777 resultados para traditional beliefs


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En todos los pueblos el origen de la creación, al interior de las distintas religiones y dentro del universo entero, se manifiesta por la palabra, a la que se considera la fuerza genérica, de origen divino, fundadora y productora de todas las cosas tanto materiales como espirituales. La voz se equipara a la emisión de un soplo milagroso. Nombrar es un acto de creación; crear y nombrar, entonces, se convierten en sinónimos: "en el principio era el Verbo y el Verbo era Dios". Sobre esas antiguas creencias se generaron mitos, se conformaron relatos legendarios y nacieron fórmulas de comunicación. Las culturas indígenas conservan hermosas leyendas entregadas por la tradición oral; recuerdo de ideales épocas y "tiempo de los sueños": la edad de la poesía. Poesía que transmite historia y mitos; cantos que permiten investigar y mantener la inteligencia activa: la permanencia de la memoria genética


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La lectura es una herramienta central en la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de la historia. Son conocidos los problemas que afrontan los alumnos para comprender textos históricos, y por eso -entre otras razones- resulta necesario concebir a la lectura como contenido de enseñanza de la Historia. Los aportes de las investigaciones psicolingüísticas permitieron modificar la concepción acerca de la lectura desde dos puntos de vista: se pasó de entenderla como un proceso de descifrado de lo escrito a un proceso de construcción de significado. A la vez, dejó de ser conceptualizada como un conjunto de habilidades para ser interpretada desde una teoría de comprensión global. Actualmente se caracteriza a la lectura como un proceso de construcción de significados y se ha puesto en evidencia que los conocimientos previos del lector sobre la temática del texto constituyen uno de los factores determinantes de la particular interpretación que realiza (Smith, 1983; Goodman, 1982). Construir el significado de un texto de historia supone construir los conceptos, crear y recrear representaciones sobre los hechos, reorganizar el conocimiento anterior incorporando conocimiento nuevo (Aisenberg, 2003). Este trabajo presenta avances de una investigación que busca construir conocimiento sobre las representaciones de los docentes acerca del papel de la lectura en la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de Historia. Las preguntas que orientan esta investigación son: ¿Qué representaciones tienen los profesores de la Escuela Secundaria sobre el papel de la lectura en la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de la historia? Cuando utilizan textos, ¿qué supuestos subyacen a las propuestas didácticas? Se trata de un estudio exploratorio, abordado desde una lógica de investigación cualitativa. En el análisis de las entrevistas realizadas encontramos ideas, percepciones y referencias a prácticas que responderían a concepciones habituales de la enseñanza tradicional de la historia, y otras que estarían influenciadas por los nuevos desarrollos teóricos sobre el tema, difundidos en los últimos años en espacios de formación y en bibliografía sobre las prácticas de lectura en contextos de estudio. Hasta el momento, se han construido dos modos básicos de concebir la relación de la lectura con la historia por parte de los profesores: una relación de interioridad y una de exterioridad. En articulación con cada una, se pueden encontrar diferencias en las concepciones sobre la lectura, en las interpretaciones acerca de las dificultades de lectura y aprendizaje de los alumnos y en las propuestas de enseñanza en las clases de Historia


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Al considerar los procedimientos poéticos que aparecen en los textos homéricos, es fundamental no perder de vista las posibilidades significativas que pueden presentar para la recepción auditiva propia de la performance épica. En la recreación de los acontecimientos míticos, los elementos del lenguaje específicamente poético cumplen una función instauradora esencial, pues al transformar los procedimientos poéticos en creencias perceptivas, realizan la presencia de los hechos narrados. Así es que procedimientos tales como la aliteración conllevan una carga temática que los convierte en un rasgo clave de la poética homérica. Los efectos sonoros en los textos homéricos fueron comentados desde la antigüedad, especialmente la capacidad de reproducir verbalmente sonidos de varios tipos de fenómenos naturales, seres y objetos. En los casos del canto IX de Ilíada, tales elementos cumplen una función relevante para la trama a través del leitmotiv tradicional que contribuyen a instaurar. Este tipo de análisis basado en las recurrencias de efectos sonoros permite recuperar para la lectura actual un rasgo importante de la poesía homérica: la 'creación verbal con motivación onomatopéyica'.


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En todos los pueblos el origen de la creación, al interior de las distintas religiones y dentro del universo entero, se manifiesta por la palabra, a la que se considera la fuerza genérica, de origen divino, fundadora y productora de todas las cosas tanto materiales como espirituales. La voz se equipara a la emisión de un soplo milagroso. Nombrar es un acto de creación; crear y nombrar, entonces, se convierten en sinónimos: "en el principio era el Verbo y el Verbo era Dios". Sobre esas antiguas creencias se generaron mitos, se conformaron relatos legendarios y nacieron fórmulas de comunicación. Las culturas indígenas conservan hermosas leyendas entregadas por la tradición oral; recuerdo de ideales épocas y "tiempo de los sueños": la edad de la poesía. Poesía que transmite historia y mitos; cantos que permiten investigar y mantener la inteligencia activa: la permanencia de la memoria genética


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It is worthwhile to understand farming strategies of smallholder farmers in sub-Saharan Africa, especially those of farmers who are in transition from traditional to alternative agriculture in terms of adoption of innovative technologies. In a case study of inland valleys in central Nigeria, we investigated the farming strategy of Nupe farmers who have a long-term tradition of wet rice cultivation and indigenous methods of land preparation for soil, water and weed management. In this region, a new method of land preparation has recently been introduced along with a recommendation to use improved seeds and chemical fertilizers. Our findings reveal that Nupe farmers directly sow traditional seeds and apply a marginal amount of fertilizer to paddy plots prepared by labor-saving methods on drought-prone hydromorphic valley fringes and flood-susceptible valley bottoms, whereas they preferentially transplanted improved seedlings and applied a relatively large quantity of fertilizer to paddy fields prepared by a labor-intensive and mechanized method on a valley position where they can access to optimum water condition (less risky against the drought and flood).


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The traditional buildings in the historic center of the city of Arequipa, Perú, recently declared of human heritage, are of volcanic tuff both in walls and in vaulted roofs on the ground floor. Having been built in the 18th century and up to the beginning of the 20th century, they have suffered many damages from the seismic movements registered in this region. Due to this, many of them have had to be rebuilt. In this presentation, the different changes to adapt the city of Spanish colonial origin to the present tertiary use are analyzed.


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The Laboratory of Materials seminar is an optional course offered to students in the School of Architecture in Madrid. It is taught during 35 class hours in the laboratory of materials distributed in two hours and forty minutes weekly. One of the working lines is the preparation of traditional mortars made by students groups, each one of 4 or 5 members. It is basically a practical course, and students have to prepare a group of tests pieces in order to confirm the initial hypothesis, or when needed, make innovations. The test pieces are of 150mmx150mmx10mm and applied to big size hollow bricks, prismatic test pieces of 40mmx40mmx160mm to apply physical and mechanical tests and brick wallings of varied dimensions.


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The traditional architecture of the centre of the city of Arequipa has been analyzed by comparing floor-plans of houses from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries in order to explain the reasons behind the arrangement of their constructional elements and the evolution of said elements and floor-plans. The historic centre of Arequipa, a city located in the South of Perú, South America (Latitude 16°23' South, Longitude 71 °31' West), is based on a ground plan from 1540 that was set during the city's Spanish foundation. It was declared Patrimony of the Humanity by UNESCO. The manorial architecture is widely known for its decorated fronts and one-of-a-kind designs, but its differences with respect to the popular architecture are not based exclusively on decorative aspects. Peru's colonial period finished around 1825, but the barrel-vault, construction style continued in Arequipa through 1868, when an earthquake destroyed the city. Thereafter, the vaults were replaced by roofs made of rails, with cinders made out of the lava stone. The stately houses belonged to the founding families who settled around the main square on forty nine blocks that formed a square-grid, street layout. Also belonging to this category are the houses of landlords and traders from post-colonial times.


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The traditional teaching methods used for training civil engineers are currently being called into question as a result of the new knowledge and skills now required by the labor market. In addition, the European Higher Education Area is requesting that students be given a greater say in their learning. In the subject called Construction and Building Materials at the Civil Engineering School of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, a path was set three academic years ago to lead to an improvement in traditional teaching by introducing active methodologies. The innovations are based on cooperative learning, new technologies, and continuous assessment. The writers’ proposal is to offer their experience as a contribution to the debate on how students can be encouraged to acquire the skills currently demanded from a civil engineer, though not overlooking solid, top-quality training. From the outcomes obtained, it can be concluded that using new teaching techniques to supplement a traditional approach provides more opportunities for students to learn while boosting their motivation. In our case, the introduction of these changes has resulted in an increased pass rate of 29% on average, when such a figure is considered in the light of the mean value of passes during the last decade.


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Some experiments have been performed to investigate the cyclic freeze-thaw deterioration of concrete, using traditional and non-traditional techniques. Two concrete mixes, with different pore structure, were tested in order to compare the behavior of a freeze-thaw resistant concrete from one that is not. One of the concretes was air entrained, high content of cement and low w/c ratio, and the other one was a lower cement content and higher w/c ratio, without air-entraining agent. Concrete specimens were studied under cyclic freeze-thaw conditions according to UNE-CENT/TS 12390-9 test, using 3% NaCl solution as freezing medium (CDF test: Capillary Suction, De-icing agent and Freeze-thaw Test). The temperature and relative humidity were measured during the cycles inside the specimens using embedded sensors placed at different heights from the surface in contact with the de-icing agent solution. Strain gauges were used to measure the strain variations at the surface of the specimens. Also, measurements of ultrasonic pulse velocity through the concrete specimens were taken before, during, and after the freeze-thaw cycles. According to the CDF test, the failure of the non-air-entraining agent concrete was observed before 28 freeze-thaw cycles; contrariwise, the scaling of the air-entraining agent concrete was only 0.10 kg/m 2 after 28 cycles, versus 3.23 kg/m 2 in the deteriorated concrete, after 28 cycles. Similar behavior was observed on the strain measurements. The residual strain in the deteriorated concrete after 28 cycles was 1150 m versus 65 m, in the air-entraining agent concrete. By means of monitoring the changes of ultrasonic pulse velocity during the freeze-thaw cycles, the deterioration of the tested specimens were assessed


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Nowadays, PBL is considered a suitable methodology for engineering education. But making the most of this methodology requires some features, such as multidisciplinary, illstructured teamwork and autonomous research that sometimes are not easy to achieve. In fact, traditional university systems, including curricula, teaching methodologies, assessment and regulation, do not help the implementation of these features. Firstly, we look through the main differences found between a traditional system and the Aalborg model, considered a reference point in PBL. Then, this work is aimed at detecting the main obstacles that a standing traditional system presents to PBL implementation. A multifaceted PBL experience, covering three different disciplines, brings us to analyse these difficulties, order them according to its importance and decide which should be the first changes. Finally, we propose a straightforward introduction of generic competences in the curricula aimed at supporting the use of Problem-Based Project-Organized Learning


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This document provides a general description of the telematic voting scenario designed by the author?s research group. This scenario reinforces verification procedures as key elements to achieve full acceptance of the system on the part of voters. To frame this work, a general overview of electronic voting is given and the conditions entailed by these systems are specified.