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This article aims at seeking the universal behavior of propagation rate variation with air superficial velocity (V-s) in a packed bed of a range of biomass particles in reverse downdraft mode while also resolving the differing and conflicting explanations in the literature. Toward this, measurements are made of exit gas composition, gas phase and condensed phase surface temperature (T-g and T-s), and reaction zone thickness for a number of biomass with a range of properties. Based on these data, two regimes are identified: gasificationvolatile oxidation accompanied by char reduction reactions up to 16 +/- 1cm/s of V-s and above this, and char oxidationsimultaneous char oxidation and gas phase combustion. In the gasification regime, the measured T-s is less than T-g; a surface heat balance incorporating a diffusion controlled model for flaming combustion gives and matches with the experimental results to within 5%. In the char oxidation regime, T-g and T-s are nearly equal and match with the equilibrium temperature at that equivalence ratio. Drawing from a recent study of the authors, the ash layer over the oxidizing char particle is shown to play a critical role in regulating the radiation heat transfer to fresh biomass in this regime and is shown to be crucial in explaining the observed propagation behavior. A simple model based on radiation-convection balance that tracks the temperature-time evolution of a fresh biomass particle is shown to support the universal behavior of the experimental data on reaction front propagation rate from earlier literature and the present work for biomass with ash content up to 10% and moisture fraction up to 10%. Upstream radiant heat transfer from the ash-laden hot char modulated by the air flow is shown to be the dominant feature of this model.
Mechanochemically activated reactants were found to facilitate the synthesis of fine powders comprising 200-400 nm range crystallites of BaBi4Ti4O15 at a significantly lower temperature (700 A degrees C) than that of solid-state reaction route. Reactants (CaCO3, Bi2O3 and TiO2) in stoichiometric ratio were ball milled for 48 h to obtain homogeneous mixture. The evolution of the BaBi4Ti4O15 phase was systematically followed using X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) technique. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were employed to probe its structural and microstructural details. The electron diffraction studies established the presence of correlated octahedral rotations and associated long-range polar ordering. High-resolution TEM imaging nevertheless revealed structural inhomogeneities leading to intergrowth defects. Dense BaBi4Ti4O15 ceramics with an average grain size of 0.9 mu m were fabricated using mechanochemically assisted synthesized powders at relatively low temperature (1000 A degrees C). The effect of grain size on the dielectric and relaxor behaviour of BaBi4Ti4O15 ceramics was investigated. Fine-grained ceramics (average grain size similar to 0.9 mu m) showed higher diffusion in phase transition, lower temperature of phase transition, lower Vogel-Fulcher freezing temperature and higher activation energy for the polarization reversal than those for coarse-grained ceramics (average grain size similar to 7 mu m) fabricated via the conventional solid-state reaction route.
A numerical model is proposed to simulate fracture induced by the coalescence of numerous microcracks, in which the condition for coalescence between two randomly nucleated microcracks is determined in terms of a load-sharing principle. The results of the simulation show that, as the number density of nucleated microcracks increases, stochastic coalescence first occurs followed by a small fluctuation, and finally a newly nucleated microcrack triggers a cascade coalescence of microcracks resulting in catastrophic failure. The fracture profiles exhibit self-affine fractal characteristics with a universal roughness exponent, but the critical damage threshold is sensitive to details of the model. The spatiotemporal distribution of nucleated microcracks in the vicinity of critical failure follows a power-law behaviour, which implies that the microcrack system may evolve to a critical state.
El presente trabajo se realizó dentro del marco del PROYECTO RAZA REYNA CEE NICARAGUA-ONG 157/86/IT con el objetivo de realizar una Caracterización del Sistema de Producción de la finca San Felipe, en Muy Muy, Matagalpa y su entorno. Se realizó a través de Diagnóstico Estático en la zona y Diagnóstico Dinámico en la finca. Se pudo determinar que la zona de vida correspondiente a Muy Muy es de Trópico Seco Premontano, en transición a zona seca, con precipitaciones promedio anual de 1498.05 mm, 25.02°C de temperatura y 80.30% de humedad relativa. Los suelos son millosoles con alto contenido de materia orgánica y nutriente, excepto fósforo; cuya principal limitante la representa la pendiente elevada en la mayor parte de la zona. Se caracteriza por el predominio de sistemas de producción de doble propósito, de carácter extensivo, en los que se explota ganado Cebuino cruzado con Pardo Suizo y Holsteín principalmente la inversión de capital y de recursos es baja. La alimentación del ganado se basa en el pastoreo, habiendo predominio de pasto Jaragua (Hyparrhenia ruffa), en aproximadamente un 50% siendo el resto pasto natural y grama. Entre los principales factores limitantes identificados se puede mencionar el mal manejo proporcionado a los potreros, disminuyendo la calidad y disponibilidad del forraje ofrecido a los animales, unido a una falta total de técnicas de conservación y una suplementación adecuada. Se encontró que la comercialización afecta el .resultado económico de las fincas por los bajos precios obtenidos en la venta de los productos y por el alto precio a que compran los insumos, el cual está influido por: a) débil estructura del mercado sobre todo para la venta de leche, teniendo que vender forzosamente a plantas acopiadoras como PROLACSA; b) elevada presencia de intermediarios en las operaciones de compra-venta de animales en pie; e) lo alejado que se encuentra la zona de los centros industriales del país y d) las malas vías de penetración.
Entre los índices técnicos encontrados en la. zona, según resultados de Diagnóstico Estático, se determinó que la natalidad es del 52.25 % la mortalidad de temeros es del 6.58 % el destete efectivo del 93.42 la mortalidad adulta de terneros es del 5.0 en el periodo de lactancia es de 282.43 días, la producción de leche anual por vaca es de 1282.23 lts. La producción de leche por vaca en verano es de 3.44 lts y en invierno es de 5.64, el número de animales por manzana es de 0.98 y la carga animal es de 0.77 UA/mz Respecto al Sistema de Producción de la Finca "Sn Felipe", éste se caracteriza por ser de Doble Propósito, con mayor énfasis en la producción de leche, el hato presenta un alto grado de encaste con ganado Bos taurus lechero, producto de la utilización de Inseminación Artificial, pudiendo encontrarse principalmente Pardo Suizo, así como Holsteín, Jersey, Guernsey, Simmenta1, Cebú y Reyna, con diferentes grados de cruzamientos entre sí. Las medias de mínimos cuadrados para PL305, PL TOT, LARLA e IPP encontradas fueron de 1603.90, 1893.53 Kg de leche, 288.36 y 496.87 días respectivamente. La PLD resulto de 5.56 lts y la PLD/IPP de
3.23 lts. La• EPP es de 37.15 meses y el número de servicios por concepción (NSC) resultó de 1.57. En el estudio de las principales variables los grupos raciales
Semi-weight function method is developed to solve the plane problem of two bonded dissimilar materials containing a crack along the bond. From equilibrium equation, stress and strain relationship, conditions of continuity across interface and free crack surface, the stress and displacement fields were obtained. The eigenvalue of these fields is lambda. Semi-weight functions were obtained as virtual displacement and stress fields with eigenvalue-lambda. Integral expression of fracture parameters, K-I and K-II, were obtained from reciprocal work theorem with semi-weight functions and approximate displacement and stress values on any integral path around crack tip. The calculation results of applications show that the semi-weight function method is a simple, convenient and high precision calculation method.
Contenido: Ponencias. Escrituras del viaje en la Edad Media hispánica: Viajeros de tierras extrañas : esposos sobrenaturales en la leyenda del Caballero del Cisne en La gran conquista de Ultramar / María Eugenia Alcatena -- Utopía : relato de un viaje desde el medioevo al renacimiento / Pablo A. Blanco González -- El Libro de Alexandre : un repositorio de saber geográfico / Penélope Marcela Fernández Izaguirre -- Peregrinación a la cibdat de gygantes : configuración del imaginario geográfico bíblico en La fazienda de Ultramar / Melisa Laura Marti -- Estudios de literatura española medieval: La configuración heroica del personaje de Enalviello en la Crónica de la población de Ávila / Manuel Abeledo -- "Et avié una viña rica, de mejor non nos cala" : la representación del palacio de Poro y la viña áurea en el Libro de Alexandre, diálogos intertextuales y funciones literarias / Gerardo Altamirano Meza -- Algunas cuestiones textuales en torno al Liber Mariae de Juan Gil de Zamora (ca. 1241-1318) / Olga Soledad Bohdziewicz -- Literatura hispanorromance primigenia : la glosa conoajutorio del Codex Aemilianensis 60 / María Gimena del Río Riande -- Más sobre Ayala narrador en la crónica de Enrique III / Jorge N. Ferro -- La construcción de Alfonso XI como héroe épico en el Poema de Alfonso Onceno : el caso del asesinato de don Juan el tuerto / Erica Janin -- "Y vino a consentir, aunque no por su voluntad, que tuviese sus ayuntamientos libidinosos con ella" : sobre los raptos femeninos ejecutados por animales en la literatura española / Lucía Orsanic -- Acerca del Troço de la corónica del rey don Enrique el doliente del manuscrito BNM 1530 / Pablo Enrique Saracino -- Los nombres de la ley : identidad y autoridad en lafazaña castellana / Maximiliano A. Soler Bistué -- Teología mística de Gonzalo de Berceo / Aquilino Suárez Pallasá -- El Viejo, el Amor y la Hermosa como texto espectacular / Lillian vonder Walde Moheno -- Reescritura de refranes sobre la apariencia y realidad el El Criticón de Baltasar Gracián / Verónica Marcela Zalba -- Reseñas
(54 page document)
Apresenta uma nova coleção de Cartas Políticas, desta vez dirigidas ao povo, escritas entre junho e agosto de 1866 por José de Alencar, sob o pseudônimo Erasmo. A Guerra do Paraguai, deflagrada em dezembro de 1864, é tema central destas cartas.
The simulations of three-dimensional particle dynamics show that when irradiated by an ultrashort intense laser pulse, the deuterated methane cluster expands and the majority of deuterons overrun the more slowly expanding carbon ions, resulting in the creation of two separated subclusters. The enhanced deuteron kinetic energy and a narrow peak around the energy maximum in the deuteron energy distribution make a considerable contribution to the efficiency of nuclear fusion compared with the case of homonuclear deuterium clusters. With the intense laser irradiation, the nuclear fusion yield increases with the increase of the cluster size, so that deuterated heteronuclear clusters with larger sizes are required to achieve a greater neutron yield.
We propose a surface planar ion chip which forms a linear radio frequency Paul ion trap. The electrodes reside in the two planes of a chip, and the trap axis is located above the chip surface. Its electric field and potential distribution are similar to the standard linear radio frequency Paul ion trap. This ion trap geometry may be greatly meaningful for quantum information processing.
Laser-induced damages to TiO2 single layers and TiO2/SiO2 high reflectors at laser wavelength of 1064 nm, 800 run, 532 urn, and pulse width of 12 ns, 220 ps, 50 fs, 8 ns are investigated. All films are prepared by electron beam evaporation. The relations among microstructure, chemical composition, optical properties and laser-induced damage threshold (LIDT), have been researched. The dependence of damage mechanism on laser wavelength and pulse width is discussed. It is found that from 1064 nm to 532 nm, LIDT is mainly absorption related, which is determined by film's extinction coefficient and stoichiometric defects. The rapid decrease of LIDT at 800 nm is due to the pulse width factor. TiO2 coatings are mainly thermally by damaged at long pulse (tau >= 220 ps). The damage shows ablation feature at 50 fs. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.