857 resultados para human resources strategy
[ES] Emaús Bilbao Sociedad Cooperativa, es una entidad de Economía Social y Solidaria para la inserción sociolaboral, dedicada a la gestión integral de residuos sólidos urbanos (RSU), con sede en Bilbao y que desarrolla esta actividad en Bizkaia.
[ES] Análisis desde la experiencia profesional de uno de los problemas a los que se enfrenta la empresa en general y la española en particular, la internacionalización.
[ES] Este trabajo tiene como objetivo presentar los principales resultados de un estudio que pretende acercarse a la realidad de las pequeñas y medianas empresas riojanas, tanto familiares como no familiares, ya que son mayoría abrumadora en la Comunidad. Se ha realizado un análisis descriptivo de algunos aspectos relevantes de la gestión de los recursos humanos como la formación y el desarrollo de sus trabajadores y directivos, la estabilidad laboral y la estructura de propiedad. En el presente trabajo ofrecemos los principales resultados con respecto a estas cuestiones, esbozando una descripción y valoración de estas empresas, así como un perfil de sus percepciones principales en relación a las cuestiones analizadas.
[ES] En este trabajo se analiza la dirección de los recursos humanos en una empresa familiar y emprendedora, REDUR. En concreto, analizamos las características y los principales problemas en esta área a lo largo de la vida de la empresa. Actualmente REDUR se encuentra en su etapa de crecimiento. El estudio realizado nos ha permitido saber que la gestión de recursos humanos va adquiriendo un carácter más formal y que la formación y la contratación son las prácticas más importantes. Precisamente, en lo que se refiere a estas prácticas, destaca la utilización de la grafología, como técnica para seleccionar al personal, y la importancia de la socialización. Esto se puede deber a que las empresas en crecimiento priorizan el ajuste persona-organización.
[ES] La influencia que las características individuales del personal de una empresa ejercen sobre su nivel de satisfacción laboral ha sido ampliamente analizada en la literatura al respecto, dedicando una especial atención a la variable edad pero también al género como un elemento determinante de los niveles de satisfacción de los recursos humanos. En numerosas investigaciones se constata que las mujeres presentan un nivel superior de satisfacción al de los varones.
[ES] En este artículo analizamos las intenciones de emprender un negocio por parte de un grupo de estudiantes argentinos que cursaban la especialización en Dirección Estratégica de Recursos Humanos en la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Los resultados del estudio muestran que estos estudiantes desean crear su propio negocio, pero las posibilidades de creación del mismo dependen de varios factores. Entre todos ellos destaca la autoeficacia; aquellos estudiantes que muestran puntuaciones más elevadas en esta variable son los que manifiestan más intención por crear un negocio. Esta intención, en contra de lo esperado, es menor para los alumnos que señalan poseer más apoyo social. No encontramos que las cargas familiares o la experiencia previa en creación de empresas tengan un efecto significativo.
[ES] La eficiencia de los llamados Sistemas de Trabajo de Alto Rendimiento ha sido un objeto de estudio preferente en las dos últimas décadas. El análisis de su comportamiento se ha realizado considerando diversos factores que supuestamente moderan su eficiencia, entre los que destacan los factores internos de la empresa. Sin embargo, los factores externos, y más concretamente la perspectiva contextual, en contadas ocasiones han sido objeto de análisis.
Traça um panorama histórico da ação fiscalizadora do Congresso Nacional em relação à atividade de inteligência nacional, mais precisamente da Agência Brasileira de Inteligência – ABIN, órgão estatal responsável por essa atividade, na salvaguarda dos conhecimentos sigilosos do Estado, haja vista ser o Congresso Nacional, o órgão responsável pela fiscalização externa da rede e seus componentes. Identificar as vulnerabilidades existentes, principalmente no que tange aos recursos humanos, capital mais precioso desse processo, mas que, pela ganância, vaidade e cobiça, se torna o elo mais vulnerável. A Atividade de Inteligência dentre todas as áreas de controle democrático é a mais arriscada, haja vista a sua importância para o progresso e desenvolvimento de uma Nação. É uma atividade que se desenvolve diuturnamente buscando minimizar as desconfianças de todos os órgãos e organizações estatais envolvidos no processo. A salvaguarda dos documentos e de informações governamentais sigilosas é primordial para a segurança do Estado. A institucionalização da Atividade de Inteligência no Brasil, a partir de 1927, trouxe ao país uma situação antes exercida apenas no âmbito militar. Com leis, decretos, portarias e denominações várias do órgão nacional responsável, são desenvolvidas as ações de coordenação do fluxo de informações necessárias às decisões governamentais. A pesquisa foi realizada com base em fontes históricas e documentais, ressaltando o papel do Congresso Nacional na sua função de fiscalização das políticas de inteligência.
[ES] En las últimas décadas el número de spin-offs universitarias creadas en el Sistema Universitario Español ha aumentado considerablemente; sin embargo, estas empresas tienen que hacer frente a problemas como la falta de financiación o de capacidades empresariales por parte de los fundadores. A partir de los datos extraídos de una encuesta a 72 spin-offs creadas en España, tratamos de detectar y analizar cuáles son los problemas más habituales con los que se encuentran estas empresas, y proponemos posibles vías de solución.
Executive Summary: This study describes the socio-economic characteristics of the U.S. Caribbean trap fishery that encompasses the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and Territory of the U.S. Virgin Islands. In-person interviews were administered to one hundred randomly selected trap fishermen, constituting nearly 25% of the estimated population. The sample was stratified by geographic area and trap tier. The number of traps owned or fished to qualify for a given tier varied by island. In Puerto Rico, tier I consisted of fishermen who had between 1-40 fish traps, tier II was made up of fishermen who possessed between 41 and 100 fish traps, and tier III consisted of fishermen who held in excess of 100 fish traps. In St. Thomas and St. John, tier I was composed of fishermen who held between 1 and 50 fish traps, tier II consisted of fishermen who had between 51-150 fish traps and tier III was made up of fishermen who had in excess of 150 fish traps. Lastly, in St. Croix, tier I was made up of fishermen who had less than 20 fish traps and tier II consisted of fishermen who had 20 or more fish traps. The survey elicited information on household demographics, annual catch and revenue, trap usage, capital investment on vessels and equipment, fixed and variable costs, behavioral response to a hypothetical trap reduction program and the spatial distribution of traps. The study found that 79% of the sampled population was 40 years or older. The typical Crucian trap fisherman was older than their Puerto Rican and St. Thomian and St. Johnian counterparts. Crucian fishermen’s average age was 57 years whereas Puerto Rican fishermen’s average age was 51 years, and St. Thomian and St. Johnian fishermen’s average age was 48 years. As a group, St. Thomian and St. Johnian fishermen had 25 years of fishing experience, and Puerto Rican and Crucian fishermen had 30, and 29 years, respectively. Overall, 90% of the households had at least one dependent. The average number of dependents across islands was even, ranging between 2.8 in the district of St. Thomas and St. John and 3.4 in the district of St. Croix. The percentage utilization of catch for personal or family use was relatively low. Regionally, percentage use of catch for personal or family uses ranged from 2.5% in St. Croix to 3.8% in the St. Thomas and St. John. About 47% of the respondents had a high school degree. The majority of the respondents were highly dependent on commercial fishing for their household income. In St. Croix, commercial fishing made up 83% of the fishermen’s total household income, whereas in St. Thomas and St. John and Puerto Rico it contributed 74% and 68%, respectively. The contribution of fish traps to commercial fishing income ranged from 51% in the lowest trap tier in St. Thomas and St. John to 99% in the highest trap tier in St. Croix. On an island basis, the contribution of fish traps to fishing income was 75% in St. Croix, 61% in St. Thomas and St. John, and 59% in Puerto Rico. The value of fully rigged vessels ranged from $400 to $250,000. Over half of the fleet was worth $10,000 or less. The St. Thomas and St. John fleet reported the highest mean value, averaging $58,518. The Crucian and Puerto Rican fleets were considerably less valuable, averaging $19,831 and $8,652, respectively. The length of the vessels ranged from 14 to 40 feet. Fifty-nine percent of the sampled vessels were at least 23 feet in length. The average length of the St. Thomas and St. John fleet was 28 feet, whereas the fleets based in St. Croix and Puerto Rico averaged 21 feet. The engine’s propulsion ranged from 8 to 400 horsepower (hp). The mean engine power was 208 hp in St. Thomas and St. John, 108 hp in St. Croix, and 77 hp in Puerto Rico. Mechanical trap haulers and depth recorders were the most commonly used on-board equipment. About 55% of the sampled population reported owning mechanical trap haulers. In St. Thomas and St. John, 100% of the respondents had trap haulers compared to 52% in Puerto Rico and 20% in St. Croix. Forty-seven percent of the fishermen surveyed stated having depth recorders. Depth recorders were most common in the St. Thomas and St. John fleet (80%) and least common in the Puerto Rican fleet (37%). The limited presence of emergency position indication radio beacons (EPIRBS) and radar was the norm among the fish trap fleet. Only 8% of the respondents had EPIRBS and only 1% had radar. Interviewees stated that they fished between 1 and 350 fish traps. Puerto Rican respondents fished on average 39 fish traps, in contrast to St. Thomian and St. Johnian and Crucian respondents, who fished 94 and 27 fish traps, respectively. On average, Puerto Rican respondents fished 11 lobster traps, and St. Thomian and St. Johnian respondents fished 46 lobster traps. None of the Crucian respondents fished lobster traps. The number of fish traps built or purchased ranged between 0 and 175, and the number of lobster traps built or bought ranged between 0 and 200. Puerto Rican fishermen on average built or purchased 30 fish traps and 14 lobster traps, and St. Thomian and St. Johnian fishermen built or bought 30 fish traps and 11 lobster traps. Crucian fishermen built or bought 25 fish traps and no lobster traps. As a group, fish trap average life ranged between 1.3 and 5 years, and lobster traps lasted slightly longer, between 1.5 and 6 years. The study found that the chevron or arrowhead style was the most common trap design. Puerto Rican fishermen owned an average of 20 arrowhead traps. St. Thomian and St. Johnian and Crucian fishermen owned an average of 44 and 15 arrowhead fish traps, respectively. The second most popular trap design was the square trap style. Puerto Rican fishermen had an average of 9 square traps, whereas St. Thomian and St. Johnian fishermen had 33 traps and Crucian fishermen had 2 traps. Antillean Z (or S) -traps, rectangular and star traps were also used. Although Z (or S) -traps are considered the most productive trap design, fishermen prefer the smaller-sized arrowhead and square traps because they are easier and less expensive to build, and larger numbers of them can be safely deployed. The cost of a fish trap, complete with rope and buoys, varied significantly due to the wide range of construction materials utilized. On average, arrowhead traps commanded $94 in Puerto Rico, $251 in St. Thomas and St. John, and $119 in St. Croix. The number of trips per week ranged between 1 and 6. However, 72% of the respondents mentioned that they took two trips per week. On average, Puerto Rican fishermen took 2.1 trips per week, St. Thomian and St. Johnian fishermen took 1.4 trips per week, and Crucian fishermen took 2.5 trips per week. Most fishing trips started at dawn and finished early in the afternoon. Over 82% of the trips lasted 8 hours or less. On average, Puerto Rican fishermen hauled 27 fish traps per trip whereas St. Thomian and St. Johnian fishermen and Crucian fishermen hauled 68 and 26 fish traps per trip, respectively. The number of traps per string and soak time varied considerably across islands. In St. Croix, 84% of the respondents had a single trap per line, whereas in St. Thomas and St. John only 10% of the respondents had a single trap per line. Approximately, 43% of Puerto Rican fishermen used a single trap line. St. Thomian and St. Johnian fishermen soaked their traps for 6.9 days while Puerto Rican and Crucian fishermen soaked their traps for 5.7 and 3.6 days, respectively. The heterogeneity of the industry was also evidenced by the various economic surpluses generated. The survey illustrated that higher gross revenues did not necessarily translate into higher net revenues. Our analysis also showed that, on average, vessels in the trap fishery were able to cover their cash outlays, resulting in positive vessel income (i.e., financial profits). In Puerto Rico, annual financial profits ranged from $4,760 in the lowest trap tier to $32,467 in the highest tier, whereas in St. Thomas and St. John annual financial profits ranged from $3,744 in the lowest tier to $13,652 in the highest tier. In St. Croix, annual financial profits ranged between $9,229 and $15,781. The survey also showed that economic profits varied significantly across tiers. Economic profits measure residual income after deducting the remuneration required to keep the various factors of production in their existing employment. In Puerto Rico, annual economic profits ranged from ($9,339) in the lowest trap tier to $ 8,711 in the highest trap tier. In St. Thomas and St. John, annual economic profits ranged from ($7,920) in the highest tier to ($18,486) in the second highest tier. In St. Croix, annual economic profits ranged between ($7,453) to $10,674. The presence of positive financial profits and negative economic profits suggests that higher economic returns could be earned from a societal perspective by redirecting some of these scarce capital and human resources elsewhere in the economy. Furthermore, the presence of negative economic earnings is evidence that the fishery is overcapitalized and that steps need to be taken to ensure the long-run economic viability of the industry. The presence of positive financial returns provides managers with a window of opportunity to adopt policies that will strengthen the biological and economic performance of the fishery while minimizing any adverse impacts on local fishing communities. Finally, the document concludes by detailing how the costs and earnings information could be used to develop economic models that evaluate management proposals. (PDF contains 147 pages)
[EN]The present research work, based on some of the components of the Common Assessment Framework, sets to analyse the influence held by leadership in specific factors that constitute the organisational climate, and also the impact that these factors have on the quality of municipal public services. For the purposes of this study, we propose Likert’s exploitative autocratic and participative leadership styles to explain the genesis, structure and workflow. As far as the organisational climate is concerned, the variables used are motivation, satisfaction, empowerment, conflict and stress. The main conclusions that arose was that a participative leader confers higher relevance to the quality of service, through motivation, satisfaction, empowerment and human resources positive results, than an exploitative autocratic leader. Performed contributions are based on the empiric research hereby presented, and new research guidelines are proposed. The research methodology used was qualitative, based on the case study.
The World Food Summit in its meeting in Rome in 1999 estimated that 790 million people in the developing world do not have enough food to eat. This is more than the total populations of North America and Europe combined. Nigeria is one of the developing countries affected by hunger, deprivation and abject poverty by its citizenry inspite of its enormous natural and human resources. To reduce poverty and increase food supplies to the masses the Federal Government of Nigeria embarked on a programmed-tagged National Special Programme for Food Security (NSPFS) in the year 2002. The programme's broad objectives are to attain food security in the broadest sense and alleviate rural poverty in Nigeria. One of the areas of the programme's intervention is in the aquaculture and inland fisheries development because Nigeria imported 681mt of fish in 2003 with a total cost of about N50 million. The paper assesses the socio-economic conditions of one of the selected water bodies (Yamama Lake) with a view to introducing community-based fisheries management plan for the rational exploitation and management of the fishery and other aquatic resources of the water body thereby increasing fish supply and improving the living standard of the fisherfolk in the area. Data were collected using Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) tools and questionnaire administration
O cenário atual das instituições públicas de saúde caracteriza-se pelas peculiaridades do modelo de reestruturação produtiva, em que o enxugamento da máquina pública traduz-se num contexto de precarização das condições de trabalho. Em meio à escassez e inadequação dos recursos materiais e ao déficit de recursos humanos, os trabalhadores de enfermagem vêem-se diante da necessidade de elaborarem adaptações e improvisações de materiais, equipamentos e, até mesmo, de pessoal. Diante desta problemática, selecionou-se como objeto de estudo: a percepção do trabalhador de enfermagem sobre as adaptações e improvisações no trabalho hospitalar e suas implicações na saúde do trabalhador. Apresenta como objetivos: identificar a percepção dos trabalhadores de enfermagem sobre as adaptações e improvisações; descrever as situações que conduzem os trabalhadores de enfermagem à realização desta prática e analisar as implicações das adaptações e improvisações na saúde dos trabalhadores de enfermagem. Pesquisa qualitativa e descritiva, cujo cenário foi um hospital público universitário, localizado na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Os sujeitos foram vinte trabalhadores das equipes de enfermagem, atuantes nos setores de terapia intensiva e enfermarias cirúrgicas. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevista semi-estruturada, no mês de julho do ano de 2009. Procedeu-se à análise temática de conteúdo, a qual propiciou a criação de quatro categorias empíricas: categoria 1: contextos e determinantes das adaptações/improvisações; categoria 2: pré-requisitos para a realização das adaptações/improvisações; categoria 3: aspectos subjetivos vinculados à prática do adaptar/improvisar e categoria 4: a face positiva e a face negativa do adaptar/improvisar as repercussões na saúde do trabalhador. Concluiu-se que as percepções dos trabalhadores de enfermagem sobre a prática do adaptar/improvisar caracteriza-se contraditória ou dialética, com respostas que envolvem o sofrimento e o prazer; a satisfação e a insatisfação; a motivação e a desmotivação, entre outras contradições. Constatou-se que as adaptações e improvisações são elaboradas, predominantemente, para garantir que o cuidado seja prestado, pois diante de um contexto de precarização, a falta de recursos quase que inviabiliza a prestação do cuidado, e esta prática caracteriza-se como uma artimanha ou um ajuste no processo de trabalho o qual assegura que a tarefa seja cumprida. Verificou-se que esta prática tem impactos negativos na saúde, espoliando física e psiquicamente os trabalhadores de enfermagem.
ESPAÑOL Desde 2008, a causa de la crisis internacional, Mondragón Corporación Cooperativa se ve obligado a emplear ciertas políticas de gestión de los recursos humanos para sobrevivir a esa situación. La finalidad de este trabajo es identificar dichas políticas y valorar si realmente ofrecen los resultados esperados, analizando minuciosamente la relación entre el absentismo laboral y el compromiso y la motivación de los trabajadores. Este estudio propone que en situaciones de recesión económica, las políticas de formación y empleo y las prestaciones cubiertas por Lagun-Aro EPSV aumentan la motivación de los empleados y en consecuencia reducen la tasa de absentismo. La investigación se fundamenta en la lectura de artículos académicos, memorias de Lagun-Aro y una detallada entrevista realizada al que fue jefe de contabilidad en Eroski durante 9 años y director administrativo y responsable de las participadas de Lagun-Aro EPSV durante 30 años. Los resultados obtenidos muestran la existencia de una relación inversa entre el compromiso y la motivación y el absentismo laboral. Además se comprueba la eficiencia de las políticas llevadas a cabo por las cooperativas de Mondragón y se destaca el principio de intercooperatividad para la efectividad de esas políticas.
EiTBren Giza Baliabideen plan estrategiko honek, erakundearen langileen ibilbide-orriak finkatzen ditu, 2013-2016 plan estrategiko orokorra oinarritzat hartuta. Hausnarketa estrategiko honetan, etorkizunari buruzko gogoeta egiten da, eta etorkizuna giza baliabideen esfortzuarekin eraikitzen da.