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Se describe la situación actual de las revistas científicas de las universidades españolas con el propósito de señalar algunas acciones para mejorar su difusión. En primer lugar, se ofrecen diversos datos cuantitativos sobre las revistas científicas universitarias que proceden de directorios de revistas (CINDOC, Ulrich"s y Latindex, fundamentalmente). A continuación, se señalan un conjunto de siete líneas básicas de actuación para mejorar su difusión e impacto: digitalización de contenidos, inclusión en portales, difusión en libre acceso, elaboración de versiones multilingües, comunicación de novedades, medición de la audiencia, e inclusión en bases de datos. Finalmente, se hace referencia a los principales agentes que pueden llevar a cabo este tipo de actuaciones.


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El pasado mes de junio se celebró en Pittsburgh, EE.UU., el duodécimo simposio internacional sobre tesis electrónicas: Electronic Thesis and Dissertations Conference (ETD2009). Fue organizado por Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD). La mayoría de los ponentes explicaron las experiencias de su propia universidad. Además, hubo expertos invitados entre los cuales se pueden destacar Stevan Harnad (Univ. Southampton), Karla Hahn (Association of Research Libraries) y Deanna Marcum (Library of Congress). Estos simposios pretenden promover la adopción, creación, uso, difusión y preservación de las tesis electrónicas. De hecho, el éxito ha sido tal, que algunas universidades ya prescinden de la copia en papel para el depósito y preservación del documento. Un caso reciente es el de la University of Albany cuya nueva política, anunciada durante el simposio, consiste en que a partir de setiembre del 2009 ya no requiere el depósito de una copia impresa de las tesis aprobadas en aquella universidad.


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Introduction. The DRIVER I project drew up a detailed report of European repositories based on data gathered in a survey in which Spain's participation was very low. This created a highly distorted image of the implementation of repositories in Spain. This study aims to analyse the current state of Spanish open-access institutional repositories and to describe their characteristics. Method. The data were gathered through a Web survey. The questionnaire was based on that used by DRIVER I: coverage; technical infrastructure and technical issues; institutional policies; services created; and stimulators and inhibitors for establishing, filling and maintaining their digital institutional repositories. Analysis. Data were tabulated and analysed systematically according responses obtained from the questionnaire and grouped by coverage. Results. Responses were obtained from 38 of the 104 institutions contacted, which had 29 institutional repositories. This represents 78.3% of the Spanish repositories according to the BuscaRepositorios directory. Spanish repositories contained mainly full-text materials (journal articles and doctoral theses) together with metadata. The software most used was DSpace, followed by EPrints. The metadata standard most used was Dublin Core. Spanish repositories offered more usage statistics and fewer author-oriented services than the European average. The priorities for the future development of the repositories are the need for clear policies on access to scientific production based on public funding and the need for quality control indicators. Conclusions.This is the first detailed study of Spanish institutional repositories. The key stimulants for establishing, filling and maintaining were, in order of importance, the increase of visibility and citation, the interest of decision-makers, simplicity of use and search services. On the other hand the main inhibitors identified were the absence of policies, the lack of integration with other national and international systems and the lack of awareness efforts among academia.


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La terminologia i el concepte d'Error Congènit del Metabolisme (ECM), van ser establerts per A. Garrod a principis de segle. Avui día sabem que estan causats per errors o mutacions en els gens. Degut a la naturalesa del nostre codi genètic, segons el qual les instruccions del DNA són traduïdes a un producte gènic, les proteïnes, que seran les encarregades d'executar-lo; les mutacions del DNA es tradueixen en proteïnes anòmales amb la corresponent...


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En la línia del que havia apuntat la majoria de la doctrina, la STS de 14.9.2009 considera que des de l¿entrada en vigor de la Constitució espanyola (1978) havia d'entendre's derogada la regla de propagació a l¿esposa del veïnatge civil del marit prevista a l¿art. 14.4 Codi civil espanyol [redacció de 1974]; això suposa que des d¿aleshores la dona casada podia canviar autònomament de veïnatge civil. Partint d'això, en el cas judicat, la dona va canviar de veïnatge civil per residència continuada a Catalunya durant més de deu anys sense declaració en contra (art. 14.3.2n CCe [1974] i 14.5.2n CCe [1990]), veïnatge civil català que mantenia en el moment de la seva mort, malgrat haver realitzat diferents manifestacions -que resulten ineficaces- en el sentit de tenir o de voler conservar el veïnatge civil navarrès.


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La insolvència de l'herència o del causant ha estat afrontada amb tècniques diverses en tots els ordenaments jurídics. La Llei concursal (Llei 22/2003, de 9 de juliol, a partir d'ara, LCon) es refereix en alguns articles al que s'ha anomenat concurs de l'herència, la qual cosa no vol dir que solucioni, ni de bon tros, els problemes que sorgeixen de la insolvència. En aquest treball només intento identificar alguns dels problemes que la Llei concursal deixa sense resoldre i el que succeeix quan es posen en relació les normes concursals amb el Codi de successions i molt especialment, amb la institució del benefici d¿inventari, així com les regles de la LEC, ja complexes per elles mateixes. Aquest treball, per tant, s¿ha de considerar un working paper en sentit estricte: sempre resulta molt difícil iniciar una matèria en la qual la bibliografia és pràcticament inexistent.


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This study contributes to developing our understanding of gender and family business, a topic so crucial to recent policies about competitive growth. It does so by providing an interdisciplinary synthesis of some major theoretical debates. It also contributes to this understanding by illuminating the role of women and their participation in the practices of the family and the business. Finally, it explores gender relations and the notion that leadership in family business may take complex forms crafted within constantly changing relationships. Leadership is introduced as a concept that captures the reality of women and men in family firms in a better way than other concepts used by historians or economists like ownership and management.


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We propose an iterative procedure to minimize the sum of squares function which avoids the nonlinear nature of estimating the first order moving average parameter and provides a closed form of the estimator. The asymptotic properties of the method are discussed and the consistency of the linear least squares estimator is proved for the invertible case. We perform various Monte Carlo experiments in order to compare the sample properties of the linear least squares estimator with its nonlinear counterpart for the conditional and unconditional cases. Some examples are also discussed


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This study contributes to developing our understanding of gender and family business, a topic so crucial to recent policies about competitive growth. It does so by providing an interdisciplinary synthesis of some major theoretical debates. It also contributes to this understanding by illuminating the role of women and their participation in the practices of the family and the business. Finally, it explores gender relations and the notion that leadership in family business may take complex forms crafted within constantly changing relationships. Leadership is introduced as a concept that captures the reality of women and men in family firms in a better way than other concepts used by historians or economists like ownership and management.


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We propose an iterative procedure to minimize the sum of squares function which avoids the nonlinear nature of estimating the first order moving average parameter and provides a closed form of the estimator. The asymptotic properties of the method are discussed and the consistency of the linear least squares estimator is proved for the invertible case. We perform various Monte Carlo experiments in order to compare the sample properties of the linear least squares estimator with its nonlinear counterpart for the conditional and unconditional cases. Some examples are also discussed


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Estudo de caso em uma creche pública, que tem como objetivo analisar relações entre famílias e profissionais que se desenvolvem no cuidado compartilhado das crianças. Apesar de esforços de profissionais para interagir com as famílias, há evidentes dificuldades na interação, devido a distintos pontos de vista. Considerando que conflitos são inerentes à vida psíquica e social e que é necessário explicitá-los e negociá-los para alcançar objetivos comuns, o artigo buscou apreender o ponto de vista dos sujeitos envolvidos no cuidado infantil. Depreendeu-se da análise que a confiança é construída com "o tempo", no processo de compartilhar o cuidado, ajustando expectativas e negociando diferentes concepções, valores e conhecimentos. Como mostraram dados da observação, conflitos não explicitados nem refletidos podem comprometer o cuidado da criança, que vivencia e percebe quando as diferenças entre a creche e a família são focos de tensão.


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El text respon a una necessitat sorgida a partir de l'aprovació de la Constitució i el Codi Civil el 1978: un nou interés mèdic i legal per establir proves pericials de paternitat.


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[eng] The Creative Commons project in Spain has its beginnings in early 2003, but until one year ago it was not possible to access licenses adapted to Spanish legislation on intellectual property. In addition to this effort of adaptation, other activities have been carried out -centred especially on the dissemination and explanation of the licensing system- and the level of acceptance has been quite positive. This article covers the history of the project and provides an explanation of the licenses and a description of some of the initiatives that this legal system is carrying out.


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Les llicències de Creative Commons són una alternativa a la gestió tradicional dels drets d'autor que s'ha estès ràpidament gràcies a Internet en els seus cinc anys d'existència. L'aparició d'aquesta nova eina legal ha obert un debat sobre els models de difusió de qualsevol contingut i, en definitiva, del coneixement que ha obligat a replantejaments no tan sols entre els autors i els creadors sinó també entre institucions i administracions. En aquest llibre es presenta el model que proposa Creative Commons per facilitar la difusió i l'accés als continguts de qualsevol persona, tot respectant-ne els drets d'autor.


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A new initiative has sprung on the path created by the Open Access (OA) movement: Open Education (OE). The initiative's aim is to open up all educational resources at all learning levels. In order to achieve this goal, several international institutions, like UNESCO and the OECD, have published reports, surveys and documents to help educational institutions in this endeavor. This global initiative needs a legal framework; as a result, efforts thus far have usually resorted to Open Licensing (OL), especially Creative Commons (CC) licensing. In fact, as a response to this new movement, Creative Commons launched a new program, ccLearn , which recognizes open licensing's impact on education and directly supports the idea of open educational resources (OER). However, there still remain a good amount of open questions: What is happening locally with OL in higher education? How are educational institutions receiving the initiative? How is it that the OL initiative relates to educational resources? Are there local examples of open educational resources (OER)? How do these local instances incorporate CC into their educational frameworks?. To this effect, this analysis aims to focus on the legal approach and specifically on the way the educational sector is using open licenses outside the English speaking world. It will do so by looking at the current situation in two specific scenarios, the Colombian and the Catalan experiences with open educational projects at the higher education level.