593 resultados para halogenated phenols


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The consumer interest in healthy foods with high amounts of antioxidants is one of the important factors for reducing the risk of disease and it has encouraged researchers and industry to develop innovative and functional products and ingredients. To that end, the objective of this research was to study the bioactive compounds present in the acai pulp, blueberry and goji berry samples, as well as the phenolic compounds form of extraction using the response surface methodology (RSM), antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of it, identification and quantification of compounds by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and, at the end, the development of petit suisse cheeses added with freeze-dried extracts of the samples. A 2³ factorial design was used to analyze the solvent effect (ethanol and water), time (30 and 60 min) and temperature (30 °C and 60 °C) on the extraction and determination of total phenolic compounds (TPC) and antioxidant activity (AA). The variables time and temperature had a positive effect on the antioxidant activity (AA) in their highest levels with 60 min and 60 °C respectively. The ethanol solvent 80 % is more efficient in TPC extraction with AA in all arrays. The identification of phenolic compounds performed by HPLC revealed the presence of catechin, epicatechin, rutin, myricetin, chlorogenic acid, coumaric acid and ferulic acid. Regarding the AA the acai pulp showed higher activity in vitro when extracted by 60 °C for 60 min, but none of the three extracts analyzed under these conditions showed antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella bongori in the concentrations tested (95.00 to 2.34 mg/mL. For petit suisse cheeses added with phenolic extract of the samples, the sample containing goji berry achieved greater sensory acceptance among judges (75.67%), second only to the commercial sample used for comparison with 91.56 % of acceptance. In relation to the storage time, the oxidation was evaluated by the level of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances and color analysis. Both analysis were satisfactory, making the extracts addition an alternative to preserve the product properties and give it a high content of bioactive and nutritive compounds.


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Trinitrotoluene in the purification step (TNT) produced in industries, are carried out two washes at the end of the process. The first wash is done with vaporized water, which originates from the first effluent called yellow water, then the second washing with the use of sodium sulfite is performed (Na2SO3), generating a second effluent red water. This study aimed to study the individual effects, as well as the association of heterogeneous photocatalysis using TiO2 and biological treatment in air lift reactor using activated sludge (bacterial biomass) for the remediation of wastewater contaminated with nitroaromatic compounds in order to reduce toxicity and adjust the legal parameters according to regulatory agencies for disposal in waterways. The photocatalytic treatment was conducted by factorial design obtaining the best reaction conditions (pH 6.5 and concentration of TiO2 0.1 gL-1), with best results obtained at 360 minutes of reaction, reducing the absorbance 97.00%, 94.20% of the chemical oxygen demand (COD), 67.70% of total phenols, as well as a total reduction of observed peaks and assigned to nitroaromatic compounds by high-performance liquid chromatography. In the biological treatment, there was a 53.40% reduction in absorbance at 275 nm 10.00% 36.00% COD and total phenols in a short time (3 days), while for extended periods (48 days) there was an antagonistic influence on the results so that was the elevation of these parameters (COD and total phenols) instead of reducing. Chromatographic analysis confirmed the effectiveness of the biological degradation by reducing the peaks corresponding to compounds DNT and TNT. The Association of photocatalytic and biological treatments decreased results in the order of 91.10% absorbance, 70.26% of total phenols and 88.87% of COD. While the combination of biological and photocatalytic treatments generated relatively lower efficiencies, with 77.30% of absorbance reduction, 62.10% reduction of total phenols and a decrease of 87.00% of COD. In general, when comparing the chemical and biological processes in isolation, the photocatalytic treatment showed the best results. However, comparing the results of isolation and established associations, the association biological x photocatalysis showed more promising results in the treatment of red water effluent.


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The southern region of Brazil, especially the states of Parana and Santa Catarina stand out for growing grapes and apples for fresh consumption and in order to add value to these products, process the material for the production of wine, juices and jellies . As a result large quantities of by-products, such as peels, seeds and pulp are produced becoming environmental problems. Studies reuse of these by-products have attracted interest because they have shown a high biological potential, due to the presence of high levels of phenolic compounds, which are associated with a lower incidence of disease caused by oxidative stress, due to its antioxidant, antiinflammatory and antibacterial properties. Currently, few studies are presented on the phenolic composition and biological potential of waste grape variety Bordô (Vitis labrusca) and apple (Malus domestica) Gala variety, cultivated in southern Brazil. Within this context, the objectives of this study were: compare the efficiency of solidliquid and liquid-liquid extraction, perform the optimization and validation of analytical methodology by HPLC-DAD for the separation, identification and quantification of multiclass phenolic compounds, evaluate the activity antioxidant by sequestering methods of free radical 2,2-diphenyl-1 picrilhidrazina (DPPH) and 2,2-azino-bis (3- ethyl-benzthiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) (ABTS) solution, reduction of Fe3+ in Fe2+ method (FRAP), ORAC, RP-HPLC-ABTS online, Rancimat and determination of total phenolics three agro-industrial byproducts, pomace and stems grape Bordô produced in Paraná Southwest region and Gala apple pomace coming from the Santa Catarina West. Optimization and validation of chromatographic method showed satisfactory quality parameters for the compounds of interest and the solidliquid extraction was more efficient in extracting phenolic evaluated. The three byproducts evaluated showed significant levels of phenolic compounds when analyzed by HPLC, especially flavonoids, catechin and epicatechin besides that showed significant antioxidant capacity. The grape stems extract had the highest sequestration capacity of DPPH and ABTS radical and reduced iron, and high content of phenolic compounds. The apple pomace extract showed the best response to the Rancimat method, which indicates a high potential to protect the oil from lipid oxidation, was no significant difference when compared to synthetic antioxidant TBHQ. The results of this study showed that the agro-industrial coproducts analyzed are rich in phenolic compounds of high antioxidant capacity and therefore must be better explored by the food and pharmaceutical industries.


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O rápido crescimento da procura e na produção de Physalis está associado às suas características nutracêuticas e medicinais, por estarem associadas ao bemestar e à saúde. O reconhecimento e o conceito da qualidade dos frutos é cada vezmais importante, abrangendo a aparência do produto, o aroma, a textura e o valor nutricional. Com a realização deste trabalho pretendeu-se avaliar as propriedades físicoquímicas das bagas de physalis, bem como os conteúdos em compostos bioativos com potenciais benefícios para a saúde humana. Neste trabalho foi avaliada uma variedade de physalis (Physalis peruviana L.), sendo os frutos provenientes de uma exploração localizada na região Norte-Centro de Portugal. Foram realizadas análises físicas às 'physalis' frescas, tendo sido determinados o calibre, a cor e a textura. Na análise química, realizaram-se as determinações, da humidade, da fibra bruta, dos açúcares totais e redutores, da acidez total titulável, do teor de sólidos solúveis totais, do ácido ascórbico, dos carotenóides, dos compostos fenólicos totais, dos orto-difenóis e dos flavonóides. Foi ainda determinada a atividade antioxidante pelos métodos ABTS e DPPH e os extratos submetidos a condições simulantes do trato digestivo. As physalis em estudo apresentaram, em média um diâmetro de 1,69 cm e uma massa de 2,77 g. Relativamente à cor, as bagas apresentaram-se claras, (L*=65,72), e com uma tendência para a cor vermelha (a*=16,69), e uma forte intensidade amarela (b*=58,11). No que diz respeito à textura, a firmeza foi de 2,40 N e a elasticidade foi de 2,94 mm. Quanto à caracterização química foram encontrados os seguintes resultados: 83,02% de água, 4,61% de fibra, 8,79% de açúcares totais, 1,25% de acidez total, expressa em ácido cítrico. A amostra continha ainda 5,95 μg/g de carotenoides 26,7 mg de ácido ascórbico por 100 g. Os valores de fenóis totais (42,74 e 59,95 mg EAG/100 g) e de atividade antioxidante determinada pelo método DPPH (7,73 e 9,61 μmol TE/g), e pelo método ABTS (12,28 e 13,71 μmol TE/g) variam de acordo com as condições de extração. Verificou-se ainda uma correlação forte entre os dois métodos. No que diz respeito às condições in vitro de simulação das condições do trato digestivo, verificou-se um decréscimo ao longo do trato digestivo tanto no teor em compostos fenólicos bem como na atividade antioxidante. Em termos globais houve uma retenção de 43% dos compostos fenólicos totais e 26% da atividade antioxidante.


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The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of different production and conservation factors on some properties of blueberries. Among the production factors considered were cultivar (Duke, Bluecrop and Ozarkblue) and production mode (organic or conventional). Regarding the conservation factors were evaluated temperature (ambient or refrigeration) and storage time (0, 7 and 14 days). The properties under study belong to three categories: physical properties (color and texture); chemical properties (moisture content, sugars and acidity) and phenolic and antioxidant properties (total phenols, anthocyanins, tannins, ABTS antioxidant activity, DPPH antioxidant activity). The results revealed that moisture content was only influenced by cultivar and that both acidity and sugar contents varied according to the production mode used. Also it was evidenced that the antioxidant activity was not statistically different between cultivars, production modes or conservation conditions. Regarding the phenolic compounds, the tannins were significantly higher for the blueberries produced in organic agriculture. Regarding color significant differences were also encountered and the most intense blue was found in blueberries from cv. Duke, produced in organic farming and stored under refrigeration. Textural attributes were also very significantly influenced by all factors at study: cultivar, production mode and conservation, and the berries from cv. Duke stored under refrigeration showed the highest firmness.


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Laccases (LCs) are multicopper oxidases that find application as versatile biocatalysts for the green bioremediation of environmental pollutants and xenobiotics. In this study we elucidate the degrading activity of Lac2 pure enzyme form Pleurotus pulmonarius towards aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) and M1 (AFM1). LC enzyme was purified using three chromatographic steps and identified as Lac2 through zymogram and LC-MS/MS. The degradation assays were performed in vitro at 25 °C for 72 h in buffer solution. AFB1 degradation by Lac2 direct oxidation was 23%. Toxin degradation was also investigated in the presence of three redox mediators, (2,2′-azino-bis-[3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid]) (ABTS) and two naturally-occurring phenols, acetosyringone (AS) and syringaldehyde (SA). The direct effect of the enzyme and the mediated action of Lac2 with redox mediators univocally proved the correlation between Lac2 activity and aflatoxins degradation. The degradation of AFB1 was enhanced by the addition of all mediators at 10 mM, with AS being the most effective (90% of degradation). AFM1 was completely degraded by Lac2 with all mediators at 10 mM. The novelty of this study relies on the identification of a pure enzyme as capable of degrading AFB1 and, for the first time, AFM1, and on the evidence that the mechanism of an effective degradation occurs via the mediation of natural phenolic compounds. These results opened new perspective for Lac2 application in the food and feed supply chains as a biotransforming agent of AFB1 and AFM1.


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O maracujá-roxo é um fruto tropical que tem ganho destaque devido ao seu valor nutricional, organolético e às emergentes descobertas acerca das suas propriedades farmacêuticas e antioxidantes. Durante o processo de maturação decorrem várias reações de ordem física e química, e no intuito de enriquecer o conhecimento acerca de como a composição química e as propriedades do maracujá-roxo evoluem ao longo da maturação, este trabalho consistiu na caracterização física do fruto inteiro e na caracterização química geral das sementes, casca e polpa em frutos separados em cinco graus de maturação diferentes (G1 a G5). Foi também avaliada a atividade antioxidante (atividade antiradicalar e poder redutor), e o teor em compostos fenólicos (fenóis totais, derivados do ácido hidroxicinâmico e flavonóis) das diferentes matrizes que compõem o fruto ao longo da maturação. A partir dos resultados obtidos verificou-se na casca que o teor em cinza bruta aumenta essencialmente entre G1 e G2 enquanto se verificou uma diminuição da proteína. Em relação à semente, o teor em cinza bruta aumenta gradualmente, e o teor em proteína aumenta de G1 para G2, estabilizando posteriormente nos 8% (base seca). O teor em gordura aumenta gradualmente ao longo da maturação, verificando-se um maior acumulo entre G1 e G2 (9,9 e 19,1% respetivamente). No que respeita à polpa, há uma diminuição nos teores de cinza e proteína e aumento dos sólidos solúveis totais.Verificou-se um aumento ligeiro do pH ao longo da maturação (entre 2,8 a 3,1) e uma diminuição da acidez (entre 12,1 e 6,7 g de ácido cítrico 100 mL-1). Constatou-se que os açúcares predominantes na polpa foram a sacarose, frutose e glucose. Quanto aos ácidos orgánicos, o ácido cítrico foi o maioritário em todos os graus de maturação e teores mais baixos foram quantificados para os ácidos málico e ascórbico. Entre as diferentes partes do fruto estudadas, as cascas foram a matriz mais antioxidante, aumentando o seu potencial bioativo durante a maturação. As sementes apresentaram valores mais elevados de fenóis totais, derivados do ácido hidroxicinâmico e flavonóis. Foi verificado que a atividade antioxidante esteve correlacionada com os valores de fenóis totais presentes nas diferentes partes do fruto ao longo da maturação. De acordo com o conhecimento dos autores, este é o primeiro estudo que toma em consideração as alterações sofridas pelas diferentes partes do maracujá-roxo produzido em Portugal, ao longo da maturação.


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As leveduras Dekkera/Brettanomyces são responsáveis pela formação de fenóis voláteis em vinhos tintos, tornando-se numa grande preocupação para a produção enológica a nível mundial, devido à dificuldade em controlá-las. Os fenóis voláteis são responsáveis por aromas desagradáveis nos vinhos tintos, diminuindo a sua qualidade e resultando em grandes perdas económicas. Este trabalho teve como principal objectivo estudar um método de preparação de amostra e um método cromatográfico para analisar e quantificar os principais fenóis voláteis (4-etilfenol, 4-etilguaiacol, 4-etilcatecol, 4-vinilfenol e o 4-vinilguaiacol), em meio sintético e em vinhos tintos comerciais. A preparação de amostras foi efectuada através do método de extracção líquido-líquido e a separação dos compostos foi efectuada por cromatografia gasosa com detector de ionização de chama (GC-FID). Os resultados obtidos permitem concluir que é possível detectar e quantificar os fenóis voláteis com este método, incluindo o 4-etilcatecol. O 4-etilfenol foi o composto mais abundante nos vinhos tintos comerciais estudados. ABSTRACT: The yeasts Dekkera I Brettanomyces are responsible for the formation of volatile phenols in red wine, becoming a major concern for the enological production worldwide because of the difficulty in controlling them. The volatile phenols are responsible for unpleasant aromas in red wines, reducing its quality and resulting in great economic lasses. The main objective of this work was to study a sample preparation and a chromatographic method to analyze main volatile phenols (4-ethylphenol, 4-ethylguaiacol, 4-ethylcatechol, 4-vinylphenol and 4-vinylguaiacol) in synthetic wine and red wines. Sample preparation was done by liquid-liquid extraction and compounds separation was achieved by gas chromatography with flame ionization detector (GC­ FID) Results showed that it is possible to detect and quantified volatile phenols with the methodology proposed, including 4-ethylcatechol. 4-ethylphenol was the main compound found in commercial red wines.


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We theoretically describe in this work the n-type semiconducting behavior of a set of bis(arylene-ethynylene)-s-tetrazines ((ArCC)2Tz), by comparing their electronic properties with those of their parent diaryl-s-tetrazines (Ar2Tz) after the introduction of ethynylene bridges. The significantly reduced internal reorganization energy for electron transfer is ascribed to an extended delocalization of the LUMO for (ArCC)2Tz as opposite to that for Ar2Tz, which was described mostly localized on the s-tetrazine ring. The largest electronic coupling and the corresponding electron transfer rates found for bis(phenyl-ethynylene)-s-tetrazine, as well as for some halogenated derivatives, are comparable to those reported for the best performing n-type organic semiconductor materials such as diimides and perylenes. The theoretical mobilities for the studied compounds turn out to be in the range 0.3–1.3 cm2 V–1 s–1, close to values experimentally determined for common n-type organic semiconductors used in real devices. In addition, ohmic contacts can be expected when these compounds are coupled to metallic cathodes such as Na, Ca, and Sm. For these reasons, the future application of semiconducting bis(phenyl-ethynylene)-s-tetrazine and its fluorinated and brominated derivatives in optoelectronic devices is envisioned.


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Doutoramento em Engenharia Alimentar - Instituto Superior de Agronomia - UL


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Tese dout. em Química, Unidade de Ciências Exactas e Humanas, Univ. do Algarve, 1997


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Citrus are a group of fruit species, quite heterogeneous in many aspects, including chemical composition of the fruit. Since ancient times, some citrus fruits were used to prevent and cure human diseases. In the recent decades, it has been demonstrated that fruits can actually help prevent and cure some diseases and above all, they are essential in a balanced diet. Citrus fruits, as one of the groups of fruit species, with greater importance in the world, have been studied for their effects on human health. Some species of citrus were referred as potential antioxidant based therapy for heart disease, cancer and inflammation. Fruit peels and seeds have also high antioxidant activity. The health benefits of citrus fruit have mainly been attributed to the high level of bioactive compounds, such as phenols (e.g., flavanone glycosides, hydroxycinnamic acids), carotenoids and vitamin C. These compounds are present in the fruit pulp and hence in the juice. But some bioactive compounds can be found in parts of the fruit which usually are not used for human food. The content of bioactive compounds depends on the species and cultivar, but also depends on the production system followed in the orchard. Citrus fruits, their derivatives and their by-products (peel, pulp and oil) are reach in different bioactive compounds and its maturity, postharvest and agroindustry processes influence their composition and concentration. The aim of this chapter was to review the main bioactive compounds of the different components of citrus and their relationship to health.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Departamento de Biologia Molecular, 2016.


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Textile production has been considered as an activity of high environmental impact due to the generation of large volumes of waste water with high load of organic compounds and strongly colored effluents, toxic and difficult biodegradability. This thesis deals with obtaining porous alumina ceramic membranes for filtration of textile effluent in the removal of contaminants, mainly color and turbidity. Two types of alumina with different particle sizes as a basis for the preparation of formulation for mass production of ceramic samples and membranes. The technological properties of the samples were evaluated after using sintering conditions: 1,350ºC-2H, 1,450ºC-30M, 1,450ºC-2H, 1,475ºC-30M and 1,475ºC-2H. The sintered samples were characterized by XRD, XRF, AG, TG, DSC, DL, AA, MEA, RL, MRF-3P, SEM and Intrusion Porosimetry by Mercury. After the characterization, a standard membrane was selected with their respective sintering condition for the filterability tests. The effluent was provided by a local Textile Industry and characterized at the entry and exit of the treatment plant. A statistical analysis was used to study the effluent using the following parameters: pH, temperature, EC, SS, SD, oil and grease, turbidity, COD, DO, total phosphorus, chlorides, phenols, metals and fecal coliform. The filtered effluent was evaluated by using the same parameters. These results demonstrate that the feasibility of the use of porous alumina ceramic membranes for removing contaminants from textile effluent with improved average pore size of 0.4 micrometre (distribution range varying from 0,025 to 2.0 micrometre), with total porosity of 29.66%, and average percentages of color removal efficiency of 89.02%, 92.49% of SS, turbidity of 94.55%, metals 2.70% (manganese) to 71.52% (iron) according to each metal and COD removal of 72.80%