960 resultados para pulsed flame photometric detector


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Vector mesons may be photoproduced in relativistic heavy-ion collisions when a virtual photon emitted by one nucleus scatters from the other nucleus, emerging as a vector meson. The STAR Collaboration has previously presented measurements of coherent rho(0) photoproduction at center of mass energies of 130 GeV and 200 GeV in AuAu collisions. Here, we present a measurement of the cross section at 62.4 GeV; we find that the cross section for coherent rho(0) photoproduction with nuclear breakup is 10.5 +/- 1.5 +/- 1.6mb at 62.4 GeV. The cross-section ratio between 200 GeV and 62.4 GeV is 4.4 +/- 0.6, less than is predicted by most theoretical models. It is, however, proportionally much larger than the previously observed 15% +/- 55% increase between 130 GeV and 200 GeV.


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A thin-layer electrochemical flow cell coupled to capillary electrophoresis with contactless conductivity detection (EC-CE-(CD)-D-4) was applied for the first time to the derivatization and quantification of neutral species using aliphatic alcohols as model compounds. The simultaneous electrooxidation of four alcohols (ethanol, 1-propanol, 1-butanol, and 1-pentanol) to the corresponding carboxylates was carried out on a platinum working electrode in acid medium. The derivatization step required 1 min at 1.6 V vs. Ag/AgCl under stopped flow conditions, which was preceded by a 10 s activation at 0 V. The solution close to the electrode surface was then hydrodynamically injected into the capillary, and a 2.5 min electrophoretic separation was carried out. The fully automated flow system operated at a frequency of 12 analyses per hour. Simultaneous determination of the four alcohols presented detection limits of about 5 x 10(-5) mol As a practical application with a complex matrix, ethanol concentrations were determined in diluted pale lager beer and in nonalcoholic beer. No statistically significant difference was observed between the EC-CE-(CD)-D-4 and gas chromatography with flame ionization detection (GC-FID) results for these samples. The derivatization efficiency remained constant over several hours of continuous operation with lager beer samples (n = 40).


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The construction of the Agua Negra tunnels that will link Argentina and Chile under the Andes, the world's longest mountain range, opens the possibility of building the first deep underground laboratory in the Southern Hemisphere. This laboratory has the acronym ANDES (Agua Negra Deep Experiment Site) and its overburden could be as large as similar to 1.7 km of rock, or 4500 mwe, providing an excellent low background environment to study physics of rare events like the ones induced by neutrinos and/or dark matter. In this paper we investigate the physics potential of a few kiloton size liquid scintillator detector, which could be constructed in the ANDES laboratory as one of its possible scientific programs. In particular, we evaluate the impact of such a detector for the studies of geoneutrinos and Galactic supernova neutrinos, assuming a fiducial volume of 3 kilotons as a reference size. We emphasize the complementary roles of such a detector to the ones of the Northern Hemisphere neutrino facilities, given the advantages of its geographical location.


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The main goal of this work was to develop a simple analytical method for quantification of glycerol based on the electrocatalytic oxidation of glycerol on the copper surface adapted in a flow injection system. Under optimal experimental conditions, the peak current response increases linearly with glycerol concentration over the range 60-3200 mg kg(-1) (equivalent to 3-160 mg L(-1) in solution). The repeatability of the electrode response in the flow injection analysis (FIA) configuration was evaluated as 5% (n = 10), and the detection limit of the method was estimated to be 5 mg kg(-1) in biodiesel (equivalent to 250 mu g L(-1) in solution) (S/N = 3). The sample throughput under optimised conditions was estimated to be 90 h(-1). Different types of biodiesel samples (B100), as in the types of vegetable oils or animal fats used to produce the fuels, were analysed (seven samples). The only sample pre-treatment used was an extraction of glycerol from the biodiesel sample containing a ratio of 5 mL of water to 250 mg of biodiesel. The proposed method improves the analytical parameters obtained by other electroanalytical methods for quantification of glycerol in biodiesel samples, and its accuracy was evaluated using a spike-and-recovery assay, where all the biodiesel samples used obtained admissible values according to the Association of Official Analytical Chemists. Crown Copyright (C) 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Objective: To analyze the efficiency of high voltage pulsed current (HVPC) with early application in three different sites, in the regeneration of the sciatic nerve in rats submitted to crush injury, the sciatic functional index (SFI) was used to assess the functional recovery. Methods: After crushing of the nerve, 57 animals were submitted to cathodal HVPC at frequency of 50Hz and voltage of 100V, 20 minutes per day, 5 days per week. The rats were divided into five groups: control group; ganglion group; ganglion + muscle group; muscle group; and sham group. The SFI was determined weekly for seven weeks, from the preoperative period to the 6th postoperative week. Results: Compared with the control group, the results showed a significantly better performance of group 2 for the first 3 weeks; group 3 showed significantly better performance in the third week; and group 4 showed a significantly negative performance during the 481 and 6th weeks. Conclusion: Early application of HVPC had a positive effect in the treatment of the spinal cord region and the sciatic nerve root ganglion with a dispersive electrode on the contralateral lumbar region or on the gastrocnemius. However, HVPC had a negative effect in the treatment with an active electrode on the gastrocnemius and a dispersive electrode on the contralateral thigh. Level of evidence II, Prospective comparative study.


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In this work we report studies of the photoluminescence emission in samples based on Si/SiOx films deposited by the Pulsed Electron Beam Ablation (PEBA) technique. The samples were prepared at room temperature using targets with different Si/SiO2 concentrations. The samples were characterized using X-ray Absorption Edge Spectroscopy (XANES) at the Si-K edge, Raman spectroscopy, Photoluminescence (PL) and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS). The concentration of a-Si and nc-Si in the film was dependent on the silicon concentration in the target. It was also observed that the PL is strongly dependent on the structural amorphous/crystalline arrangement. Crown Copyright (C) 2011 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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EVAPORATIVE LIGHT-SCATTERING DETECTOR FOR ANALYSIS OF NATURAL PRODUCTS. The interest in the use of evaporative light scattering detector (ELSD) for the analysis of different classes of natural products has grown over the years. This is because this detector has become an excellent alternative compared to other types of detectors, such as the refractive index detector and the ultraviolet (UV) detector. This review describes the basic principles of ELSD functioning and discusses the advantages and disadvantages in using an ELSD for the analysis of organic compounds. Additionally, an overview, covering the last 23 years, of ELSD applications in natural products analysis (saponins, terpenes, carbohydrates, glycosides, alkaloids, steroids, flavonoids, peptides, polyketides, coumarins and iridoids) is presented and discussed.


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This research aimed to evaluate the occurrence of Staphylococcus aureus isolates in milk and in the milking environment of 10 small-scale farms (<400 L/d) located in the regions of Franca and Ribeirao Preto, state of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Two-hundred twenty samples of milk were collected from individual cows, along with 120 samples from bulk tank milk, 389 samples from milking equipment and utensils (teat cups, buckets, and sieves), and 120 samples from milkers' hands. Fifty-six Staph. aureus strains were isolated from 849 analyzed samples (6.6%): 12 (5.5%) from milk samples of individual cows, 26 (21.7%) from samples of bulk tank milk, 14 (3.6%) from samples collected from equipment and utensils, and 4 (3.3%) from samples from milkers' hands. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis typing of the 56 Staph. aureus isolates by SmaI restriction enzyme resulted in 31 profiles (pulsotypes) arranged in 12 major clusters. Results of this study indicate a low incidence, but wide distribution of Staph. aureus strains isolated from raw milk collected from individual cows and surfaces of milkers' hands and milking equipment in the small-scale dairy farms evaluated. However, the high percentage of bulk milk samples found with Staph. aureus is of public health concern because raw, unprocessed milk is regularly consumed by the Brazilian population.


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Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) biosynthesis from soybean oil by Cupriavidus necator was studied using a bench scale bioreactor. The highest cell concentration (83 g l(-1)) was achieved using soybean oil at 40 g l(-1) and a pulse of the same concentration. The PHB content was 81% (w/w), PHB productivity was 2.5 g l(-1) h(-1), and the calculated Y-p/s value was 0.85 g g(-1). Growth limitation and the onset of PHB biosynthesis took place due to exhaustion of P, and probably also Cu, Ca, and Fe.


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We present and describe a catalog of galaxy photometric redshifts (photo-z) for the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Co-add Data. We use the artificial neural network (ANN) technique to calculate the photo-z and the nearest neighbor error method to estimate photo-z errors for similar to 13 million objects classified as galaxies in the co-add with r < 24.5. The photo-z and photo-z error estimators are trained and validated on a sample of similar to 83,000 galaxies that have SDSS photometry and spectroscopic redshifts measured by the SDSS Data Release 7 (DR7), the Canadian Network for Observational Cosmology Field Galaxy Survey, the Deep Extragalactic Evolutionary Probe Data Release 3, the VIsible imaging Multi-Object Spectrograph-Very Large Telescope Deep Survey, and the WiggleZ Dark Energy Survey. For the best ANN methods we have tried, we find that 68% of the galaxies in the validation set have a photo-z error smaller than sigma(68) = 0.031. After presenting our results and quality tests, we provide a short guide for users accessing the public data.


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We have searched for sidereal variations in the rate of antineutrino interactions in the MINOS Near Detector. Using antineutrinos produced by the NuMI beam, we find no statistically significant sidereal modulation in the rate. When this result is placed in the context of the Standard Model Extension theory we are able to place upper limits on the coefficients defining the theory. These limits are used in combination with the results from an earlier analysis of MINOS neutrino data to further constrain the coefficients.


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This paper reports measurements of atmospheric neutrino and antineutrino interactions in the MINOS Far Detector, based on 2553 live-days (37.9 kton-years) of data. A total of 2072 candidate events are observed. These are separated into 905 contained-vertex muons and 466 neutrino-induced rock-muons, both produced by charged-current nu(mu) and (nu) over bar (mu) interactions, and 701 contained-vertex showers, composed mainly of charged-current nu(e) and (nu) over bar (e) interactions and neutral-current interactions. The curvature of muon tracks in the magnetic field of the MINOS Far Detector is used to select separate samples of nu(mu) and (nu) over bar (mu) events. The observed ratio of (nu) over bar (mu) to v(mu) events is compared with the Monte Carlo ( MC) simulation, giving a double ratio of R((nu) over bar/nu)data/R(nu) over bar/nu MC = 1.03 +/- 0.08(stat) +/- 0.08(syst). The v(mu) and (nu) over bar (mu) data are separated into bins of L/E resolution, based on the reconstructed energy and direction of each event, and a maximum likelihood fit to the observed L/E distributions is used to determine the atmospheric neutrino oscillation parameters. This fit returns 90% confidence limits of |Delta m(2)| = (1.9 +/- 0.4) x 10(-3) eV(2) and sin(2)2 theta > 0.86. The fit is extended to incorporate separate nu(mu) and (nu) over bar mu oscillation parameters, returning 90% confidence limits of |Delta m(2)| - |Delta(m) over bar (2)| = 0.6(-0.8)(+2.4) x 10(-3) eV(2) on the difference between the squared-mass splittings for neutrinos and antineutrinos.


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The LA-MC-ICP-MS method applied to U-Pb in situ dating is still rapidly evolving due to improvements in both lasers and ICP-MS. To test the validity and reproducibility of the method, 5 different zircon samples, including the standard Temora-2, ranging in age between 2.2 Ga and 246 Ma, were dated using both LA-MC-ICP-MS and SHRIMP. The selected zircons were dated by SHRIMP and, after gentle polishing, the laser spot was driven to the same site or on the same zircon phase with a 213 nm laser microprobe coupled to a multi-collector mixed system. The data were collected with a routine spot size of 25 μm and, in some cases, of 15 and 40 μm. A careful cross-calibration using a diluted U-Th-Pb solution to calculate the Faraday reading to counting rate conversion factors and the highly suitable GJ-1 standard zircon for external calibrations were of paramount importance for obtaining reliable results. All age results were concordant within the experimental errors. The assigned age errors using the LA-MC-ICP-MS technique were, in most cases, higher than those obtained by SHRIMP, but if we are not faced with a high resolution stratigraphy, the laser technique has certain advantages.


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INTRODUCTION: In orthodontics, determining the facial type is a key element in the prescription of a correct diagnosis. In the early days of our specialty, observation and measurement of craniofacial structures were done directly on the face, in photographs or plaster casts. With the development of radiographic methods, cephalometric analysis replaced the direct facial analysis. Seeking to validate the analysis of facial soft tissues, this work compares two different methods used to determining the facial types, the anthropometric and the cephalometric methods. METHODS: The sample consisted of sixty-four Brazilian individuals, adults, Caucasian, of both genders, who agreed to participate in this research. All individuals had lateral cephalograms and facial frontal photographs. The facial types were determined by the Vert Index (cephalometric) and the Facial Index (photographs). RESULTS: The agreement analysis (Kappa), made for both types of analysis, found an agreement of 76.5%. CONCLUSIONS: We concluded that the Facial Index can be used as an adjunct to orthodontic diagnosis, or as an alternative method for pre-selection of a sample, avoiding that research subjects have to undergo unnecessary tests.


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We describe the planning, implementation, and initial results of the first planned move of the default position of spectra on the Hubble Space Telescope's Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS) Far Ultraviolet (FUV) cross-delay line detector. This was motivated by the limited amount of charge that can be extracted from the microchannel plate due to gain sag at any one position. Operations at a new location began on July 23, 2012, with a shift of the spectrum by +3.5"(corresponding to ~ 41 pixels or ~ 1 mm) in a direction orthogonal to the spectral dispersion. Operation at this second "lifetime position" allows for spectra to be collected which are not affected by detector artifacts and loss of sensitivity due to gain sag. We discuss programs designed to enable operations at the new lifetime position; these include determinations of operational high voltage, measuring walk corrections and focus, confirming spectrum placement and aperture centering, and target acquisition performance. We also present results related to calibration of the new lifetime position, including measurements of spectral resolution and wavelength calibration, flux and flat field calibration, carryover of time-dependent sensitivity monitoring, and operations with the Bright Object Aperture (BOA).