970 resultados para rRNA biosynthesis
The products formed by a fructan:fructan fructosyltransferase (FFT) activity purified from Lolium rigidum Gaudin were identified after gas chromatography-mass spectrometry of partially methylated alditol acetates, electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry and reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. The FFT activity synthesized oligofructans up to degree of polymerization (DP) 6, but did not synthesize fructans of DP > 6 even when assayed with (1,1,1)-kestopentaose for up to 10 h. The FFT activity when assayed with 1-kestose or 6(G)-kestose synthesized fructan with fructosyl residues almost exclusively linked by beta-2,1-glycosidic linkages. When assayed with 1-kestose, the FFT activity synthesized tetrasaccharides and pentasaccharides with an internal glucosyl residue. The predominant tetrasaccharide was (1&6(G))-kestotetraose and the predominant pentasaccharide was (1&6(G),1)-kestopentaose. By comparison, tetrasaccharides and pentasaccharides extracted from L. rigidum also contained predominantly beta-2,1-glycosidic linked fructans with an internal glucosyl residue. The only exception was that one of the pentasaccharides contained beta-2,1- and beta-2,6-glycosidic linked fructosyl residues. This pentasaccharide was not synthesized by the FFT activity. The role of this FFT activity in formation of oligofructans in L. rigidum is discussed.
The phylogenetic relationships among the species of the genus Pedomicrobium were studied by comparing their 16S rRNA sequences, The Pedomicrobium species form a coherent phylogenetic cluster within the genera of the hyphal budding bacteria in the alpha-Proteobacteria. The sequences of two strains of Pedomicrobium australicum were obtained from DNAs extracted from nonviable freeze-dried cells, which are the only source of material available, and were found to be almost identical (level of similarity, 99.9%), Overall, the Pedomicrobium species are closely related, with sequence similarities ranging from 96.2 to 99.9%, Pedomicrobium manganicum is phylogenetically the most distantly related species and exhibits the lowest similarity (96.2%) with Pedomicrobium americanum, Australian isolate Pedomicrobium sp, strain ACM 3067, P, americanum, and P, australicum are all very highly related, with similarities greater than 99%, Pedomicrobium sp, strain ACM 3067 is most closely related to P, australicum (level of similarity, 99.6%) and P, americanum (99.4%), These manganese-oxidizing species are more closely related to the iron-oxidizing species Pedomicrobium ferrugineum than to the other manganese-oxidizing species, P, manganicum. Taxonomic uncertainties resulting from the loss of the type culture of P, australicum are discussed.
The budding bacterium Blastobacter natatorius belongs to the alpha-4 group of the Proteobacteria and clusters phylogenetically on a deep branch with Sphingomonas capsulata, with which it shares 93.9% 16S rRNA sequence similarity. On phylogenetic, phenotypic, and chemotaxonomic grounds a proposal is made to transfer B. natatorius to the genus Blastomonas gen, nov. as Blastomonas natatoria comb, nov.
The detection of acidophilic microorganisms from mining environments by culture methods is time consuming and unreliable. Several PCR approaches were developed to amplify small-subunit rRNA sequences from the DNA of six bacterial phylotypes associated with acidic mining environments, permitting the detection of the target DNA at concentrations as low as 10 fg.
The tannin-degrading species Streptococcus gallolyticus and Streptococcus caprinus have been shown to be subjective synonyms on the basis of their levels of 16S rRNA sequence similarity (98.3%) and DNA-DNA homology (>70%) and the phenotypes of their type strains. S. gallolyticus has nomenclatural priority according to Rule 24b(2) of the International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria.
The importance of epithelial-stroma interaction in normal breast development and tumor progression has been recognized. To identify genes that were regulated by these reciprocal interactions, we cocultured a nonmalignant (MCF10A) and a breast cancer derived (MDA-MB231) basal cell lines, with fibroblasts isolated from breast benign-disease adjacent tissues (NAF) or with carcinoma-associated fibroblasts (CAF), in a transwell system. Gene expression profiles of each coculture pair were compared with the correspondent monocultures, using a customized microarray. Contrariwise to large alterations in epithelial cells genomic profiles, fibroblasts were less affected. In MDA-MB231 highly represented genes downregulated by CAF derived factors coded for proteins important for the specificity of vectorial transport between ER and golgi, possibly affecting cell polarity whereas the response of MCF10A comprised an induction of genes coding for stress responsive proteins, representing a prosurvival effect. While NAF downregulated genes encoding proteins associated to glycolipid and fatty acid biosynthesis in MDA-MB231, potentially affecting membrane biogenesis, in MCF10A, genes critical for growth control and adhesion were altered. NAFs responded to coculture with MDA-MB231 by a decrease in the expression of genes induced by TGF beta 1 and associated to motility. However, there was little change in NAFs gene expression profile influenced by MCF10A. CAFs responded to the presence of both epithelial cells inducing genes implicated in cell proliferation. Our data indicate that interactions between breast fibroblasts and basal epithelial cells resulted in alterations in the genomic profiles of both cell types which may help to clarify some aspects of this heterotypic signaling. (C) 2009 UICC
alpha(5)beta(1) integrin from both wild-type CHO cells (CHO-K1) and deficient in proteoglycan biosynthesis (CHO-745) is post-translationally modified by glycosaminoglycan chains. We demonstrated this using [(35)S]sulfate metabolic labeling of the cells, enzymatic degradation, immunoprecipitation reaction with monoclonal antibody, fluorescence microscopy, and flow cytometry. The alpha(5)beta(1) integrin heterodimer is a hybrid proteoglycan containing both chondroitin and heparan sulfate chains. Xyloside inhibition of sulfate incorporation into alpha(5)beta(1) integrin also supports that integrin is a proteoglycan. Also. cells grown with xyloside adhered on fibronectin with no alteration in alpha(5)beta(1) integrin expression. However, haptotactic motility on fibronectin declined in cells grown with xyloside or chlorate as compared with controls. Thus, alpha(5)beta(1) integrin is a proteoglycan and the glycosaminoglycan chains of the integrin influence cell motility on fibronectin. Similar glycosylation of alpha(5)beta(1) integrin was observed in other normal and malignant cells, suggesting that this modification is conserved and important in the function of this integrin. Therefore, these glycosaminoglycan chains of alpha(5)beta(1) integrin are involved in cellular migration on fibronectin.
Levels of recombinant human follicle stimulating hormone (r-hFSH) mRNA expressed under butyrate and zinc treatment were compared in two CHO-K1 derived cell lines. In King cells under the metallothionein promoter, butyrate induced the increase in both r-hFSH productivity (q(FSH)) and mRNA levels proportionally. In the presence of 1 mM butyrate and 40 mu M zinc, a 4-fold increase in q(FSH) and mRNA levels was achieved as compared to zinc (40) alone; this wasa approximately 6 times higher than in serum free medium. In Darren cells under the beta-actin promotor butyrate induced an increase in q(SFH) but not in mRNA levels.
Acute intermittent porphyria (AIP) is an inborn error of haem biosynthesis caused by a variety of mutations in the gene coding for hydroxymethylbilane synthase (HMB-S). The entire coding sequence of this gene, from each of three South African AIP patients, was therefore screened for mutations using chemical cleavage mismatch (CCM) analysis and any changes detected characterized by DNA sequencing. Three single base changes were identified; a G(77) to A in exon 3, a C-346 to T in exon 8 and a G(518) to A in exon 10. These missense mutations, previously reported to be present in other populations, are known to be responsible for the structurally deleterious amino acid replacements R26H, R116W and R173Q, respectively. The in vitro expression of the enzymes containing these mutations and the subsequent measurement of their specific activities revealed a reduction to approximately 4% of normal activity. (C) 1997 Academic Press Limited.
Recombinant Escherichia coli strains harboring the genes from Alcaligenes eutrophus for polyhydroxyalkanoate biosynthesis were constructed and compared for their ability to synthesize poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) in a defined medium with whey as the sole carbon source. The highest PHB concentration and PHB content obtained were 5.2 g/L and 81% of dry cell weight, respectively.
Ergosterol is an important compound responsible to maintain integrity and fluidity of Leishmania spp. membranes. Starting from an overexpression/selection method, our group has isolated and mapped nine different loci of Leishmania (L.) major related to resistance against two inhibitors of the ergosterol biosynthesis pathway, terbinafine (TBF) and itraconazole (ITZ). Individual functional analysis after overexpression induction of these loci in the presence of TBF and/or ITZ [or the ITZ analog ketoconazole (CTZ)] have shown low but significant levels of resistance after transfection into L. major wild-type parasites. In this work, we have shown the insert mapping and chromosomal identification of one of these loci (cosItz2). Functional analysis experiments associated with chromosomal localization by comparison at genomic database allowed us to identify two prospective gene-protein systems not related to the ergosterol biosynthesis and capable to confer wild-type cells resistance to ITZ-CTZ after transfection. We expected that this approach can open new insights for a better understanding of mechanisms of ITZ-CTZ action and resistance in Leishmania resulting in new strategies for the leishmaniasis treatment.
Water deficit and ABA application on leaf gas exchange and flavonoid content in marigold (Calendula officinalis L.).The goal of this study was to evaluate the effects of water deficit and abscisic acid (ABA) application on physiological parameters and flavonoid production in marigold plant. The experiment was performed under nursery conditions with potted plants. It was tested water deficit by withholding water (control - diary irrigation, 3, 6 and 9 days without irrigation) followed by 3 ABA concentrations (0, 10 e 100 mu M) applied in the beginning of blooming. It was evaluated the relative water content and the leaf gas exchange using a portable infrared gas analyzer (A: net photosynthesis, gs: stomatal conductance, E: transpiration, Ci: CO(2) intercellular concentration and EUA: water use efficiency). At the end of 9 days of water deficit there were significant decreases in all the characteristics evaluated, independent of ABA application. This suggests that the main effect of ABA was to cause a reduction on gs which was accompanied of a reduction in A, only when the plants were submitted to the water deficit. There was no significant difference among the levels of water deficit tested in relation to the total flavonoid content in inflorescences. However, ABA restricted the flavonoids biosynthesis both in control plant and stressed plants.
Hahnemann considered the secondary action of medicines to be a law of nature and reviewed the conditions under which it occurs. It is closely related to the rebound effects observed with many modern drugs. I review the evidence of the rebound effect of statins that support the similitude principle. In view of their indications in primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular diseases, statins are widely prescribed. Besides reducing cholesterol biosynthesis, they provide vasculoprotective effects (pleiotropic effects), including improvement of endothelial function, increased nitric oxide bioavailability, antioxidant properties, inhibition of inflammatory and thrombogenic responses, stabilisation of atherosclerotic plaques, and others. Recent studies suggest that suspension of statin treatment leads to a rebound imparing of vascular function, and increasing morbidity and mortality in patients with vascular diseases. Similarly to other classes of modern palliative drugs, this rebound effect is the same as a secondary action or vital reaction described by Samuel Hahnemann, and used in homeopathy in a therapeutic sense. Homeopathy (2010) 99, 255-262.
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is recurrent obstruction of the upper airway leading to sleep fragmentation and intermittent hypoxia (IH) during sleep. There is growing evidence from animal models of OSA that IH is independently associated with metabolic dysfunction, including dyslipidemia and insulin resistance. The precise mechanisms by which IH induces metabolic disturbances are not fully understood. Over the last decade, several groups of investigators developed a rodent model of IH, which emulates the oxyhemoglobin profile in human USA. In the mouse model, IH induces dyslipidemia, insulin resistance and pancreatic endocrine dysfunction, similar to those observed in human USA. Recent reports provided new insights in possible mechanisms by which IH affects lipid and glucose metabolism. IH may induce dyslipidemia by up-regulating lipid biosynthesis in the liver, increasing adipose tissue lipolysis with subsequent free fatty acid flux to the liver, and inhibiting lipoprotein clearance. IH may affect glucose metabolism by inducing sympathetic activation, increasing systemic inflammation, increasing counter-regulatory hormones and fatty acids, and causing direct pancreatic beta-cell injury. IH models of USA have improved our understanding of the metabolic impact of USA, but further studies are needed before we can translate recent basic research findings to clinical practice. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Purpose of review The aim of this review is to summarize current evidence about the impact of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and intermittent hypoxia on dyslipidemia and provide future perspectives in this area. Recent findings Intermittent hypoxia, a hallmark of OSA, induces hyperlipidemia in lean mice. Hyperlipidemia of intermittent hypoxia occurs, at least in part, due to activation of the transcription factor sterol regulatory element-binding protein-1 (SREBP-1) and an important downstream enzyme of triglyceride and phospholipid biosynthesis, stearoyl-CoA desaturase-1. Furthermore, intermittent hypoxia may regulate SREBP-1 and stearoyl-CoA desaturase-1 via the transcription factor hypoxia-inducible factor 1. In contrast, key genes involved in cholesterol biosynthesis, SREBP-2 and 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl- CoA (HMG-CoA) reductase, are unaffected by intermittent hypoxia. In humans, there is no definitive evidence regarding the effect of OSA on dyslipidemia. Several cross-sectional studies suggest that OSA is independently associated with increased levels of total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein and triglycerides, whereas others report no such relationship. Some nonrandomized and randomized studies show that OSA treatment with continuous positive airway pressure may have a beneficial effect on lipid profile. Summary There is increasing evidence that intermittent hypoxia is independently associated with dyslipidemia. However, the role of OSA in causality of dyslipidemia remains to be established.