940 resultados para loniless in old age


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This paper examines the role of household formation in providing consumption insurance to the elderly. Using data from the Consumer Expenditure Surveys, raw tabulations of per adult equivalent consumption indicate that the elderly who live alone have higher levels of well-being relative to those who live with others. This is misleading, however, because the decision to live alone is clearly endogenous. The empirical estimation accounts for this endogeneity using data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics. The results provide evidence that household formation plays a significant role in maintaining consumption levels. Without the opportunity to live with others, the welfare gap measured by the difference between per adult equivalent consumption levels of dependent and independent livers would be even larger. These findings suggest that co-residing with others effectively supplements social security, pensions, and private savings and helps the elderly to smooth consumption in old age.


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This study found that constipation estimates varied considerably from 9-42%, depending on the criteria used, and there was extensive laxative use. Those who were constipated reported a significantly poorer quality-of-life. Participants could not achieve current dietary recommendations and therefore managing constipation through dietary modification is impractical for many older people.


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A fall risk management intervention was undertaken by staff caring for older people in nursing homes. Its acceptability and usefulness was tested. 'High risk times' and 'at risk' individuals were found, thereby identfying times when staff should be vigilant, and specific residents to be targeted with fall prevention strategies.


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The study examined whether divided attention and memory skills of older adults could be improved through video game training. The findings show that limited training with the games cannot enhance these skills. However, greater amounts of training could improve these vital skills amongst older adults.


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The present study regards an applied qualitative social research (descriptive) which approaches the matter between old age and Brazilian social actions performed in social projects, aiming a qualified life and citizenship for this group of age. The objective of the study is to evaluate the contribution of Project Health and Citizenship in Old Age regarding social actions from the government directed to old age individual treatment for life quality improvement. The theoretical fundamentals of this work is, in a first moment, about old age and certain existing theories about aging process, as well as the differences and perspectives that come up throughout this process. In a second moment, some reflections are developed about the relation between life quality and leisure regarding old age, with the conception and historical rescue about these questions, as well as the evidence of leisure as an instrument of well-being feasibility and a better life quality in old age. Then the study contextualizes Brazilian government treatment to old age individuals, cutting off the Constitution of Republic from 1988 and some social attitudes taken by the government in a try to reach this specific group. Finally, the study presents the Project Health and Citizenship in Old Age , as a social program which belongs to extension activities from Federal Center of Technological Education of Rio Grande do Norte (CEFET-RN), which aims old age treatment and their citizenship and life quality. After the application of a semi-structured interview using the technique of Analysis of content for the Analysis and Discussion of Results, it is possible to conclude that the Project Health and Citizenship in Old Age fulfils its objective regarding contribution, through offered leisure activities, for old age well-being and life quality improvement. Hence, on this regard, it is possible to observe the importance and value of government actions, social projects and programs assisting old age individuals, for they are able to provide this group the opportunity to live out activities that allow their citizenship and socialization, regarding well-being and life quality improvement.


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The results of studies about the ideal resistance training intensity for reduction of resting blood pressure levels, as well as this type of training to increase the functional capacity of hypertensive older women are still unclear, since the few investigations usually analyze young individuals normotensive, and the literature lacks precise information in elderly hypertensive subjects. Objectives: To determine the effect of two resistance training intensities on resting blood pressure and the effect of resistance training on functional capacity in elderly women with systemic arterial hypertension, analyzing these variables before and after eight weeks of intervention. Methods: Patients underwent eight weeks of resistance training, with a frequency of three times per week on alternate days, in the afternoon. The exercises performed were: leg press, bench press, knee extension, lat pull-down, knee flexion, shoulder abduction, standing cable hip abduction and biceps curl. Results: It was found that patients who underwent training with moderate resistance, showed a reduction on resting values of diastolic blood pressure (DBP) p<0.03 and of mean arterial pressure (MAP) p<0.03. Patients who underwent mild resistance training showed reduction in resting values of MAP (p<0.03) and a tendency to decrease in DBP (p<0.06). With regard to functional capacity, the results showed significant increase in the strength of arms and legs, agility and aerobic endurance (p<0.001) and maintaining flexibility (p>0.05). Conclusion: The data indicated that both mild and moderate resistance training, even when started in old age, promoted cardiovascular benefits and also improve the functional capacity of hypertensive older women.


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For a complete comprehension of the effect of tooth loss is necessary to listen to the patients that have it. This study, of qualitative approach, investigate, in the dental history of users of SUS, listening to his/her experiences with the services of dental care, the reason that lead his/her to dental lost and the repercussion of this in his/her life. The collect of data was made by narrative interview, obeying to a pre-defined schema. The subjects interviewed were six (three of urban zone and three of rural zone), all of them were users of Family Health Units. The criterions of inclusion were the followings: the presence of tooth lost (total lost in both dental arch or in one of them, or partial lost in at least six elements in one of the arches); age between 25 and 59; male or female; to live in municipal district of São Tomé/RN or Natal/RN. Based on previous interviews was elaborated the odontological history of each patient. Such narratives, systemized in odontological history, were analyzed taking as base the studies of Souza71 and the proposal of Schutze, suggested for Jovchelovitch, Bauer34. The results show that toothache was the main reason for the search of odontological care. The patients confront the ache with home-made medicaments, allopathic ones, and searching for dental care. The searching for exodontics was stimulated for geographic access difficulties or for repressed demand, which as a result produced the aggravation of the lesions and the discredit in restoration s treatment. The self-care practice of tooth-brush with juá or toothpaste and the controlled ingestion of sugar was not sufficient to avoid dental lost. Guilty sentiments were identified in relation with lack of care with teeth. The acceptance of dental lost as a natural factor is an important motivation in lack of pain and in the belief that it was a simple part of life in old age. Life with dental prosthesis makes clear the difference between which was natural and which was unnatural, and difficulties with the prosthesis appeared. The limitation of the prosthesis in its functional aspect can be compensated by esthetic restitution, making possible smiling expression. Starting with this study and considering the high number of dental lost, mainly in low-rent population, which live with toothless limitations or bad-quality prosthesis which do not rehabilitate adequately, we suggested the realization of qualitative researches which include, also, another actors in heath care services such as professionals and administrators


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OBJETIVO: avaliar a qualidade da dieta da população idosa do município de Avaré (SP) através do Índice de Alimentação Saudável (IAS) MÉTODOS: trata-se de um estudo de corte transversal de base populacional realizado por meio de entrevista domiciliar. A amostra constou de 73 indivíduos, sorteados aleatoriamente dos idosos integrados ao Sistema Público de Saúde do Município. O consumo alimentar foi medido por meio de 3 Recordatórios de 24 horas. Para avaliação, foi aplicado o IAS adaptado para a população brasileira. Parte-se do princípio que o presente estudo constitui o primeiro no Brasil a aplicar o IAS utilizando 3 inquéritos do tipo recordatório de 24 horas em população idosa. Optou-se por esta metodologia, pois como descrito na literatura, um único dia não representa a ingestão habitual de um indivíduo devido à elevada variabilidade intrapessoal do consumo. RESULTADOS: Foram encontrados 32,9% de idosos com uma dieta de má qualidade; 60,3% necessitando de melhorias e 6,8% com uma dieta de boa qualidade. CONCLUSÃO: Pode-se concluir que os idosos estudados precisam de melhorias na alimentação, o que ressalta a importância de política de incentivo voltado à alimentação saudável na terceira idade.


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Incluye Bibliografía


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Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB


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Pós-graduação em Fisiopatologia em Clínica Médica - FMB


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The elderly are the object of policies of protection against risks and diseases. According to the liberal premise, the idea is ensure the individual's independence, which actually serves to isolating and weakening the elderly. We propose the paradigm of recognition and social bonds that support the life of individuals who exercise recognition and are recognized. Intersubjective autonomy is guaranteed through relations of affection/friendship, social esteem, recognition of rights and responsibilities and threatened by de-valuing attitudes, disrespect and violence. This contributes to the health of the elderly, by understanding exclusion, slander and trauma and supporting the care institution with a view to integrity and social justice.


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This article analyzes and discusses the experience of time in old age through the relations of the elderly with photography. We did photography workshops with a group of elders exploring with them the sense of the photographic act death, as an act of freezing and stopping time and also the sense of exploring the future to create, through the photographic act, an image that can symbolize moving on in life.