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Radial Hele-Shaw flows are treated analytically using conformal mapping techniques. The geometry of interest has a doubly-connected annular region of viscous fluid surrounding an inviscid bubble that is either expanding or contracting due to a pressure difference caused by injection or suction of the inviscid fluid. The zero-surface-tension problem is ill-posed for both bubble expansion and contraction, as both scenarios involve viscous fluid displacing inviscid fluid. Exact solutions are derived by tracking the location of singularities and critical points in the analytic continuation of the mapping function. We show that by treating the critical points, it is easy to observe finite-time blow-up, and the evolution equations may be written in exact form using complex residues. We present solutions that start with cusps on one interface and end with cusps on the other, as well as solutions that have the bubble contracting to a point. For the latter solutions, the bubble approaches an ellipse in shape at extinction.


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Several studies of the surface effect on bending properties of a nanowire (NW) have been conducted. However, these analyses are mainly based on theoretical predictions, and there is seldom integration study in combination between theoretical predictions and simulation results. Thus, based on the molecular dynamics (MD) simulation and different modified beam theories, a comprehensive theoretical and numerical study for bending properties of nanowires considering surface/intrinsic stress effects and axial extension effect is conducted in this work. The discussion begins from the Euler-Bernoulli beam theory and Timoshenko beam theory augmented with surface effect. It is found that when the NW possesses a relatively small cross-sectional size, these two theories cannot accurately interpret the true surface effect. The incorporation of axial extension effect into Euler-Bernoulli beam theory provides a nonlinear solution that agrees with the nonlinear-elastic experimental and MD results. However, it is still found inaccurate when the NW cross-sectional size is relatively small. Such inaccuracy is also observed for the Euler-Bernoulli beam theory augmented with both contributions from surface effect and axial extension effect. A comprehensive model for completely considering influences from surface stress, intrinsic stress, and axial extension is then proposed, which leads to good agreement with MD simulation results. It is thus concluded that, for NWs with a relatively small cross-sectional size, a simple consideration of surface stress effect is inappropriate, and a comprehensive consideration of the intrinsic stress effect is required.


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Based on the molecular dynamics (MD) simulation and the classical Euler-Bernoulli beam theory, a fundamental study of the vibrational performance of the Ag nanowire (NW) is carried out. A comprehensive analysis of the quality (Q)-factor, natural frequency, beat vibration, as well as high vibration mode is presented. Two excitation approaches, i.e., velocity excitation and displacement excitation, have been successfully implemented to achieve the vibration of NWs. Upon these two kinds of excitations, consistent results are obtained, i.e., the increase of the initial excitation amplitude will lead to a decrease to the Q-factor, and moderate plastic deformation could increase the first natural frequency. Meanwhile, the beat vibration driven by a single relatively large excitation or two uniform excitations in both two lateral directions is observed. It is concluded that the nonlinear changing trend of external energy magnitude does not necessarily mean a nonconstant Q-factor. In particular, the first order natural frequency of the Ag NW is observed to decrease with the increase of temperature. Furthermore, comparing with the predictions by Euler- Bernoulli beam theory, the MD simulation provides a larger and smaller first vibration frequencies for the clamped-clamped and clamped-free thin Ag NWs, respectively. Additionally, for thin NWs, the first order natural frequency exhibits a parabolic relationship with the excitation magnitudes. The frequencies of the higher vibration modes tend to be low in comparison to Euler-Bernoulli beam theory predictions. A combined initial excitation is proposed which is capable to drive the NW under a multi-mode vibration and arrows the coexistence of all the following low vibration modes. This work sheds lights on the better understanding of the mechanical properties of NWs and benefits the increasing utilities of NWs in diverse nano-electronic devices.


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This work is a theoretical investigation into the coupling of a single excited quantum emitter to the plasmon mode of a V groove waveguide. The V groove waveguide consists of a triangular channel milled in gold and the emitter is modeled as a dipole emitter, and could represent a quantum dot, nitrogen vacancy in diamond, or similar. In this work the dependence of coupling efficiency of emitter to plasmon mode is determined for various geometrical parameters of the emitter-waveguide system. Using the finite element method, the effect on coupling efficiency of the emitter position and orientation, groove angle, groove depth, and tip radius, is studied in detail. We demonstrate that all parameters, with the exception of groove depth, have a significant impact on the attainable coupling efficiency. Understanding the effect of various geometrical parameters on the coupling between emitters and the plasmonic mode of the waveguide is essential for the design and optimization of quantum dot–V groove devices.


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This paper investigates theoretically and numerically local heating effects in plasmon nanofocusing structures with a particular focus on the sharp free-standing metal wedges. The developed model separates plasmon propagation in the wedge from the resultant heating effects. Therefore, this model is only applicable where the temperature increments in a nanofocusing structure are sufficiently small not to result in significant variations of the metal permittivity in the wedge. The problem is reduced to a one-dimensional heating model with a distributed heat source resulting from plasmon dissipation in the metal wedge. A simple heat conduction equation governing the local heating effects in a nanofocusing structure is derived and solved numerically for plasmonic pulses of different lengths and reasonable energies. Both the possibility of achieving substantial local temperature increments in the wedge (with a significant self-influence of the heating plasmonic pulses), and the possibility of relatively weak heating (to ensure the validity of the previously developed nanofocusing theory) are demonstrated and discussed, including the future applications of the obtained results. Applicability conditions for the developed model are also derived and discussed.


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Molecular dynamics simulations were carried out on single chain models of linear low-density polyethylene in vacuum to study the effects of branch length, branch content, and branch distribution on the polymer’s crystalline structure at 300 K. The trans/gauche (t/g) ratios of the backbones of the modeled molecules were calculated and utilized to characterize their degree of crystallinity. The results show that the t/g ratio decreases with increasing branch content regardless of branch length and branch distribution, indicating that branch content is the key molecular parameter that controls the degree of crystallinity. Although t/g ratios of the models with the same branch content vary, they are of secondary importance. However, our data suggests that branch distribution (regular or random) has a significant effect on the degree of crystallinity for models containing 10 hexyl branches/1,000 backbone carbons. The fractions of branches that resided in the equilibrium crystalline structures of the models were also calculated. On average, 9.8% and 2.5% of the branches were found in the crystallites of the molecules with ethyl and hexyl branches while C13 NMR experiments showed that the respective probabilities of branch inclusion for ethyl and hexyl branches are 10% and 6% [Hosoda et al., Polymer 1990, 31, 1999–2005]. However, the degree of branch inclusion seems to be insensitive to the branch content and branch distribution.


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The R statistical environment and language has demonstrated particular strengths for interactive development of statistical algorithms, as well as data modelling and visualisation. Its current implementation has an interpreter at its core which may result in a performance penalty in comparison to directly executing user algorithms in the native machine code of the host CPU. In contrast, the C++ language has no built-in visualisation capabilities, handling of linear algebra or even basic statistical algorithms; however, user programs are converted to high-performance machine code, ahead of execution. A new method avoids possible speed penalties in R by using the Rcpp extension package in conjunction with the Armadillo C++ matrix library. In addition to the inherent performance advantages of compiled code, Armadillo provides an easy-to-use template-based meta-programming framework, allowing the automatic pooling of several linear algebra operations into one, which in turn can lead to further speedups. With the aid of Rcpp and Armadillo, conversion of linear algebra centered algorithms from R to C++ becomes straightforward. The algorithms retains the overall structure as well as readability, all while maintaining a bidirectional link with the host R environment. Empirical timing comparisons of R and C++ implementations of a Kalman filtering algorithm indicate a speedup of several orders of magnitude.


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Two samples of boron carbide have been examined using high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM). A hot pressed B13C2 sample shows a high density of variable width twins normal to (10-11). Subtle shifts or offsets of lattice fringes along the twin plane and normal to (10 5) were also observed. A B4C powder showed little evidence of stacking disorder in crystalline regions.


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Two different morphologies of nanotextured molybdenum oxide were deposited by thermal evaporation. By measuring their field emission (FE) properties, an enhancement factor was extracted. Subsequently, these films were coated with a thin layer of Pt to form Schottky contacts. The current-voltage (I-V) characteristics showed low magnitude reverse breakdown voltages, which we attributed to the localized electric field enhancement. An enhancement factor was obtained from the I-V curves. We will show that the enhancement factor extracted from the I-V curves is in good agreement with the enhancement factor extracted from the FE measurements.


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Background: Changes in the roles of the contemporary pharmacist has seen a decline in the number and variety of extemporaneously compounded dosage forms. Pharmacy curricula reflect this change with a reduction in the emphasis on extemporaneous compounding practice. Aim: To elicit information about extemporaneously compounded dosage forms and perceptions of compounding practice from pharmacists and pharmacy students. Method: Self-administered surveys were mailed to 1063 pharmacists and offered online to 896 pharmacy undergraduates across the 4 years of a Bachelor of Pharmacy program in Queensland. Results: 382 (36%) pharmacists and 455 (51%) students completed the survey. Most pharmacists (96%) reported compounding a product in the 12 months prior to the survey, particularly semi-solids (89%) and liquids (64%) for external use. Most pharmacies (> 96%) owned basic compounding equipment, such as a slab and spatula, mortar and pestle, and cylindrical/conical measures. Half of the pharmacies used mechanical rather than electronic balances. Students expressed greater confidence in their ability to use basic compounding equipment and to perform basic compounding tasks as they progressed through the 4-year degree course. Pharmacists’ views on students’ ability to compound basic products at the end of their degree were generally similar to the proportion of final-year students who reported they could confidently complete the task. Conclusion: Despite a decline in extemporaneously compounded products in community pharmacy, pharmacy graduates need to be competent in compounding techniques.


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Pt/nanostructured ZnO/SiC Schottky contact devices were fabricated and characterized for hydrogen gas sensing. These devices were investigated in reverse bias due to greater sensitivity, which attributes to the application of nanostructured ZnO. The current-voltage (I-V) characteristics of these devices were measured in different hydrogen concentrations. Effective change in the barrier height for 1% hydrogen was calculated as 27.06 meV at 620°C. The dynamic response of the sensors was also investigated and a voltage shift of 325 mV was recorded at 620°C during exposure to 1% hydrogen in synthetic air.


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The mechanisms of force generation and transference via microfilament networks are crucial to the understandings of mechanobiology of cellular processes in living cells. However, there exists an enormous challenge for all-atom physics simulation of real size microfilament networks due to scale limitation of molecular simulation techniques. Following biophysical investigations of constitutive relations between adjacent globular actin monomers on filamentous actin, a hierarchical multiscale model was developed to investigate the biomechanical properties of microfilament networks. This model was validated by previous experimental studies of axial tension and transverse vibration of single F-actin. The biomechanics of microfilament networks can be investigated at the scale of real eukaryotic cell size (10 μm). This multiscale approach provides a powerful modeling tool which can contribute to the understandings of actin-related cellular processes in living cells.


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In a recent paper, Gordon, Muratov, and Shvartsman studied a partial differential equation (PDE) model describing radially symmetric diffusion and degradation in two and three dimensions. They paid particular attention to the local accumulation time (LAT), also known in the literature as the mean action time, which is a spatially dependent timescale that can be used to provide an estimate of the time required for the transient solution to effectively reach steady state. They presented exact results for three-dimensional applications and gave approximate results for the two-dimensional analogue. Here we make two generalizations of Gordon, Muratov, and Shvartsman’s work: (i) we present an exact expression for the LAT in any dimension and (ii) we present an exact expression for the variance of the distribution. The variance provides useful information regarding the spread about the mean that is not captured by the LAT. We conclude by describing further extensions of the model that were not considered by Gordon,Muratov, and Shvartsman. We have found that exact expressions for the LAT can also be derived for these important extensions...


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We predict here from first-principle calculations that finite-length (n,0) single walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) with H-termination at the open ends displaying antiferromagnetic coupling when n is greater than 6. An opposite local gating effect of the spin states, i.e., half metallicity, is found under the influence of an external electric field along the direction of tube axis. Remarkably, boron doping of unpassivated SWCNTs at both zigzag edges is found to favor a ferromagnetic ground state, with the B-doped tubes displaying half-metallic behavior even in the absence of an electric field. Aside of the intrinsic interest of these results, an important avenue for development of CNT-based spintronic is suggested.