895 resultados para interpreting
Objective-To establish reference intervals for cytologic and biochemical variables in peritoneal fluid, whole blood, and plasma in calves with congenital umbilical hernias (CUHs) before and after herniorrhaphy and to assess whether those variables in calves with CUHs were altered, compared with findings in clinically normal calves.Animals-20 Holstein calves with or without a CUH.Procedures-10 calves with CUHs underwent herniorrhaphy. Blood and peritoneal fluid samples from all 20 calves were collected for cytologic and biochemical analyses on days 0 (before surgery), 1, 3, 5, 7, and 15. Data from the 2 groups were compared.Results-Reference intervals for the variables of interest were established for each group, Before surgery, calves with CUHs had significantly greater plasma total protein concentration and creatine kinase (CK) and aspartate aminotransferase activities and peritoneal fluid specific gravity values, compared with values for calves without CUHs. At various time points after surgery, peritoneal fluid total protein concentration; fibrinogen concentration; nucleated cell, polymorphonuclear cell, and lymphocyte counts; specific gravity; and lactate dehydrogenase, aspartate aminotransferase, and CK activities in calves with CUHs were significantly different from values in calves without CUHs. Some plasma and blood variables leg, total protein concentration, neutrophil count, and CK activity were significantly different between the 2 groups.Conclusions and Clinical Relevance-Values of certain cytologic and biochemical variables in peritoneal fluid, blood, and plasma were different between calves with and without CUHs. Thus, determination of reference intervals for these variables is important for interpreting diagnostic test results in calves with CUHs. (Am J Vet Res 2009;70:423-432)
The aim of this study was to evaluate the intraexaminer agreement in the detection of the mandibular canal roof (MCR) and mental foramen (MF) in panoramic radiographs. Forty panoramic radiographs of edentulous patients were used. Two calibrated examiners (A and B) read the images 2 times, for both sides independently, under blind conditions. The interval between the readings was 10 days. The intraexaminer agreement in the interpretation of MCR and MF was performed by kappa statistics with linear weighting (x). The intraexaminer agreement for the detection of MCR, in the left side, was good for both examiners (A: kappa = 0.67; B: kappa = 0.71). Related to the right side, it was found to be kappa = 0.47 and kappa = 0.62, respectively to A and B. The intraexaminer agreement for the detection of MF was good for both examiners interpreting the left side (A: kappa = 0.61; B: kappa = 0.63), and in relation to the right side, it was moderate (A: kappa = 0.51) and fair (B: kappa = 0.38). The intraexaminer agreement in the detection of MCR was good and from good to fair in the detection of MF.
In this paper we review some basic relations of algebraic K theory and we formulate them in the language of D-branes. Then we study the relation between the D8-branes wrapped on an orientable, compact manifold W in a massive Type IIA, supergravity background and the M9-branes wrapped on a compact manifold Z in a massive d = 11 supergravity background from the K-theoretic point of view. By interpreting the D8-brane charges as elements of K-0(C(W)) and the (inequivalent classes of) spaces of gauge fields on the M9-branes as the elements of K-0(C(Z) x ((k) over bar*) G) where G is a one-dimensional compact group, a connection between charges and gauge fields is argued to exists. This connection could be realized as a composition map between the corresponding algebraic K theory groups.
Recent studies of the delectability of the cosmic topology of nearly flat universes have often concentrated on the range of values of Omega(0) given by current observations. Here we study the consequences of taking a range of bounds satisfying \Omega(0) - 1\ much less than 1, which include those expected from future observations such as the Planck mission, as well as those predicted by inflationary models. We show that in this limit, a generic detectable non-flat manifold is locally indistinguishable from either a cylindrical (R-2 X S) or toroidal (R x T-2) manifold, irrespective of its global shape, with the former being more likely. Importantly, this is compatible with some recent indications of the alignment of the quadrupole and octupole moments, based on the analysis of the first year WMAP data. It also implies that in this limit an observer would not be able to distinguish topologically whether the universe is spherical, hyperbolic or flat. By severely restricting the expected topological signatures of detectable isometries, our results provide an effective theoretical framework for interpreting cosmological observations, and can be used to confine the parameter spaces which realistic search strategies, such as the 'circles in the sky' method, need to concentrate on.
We present the results of a search for the production of an excited state of the muon, mu(*), in proton antiproton collisions at root s =1.96 TeV. The data have been collected with the D0 experiment at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider and correspond to an integrated luminosity of approximately 380 pb(-1). We search for mu(*) in the process p (p) over bar ->mu(*)mu, with the mu(*) subsequently decaying to a muon plus photon. No excess above the standard model expectation is observed in data. Interpreting our data in the context of a model that describes mu(*) production by four-fermion contact interactions and mu(*) decay via electroweak processes, we set a 95% confidence level production cross section upper limit ranging from 0.057 to 0.112 pb, depending on the mass of the excited muon. Choosing the scale for contact interactions to be Lambda=1 TeV, excited muon masses below 618 GeV are excluded.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
We present the results of a search for the production of an excited state of the electron, e(*), in proton-antiproton collisions at root s = 1.96 TeV. The data were collected with the D0 experiment at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider and correspond to an integrated luminosity of approximately 1 fb(-1). We search for e(*) in the process p (p) over bar -> e(*)e, with the e(*) subsequently decaying to an electron plus photon. No excess above the standard model background is observed. Interpreting our data in the context of a model that describes e(*) production by four-fermion contact interactions and e(*) decay via electroweak processes, we set 95% C.L. upper limits on the production cross section ranging from 8.9 to 27 fb, depending on the mass of the excited electron. Choosing the scale for contact interactions to be Lambda = 1 TeV, excited electron masses below 756 GeV are excluded at the 95% C.L.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Este artigo gira em torno da possibilidade de reinterpretar dados de pesquisa do passado, à luz das Teorias da Complexidade, conectando-os a dados atuais para conseguir explicações mais compreensivas. São tomados então alguns dados de minhas pesquisas sobre o rural-urbano, a saber: dados quantitativos do Censo de Assentamentos Rurais do Estado de São Paulo sobre as expectativas dos pais em relação à escolarização de meninos e meninas (anos 90); dados qualitativos de uma pesquisa com redações escolares realizada na região de Araraquara no início dos anos 80. Construindo-se uma ponte entre as duas situações, o argumento central é o de que questão das meninas na zona rural deve ser discutida levando-se em conta a relação rural-urbano e superando-se essa dicotomia sob a ótica da história recente do país. Observa-se então que as transformações pelas quais passa a sociedade nacional se refeletem no campo e a conexão entre os dois momentos enfocados (anos 90 versus início dos anos 80) é reveladora de que os germens dessas mudanças já se anunciavam nas relações de algumas meninas que criticavam a sobrecarga do trabalho doméstico sobre os próprios ombros, principalmente sobre os de suas mães.
Este artigo visa apontar a importância historiográfica de interpretar e compreender de maneira ampla e exaustiva as imagens, os discursos e demais vestígios que nos permitam ter acesso às sociabilidades, representações, projetos e práticas vivenciadas pelos habitantes das cidades do Brasil caipira, que apresentaram transformações geradas pela modernidade, no limiar do XX, em decorrência da nova dinâmica capitalista gerada pelos efeitos da expansão da economia cafeeira nessa região.
Este artigo objetiva apresentar, de forma introdutória, a possibilidade e a necessidade de diálogo entre a linguagem pictórica e o discurso científico da Geografia. Para tal, apresenta alguns elementos do alfabeto das pinturas de imagens a partir tanto da semiótica quanto da gestalt, analisadas por Fayga Ostrower e Donis Dondis. O exercício interpretativo dá-se a partir do conceito de paisagem aplicado sobre as imagens elaboradas artisticamente por grandes pintores da humanidade, contextualizando-as a partir dos elementos técnicos e tecnológicos que existiam na época e no lugar, e da forma como esses interferem nos processos de elaboração e interpretação das obras. Para exemplificar isso, utilizam-se três pinturas elaboradas em diferentes períodos, a partir da Europa medieval até o mundo moderno, apresentando, assim, os aspectos gerais que levavam à mudança de leitura espacial do território produzido a partir da consolidação do mundo urbano, industrial e baseado na lógica da mercadoria.
Background: Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is produced in the cerebral ventricles through ultrafiltration of plasma and active transport mechanisms. Evaluation of proteins in CSF may provide important information about the production of immunoglobulins within the central nervous system as well as possible disturbances in the blood-brain barrier. Objective: the objective of this study was to measure the concentration and fractions of protein in CSF samples using a membrane microconcentrator technique followed by electrophoresis, and to compare the protein fractions obtained with those in serum. Methods: CSF samples from 3 healthy dogs and 3 dogs with canine distemper virus infection were concentrated using a membrane microconcentrator having a 0.5 to 30,000 d nominal molecular weight limit (Ultrafree, Millipore, Billerica, MA, USA). Protein concentration was determined before and after concentration. Agarose gel electrophoresis was done on concentrated CSF samples, serum, and serial dilutions of one of the CSF samples. Results: Electrophoretic bands were clearly identified in densitometer tracings in CSF samples with protein concentrations as low as 1.3 g/dL. The higher CSF protein concentration in dogs with distemper was mainly the result of increased albumin concentration. Conclusion: the microconcentrating method used in this study enables characterization of the main protein fractions in CSF by routine electrophoresis and may be useful for interpreting the underlying cause of changes in CSF protein concentrations