605 resultados para landfill leachate


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Lead (Pb), neodymium (Nd), and strontium (Sr) isotopic analyses were carried out on sediment leachates (reflecting the isotope composition of past seawater) and digests of the bulk residues (reflecting detrital continental inputs) of Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Leg 302 and core PS2185 from the Lomonosov Ridge (Arctic Ocean). Our records are interpreted to reflect changes in continental erosion and oceanic circulation, driven predominantly by tectonic forcing on million-year timescales in the older (pre-2 Ma) part of the record and by climatic forcing of weathering and erosion of the Eurasian continental margin on thousand-year timescales in the younger (post-2 Ma) part. These data, covering the past ~15 Ma, show that continental inputs to the central Arctic Ocean have been more closely linked to glacial and hydrological processes occurring on the Eurasian margin than on continental North America and Greenland. The constancy of the detrital input signatures supports the early existence of an Arctic sea ice cover, whereas the major initiation of Northern Hemisphere glaciation at 2.7 Ma appears to have had little impact on the weathering regime of the Eurasian continental margin.


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The problem of solid waste that involves the management, the management and the allocation of these is an issue that permeates all spheres of society, which denotes environmental implications that contribute to the discussion of the environmental crisis in progress. From this perspective, this study aims to investigate and understand the role that consortia, especially the Regional Public Waste Consortium Solid Seridó/RN have waste management, in order to observe their strengths and weaknesses in order to conclude whether they are an appropriate solution to the problem of solid waste. In studying a region that is undergoing a process of institutional organization guided in the solid waste, the focus turned into an interesting academic research point. Since this is a qualitative research, readings were taken of relevant authors to the object and the following legal frameworks, namely: the National Basic Sanitation Policy (Law nº 11.445/2007), the National Policy on Solid Waste (Law nº 12.305/2010 ) and the Law on Public Consortia (Law nº 11.107/2005). The consortium region has about 290.000 inhabitants, generated 40.000 tons of waste a year. As for the final disposal of waste, all municipalities in the region deposit their waste in the open, or in garbage dumps. In the analysis of the Consortium Seridó, a list of issues that are hindering their implementation has been identified. The demands come mainly from the political sphere, but also financial, technical and logistical. It is expected that with the realization of the Consortium by building its supporting structures (overfill Station and Landfill), a new model of solid waste management is implemented.


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Potato cyst nematodes (PCN) cause significant damage to the potato crop worldwide and growers experience economic losses related to yield loss and the cost of control measures. Experiments were set up to further elucidate the complex tritrophic PCNpotato-soil bacteria relationship. Bacterial strains isolated from the sugar beet rhizosphere were shown to be hatch active towards Globodera pallida and to be capable of successfully colonising the sugar beet rhizosphere when applied exogenously. A trap-crop system, based on these isolates, was proposed. Ridge and bulk soil taken from a commercial potato field were incubated with sterile potato root leachate (sPRL) and subsequent in vitro hatching assays showed that PCN hatch was influenced by microorganisms present in the ridge, but not in the bulk soil. Community level physiological profiling (CLPP) of ridge and bulk soil, using BIOLOG EcoplatesTM, demonstrated differences in bacterial functional diversity between the two soil types. An investigation of the inter-species competition between G. pallida and G. rostochiensis showed that G. pallida performed significantly better, in terms of multiplication rate, in competition with G. rostochiensis compared to its multiplication rate in single-species populations. Effectively removing the early hatch of G. rostochiensis in pot trials led to the removal of this competitive advantage of G. pallida suggesting that this advantage was due, at least in part, to morphological changes to the root caused by the early hatching of G. rostochiensis.


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Oil spills in marine environments often damage marine and coastal life if not remediated rapidly and efficiently. In spite of the strict enforcement of environmental legislations (i.e., Oil Pollution Act 1990) following the Exxon Valdez oil spill (June 1989; the second biggest oil spill in U.S. history), the Macondo well blowout disaster (April 2010) released 18 times more oil. Strikingly, the response methods used to contain and capture spilled oil after both accidents were nearly identical, note that more than two decades separate Exxon Valdez (1989) and Macondo well (2010) accidents.

The goal of this dissertation was to investigate new advanced materials (mechanically strong aerogel composite blankets-Cabot® Thermal Wrap™ (TW) and Aspen Aerogels® Spaceloft® (SL)), and their applications for oil capture and recovery to overcome the current material limitations in oil spill response methods. First, uptake of different solvents and oils were studied to answer the following question: do these blanket aerogel composites have competitive oil uptake compared to state-of-the-art oil sorbents (i.e., polyurethane foam-PUF)? In addition to their competitive mechanical strength (766, 380, 92 kPa for Spaceloft, Thermal Wrap, and PUF, respectively), our results showed that aerogel composites have three critical advantages over PUF: rapid (3-5 min.) and high (more than two times of PUF’s uptake) oil uptake, reusability (over 10 cycles), and oil recoverability (up to 60%) via mechanical extraction. Chemical-specific sorption experiments showed that the dominant uptake mechanism of aerogels is adsorption to the internal surface, with some contribution of absorption into the pore space.

Second, we investigated the potential environmental impacts (energy and chemical burdens) associated with manufacturing, use, and disposal of SL aerogel and PUF to remove the oil (i.e., 1 m3 oil) from a location (i.e., Macondo well). Different use (single and multiple use) and end of life (landfill, incinerator, and waste-to-energy) scenarios were assessed, and our results demonstrated that multiple use, and waste-to-energy choices minimize the energy and material use of SL aerogel. Nevertheless, using SL once and disposing via landfill still offers environmental and cost savings benefits relative to PUF, and so these benefits are preserved irrespective of the oil-spill-response operator choices.

To inform future aerogel manufacture, we investigated the different laboratory-scale aerogel fabrication technologies (rapid supercritical extraction (RSCE), CO2 supercritical extraction (CSCE), alcohol supercritical extraction (ASCE)). Our results from anticipatory LCA for laboratory-scaled aerogel fabrication demonstrated that RSCE method offers lower cumulative energy and ecotoxicity impacts compared to conventional aerogel fabrication methods (CSCE and ASCE).

The final objective of this study was to investigate different surface coating techniques to enhance oil recovery by modifying the existing aerogel surface chemistries to develop chemically responsive materials (switchable hydrophobicity in response to a CO2 stimulus). Our results showed that studied surface coating methods (drop casting, dip coating, and physical vapor deposition) were partially successful to modify surface with CO2 switchable chemical (tributylpentanamidine), likely because of the heterogeneous fiber structure of the aerogel blankets. A possible solution to these non-uniform coatings would be to include switchable chemical as a precursor during the gel preparation to chemically attach the switchable chemical to the pores of the aerogel.

Taken as a whole, the implications of this work are that mechanical deployment and recovery of aerogel composite blankets is a viable oil spill response strategy that can be deployed today. This will ultimately enable better oil uptake without the uptake of water, potential reuse of the collected oil, reduced material and energy burdens compared to competitive sorbents (e.g., PUF), and reduced occupational exposure to oiled sorbents. In addition, sorbent blankets and booms could be deployed in coastal and open-ocean settings, respectively, which was previously impossible.


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Methane hydrate is an ice-like substance that is stable at high-pressure and low temperature in continental margin sediments. Since the discovery of a large number of gas flares at the landward termination of the gas hydrate stability zone off Svalbard, there has been concern that warming bottom waters have started to dissociate large amounts of gas hydrate and that the resulting methane release may possibly accelerate global warming. Here, we can corroborate that hydrates play a role in the observed seepage of gas, but we present evidence that seepage off Svalbard has been ongoing for at least three thousand years and that seasonal fluctuations of 1-2°C in the bottom-water temperature cause periodic gas hydrate formation and dissociation, which focus seepage at the observed sites.


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Strontium isotopic compositions of acetic acid (HOAc) leachate fractions of eight manganese oxide deposits from the modern seafloor, and of twenty-one buried manganese nodules from Cretaceous to Recent sediments in DSDP/ODP cores were measured. ratios of HOAc leachates in all modern seafloor manganese oxides of various origins are identical with present seawater. The ratios of the HOAc leachates of buried nodules from DSDP/ODP cores are significantly lower than those of nodules from the modern seafloor and are mostly identical with coeval seawater values estimated from the age of associated sediments. It is suggested that the buried nodules in DSDP/ODP cores are not artifacts transported from the present seafloor during the drilling process, but are in situ fossil deposits from the past deep-sea floor during Cretaceous to Quaternary periods. The formation of deep-sea fossil nodules prior to the formation of Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) indicates that the circulation of oxygenated deep seawaters have activately deposited manganese oxides since the Eocene Epoch, or earlier.


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87Sr/S6Sr ratios have been determined on eleven whole rock basalt samples from DSDP Leg 37. The 87Sr/S6Sr ratios range from 0.70305 +/- 4 to 0.70451 +/- 4 due to alteration and contamination with seawater Sr. Leaching with 5% HF has only a small effect on the 87Sr/86Sr of the samples. However, treatment with 6M HCl in acid digestion bombs at 130°C removes the contaminant more effectively. Altered plagioclase and olivine are dissolved during this process. The mean 87Sr/86Sr of four HCl-treated samples from hole 332A is 0.70299 and that for five samples from hole 332B is 0.70297. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios of treated samples from holes 333A and 335 are 0.70304 +/- 4 and 0.70316 +/- 4, respectively. These 87Sr/86Sr ratios are within the range observed for other basalts elsewhere along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in the North Atlantic. REE distribution patterns have been determined for four samples, three from hole 332B and one from hole 335. CeN/YbN ratios range from 0.58 to 1.30 and do not correlate with 87Sr/86Sr ratios. The source regions of these basalts appear to have been variable in REE abundances.


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The new engine plant by General Motors (GM) in Joinville-SC, inaugurated on February 27th 2013, incorporates the most advanced automotive technology processes and broad compliance with environmental standards and energy efficiency. The initiatives implemented in this industrial plant include processes with 100% of recycled industrial waste (landfill free) and pioneer systems in energy efficiency and environmental protection, qualifying the plant to obtain the global certification of Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED). This industrial project reveals the strategic importance of the region and of Brazil in the growth of GM in the world, becoming a reference for studies and project evaluations of "green" factories in the automotive sector. The present study performs an exploratory research based on scientific publications, assessing the direct and indirect impacts on the business outcome, resulting from implementation of industrial serviceoriented sustainability of its operations, referred to in this article as "Green Factory”. We concluded that the adopted technologies focused on sustainability, study and development, represent a new step for the design of new plants and future expansions of the company in the region, combining low operating cost, low environmental impact and conservation of natural resources.


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A produção de combustível derivado de resíduos (CDR) resultou de uma decisão política que permitiu a instalação em Portugal de um significativo conjunto de processos, cuja avaliação técnico-económica e ambiental pode já ser feita. Este trabalho faz uma avaliação técnica e ambiental da linha de produção de CDR da Recivalongo. A avaliação técnica consistiu na análise dos caudais de material que entraram na linha de produção, na quantidade de CDR produzido, contabilizando também os gastos de recursos da linha (energia e materiais auxiliares). A avaliação da qualidade de CDR produzido a partir do ensaio laboratorial representou também uma parte muito significativa do trabalho produzido. A avaliação ambiental foi efetuada com base na metodologia da Avaliação de Ciclo de Vida (ACV). Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que o processo da Recivalongo transforma 69% do material de entrada, recuperando 2% em metais ferrosos e rejeitando para aterro a restante fração de 29%. As análises efetuadas ao CDR mostraram que apresenta um PCI compreendido entre 17 e 20 MJ/kg; o teor em cloro está compreendido entre 0,2 e 0,8% Conclui-se que neste processo o parâmetro mais difícil de controlar é o teor em cloro no CDR, pois existe uma grande diversidade de resíduos com grandes quantidades de cloro na sua constituição e que por muitas vezes são difíceis de identificar e/ou separar na primeira fase do tratamento dos resíduos. Da análise ciclo de vida efetuada à produção de CDR pode-se afirmar que esta operação de gestão de resíduos apresenta uma mais-valia quando comparada com a deposição dos resíduos em aterro, não sendo a diferença entre destinos tão significativa quanto o esperado. Desta avaliação pode concluir-se que a instalação operou muito abaixo da sua capacidade, sendo esta considerada uma das melhores linhas de produção de CDR a nível nacional.


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With the disorganized decentralization occurred in Brazil after the 1988 Constitution, municipalities have risen to the level of federal entities. This phenomenon became known as "municipalism" also brought some negative effects such as low capacity financial, economic and political of these entities. In the face of this reality , the municipalities sought in models of collaborative features to address public policy issues ultrarregionais, one of these models are the Public Consortia. Characterized as the organization of all federal entities that aim to solve public policy implementation alone that they could not, or spend great resources for such. This reality of the municipalities have an aggravating factor when looking at the situation in Metropolitan Regions (MRs). This is because the RMs has a historical process of formation that does not encourage cooperation, since that were created top-down during the military regime. Furthermore, the metropolitan municipalities have significant power asymmetries, localist vision, rigidity earmarked revenues, different scenarios conurbation, difficulty standardization of concepts and others that contribute to the vision of low cooperation of these metropolitan areas. Thus, the problem of this work is in the presence of collaborative arrangements, such as the Public Consortia in metropolitan areas, which are seen as areas of low cooperation. To elucidate this research was used for analysis the cases of CONDIAM/PB and Consórcio Grande Recife/PE, because they are apparently antagonistic, but with some points of similarity. The cases has as foundation the Theory of Common Resources, which provides the possibility of collective action through the initiative of individuals. This theory has as its methodology for analyzing the picture IAD Framework, which proposes its analysis based on three axes: external variables, the arena of action and results. The nature of the method of this research was classified as exploratory and descriptive. For the stage of date analysis, was used the method of document analysis and content, Further than of separation of the cases according to theur especificities. At the end of the study, noted that the CONDIAM/PB was a strategy of municipal government of Joao Pessoa to attract funds from the Federal Government for the purpose of to build a landfill, and over the years the ideology of cooperation was left aside, the prevailing view localist municipalities. In the case of Consórcio Grande Recife/PE, members act with some degree of cooperation, especially the collaborative aspect of the region, however, still prevails with greater strength the power of the state of Pernambuco in the decisions and paths of the consortium. Thus, was conclude that the Public Consortia analyzed are an experience of collaborative arrangement, from the initiative of members, as the theory of common resources says, but has not actually signed as a practice of collective action to overcome the dilemmas faced by metropolitan areas


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La carbonatation minérale dans les résidus miniers est un moyen sûr et permanent de séquestrer le CO2 atmosphérique. C’est un processus naturel et passif qui ne nécessite aucun traitement particulier et donc avantageux d’un point de vue économique. Bien que la quantité de CO2 qu’il soit possible de séquestrer selon ce processus est faible à l’échelle globale, dans le cadre d’un marché du carbone, les entreprises minières pourraient obtenir des crédits et ainsi revaloriser leurs résidus. À l’heure actuelle, il y a peu d’informations pour quantifier le potentiel de séquestration du CO2 de façon naturelle et passive dans les piles de résidus miniers. Il est donc nécessaire d’étudier le phénomène pour comprendre comment évolue la réaction à travers le temps et estimer la quantité de CO2 qui peut être séquestrée naturellement dans les piles de résidus. Plusieurs travaux de recherche se sont intéressés aux résidus miniers de Thetford Mines (Québec, Canada), avec une approche principalement expérimentale en laboratoire. Ces travaux ont permis d’améliorer la compréhension du processus de carbonatation, mais ils nécessitent une validation à plus grande échelle sous des conditions atmosphériques réelles. L’objectif général de cette étude est de quantifier le processus de carbonatation minérale des résidus miniers sous des conditions naturelles, afin d’estimer la quantité de CO2 pouvant être piégée par ce processus. La méthodologie utilisée repose sur la construction de deux parcelles expérimentales de résidus miniers situées dans l’enceinte de la mine Black Lake (Thetford Mines). Les résidus miniers sont principalement constitués de grains et de fibres de chrysotile et lizardite mal triés, avec de petites quantités d’antigorite, de brucite et de magnétite. Des observations spatiales et temporelles ont été effectuées dans les parcelles concernant la composition et la pression des gaz, la température des résidus, la teneur en eau volumique, la composition minérale des résidus ainsi que la chimie de l’eau des précipitations et des lixiviats provenant des parcelles. Ces travaux ont permis d’observer un appauvrissement notable du CO2 dans les gaz des parcelles (< 50 ppm) ainsi que la précipitation d’hydromagnésite dans les résidus, ce qui suggère que la carbonatation minérale naturelle et passive est un processus potentiellement important dans les résidus miniers. Après 4 ans d’observations, le taux de séquestration du CO2 dans les parcelles expérimentales a été estimé entre 3,5 et 4 kg/m3/an. Ces observations ont permis de développer un modèle conceptuel de la carbonatation minérale naturelle et passive dans les parcelles expérimentales. Dans ce modèle conceptuel, le CO2 atmosphérique (~ 400 ppm) se dissout dans l’eau hygroscopique contenue dans les parcelles, où l’altération des silicates de magnésium forme des carbonates de magnésium. La saturation en eau dans les cellules est relativement stable dans le temps et varie entre 0,4 et 0,65, ce qui est plus élevé que les valeurs de saturation optimales proposées dans la littérature, réduisant ainsi le transport de CO2 dans la zone non saturée. Les concentrations de CO2 en phase gazeuse, ainsi que des mesures de la vitesse d’écoulement du gaz dans les cellules suggèrent que la réaction est plus active près de la surface et que la diffusion du CO2 est le mécanisme de transport dominant dans les résidus. Un modèle numérique a été utilisé pour simuler ces processus couplés et valider le modèle conceptuel avec les observations de terrain. Le modèle de transport réactif multiphase et multicomposant MIN3P a été utilisé pour réaliser des simulations en 1D qui comprennent l’infiltration d’eau à travers le milieu partiellement saturé, la diffusion du gaz, et le transport de masse réactif par advection et dispersion. Même si les écoulements et le contenu du lixivat simulés sont assez proches des observations de terrain, le taux de séquestration simulé est 22 fois plus faible que celui mesuré. Dans les simulations, les carbonates précipitent principalement dans la partie supérieure de la parcelle, près de la surface, alors qu’ils ont été observés dans toute la parcelle. Cette différence importante pourrait être expliquée par un apport insuffisant de CO2 dans la parcelle, qui serait le facteur limitant la carbonatation. En effet, l’advection des gaz n’a pas été considérée dans les simulations et seule la diffusion moléculaire a été simulée. En effet, la mobilité des gaz engendrée par les fluctuations de pression barométrique et l’infiltration de l’eau, ainsi que l’effet du vent doivent jouer un rôle conséquent pour alimenter les parcelles en CO2.


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Steel slag, an abundant by-product of the steel-making industry, after it is aged, has a huge potential for use as an aggregate in road construction. However, the high pH of steel slag seepage (pH≥12) is a major impediment in its beneficial use. Analyses on aged steel slag samples demonstrated that the alkalinity producing capacity of aged steel slag samples strongly correlated to Ca(OH)2 dissolution and that prolonged aging periods have marginal effects on overall alkalinity. Treatment methods that included bitumen-coating, bathing in Al(III) solutions and addition of an alum-based drinking water treatment residual (WTR) were evaluated based on reduction in pH levels and leachate alkalinity. 10% (wt./wt.) alum-based drinking water treatment residual (WTR) addition to slag was determined to be the most successful mitigation method, providing 65−70% reduction in alkalinity both in batch-type and column leach tests, but final leachate pH was only 0.5−1 units lower and leachates were contaminated by dissolved Al(+III) (≥3−4 mM). Based on the interpretation of calculated saturation indices and SEM and EDX analyses, formation of calcium sulfoaluminate phases (i.e., ettringite and monosulfate) was suggested as the mechanism behind alkalinity mitigation upon WTR-modification. The residual alkalinity in WTR-amended slag leachates was able to be completely eliminated utilizing a biosolids compost with high base neutralization capacity. In column leach tests, effluent pH levels below 7 were maintained for 58−74 pore volumes worth of WTR-amended slag leachate using 0.13 kg compost (dry wt.) per 1 kg WTR-amended slag on average; also, dissolved Al(+III) was strongly retained on the compost.


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Inadequate final disposal of municipal solid waste (MSW) is associated with significant greenhouse gas (GHG) emission, environmental, health and safety issues, space consumption, public health and developmental issues in general. The environmental impact of waste is mostly felt in developing countries, inadequate waste management and treatment solution, inadequate policies and outdated practices are some of the factors leading to the significantly high final disposal of waste in dumps in developing countries. Brazil and other developing countries are changing the status quo by adopting polices that will adequately address this problem of inadequate waste management and disposal. Life cycle analysis (LCA) identifies the potential environmental impact of a product though environmental impact assessment, International Organization for Standardization (ISO) created the ISO 14040 and ISO 14044 to serve as principle guidelines for conducting LCA. Various waste treatment solution was applied to identify the waste management solution with the least Global warming potential (GWP) for treating the MSW generated from the city of Rio de Janerio, while reducing significantly final waste disposed in landfill.


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Dissertação de Natureza Científica para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil Perfil de Edificações


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Relatório de estágio para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Edificações