588 resultados para réarrangement de Payne
Antonio y Gabriel de Sancha, libreros de la Ilustración, y sus relaciones comerciales con Inglaterra
In this article we take as our point of departure the booksellers' catalogues printed by the Sanchas during the reigns of Charles III and Charles IV, as well as the catalogues issued by their London correspondents the booksellers Thomas Payne and Benjamin White. We contextualize the business relationship which developed between the Sanchas and the London booksellers as a direct result of Gabriel de Sancha's visit to London in the Summer of 1784. This study highlights the significance of a parallel offer of recently published books in English and Spanish in some of the most renowned bookshops in Madrid and London between the mid 1780s and the years immediately before the Peninsular War, a circumstance that no doubt stimulated curiosity on both sides and sped up the transfert culturel between both countries. Notwithstanding their business and private troubles, Antonio and Gabriel de Sancha, self-reliant entrepreneurs and cultural intermediaries, were able to establish a dynamic book trade flow which did not imply the subordination of Spain to England.
Although the majority of Centaurs are thought to have originated in the scattered disk, with the high-inclination members coming from the Oort cloud, the origin of the high-inclination component of trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs) remains uncertain. We report the discovery of a retrograde TNO, which we nickname “Niku,” detected by the Pan-STARRS 1 Outer Solar System Survey. Our numerical integrations show that the orbital dynamics of Niku are very similar to that of 2008 KV42 (Drac), with a half-life of ˜500 Myr. Comparing similar high-inclination TNOs and Centaurs (q > 10 au, a <100 au, and i > 60°), we find that these objects exhibit a surprising clustering of ascending node, and occupy a common orbital plane. This orbital configuration has high statistical significance: 3.8-σ. An unknown mechanism is required to explain the observed clustering. This discovery may provide a pathway to investigating a possible reservoir of high-inclination objects.
Les récents progrès en génomique ont conforté la complexité de l’origine des algues; d’un point de vue de la phylogénie des hôtes de l’endosymbiose, les algues forment un groupe évolutif polyphylétique. Les algues vertes forment deux embranchements majeurs : les Streptophyta et les Chlorophyta. Les chlorophytes comprennent la majorité des algues vertes connues et se regroupent en quatre classes. La première, les Prasinophyceae, occupe la position la plus basale, tandis que l’ordre d’embranchement des trois autres classes (Ulvophyceae, Trebouxiophyceae et Chlorophyceae) demeure encore incertain. Pour clarifier les relations évolutives chez les Clorophyceae, huit génomes chloroplastiques appartenant à la lignée des Chlamydomonadales, lignée majeure des Chlorophyceae, ont été séquencés et analysés. Des études phylogénétiques ont confirmé les classifications préétablies et de nouveaux clades se sont vus formés. Les génomes de ces algues chlorophycéennes ont révélé une architecture conservée avec un certain nombre de caractères spécifiques à la classe des Chlamydomonadales. L’analyse de leurs caractères moléculaires a révélé des génomes marqués par la réduction ou le réarrangement de leur répertoire génomique comparativement aux génomes chloroplastiques des algues vertes plus ancestrales.
With the premise that the tourism promotional video “China, Forever” provides a crucial access to understanding how tourism engages in a wider circle of socio-culture formation, this dissertation research approaches tourism by examining communicative practices initiated by “China, Forever”. In doing so, it seeks to reveal two dialogues – firstly, between the discursive construction of tourism representational language and China’s nation-state ideology; secondly, between interpretations from overseas Chinese audiences and nation-state narratives delivered via the tourism media. In analyzing the first dialogue, this dissertation reveals that the pursuit of collective and monolithic national imagery has caused a representational violence – one that is committed by the nation-state ideology operated through the organization of tourism language. The very representational coercion itself, however, signifies the nature of tourism media as a vehicle mediating the global gaze and China’s self-representation; illuminating the fact that China’s nation-state building is only to be understood as deeply-grounded in the complexity of postcolonial politics. Furthermore, in a dialectic view, such finding consolidates the nature of “China, Forever” as a cultural product that actively exists as a component in the overall social fabric, co-creating a wider circle of culture politics together with other genres of media products; thus, calling for a more comprehensive understanding of tourism media at large. In the second approach, this dissertation seeks to understand how the tourism video “China, Forever” mediates the relationship between tourism narratives of the nation-state and overseas Chinese individuals; thus bridging together tourism media and ongoing life experiences of the audiences chosen. The analysis reveals that audiences’ interpretations heavily concentrate on resisting and fragmenting the hegemonic nation-state language in “China, Forever”. While some interviewees seek to decentralize the nation-state perspective from aspects of aesthetics, representational style, and representational subjects in “China, Forever” by incorporating their individual memories and past experiences, to some others, the over-polished glorification of China in the mediated tourism discourse is only coercive to China’s social realities experienced by the individual interviewees - the disheartening contrasts of poverty and affluence as well as other social inequalities. From the perspective of the audience group, the Chinese scholars and students at the University of Illinois interviewed for this dissertation research constitute a cohort of exiled audiences for the tourism video “China, Forever”. The audiences subject themselves to voluntary interpellation, a process in which they find themselves defending, negotiating, and resisting the nation-state representation of China – even though they are not its intended audience and have had no input into its production. Nevertheless, such process is one of identification, in which viewers articulate a subject position from which to speak of their own experiences, dilemmas and desires. The usefulness of tourism media discourse in mediating the nation-state narratives and the individual experience is amplified.
In 2016, the order Mononegavirales was emended through the addition of two new families (Mymonaviridae and Sunviridae), the elevation of the paramyxoviral subfamily Pneumovirinae to family status (Pneumoviridae), the addition of five free-floating genera (Anphevirus, Arlivirus, Chengtivirus, Crustavirus, and Wastrivirus), and several other changes at the genus and species levels. This article presents the updated taxonomy of the order Mononegavirales as now accepted by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV).
The current study investigated the cognitive workload of sentence and clause wrap-up in younger and older readers. A large number of studies have demonstrated the presence of wrap-up effects, peaks in processing time at clause and sentence boundaries that some argue reflect attention to organizational and integrative semantic processes. However, the exact nature of these wrap-up effects is still not entirely clear, with some arguing that wrap-up is not related to processing difficulty, but rather is triggered by a low-level oculomotor response or the implicit monitoring of intonational contour. The notion that wrap-up effects are resource-demanding was directly tested by examining the degree to which sentence and clause wrap-up affects the parafoveal preview benefit. Older and younger adults read passages in which a target word N occurred in a sentence-internal, clause-final, or sentence-final position. A gaze-contingent boundary change paradigm was used in which, on some trials, a non-word preview of word N+1 was replaced by a target word once the eyes crossed an invisible boundary located between words N and N+1. All measures of reading time on word N were longer at clause and sentence boundaries than in the sentence-internal position. In the earliest measures of reading time, sentence and clause wrap-up showed evidence of reducing the magnitude of the preview benefit similarly for younger and older adults. However, this effect was moderated by age in gaze duration, such that older adults showed a complete reduction in the preview benefit in the sentence-final condition. Additionally, sentence and clause wrap-up were negatively associated with the preview benefit. Collectively, the findings from the current study suggest that wrap-up is cognitively demanding and may be less efficient with age, thus, resulting in a reduction of the parafoveal preview during normal reading.
Projections of the impacts of climate change on marine ecosystems are a key prerequisite for the planning of adaptation strategies, yet they are inevitably associated with uncertainty. Identifying, quantifying, and communicating this uncertainty is key to both evaluating the risk associated with a projection and building confidence in its robustness. We review how uncertainties in such projections are handled in marine science. We employ an approach developed in climate modelling by breaking uncertainty down into (i) structural (model) uncertainty, (ii) initialization and internal variability uncertainty, (iii) parametric uncertainty, and (iv) scenario uncertainty. For each uncertainty type, we then examine the current state-of-the-art in assessing and quantifying its relative importance. We consider whether the marine scientific community has addressed these types of uncertainty sufficiently and highlight the opportunities and challenges associated with doing a better job. We find that even within a relatively small field such as marine science, there are substantial differences between subdisciplines in the degree of attention given to each type of uncertainty. We find that initialization uncertainty is rarely treated explicitly and reducing this type of uncertainty may deliver gains on the seasonal-to-decadal time-scale. We conclude that all parts of marine science could benefit from a greater exchange of ideas, particularly concerning such a universal problem such as the treatment of uncertainty. Finally, marine science should strive to reach the point where scenario uncertainty is the dominant uncertainty in our projections.
Background Many acute stroke trials have given neutral results. Sub-optimal statistical analyses may be failing to detect efficacy. Methods which take account of the ordinal nature of functional outcome data are more efficient. We compare sample size calculations for dichotomous and ordinal outcomes for use in stroke trials. Methods Data from stroke trials studying the effects of interventions known to positively or negatively alter functional outcome – Rankin Scale and Barthel Index – were assessed. Sample size was calculated using comparisons of proportions, means, medians (according to Payne), and ordinal data (according to Whitehead). The sample sizes gained from each method were compared using Friedman 2 way ANOVA. Results Fifty-five comparisons (54 173 patients) of active vs. control treatment were assessed. Estimated sample sizes differed significantly depending on the method of calculation (Po00001). The ordering of the methods showed that the ordinal method of Whitehead and comparison of means produced significantly lower sample sizes than the other methods. The ordinal data method on average reduced sample size by 28% (inter-quartile range 14–53%) compared with the comparison of proportions; however, a 22% increase in sample size was seen with the ordinal method for trials assessing thrombolysis. The comparison of medians method of Payne gave the largest sample sizes. Conclusions Choosing an ordinal rather than binary method of analysis allows most trials to be, on average, smaller by approximately 28% for a given statistical power. Smaller trial sample sizes may help by reducing time to completion, complexity, and financial expense. However, ordinal methods may not be optimal for interventions which both improve functional outcome
Résumé : L’imagerie TEP est une modalité puissante qui permet de suivre d’infimes concentrations de traceurs marqués pour la détection de cancers et d’autres pathologies. Il y a actuellement un intérêt croissant pour le développement de peptides comme outils diagnostiques et de traitement en oncologie. Cet intérêt se justifie entre autres par le fait que les peptides sont tolérants à la présence de chélateurs bifonctionnels ou de groupements prosthétiques pour le marquage avec divers radiométaux (64Cu, T1/2 = 12,7 h, 68Ga, T1/2 = 68 min, etc.) ou le 18F (T1/2 = 109,8 min) sans perte de leur activité biologique. L’objectif des travaux rapportés dans ce document était de développer des outils moléculaires innovateurs et efficaces qui facilitent le marquage de peptides pour l’imagerie TEP. Il s’agit spécifiquement d’un chélateur bifonctionnel et d’une méthode de conjugaison rapide et sélective de groupe prosthétique. Sur un volet, un chélateur bifonctionnel analogue de la lysine avec des ligands méthylhydroxamates a été synthétisé en solution par double bisalkylation. Les résultats préliminaires indiquent une faible chélation avec le Cu(II), mais sont à poursuivre avec les 68Ga et 89Zr. Pour le second volet de radiomarquage au 18F, les procédures synthétiques ont été optimisées en deux étapes, soient le marquage du groupe prothétique et sa conjugaison au peptide. Tout d’abord, des conditions de marquage par une réaction de SNAr en présence de 18F- ont été développées pour donner le groupe prosthétique 18F-thioester nécessaire à la conjugaison. Par la suite, sa conjugaison au peptide par la réaction de ligation chémosélective, ce qui implique trois étapes 1) une transthioestérification favorisée entre les groupements thioester et thiol des segments de peptides; 2) un réarrangement irréversible de l’intermédiaire thioester en N-(oxyalkyl)amide, suivi; 3) du clivage de l’auxiliaire. Par les présents travaux, il a été prouvé que la nouvelle méthodologie en un seul pot réactionnel accélère la réaction et permet le marquage au 18F de peptides non protégés, limitant ainsi les réactions secondaires et le nombre d’étapes après le marquage des peptides. La conjugaison du groupe prothétique à un composé et un peptide modèle se produit en 26-55 min comparativement aux 48 h des conditions originales rapportées. La méthode proposée permet également le marquage de peptides non protégés. Dans le futur, le chélateur bifonctionnel et le groupe prothétique seront conjugués à différents dérivés peptidiques ciblant des récepteurs impliqués dans le cancer et des tests de compétition, de saturation, de biodistribution et d’imagerie µTEP seront effectués.
Objetivo: Identificar las barreras para la unificación de una Historia Clínica Electrónica –HCE- en Colombia. Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio cualitativo. Se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas a profesionales y expertos de 22 instituciones del sector salud, de Bogotá y de los departamentos de Cundinamarca, Santander, Antioquia, Caldas, Huila, Valle del Cauca. Resultados: Colombia se encuentra en una estructuración para la implementación de la Historia Clínica Electrónica Unificada -HCEU-. Actualmente, se encuentra en unificación en 42 IPSs públicas en el departamento de Cundinamarca, el desarrollo de la HCEU en el país es privado y de desarrollo propio debido a las necesidades particulares de cada IPS. Conclusiones: Se identificaron barreras humanas, financieras, legales, organizacionales, técnicas y profesionales en los departamentos entrevistados. Se identificó que la unificación de la HCE depende del acuerdo de voluntades entre las IPSs del sector público, privado, EPSs, y el Gobierno Nacional.
El presente proyecto investiga la relación entre las organizaciones con el medio y marketing, para lo cual se debe mencionar el conflicto de intereses de la comunidad y de la organización, y como se intenta percibir a la organización como un buen vecino dentro de la comunidad. A su vez éste estudio cuenta con objetivos basados en la identificación de redes de distribución de petróleo y gas natural, tanto nacionales como internacionales, para así abarcar un sector estratégico más preciso, y mostrar las relación entre las organizaciones y la conformación de comunidades. Se tienen en cuenta factores elementales en el estudio de este sector energético, como son sus principales componentes, así como un marco teórico específico que permita desarrollar el concepto de conformación de comunidades para lograr una exitosa aplicación del mismo. Del mismo modo se incluirán temas relacionados con marketing, pero desde un punto de vista más cercano a la comunidad, tomando los medios y el marketing como un concepto más importante en el impacto de las organizaciones en la comunidad, es decir tomando el concepto de marketing como aquellas comunidades que rodean las organizaciones, como éstas dos interactúan, y que impactos tienen una sobre la otra. De la misma manera se tienen resultados en cuanto a planteamientos más profundos sobre conceptos de marketing que no son desarrollados muy a menudo, los cuales conservan su esencia fundamental y siguen impactando en silencio a las organizaciones, pero que si lo estudiamos y aprovechamos de algún modo lograremos beneficios para nuestra organización y para los intereses colectivos.
La hipótesis de retroalimentación facial planteada por Tomkins en 1962 sustenta que la activación de algunos músculos faciales envía información sensorial al cerebro y se induce entonces una experiencia emocional en el sujeto. Partiendo de dicha teoría y de investigaciones que la sustentan, el presente estudio se propuso confirmar el efecto de la emoción inducida a través de la retroalimentación facial sobre la evaluación de cinco tipos de humor en publicidad. Para ello se realizó un experimento con 60 hombres y 60 mujeres, que fueron asignados aleatoriamente a una de dos condiciones: estimulación de sonrisa –músculos hacia arriba- o inhibición de sonrisa –músculos hacía abajo-, mientras evaluaban 16 imágenes de publicidad de humor. A partir del análisis de los resultados se encontraron diferencias significativas entre las condiciones; en línea con la hipótesis formulada, los participantes expuestos a la condición estimulación de sonrisa –músculos hacía arriba- evaluaron más positivamente los comerciales. También se encontraron diferencias significativas en función del sexo y los tipos de humor evaluados. El estudio ofrece evidencia empírica de la teoría propuesta hace más de medio siglo y su efecto en el ámbito de la publicidad actual.
Objetivo: Determinar la distribución por percentiles de salto con contramovimiento (CMJ) en una población escolar de Bogotá, Colombia, perteneciente al estudio Fuprecol. Métodos: Estudio transversal realizado entre 2846 niños y 2754 adolescentes, entre 9 a 17 años de edad, pertenecientes a 18 instituciones educativas oficiales de Bogotá, Colombia. Se evaluó el CMJ, de acuerdo, con lo establecido por la batería de condición física, Fuprecol. Se calcularon, los percentiles (P3, P10, P25, P50, P75, P90 y P97), y curvas centiles por el método LMS, según su sexo y edad. Se realizó una comparación entre los valores de la CMJ observados con estándares internacionales. Resultados: La muestra estuvo constituida por 5.600 niños y adolescentes entre 9 y 17 años; el promedio de edad fue 12,6 ± 2,4 años. En el CMJ, los valores altos, los obtuvieron los niños, franja en la que la media osciló entre 25,1 cm a los 9 años, y 38,6 cm a los 17; para las niñas, la media fluctuó entre 23,2 cm a los 9 años, y 28,6 a los 17; en ambos sexos esos valores aumentan proporcional a la edad. Conclusiones: Se registran percentiles del CMJ de acuerdo con la edad y el sexo, que podrán ser usados como referencia en la evaluación del salto vertical desde edades tempranas.
El propósito del presente estudio era generar los valores normativos de salto largo para niños de 9-17.9 años, e investigar las diferencias de sexo y grupo de edad