922 resultados para risky asset
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Mecânica
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia e Gestão de Sistemas de Informação
OBJECTIVE: In this study we aim to characterize a sample of 85 pregnant crack addicts admitted for detoxification in a psychiatric inpatient unit. METHOD: Cross-sectional study. Sociodemographic, clinical, obstetric and lifestyle information were evaluated. RESULTS: Age of onset for crack use varied from 11 to 35 years (median = 21). Approximately 25% of the patients smoked more than 20 crack rocks in a typical day of use (median = 10; min-max = 1-100). Tobacco (89.4%), alcohol (63.5%) and marijuana (51.8%) were the drugs other than crack most currently used. Robbery was reported by 32 patients (41.2%), imprisonment experience by 21 (24.7%), trade of sex for money/drugs by 38 (44.7%), home desertion by 33 (38.8%); 15.3% were positive for HIV, 5.9% for HCV, 1.2% for HBV and 8.2% for syphilis. After discharge from the psychiatric unit, only 25% of the sample followed the proposed treatment in the chemical dependency outpatient service. CONCLUSION: Greater risky behaviors for STD, as well as high rates of maternal HIV and Syphilis were found. Moreover, the high rates of concurrent use of other drugs and involvement in illegal activities contribute to show their chaotic lifestyles. Prevention and intervention programs need to be developed to address the multifactorial nature of this problem.
Tese de Doutoramento em Geografia Humana.
In the trend towards tolerating hardware unreliability, accuracy is exchanged for cost savings. Running on less reliable machines, functionally correct code becomes risky and one needs to know how risk propagates so as to mitigate it. Risk estimation, however, seems to live outside the average programmer’s technical competence and core practice. In this paper we propose that program design by source-to-source transformation be risk-aware in the sense of making probabilistic faults visible and supporting equational reasoning on the probabilistic behaviour of programs caused by faults. This reasoning is carried out in a linear algebra extension to the standard, `a la Bird-Moor algebra of programming. This paper studies, in particular, the propagation of faults across standard program transformation techniques known as tupling and fusion, enabling the fault of the whole to be expressed in terms of the faults of its parts.
Objectives Discuss neuropsychiatric aspects and differential diagnosis of catatonic syndrome secondary to systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) in a pediatric patient. Methods Single case report. Result A 13-year-old male, after two months diagnosed with SLE, started to present psychotic symptoms (behavioral changes, hallucinations and delusions) that evolved into intense catatonia. During hospitalization, neuroimaging, biochemical and serological tests for differential diagnosis with metabolic encephalopathy, neurological tumors and neuroinfections, among other tests, were performed. The possibility of neuroleptic malignant syndrome, steroid-induced psychosis and catatonia was also evaluated. A complete reversal of catatonia was achieved after using benzodiazepines in high doses, associated with immunosuppressive therapy for lupus, which speaks in favor of catatonia secondary to autoimmune encephalitis due to lupus. Conclusion Although catatonia rarely is the initial clinical presentation of SLE, the delay in recognizing the syndrome can be risky, having a negative impact on prognosis. Benzodiazepines have an important role in the catatonia resolution, especially when associated with parallel specific organic base cause treatment. The use of neuroleptics should be avoided for the duration of the catatonic syndrome as it may cause clinical deterioration.
Stress exposure triggers cognitive and behavioral impairments that influence decision-making processes. Decisions under a context of uncertainty require complex reward-prediction processes that are known to be mediated by the mesocorticolimbic dopamine (DA) system in brain areas sensitive to the deleterious effects of chronic stress, in particular the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC). Using a decision-making task, we show that chronic stress biases risk-based decision-making to safer behaviors. This decision-making pattern is associated with an increased activation of the lateral part of the OFC and with morphological changes in pyramidal neurons specifically recruited by this task. Additionally, stress exposure induces a hypodopaminergic status accompanied by increased mRNA levels of the dopamine receptor type 2 (Drd2) in the OFC; importantly, treatment with a D2/D3 agonist quinpirole reverts the shift to safer behaviors induced by stress on risky decision-making. These results suggest that the brain mechanisms related to risk-based decision-making are altered after chronic stress, but can be modulated by manipulation of dopaminergic transmission.
Dissertação de mestrado em Ciências da Comunicação (área de especialização em Publicidade e Relações Públicas)
Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Ciências da Comunicação (área de especialização em Publicidade e Relações Públicas)
PhD in Sciences Specialty in Physics
Operation modes for the electric vehicle in smart grids and smart homes : present and proposed modes
This paper presents the main operation modes for an electric vehicle (EV) battery charger framed in smart grids and smart homes, i.e., are discussed the present-day and are proposed new operation modes that can represent an asset towards EV adoption. Besides the well-known grid to vehicle (G2V) and vehicle to grid (V2G), this paper proposes two new operation modes: Home-to-vehicle (H2V), where the EV battery charger current is controlled according to the current consumption of the electrical appliances of the home (this operation mode is combined with the G2V and V2G); Vehicle-for-grid (V4G), where the EV battery charger is used for compensating current harmonics or reactive power, simultaneously with the G2V and V2G operation modes. The vehicle-to-home (V2H) operation mode, where the EV can operate as a power source in isolated systems or as an off-line uninterruptible power supply to feed priority appliances of the home during power outages of the electrical grid is presented in this paper framed with the other operation modes. These five operation modes were validated through experimental results using a developed 3.6 kW bidirectional EV battery charger prototype, which was specially designed for these operation modes. The paper describes the developed EV battery charger prototype, detailing the power theory and the voltage and current control strategies used in the control system. The paper presents experimental results for the various operation modes, both in steady-state and during transients.
Nuestra preocupación reside en estudiar empíricamente el mecanismo de transmisión internacional de ciclos económicos a economías pequeñas y menos desarrolladas (LDC), evaluando el impacto de los shocks en los términos de intercambio en países dónde existen imperfecciones en el mercado crediticio que imponen severas restricciones en el financiamiento de la inversión doméstica y al crecimiento económico. Primero, analizamos si la cuenta corriente responde de manera asimétrica a movimientos de largo plazo en los términos de intercambio. La hipótesis es que “en los buenos tiempos” cuando se produce una mejora permanente en términos de intercambio (y con ello el nivel de ingreso) los individuos no elevan su consumo en un monto acorde con la mejora de su ingreso (permanente) sino que ahorran una fracción del aumento en su dotación para hacer frente a una reversión en la mejora en los términos de intercambios (aunque ésta sea transitoria) en el futuro. En consecuencia, la cuenta corriente (diferencia entre ingreso y absorción) responde de manera positiva a un shock permanente en los términos de intercambio, ya que el individuo ahorra de manera cautelosa –debido a que sabe que no le prestarán para suavizar consumo - aún suponiendo que en el futuro tendrá una reversión transitoria de su ingreso. Segundo, estudiamos la relación dinámica entre los términos de intercambio y la tasa de interés en la economía pequeña abierta y con imperfecciones en el mercado crediticio (información asimétrica). La hipótesis es que la economía doméstica tiene que soportar una prima de riesgo que eleva el costo de la inversión y retarda el crecimiento (Gertler y Rogoff; 1990). Esta prima de riesgo depende, además, en forma negativa del nivel del colateral que tenga la economía. El colateral es la dotación de recursos naturales, por ejemplo, que la economía posee a los fines garantizar el cumplimiento de las obligaciones contraídas (en el modelo presentado las actividades dónde se invierten son independientes del colateral). La hipótesis establecida indica que los cambios en los términos de intercambio generan un aumento del colateral de la economía y una reducción del riesgo país: aumentos en los términos de intercambio reducen la prima de riesgo de la economía que opera en mercados de capitales con asimetrías de información, y como consecuencia aumentarían los ingresos de capitales. De esta forma, se estaría encontrando una explicación a la denominada “Paradoja de Lucas”. Finalmente, el proyecto estudia la conexión entre dos variables “clave” en la economía de los países emergentes: la relación entre los términos de intercambio y el tipo de cambio real. Argumentamos que los efectos de las mejoras de los términos de intercambio sobre los flujos de capitales externos tienden a ser sobreestimadas si no se consideran los efectos “secundarios” de éstas sobre el tipo de cambio real de la economía pequeña menos desarrollada. En este proyecto se controlan estadísticamente esta relación. La estrategia empírica elegida resulta en aplicar a un panel (constituido por dieciocho países de Latinoamérica) el método generalizado de momentos (GMM) a dos modelos de regresión estadística a los fines de abordar de manera eficiente el problema de la endogeneidad de la variable dependiente que actúa como regresor rezagado. La estrategia de estimación elegida enfatiza el análisis de la relación dinámica de las variables económicas incluidas en el análisis. The paper analyzes the general problem related to the transmission of economic cycles to Small Open Economies. The analysis focuses on terms-of-trade shocks, which are considered one of the major sources of income volatility in developing economies. Specifically, we tackle the problem related to the impact of terms-of-trade shocks in Less Developed SOEs. ‘Less Developed SOEs’ are understood as those countries who have borrowing constraints. First, we put to a test the hypothesis of asymmetric response of current account to terms-of-trade shocks (the impact of the shock on current account differs depending whether it is positive or negative), which originates from considering binding restrictions in international capital markets (Agénor and Aizenman; 2004). Second, we investigate about the main determinants of External Capital Flows (ECF) directed to Developing Countries. We put to a test the Gertler and Rogoff (1990) hypothesis that a “risky rate” arises in that markets because the economy has not sufficient amount of wealth to “collateralize” the capital she needs to borrow to take advantage of the investment opportunities she has and additionally because the lender does not have the chance of observing what the borrowed does with the funds (that is information asymmetry arises because the lender can check the realized output of investment but he can not observe if he really invest in the project or secretly lend abroad). Finally, Following Prasad, E. S., Rajan and R. Subramanian, A (2007) we measure the relationship between external capital flows and domestic currency overvaluation. We run a panel GMM estimation for a set of 18 Latin American Countries during the period 1973-2008.
IDENTIFICACIÓN Y CARACTERIZACIÓN DEL PROBLEMA - HIPÓTESIS Según la NIC 39, el valor razonable es la cantidad por la que puede ser intercambiado un activo o cancelado un pasivo entre un comprador y un vendedor interesados y debidamente informados, en condiciones de independencia mutua. La definición del FASB (SFAC 7) es muy similar, y define el valor razonable como el monto mediante el que un activo podría ser enajenado en una transacción entre partes independientes, dispuestas a realizar la operación en situaciones diferentes a la de una liquidación o a la de una venta forzada. Puede apreciarse que esta definición de valor razonable es limitada porque, a excepción de escenarios que se correspondan con mercados perfectos y completos, el concepto puede abarcar valores de entrada, valores de salida y valores en uso, los cuales pueden ser muy diferentes (Beaver, 1987). El valor de entrada es el valor de adquisición o de reemplazo, el valor de salida es el precio al cual un activo puede ser vendido o liquidado, y el valor en uso es el valor incremental de una empresa atribuible a un activo (se correspondería con el valor presente mencionado anteriormente). Dado que el IASB y la FASB se ocupan de la valuación de activos que una empresa posee, y no de activos que serán adquiridos en un futuro, su definición de valor razonable debería ser interpretada desde la perspectiva del vendedor. Por lo tanto, el concepto de valor razonable que manejan el IASB y la FASB se asemeja a un valor de salida, tal como lo propusieron Chambers y Stirling hace bastantes años atrás.Planteado esto, lo que tratará de dilucidar este proyecto de investigación es si este concepto de valor razonable es realmente novedoso o es una simple regresión a los valores corrientes de salida defendidos por los autores de la década del setenta. OBJETIVOS GENERALES Y ESPECÍFICOS General Analizar si el concepto “valor razonable” tal como es definido por la normativa actual se corresponde con una definición novedosa o es una adaptación/modificación/regresión de conceptos ya existentes (valores corrientes de salida). Específicos Revisar la literatura específica desde el punto de vista de la teoría contable y las normas de las que dispone la profesión referidas a los siguientes aspectos: a) Valores corrientes b) Valor razonable MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS El análisis que se llevará a cabo comprenderá dos aspectos. El primero consiste en la revisión de la doctrina contable. Para ello se analizará bibliografía significativa y trabajos de eventos académicos relacionados con el valor razonable. En segundo término se revisará la normativa profesional a nivel nacional e internacional. Después de concluido con los pasos anteriores se analizará la novedad del concepto valor razonable y su semejanza con el valor corriente de salida planteado por los autores de la década del setenta. IMPORTANCIA DEL PROYECTO – IMPACTO Se pretende revisar si el concepto valor razonable planteado por la normativa actual resulta realmente novedoso o es una adaptación de viejos conceptos planteados en la década del setenta del siglo pasado. El proyecto resulta importante porque es un tema no desarrollado en la literatura, ni planteado en congresos. Se estima lograr material de publicación y presentación en eventos académicos. According to the NIC 39, fair value is the quantity for the one that can be exchanged an asset or cancelled a liability between a buyer and a seller interested and due informed, in conditions of mutual independence. The definition of the FASB (SFAC 7) is very similar, and defines fair value as the amount by means of which an assets might be alienated in a transaction between independent parts, ready to realize the operation in situations different from that of a liquidation or to that of a forced sale. This definition of reasonable value is limited because, with the exception of scenes that fit with perfect and complete markets, the concept can include values of entry, values of exit and values in use, which can be very different (Beaver, 1987). The value of entry is the value of acquisition or of replacement, the value of exit is the price to which an asset can be sold or liquidated, and the value in use is the incremental value of a company attributable to an asset. Provided that the IASB and the FASB deal with the appraisal of assets that a company possesses, and not of assets that will be acquired in a future, this definition of fair value should be interpreted from the perspective of the seller. Therefore, the concept of reasonable value that they handle the IASB and the FASB is alike a value of exit, as Chambers and Stirling proposed it enough years ago behind. We will review if the concept of "fair value" is really new or if it is an adaptation of old concepts.
The purpose of this paper is twofold. First, we construct a DSGE model which spells out explicitly the instrumentation of monetary policy. The interest rate is determined every period depending on the supply and demand for reserves which in turn are affected by fundamental shocks: unforeseeable changes in cash withdrawal, autonomous factors, technology and government spending. Unexpected changes in the monetary conditions of the economy are interpreted as monetary shocks. We show that these monetary shocks have the usual effects on economic activity without the need of imposing additional frictions as limited participation in asset markets or sticky prices. Second, we show that this view of monetary policy may have important consequences for empirical research. In the model, the contemporaneous correlations between interest rates, prices and output are due to the simultaneous effect of all fundamental shocks. We provide an example where these contemporaneous correlations may be misinterpreted as a Taylor rule. In addition, we use the sign of the impact responses of all shocks on output, prices and interest rates derived from the model to identify the sources of shocks in the data.
The goal of this paper is to develop a model of financial intermediation analyze the impact of various forms of taxation. The model considers in a unified framework various functions of banks: monitoring, transaction services and asset transformation. Particular attention is devoted to conditions for separability between deposits and loans. The analysis focuses on: (i) competition between banks and alternative financial arrangements (investment funds and organized security markets), (ii) regulation, and (iii) bank's monopoly power and risk taking behavior.