1000 resultados para 126-790A
A genome-wide association study (GWAS) of educational attainment was conducted in a discovery sample of 101,069 individuals and a replication sample of 25,490. Three independent single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are genome-wide significant (rs9320913, rs11584700, rs4851266), and all three replicate. Estimated effects sizes are small (coefficient of determination R(2) ≈ 0.02%), approximately 1 month of schooling per allele. A linear polygenic score from all measured SNPs accounts for ≈2% of the variance in both educational attainment and cognitive function. Genes in the region of the loci have previously been associated with health, cognitive, and central nervous system phenotypes, and bioinformatics analyses suggest the involvement of the anterior caudate nucleus. These findings provide promising candidate SNPs for follow-up work, and our effect size estimates can anchor power analyses in social-science genetics.
The purposes of this report (Phase II of the project) are to specify in mathematical form the individual modules of the conceptual model developed in Phase I, to identify and evaluate sources of data for the model set, and to develop the transport networks necessary to support the models.
As fraturas da face em crianças são infreqüentes e a melhor forma de tratamento ainda é a prevenção. Com isso nosso estudo busca caracterizar epidemiologicamente as fraturas de face em crianças enfatizando os sítios principais. Analisamos 126 fraturas de face em 98 crianças atendidas no HC-FMUSP, entre janeiro de 1990 e julho de 1996. A causa mais freqüente foi a queda de alturas e o osso da face mais acometido foi a mandíbula (29%), seguida do osso nasal (24%). Das fraturas da mandíbula, o corpo foi a região mais envolvida (31%), seguido do côndilo (27%). Traumas associados estiveram presentes em 24% dos casos, sendo traumatismo crânio-encefálico o mais freqüente. Os acidentes domésticos são as principais causas de fraturas de face em crianças, portanto, medidas preventivs simples podem ser adotadas objetivando diminuir o número desses acidentes.
OBJETIVO: Este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar a influência dos fatores prognósticos em portadores de carcinoma papilífero da tireóide, tratados no Hospital do Câncer (INCA-RJ). MÉTODO: Com base em testes estatísticos (Wilcoxon e Cox) foram analisados 126 prontuários de pacientes atendidos no período de 1986 a 1994, portadores de carcinoma papilífero da tireóide, pertencentes ao grupo de alto risco, segundo os fatores de risco do carcinoma diferenciado da tireóide, considerando uma sobrevida de dez anos livre de doença. RESULTADOS: Observou-se que 104 pacientes eram mulheres (83%); a idade variou de sete a 79 anos, média de 40 anos; invasão capsular ocorreu em 15% (18/126); houve metástase regional em 38% (47/126) e metástase a distância em 11% (13/126). A sobrevida em dez anos livre de doença foi de 81% para os pacientes com menos de 45 anos, e de 76% para os mais idosos: p = 0,0008 (análise univariada) e p = 0,01 (análise multivariada). Dos pacientes que tinham invasão capsular, 72% viveram dez anos, assim como 60% dos que tinham metástase regional, e 28% dos que apresentavam metástase a distância. CONCLUSÕES: A utilização dos fatores de risco no carcinoma papilífero da tireóide é válida mesmo para doença avançada, sendo também de grande importância na projeção do prognóstico e do futuro desenvolvimento da doença.
Circulating microRNAs (miRNAs) may represent a potential noninvasive molecular biomarker for various pathological conditions. Moreover, the detection of circulating miRNAs can provide important novel disease-related information. In particular, inflammation-associated miR-155 and endothelial-enriched miR-126 are reported to be associated with vascular homeostasis. Vascular damage is a common event described in end-stage renal disease (ESRD). We hypothesized that miR-155 and miR-126 may be detectable in the circulation and serve as potential biomarkers for risk stratification. In this study, we assessed miR-155 and miR-126 in the plasma of 30 ESRD patients and 20 healthy controls using real-time quantification RT-PCR. The circulating levels of miR-155 and miR-126 were significantly reduced in patients with ESRD compared to healthy controls. However, there was no significant difference of circulating miR-155 and miR-126 levels between prehemodialysis and posthemodialysis patients. Furthermore, both circulating miR-126 and miR-155 correlated positively with estimated glomerular filtration rate (miR-126: r = 0.383, P = 0.037; miR-155: r = 0.494, P = 0.006) and hemoglobin (miR-126: r = 0.515, P = 0.004; miR-155: r = 0.598, P < 0.001) and correlated inversely with phosphate level (miR-126: r = -0.675, P < 0.001; miR-155: r = -0.399, P = 0.029). Pearson’s correlation was used to compare circulating levels of miRNAs with clinical parameters. These results suggested that circulating miR-155 and miR-126 might be involved in the development of ESRD. Further studies are needed to demonstrate the role of circulating miR-155 and miR-126 as candidate biomarkers for risk estimation.
We investigated the biological significance of microRNA-126 (miR-126) expression in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) and/or heart failure (HF) to examine the possible mechanism of miR-126-dependent AF and development of HF. A total of 103 patients were divided into three groups: AF group (18 men and 17 women, mean age: 65.62±12.72 years), HF group (17 men and 15 women, mean age: 63.95±19.71 years), and HF-AF group (20 men and 16 women, mean age: 66.56±14.37 years). Quantitative real-time PCR was used to measure relative miR-126 expression as calculated by the 2−ΔΔCt method. miR-126 was frequently downregulated in the 3 patient groups compared with controls. This reduction was significantly lower in permanent and persistent AF patients than in those with paroxysmal AF (P<0.05, t-test). Moreover, miR-126 expression was markedly lower in the HF-AF group compared with the AF and HF groups. The 3 patient groups had higher N-terminal prohormone brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) levels, lower left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), larger left atrial diameter, and higher cardiothoracic ratio compared with controls. There were significant differences in NT-proBNP levels and LVEF among the AF, HF, and HF-AF groups. Pearson correlation analysis showed that relative miR-126 expression was positively associated with LVEF, logarithm of NT-proBNP, left atrial diameter, cardiothoracic ratio, and age in HF-AF patients. Multiple linear regression analysis showed that miR-126 expression was positively correlated with LVEF, but negatively correlated with the logarithm of NT-pro BNP and the cardiothoracic ratio (all P<0.05). Serum miR-126 levels could serve as a potential candidate biomarker for evaluating the severity of AF and HF. However, to confirm these results, future studies with a larger and diverse patient population are necessary.
Cartel, en italien, de Cagnino di Gonzaga à Cesare Fregoso. Bozolo,31 juillet 1539 (fol. 112), orig. imprimé, avec le sceau de Gonzaga. — Extraits des Mémoires de Sully (fol. 14). — Duels de Jean de Harcourt et Guillaume III de Tancarville, 1286 (fol. 20), — Raymond du Marcadil de Penne en Agenois et Étienne Donnadieu, 1330 (fol. 24), — M. de Sauvebeuf et Peyrot de Rastinhac, 1587 (fol. 26), — baron de Conros et Carbonat (fol. 29), — Louis de Loudierche, de Grizol et de Cheyladet, 1612 (fol 31, 59), — MM. de Candale et de Schomberg (fol. 36), — combat de la Barrière, 1605 (fol. 37). — Édit de Henri IV défendant les duels (fol. 39). — Accords faits par le connétable, les maréchaux de France et les lieutenants généraux des provinces entre MM. de Clermont et de S. Gery d'Avignon (fol. 50), — de Reilhac et de Drageac (fol. 53), — le duc de Nevers et M. de Montpensier, 1580 (fol. 55), — de Brezolles et de Carluz de Calvimond, 1610 (fol. 57), — de Naves et de Montaignac, 1613 (fol. 61), — le comte de Sault et M. de Brissac, 1638 (fol. 62). — Extraits du « stylus antiquus Parlamenti Parisiensis Caroli Molinoei », éd. 1558 (fol. 66, 72, 74, 156), — du « Coustumier de Normendie », éd. 1539 (fol. 76). — Duels de Jacques Le Gris et Jean de Carouges, 1387 (fol. 84) et autres duels extraits de Froissart (fol. 99 et suiv.). — Lettre orig. de Gaucher de Dinteville à Mgr le Dauphin [Henri II], Venise, 20 décembre 1538 (fol. 142). — « Les Cartelz, reponces et procès-verbaux du different d'entre le sieur de Vassé et le comte Guillaume de Furstenberg, 1540 (fol. 144).
Contient : 1° Extrait du « Livre du Regime des Princes », de « GILLE DE ROMME », traduction [de JEAN GOLEIN] ; 2° « Livre de Viellesse », de « TULLE », traduction de « LAURENT » [DE PREMIERFAIT] ; 3° « Livre de la vraie Amitié », de « TULLE », traduction de « LAURENT DE PREMIERFAIT » ; 4° « Quadrilogium invectivum » [d'ALAIN CHARTIER] ; 5° « Dialogus familiaris amici et sodalis super depploracionem galice calamitatis, ab ALANO AURIGE editus » ; 6° Le Curial [d'ALAIN CHARTIER]
Contient : 1° Extrait du « Livre du Regime des Princes », de « GILLE DE ROMME », traduction [de JEAN GOLEIN] ; 2° « Livre de Viellesse », de « TULLE », traduction de « LAURENT » [DE PREMIERFAIT] ; 3° « Livre de la vraie Amitié », de « TULLE », traduction de « LAURENT DE PREMIERFAIT » ; 4° « Quadrilogium invectivum » [d'ALAIN CHARTIER] ; 5° « Dialogus familiaris amici et sodalis super depploracionem galice calamitatis, ab ALANO AURIGE editus » ; 6° Le Curial [d'ALAIN CHARTIER]
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