in the choir and nave walls formed a coherent cycle with a unitary iconographic programme which included the 28 paintings with Old Testament subjects in the nave ceiling. The reconstruction includes the dating and the iconography of the fresco programme and its interpretative basis. The reconstruction is based on visitation records and inventories from the 16th and 17th centuries as well as on the oldest relevant literature, namely the descriptions offered by Carlo Ridolfi (1648) and G. B. Verci (1775). I also consider the relationship of the large compositional sketches attributed to Jacopo Bassano and depicting Christological subjects to the lost frescoes in Enego. These studies have been executed with coloured chalks, and many of them are also dated 1568 or 1569 by the painter. I suggest in this study that these large studies in coloured chalks were preparatory drawings for the fresco cycle in Enego, depicting scenes from the life and suffering of Christ. All the subjects of the aforesaid drawings were included in the Enego cycle.
Tämä tutkielma on kokoava tutkimus Raamatusta nousevista kuva-aiheista, joita esiintyy 1400-luvun lopun ja 1510-luvun henkilömaalauksissa Suomen keskiaikaisissa kivikirkoissa. Aikaisempi Suomen keskiaikaista kirkkotaidetta koskeva tutkimus on ollut pääosin taidehistoriallista. Tutkielma pyrkii vastaamaan kysymykseen, millaisena Raamattu näyttäytyy suomalaisissa keskiaikaisissa kirkkomaalauksissa. Tutkimuskohteena ovat 1470–1490 –luvuilla Suomessa työskennelleen Taivassalon maalariryhmän maalaamat kirkot sekä 1500-luvun alussa maalatut kuvasarjat Länsi-Uudellamaalla, Hattulassa, Raumalla ja Pyhtäällä. Vanhasta testamentista peräisin olevia kuva-aiheita on vain 1510-luvulla tehdyissä maalaussarjoissa, joissa ne toimivat Kristukseen liittyvänä vertauskuvina ja hänen toimintansa selittäjinä. Vanhasta testamentista Suomen keskiaikaisten kirkkojen seinille on päässyt vanhan liiton keskeisiä henkilöitä, kuten Mooses, Daniel, Iisak ja Simson. Pelastushistoriaan kiinteästi liittyvät luominen ja syntiinlankeemus esiintyvät maalaussarjoissa kirkkosalin seinällä. Sen sijaan Kristuksen esikuvat löytyvät kirkkojen kattoholveista. Neitsyt Mariaan liittyvistä kuva-aiheista valtaosa on peräisin muualta kuin Raamatusta. Maalauksissa, jotka pohjaavat Raamattuun, Maria liittyy kiinteästi poikaansa Jeesukseen. Maria on yhdistetty Jeesuksen elämän loppuun ja alkuun; syntymäkertomuksiin ja kärsimykseen, kuolemaan ja ylösnousemukseen. Maria-aiheita esiintyy sekä Taivassalon ryhmän maalauksissa että 1500-luvun maalaussarjoissa. Jeesuksen elämä on havainnollistettu kalkkimaalauksissa yksityiskohtaisesti, etenkin Jeesuksen kärsimyshistorian osalta. Vain harvassa kirkossa Jeesus ei ole päässyt lainkaan osaksi maalauskokonaisuutta. Maalauksista välittyy kuva Jeesuksesta, joka etsii aikuisen ihmisen uskoa. Niin ikään maalausten Jeesus on pikemminkin ihmiskuntaa pelastamaan tullut taivaallinen Kristus kuin mies Jeesus Nasaretilainen. Viimeistä tuomiota esittävät maalauskokonaisuudet sekä evankelistasymbolit poikkeavat hyvin vähän eri kirkoissa. Molempien aiheiden kuvaamistavat olivat siinä määrin vakiintuneet, että erot kirkkojen välillä selittyvät käytetyillä mallikirjoilla ja maalareiden taidoilla. Viimeinen tuomio ja evankelista-symbolit kuuluvat suosituimpien kuva-aiheiden joukkoon. Jeesuksen opetuslapset on useassa kirkossa esitetty niin sanottuna credo-sarjana sekä osana kirkon pyhimysjoukkoa. Käsitellyn aineiston pohjalta nousee kuva Raamatusta, joka on lyhennetty ja tiivistetty. Keskiaikaisiin kuvaraamattuihin ja hartauskirjoihin verrattuna suomalaisissa kalkkimaalauksissa pitäydytään pitkälle olennaisessa kertomuksessa, eikä Jeesuksen elämää turhan tähden lähdetä selostamaan vaikeaselkoisin typologioin. Kuvakertomukset ovat ajan hengen mukaisesti vahvasti Kristus-keskeisiä. Kuitenkin kokonaisuutena Vanha testamentti pääsee maalauksissa paremmin esille kuin Uusi testamentti, josta huomio kiinnittyy lähes yksinomaan evankeliumeihin.
Intraspecific competition is a key factor shaping space-use strategies and movement decisions in many species, yet how and when neighbors utilize shared areas while exhibiting active avoidance of one another is largely unknown. Here, we investigated temporal landscape partitioning in a population of wild baboons (Papio cynocephalus). We used global positioning system (GPS) collars to synchronously record the hourly locations of five baboon social groups for similar to 900 days, and we used behavioral, demographic, and life history data to measure factors affecting use of overlap areas. Annual home ranges of neighboring groups overlapped substantially, as predicted (baboons are considered non-territorial), but home ranges overlapped less when space use was assessed over shorter time scales. Moreover, neighboring groups were in close spatial proximity to one another on fewer days than predicted by a null model, suggesting an avoidance-based spacing pattern. At all time scales examined (monthly, biweekly, and weekly), time spent in overlap areas was greater during time periods when groups fed on evenly dispersed, low-quality foods. The percent of fertile females in social groups was negatively correlated with time spent in overlap areas only during weekly time intervals. This suggests that broad temporal changes in ecological resources are a major predictor of how intensively overlap areas are used, and groups modify these ecologically driven spacing patterns at short time scales based on female reproductive status. Together, these findings offer insight into the economics of territoriality by highlighting the dynamics of spacing patterns at differing time scales.
An efficient buffer layer scheme has been designed to address the issue of curvature management during metalorganic chemical vapour deposition growth of GaN on Si (111) substrate. This is necessary to prevent cracking of the grown layer during post-growth cooling down from growth temperature to room temperature and to achieve an allowable bow (<40 m) in the wafer for carrying out lithographic processes. To meet both these ends simultaneously, the stress evolution in the buffer layers was observed carefully. The reduction in precursor flow during the buffer layer growth provided better control over curvature evolution in the growing buffer layers. This has enabled the growth of a suitable high electron mobility transistor (HEMT) stack on 2'' Si (111) substrate of 300 m thickness with a bow as low as 11.4 m, having a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) of mobility, carrier concentration, and sheet resistance values 1510 cm(2)/V-s, 0.96 x 10(13)/cm(2), and 444 /, respectively. Another variation of similar technique resulted in a bow of 23.4 m with 2DEG mobility, carrier concentration, and sheet resistance values 1960 cm(2)/V-s, 0.98 x 10(13)/cm(2), and 325 /, respectively.
Both earthquake prediction and failure prediction of disordered brittle media are difficult and complicated problems and they might have something in common. In order to search for clues for earthquake prediction, the common features of failure in a simple nonlinear dynamical model resembling disordered brittle media are examined. It is found that the failure manifests evolution-induced catastrophe (EIC), i.e., the abrupt transition from globally stable (GS) accumulation of damage to catastrophic failure. A distinct feature is the significant uncertainty of catastrophe, called sample-specificity. Consequently, it is impossible to make a deterministic prediction macroscopically. This is similar to the question of predictability of earthquakes. However, our model shows that strong stress fluctuations may be an immediate precursor of catastrophic failure statistically. This might provide clues for earthquake forecasting.
En cuatro diferentes localidades de Nicaragua se evaluaron siete genotipos de maíz (Zea mays L.): un híbrido (B-833), dos variedades de polinización libre (NB-6 y NB-12) y cuatro variedades criollas (Lucrecia, Maicena, Valenzuela y Colorado) en el ciclo de postrera del año 1992, con el objetivo de analizar las características agronómicas de cada uno de ellos, y comparar el rendimiento de los materiales criollos con respecto a los comerciales o mejorados y determinar su grado de estabilidad al sometérseles a distintas condiciones ambientales y de manejo, según el método de análisis de estabilidad modificado de Hildebrand & Poey. De acuerdo a los resultados se concluyó que el híbrido B-833 superó a todos los genotipos en estabilidad y la variedad criolla Valenzuela se ubicó por encima de las variedades NB-6 y NB-12. A pesar de que no todas las variedades criollas superaron a las comerciales, éstas poseen caracteres que pueden ser utilizados para el mejoramiento de los mismos y por ende aportar a la adaptación de éstos bajo condiciones ambientales específicas.
lGround water in Florida is the principal source of supply for industrial, municipal, agricultural, and domestic uses. During the last half century large developments of ground water have been made, and new developments are currently being addedi However, although problems of supply, some of them critical, have arisen in certain areas, vast quantities of ground water are:yet available for development over a major part of the State. It is quite conceivable that the availability of large developed water resources in Florida, in contrast with the shortages of supply in many other parts of the country, may play a dominant role in the agricultural and industrial growth of the State. (PDF has 15 pages.)