989 resultados para reduction chemistry


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Particulate matter is common in our environment and has been linked to human health problems particularly in the ultrafine size range. A range of chemical species have been associated with particulate matter and of special concern are the hazardous chemicals that can accentuate health problems. If the sources of such particles can be identified then strategies can be developed for the reduction of air pollution and consequently, the improvement of the quality of life. In this investigation, particle number size distribution data and the concentrations of chemical species were obtained at two sites in Brisbane, Australia. Source apportionment was used to determine the sources (or factors) responsible for the particle size distribution data. The apportionment was performed by Positive Matrix Factorisation (PMF) and Principal Component Analysis/Absolute Principal Component Scores (PCA/APCS), and the results were compared with information from the gaseous chemical composition analysis. Although PCA/APCS resolved more sources, the results of the PMF analysis appear to be more reliable. Six common sources identified by both methods include: traffic 1, traffic 2, local traffic, biomass burning, and two unassigned factors. Thus motor vehicle related activities had the most impact on the data with the average contribution from nearly all sources to the measured concentrations higher during peak traffic hours and weekdays. Further analyses incorporated the meteorological measurements into the PMF results to determine the direction of the sources relative to the measurement sites, and this indicated that traffic on the nearby road and intersection was responsible for most of the factors. The described methodology which utilised a combination of three types of data related to particulate matter to determine the sources could assist future development of particle emission control and reduction strategies.


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Background: Bicycle commuting in an urban environment of high air pollution is known as a potential health risk, especially for susceptible individuals. While risk management strategies aimed to reduce motorised traffic emissions exposure have been suggested, limited studies have assessed the utility of such strategies in real-world circumstances. Objectives: The potential of reducing exposure to ultrafine particles (UFP; < 0.1 µm) during bicycle commuting by lowering interaction with motorised traffic was investigated with real-time air pollution and acute inflammatory measurements in healthy individuals using their typical, and an alternative to their typical, bicycle commute route. Methods: Thirty-five healthy adults (mean ± SD: age = 39 ± 11 yr; 29% female) each completed two return trips of their typical route (HIGH) and a pre-determined altered route of lower interaction with motorised traffic (LOW; determined by the proportion of on-road cycle paths). Particle number concentration (PNC) and diameter (PD) were monitored in real-time in-commute. Acute inflammatory indices of respiratory symptom incidence, lung function and spontaneous sputum (for inflammatory cell analyses) were collected immediately pre-commute, and one and three hours post-commute. Results: LOW resulted in a significant reduction in mean PNC (1.91 x e4 ± 0.93 x e4 ppcc vs. 2.95 x e4 ± 1.50 x e4 ppcc; p ≤ 0.001). Besides incidence of in-commute offensive odour detection (42 vs. 56 %; p = 0.019), incidence of dust and soot observation (33 vs. 47 %; p = 0.038) and nasopharyngeal irritation (31 vs. 41 %; p = 0.007), acute inflammatory indices were not significantly associated to in-commute PNC, nor were these indices reduced with LOW compared to HIGH. Conclusions: Exposure to PNC, and the incidence of offensive odour and nasopharyngeal irritation, can be significantly reduced when utilising a strategy of lowering interaction with motorised traffic whilst bicycle commuting, which may bring important benefits for both healthy and susceptible individuals.


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The presence of arsenic in the environment is a hazard. The accumulation of arsenate by a range of cations in the formation of minerals provides a mechanism for the remediation of arsenate contamination. The formation of the crandallite group of minerals provides a mechanism for arsenate accumulation. Among the crandallite minerals are philipsbornite, arsenocrandallite and arsenogoyazite. Raman spectroscopy complimented with infrared spectroscopy has enabled aspects of the structure of philipsbornite to be studied. The Raman spectrum of philipsbornite displays an intense band at around 840 cm−1 attributed to the overlap of the symmetric and antisymmetric stretching modes. Raman bands observed at 325, 336, 347, 357, 376 and 399 cm−1 are assigned to the ν2 (AsO4)3− symmetric bending vibration (E) and to the ν4 bending vibration (F2). The observation of multiple bending modes supports the concept of a reduction in symmetry of the arsenate anion in philipsbornite. Evidence for phosphate in the mineral is provided. By using an empirical formula, hydrogen bond distances for the OH units in philipsbornite of 2.8648 Å, 2.7864 Å, 2.6896 Å cm−1 and 2.6220 were calculated.


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This investigation has shown that by transforming free caustic in red mud (RM) to Bayer hydrotalcite (during the seawater neutralization (SWN) process) enables a more controlled release mechanism for the neutralization of acid sulfate soils. The formation of hydrotalcite has been confirmed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and differential thermalgravimetric analysis (DTG), while the dissolution of hydrotalcite and sodalite has been observed through XRD, DTG, pH plots, and ICP-OES. Coupling of all techniques enabled three neutralization mechanisms to be determined: (1) free alkali, (2) hydrotalcite dissolution, and (3) sodalite dissolution. The mechanisms are determined on the basis of ICP-OES and kinetic information. When the mass of RM or SWN-RM is greater than 0.08 g/50 mL, the pH of solution increases to a suitable value for plant life with aluminum leaching kept at a minimum. To obtain a neutralization pH greater than 6 in 10 min, the following ratio of bauxite residue (g) in 50 mL with a known iron sulfate (Fe2(SO4)3) concentration can be determined as follows: 0.04 g:50 mL:0.1 g/L of Fe2(SO4)3.


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We have analyzed a frondelite mineral sample from the Cigana mine, located in the municipality of Conselheiro Pena, a well-known pegmatite in Brazil. In the Cigana pegmatite, secondary phosphates, namely eosphorite, fairfieldite, fluorapatite, frondelite, gormanite, hureaulite, lithiophilite, reddingite and vivianite are common minerals in miarolitic cavities and in massive blocks after triphylite. The chemical formula was determined as (Mn0.68, Fe0.32)(Fe3+)3,72(PO4)3.17(OH)4.99. The structure of the mineral was assessed using vibrational spectroscopy. Bands attributed to the stretching and bending modes of PO4 3- and HOPO3 3- units were identified. The observation of multiple bands supports the concept of symmetry reduction of the phosphate anion in the frondelite structure. Sharp Raman and infrared bands at 3581 cm−1 is assigned to the OH stretching vibration. Broad Raman bands at 3063, 3529 and 3365 cm−1 are attributed to water stretching vibrational modes.


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The mineral creedite is a fluorinated hydroxy hydrated sulphate of aluminium and calcium of formula Ca3Al2SO4(F,OH)·2H2O. The mineral has been studied by a combination of electron probe analysis to determine the molecular formula of the mineral and the structure assessed by vibrational spectroscopy. The spectroscopy of creedite may be compared with that of the alums. The Raman spectrum of creedite is characterised by an intense sharp band at 986 cm−1 assigned to the View the MathML source ν1 (Ag) symmetric stretching mode. Multiple bands of creedite in the antisymmetric stretching region support the concept of a reduction in symmetry of the sulphate anion. Multiple bands are also observed in the bending region with the three bands at 601, 629 and 663 cm−1 assigned to the View the MathML source ν4 (Ag) bending modes. The observation of multiple bands at 440, 457 and 483 cm−1 attributed to the View the MathML source ν2 (Bg) bending modes supports the concept that the symmetry of the sulphate is reduced by coordination to the water bonded to the Al3+ in the creedite structure. The splitting of the ν2, ν3 and ν4 modes is attributed to the reduction of symmetry of the SO4 and it is proposed that the sulphate coordinates to water in the hydrated aluminium in bidentate chelation.


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The effects of ethanol fumigation on the inter-cycle variability of key in-cylinder pressure parameters in a modern common rail diesel engine have been investigated. Specifically, maximum rate of pressure rise, peak pressure, peak pressure timing and ignition delay were investigated. A new methodology for investigating the start of combustion was also proposed and demonstrated—which is particularly useful with noisy in-cylinder pressure data as it can have a significant effect on the calculation of an accurate net rate of heat release indicator diagram. Inter-cycle variability has been traditionally investigated using the coefficient of variation. However, deeper insight into engine operation is given by presenting the results as kernel density estimates; hence, allowing investigation of otherwise unnoticed phenomena, including: multi-modal and skewed behaviour. This study has found that operation of a common rail diesel engine with high ethanol substitutions (>20% at full load, >30% at three quarter load) results in a significant reduction in ignition delay. Further, this study also concluded that if the engine is operated with absolute air to fuel ratios (mole basis) less than 80, the inter-cycle variability is substantially increased compared to normal operation.


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The controversy on how to interpret the ages of lunar highland breccias has recently been discussed by James [1]. Are the measured ages testimony of true events in lunar history; do they represent the age of the ancient crustal rocks, mixed ages of unequilibrated matrix-phenocryst relationships, or merely thermal events subsequent to the formational event ? It is certain from analyses of terrestrial impact melt breccias that the melt matrix of whole impact melt sheets is isotopically equilibrated due to the extensive mixing process of the early cratering stage [2,3]. It has been shown that isotopic equilibration takes place between impact melt matrix and target rock clasts therein, with the intensity of isotopic exchange depending on the degree of shock metamorphism, thermal metamorphism and the size of the clasts [4]. Therefore, impact melt breccias - if they are relatively clast-poor and mineralogically well studied - can be considered to be the most reliable source for information on the impact history of the lunar highland.


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Methane gas has been identified as the most destructive greenhouse gas (Liu et al., 2004). It was reported that the global warming potential of methane per molecule relative to CO2 is approximately 23 on a 100-year timescale or 62 over a 20-year period (IPCC, 2001). Methane has high C-H bond energy of about 439 kJ/mol and other higher alkanes (or saturated hydrocarbons) also have a very strong C-C and C-H bonds, thus making their molecules to have no empty orbitals of low energy or filled orbitals of high energy that could readily participate in chemical reactions as is the case with unsaturated hydrocarbons such as olefins and alkynes (Crabtree, 1994; Labinger & Bercaw, 2002)...


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Granulysin is a cytolytic granule protein released by natural killer cells and activated cytotoxic T lymphocytes. The influence of exercise training on circulating granulysin concentration is unknown, as is the relationship between granulysin concentration, natural killer cell number and natural killer cell cytotoxicity. We examined changes in plasma granulysin concentration, natural killer cell number and cytotoxicity following acute exercise and different training loads. Fifteen highly trained male cyclists completed a baseline 40-km cycle time trial (TT401) followed by five weeks of normal training and a repeat time trial (TT402). The cyclists then completed four days of high intensity training followed by another time trial (TT403) on day five. Following one final week of normal training cyclists completed another time trial (TT404). Fasting venous blood was collected before and after each time trial to determine granulysin concentration, natural killer cell number and natural killer cell cytotoxicity. Granulysin concentration increased significantly after each time trial (P<0.001). Pre-exercise granulysin concentration for TT403 was significantly lower than pre-exercise concentration for TT401 (-20.3 +/- 7.5%, P<0.026), TT402 (-16.7 +/- 4.3%, P<0.003) and 7T404 (-21 +/- 4.2%, P<0.001). Circulating natural killer cell numbers also increased significantly post-exercise for each time trial (P<0.001), however there was no significant difference across TT40 (P>0.05). Exercise did not significantly alter natural killer cell cytotoxicity on a per cell basis, and there were no significant differences between the four time trials. In conclusion, plasma granulysin concentration increases following moderate duration, strenuous exercise and is decreased in response to a short-term period of intensified training.


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Background: Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) is a deformity of the spine, which may 34 require surgical correction by attaching a rod to the patient’s spine using screws 35 implanted in the vertebral bodies. Surgeons achieve an intra-operative reduction in the 36 deformity by applying compressive forces across the intervertebral disc spaces while 37 they secure the rod to the vertebra. We were interested to understand how the 38 deformity correction is influenced by increasing magnitudes of surgical corrective forces 39 and what tissue level stresses are predicted at the vertebral endplates due to the 40 surgical correction. 41 Methods: Patient-specific finite element models of the osseoligamentous spine and 42 ribcage of eight AIS patients who underwent single rod anterior scoliosis surgery were 43 created using pre-operative computed tomography (CT) scans. The surgically altered 44 spine, including titanium rod and vertebral screws, was simulated. The models were 45 analysed using data for intra-operatively measured compressive forces – three load 46 profiles representing the mean and upper and lower standard deviation of this data 47 were analysed. Data for the clinically observed deformity correction (Cobb angle) were 48 compared with the model-predicted correction and the model results investigated to 49 better understand the influence of increased compressive forces on the biomechanics of 50 the instrumented joints. 51 Results: The predicted corrected Cobb angle for seven of the eight FE models were 52 within the 5° clinical Cobb measurement variability for at least one of the force profiles. 53 The largest portion of overall correction was predicted at or near the apical 54 intervertebral disc for all load profiles. Model predictions for four of the eight patients 55 showed endplate-to-endplate contact was occurring on adjacent endplates of one or 56 more intervertebral disc spaces in the instrumented curve following the surgical loading 57 steps. 58 Conclusion: This study demonstrated there is a direct relationship between intra-59 operative joint compressive forces and the degree of deformity correction achieved. The 60 majority of the deformity correction will occur at or in adjacent spinal levels to the apex 61 of the deformity. This study highlighted the importance of the intervertebral disc space 62 anatomy in governing the coronal plane deformity correction and the limit of this 63 correction will be when bone-to-bone contact of the opposing vertebral endplates 64 occurs.


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This article reports on the design and implementation of a Computer-Aided Die Design System (CADDS) for sheet-metal blanks. The system is designed by considering several factors, such as the complexity of blank geometry, reduction in scrap material, production requirements, availability of press equipment and standard parts, punch profile complexity, and tool elements manufacturing method. The interaction among these parameters and how they affect designers' decision patterns is described. The system is implemented by interfacing AutoCAD with the higher level languages FORTRAN 77 and AutoLISP. A database of standard die elements is created by parametric programming, which is an enhanced feature of AutoCAD. The greatest advantage achieved by the system is the rapid generation of the most efficient strip and die layouts, including information about the tool configuration.


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Bunker fuels used in the aviation and maritime sectors are responsible for nearly 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions.1 According to a scientific survey: ‘[s]hipping is estimated to have emitted 1,046 million tonnes of CO2 in 2007, which corresponds to 3.3% of the global emissions during 2007. International shipping is estimated to have emitted 870 million tonnes, or about 2.7% of the global emissions of CO2 in 2007’. The study also predicted that ‘by 2050, in the absence of policies, ship emissions may grow by 150% to 250% (compared to the emissions in 2007) as a result of the growth in shipping.’


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Article 2(2) of the Kyoto Protocol imposes an obligation only on certain developed countries, working through the International Maritime Organisation (IMO), to pursue the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from marine bunker fuels. The IMO recently took the initiative to adopt a new legal instrument for the reduction of shipgenerated greenhouse gas emissions. Some developing countries have suggested that the proposed IMO initiative should strictly adhere to Article 2(2) of the Kyoto Protocol and the principle of Common but Differentiated Responsibility (CBDR). Against this backdrop, this article intends to review the extent to which it is possible to propose an international legal instrument for the reduction of GHG emissions from marine bunker fuels which is applicable only to ships from developed countries considering the complex characteristics of the international shipping industry. This article also examines how far this approach is justifiable even within the framework of the CBDR principle.


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Curriculum developers and researchers have promoted context-based programmes to arrest waning student interest and participation in the enabling sciences at high school and university. Context-based programmes aim for student connections between scientific discourse and real-world contexts to elevate curricular relevance without diminishing conceptual understanding. This interpretive study explored the learning transactions in one 11th grade context-based chemistry classroom where the context was the local creek. The dialectic of agency/structure was used as a lens to examine how the practices in classroom interactions afforded students the agency for learning. The results suggest that first, fluid transitions were evident in the student–student interactions involving successful students; and second, fluid transitions linking concepts to context were evident in the students’ successful reports. The study reveals that the structures of writing and collaborating in groups enabled students’ agential and fluent movement between the field of the real-world creek and the field of the formal chemistry classroom. Furthermore, characteristics of academically successful students in context-based chemistry are highlighted. Research, teaching, and future directions for context-based science teaching are discussed.