940 resultados para generative and performative modeling
A doença de Chagas é uma parasitose extremamente negligenciada, cujo agente etiológico é o protozoário Trypanosoma cruzi. Atualmente, 21 países da América Latina são considerados regiões endêmicas, onde 75-90 milhões de pessoas estão expostas à infecção, 6-7 milhões estão infectadas e mais de 41 mil novos casos surgem por ano. Entretanto, apenas os fármacos nifurtimox e benznidazol estão disponíveis no mercado. Estes, além da baixa eficácia na fase crônica da parasitose, apresentam diversos efeitos adversos, sendo que no Brasil apenas o benznidazol é utilizado. Este fato mostra a importância de se ampliar o número de fármacos disponíveis e propor quimioterapia mais eficaz para o tratamento da doença de Chagas. Como forma de contribuir para essa busca, este trabalho objetiva a síntese de compostos híbridos bioisostéricos N-acilidrazônicos e sulfonilidrazônicos, contendo grupo liberador de óxido nítrico, com potencial de interação com cisteíno-proteases parasitárias, tais como a cruzaína. Nestes derivados, os grupos liberadores de óxido nítrico utilizados foram os grupos furoxano (contendo substituinte metílico e fenílico) e éster nitrato. Propôs-se a variação de anéis aromáticos substituídos e não-substituídos, com o intuito de avaliar a possível relação estrutura-atividade (REA) desses análogos. Até o momento, somente os compostos da série N-acilidrazônica tiveram avaliação biológica realizada. Os valores de IC50 dos compostos na forma amastigota do parasita variaram entre >100 a 2,88 µM, sendo este último valor comparável ao fármaco de referência. A atividade inibitória frente à cruzaína foi de 25,2 µM a 2,2 µM. Já a liberação de óxido nítrico foi avaliada pelo método indireto de detecção de nitrato e os valores variaram entre 52,0 µM e 4.232,0 µM. Estes são bem inferiores ao composto padrão, além de não se identificar correlação direta entre a atividade biológica e a liberação de NO. Na sequência, os dois compostos mais ativos (6 e 14) foram submetidos a estudos de permeabilidade e de citotoxicidade. O composto 6 foi considerado o de maior permeabilidade segundo o Sistema de Classificação Biofarmacêutica (SCB) e todos os compostos apresentaram a taxa de fluxo menor que 2, indicando a ausência de mecanismo de efluxo. Na avaliação do potencial citotóxico desses compostos em células humanas, o derivado 6 apresentou índice de seletividade superior ao do benznidazol. Em estudos de modelagem molecular usando análise exploratória de dados (HCA e PCA), propriedades estéricas/geométricas e eletrônicas foram consideradas as mais relevantes para a atividade biológica. Além disso, estudos de docking mostraram que a posição do grupo nitro no anel aromático é importante para a interação com a cruzaína. Ademais o composto 6 não provocou mudanças significativas no ciclo celular e na fragmentação de DNA em células humanas, mostrando-se como líder promissor para futuros estudos in vivo. Atividade tripanomicida, citotoxicidade, potencial de liberação de NO e estudos de permeabilidade dos 23 derivados sulfonilidrazônicos e ésteres nitrato estão sendo avaliados.
A floresta Amazônica possui um papel ambiental, social e econômico importante para a região, para o país e para o mundo. Dessa forma, técnicas de exploração que visam a diminuição dos impactos causados à floresta são essenciais. Com isso, o objetivo dessa tese é comparar a Exploração de Impacto Reduzido com a Exploração Convencional na Amazônia brasileira através de modelos empíricos de árvore individual de crescimento e produção. O experimento foi instalado na fazenda Agrossete, localizada em Paragominas - PA. Em 1993, três áreas dessa fazenda foram selecionadas para exploração. Na primeira área, 105 hectares foram explorados através da Exploração de Impacto Reduzido. Na segunda área, 75 hectares foram submetidos à Exploração Convencional. E, por fim, a terceira área foi mantida como área testemunha. A coleta de dados de diâmetro à altura do peito e a identificação das espécies dentro de uma parcela de 24,5 hectares, instalada aleatoriamente em cada área, foi realizada nos anos de 1993 (antes da colheita), 1994 (seis meses depois da colheita), 1995, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006 e 2009. Dessa forma, as três áreas foram comparadas através do ajuste de um modelo de incremento diamétrico, considerando que efeito estocástico podia assumir outras quatro distribuições além da distribuição normal, de um modelo de probabilidade de mortalidade e de um modelo de probabilidade de recrutamento. O comportamento do incremento diamétrico indicou que as áreas que foram submetidas a exploração possuem o mesmo comportamento em quase todos os grupos de espécies, com exceção do grupo de espécies intermediárias. Os indivíduos que são submetidos a exploração possuem um maior crescimento em diâmetros quando comparados com área que não sofreu exploração. Além disso, assumir o efeito estocástico com distribuição Weibull melhorou o ajuste dos modelos. Em relação à probabilidade de mortalidade, novamente as áreas que sofreram exploração possuem comportamento semelhante quanto à mortalidade, mas diferente da área que não foi explorada, sendo que os indivíduos localizados nas áreas exploradas possuem uma maior probabilidade de morte em relação aos presentes na área não explorada. Os modelos de probabilidade de recrutamento indicaram diferença apenas entre as áreas exploradas e a área controle. Sendo que, as áreas exploradas apresentaram uma maior taxa de recrumento em comparação a área não explorada. Portanto, o comportamento individual das árvores após a exploração é o mesmo na Exploração Convencional e na Exploração de Impacto Reduzido.
Mediante a crescente necessidade de aumento na oferta de energia elétrica devido à constante elevação na demanda mundial, esta dissertação avalia o desempenho de um sistema conversor de energia de ondas marítimas em energia elétrica. O sistema em análise é o de coluna de água oscilante com turbina de dupla ação instalado na costa. Utiliza-se um modelo regular de ondas como perturbação à dinâmica de uma câmara semi-submersa gerando fluxo de ar através de uma turbina à ar de dupla ação. O sistema final é não linear e com parâmetros variantes no tempo. A dissertação investiga possibilidades para o aumento do rendimento da turbina em diferentes condições de mar através do método de simulação numérica. Após a modelagem física e matemática do sistema escolhido, inicia-se a síntese de um controlador proporcional derivativo para controle da pressão de ar na turbina em torno da pressão ideal de trabalho da mesma. A análise inclui o comparativo entre os resultados do sistema com e sem controlador e a avaliação de robustez utilizando ondas com amplitude variável. O trabalho apresenta ainda propostas de otimização do sistema para trabalhar em condições similares a região de Pecém no Brasil. Pelos resultados obtidos nas simulações, conclui-se que o rendimento e a robustez do sistema podem melhorar utilizando um sistema controlado. O rendimento do sistema poderá ainda ser otimizado para a região de instalação.
Context: Global Software Development (GSD) allows companies to take advantage of talent spread across the world. Most research has been focused on the development aspect. However, little if any attention has been paid to the management of GSD projects. Studies report a lack of adequate support for management’s decisions made during software development, further accentuated in GSD since information is scattered throughout multiple factories, stored in different formats and standards. Objective: This paper aims to improve GSD management by proposing a systematic method for adapting Business Intelligence techniques to software development environments. This would enhance the visibility of the development process and enable software managers to make informed decisions regarding how to proceed with GSD projects. Method: A combination of formal goal-modeling frameworks and data modeling techniques is used to elicitate the most relevant aspects to be measured by managers in GSD. The process is described in detail and applied to a real case study throughout the paper. A discussion regarding the generalisability of the method is presented afterwards. Results: The application of the approach generates an adapted BI framework tailored to software development according to the requirements posed by GSD managers. The resulting framework is capable of presenting previously inaccessible data through common and specific views and enabling data navigation according to the organization of software factories and projects in GSD. Conclusions: We can conclude that the proposed systematic approach allows us to successfully adapt Business Intelligence techniques to enhance GSD management beyond the information provided by traditional tools. The resulting framework is able to integrate and present the information in a single place, thereby enabling easy comparisons across multiple projects and factories and providing support for informed decisions in GSD management.
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Artes Aplicadas do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Música – Área de Especialização em Piano.
The mineralogical compositions of 119 samples collected from throughout the San Francisco Bay coastal system, including bayfloor and seafloor, area beaches, cliff outcrops, and major drainages, were determined using X-ray diffraction (XRD). Comparison of the mineral concentrations and application of statistical cluster analysis of XRD spectra allowed for the determination of provenances and transport pathways. The use of XRD mineral identifications provides semi-quantitative compositions needed for comparisons of beach and offshore sands with potential cliff and river sources, but the innovative cluster analysis of XRD diffraction spectra provides a unique visualization of how groups of samples within the San Francisco Bay coastal system are related so that sand-sized sediment transport pathways can be inferred. The main vector for sediment transport as defined by the XRD analysis is from San Francisco Bay to the outer coast, where the sand then accumulates on the ebb tidal delta and also moves alongshore. This mineralogical link defines a critical pathway because large volumes of sediment have been removed from the Bay over the last century via channel dredging, aggregate mining, and borrow pit mining, with comparable volumes of erosion from the ebb tidal delta over the same period, in addition to high rates of shoreline retreat along the adjacent, open-coast beaches. Therefore, while previously only a temporal relationship was established, the transport pathway defined by mineralogical and geochemical tracers support the link between anthropogenic activities in the Bay and widespread erosion outside the Bay. The XRD results also establish the regional and local importance of sediment derived from cliff erosion, as well as both proximal and distal fluvial sources. This research is an important contribution to a broader provenance study aimed at identifying the driving forces for widespread geomorphic change in a heavily urbanized coastal-estuarine system.
This study focuses on the temperature field observed in boreholes drilled as part of interdisciplinary scientific campaign targeting the El'gygytgyn Crater Lake in NE Russia. Temperature data are available from two sites: the lake borehole 5011-1 located near the center of the lake reaching 400 m depth, and the land borehole 5011-3 at the rim of the lake, with a depth of 140 m. Constraints on permafrost depth and past climate changes are derived from numerical simulation of the thermal regime associated with the lake-related talik structure. The thermal properties of the subsurface needed for these simulations are based on laboratory measurements of representative cores from the quaternary sediments and the underlying impact-affected rock, complemented by further information from geophysical logs and data from published literature. The temperature observations in the lake borehole 5011-1 are dominated by thermal perturbations related to the drilling process, and thus only give reliable values for the lowermost value in the borehole. Undisturbed temperature data recorded over more than two years are available in the 140 m deep land-based borehole 5011-3. The analysis of these observations allows determination of not only the recent mean annual ground surface temperature, but also the ground surface temperature history, though with large uncertainties. Although the depth of this borehole is by far too insufficient for a complete reconstruction of past temperatures back to the Last Glacial Maximum, it still affects the thermal regime, and thus permafrost depth. This effect is constrained by numerical modeling: assuming that the lake borehole observations are hardly influenced by the past changes in surface air temperature, an estimate of steady-state conditions is possible, leading to a meaningful value of 14 ± 5 K for the post-glacial warming. The strong curvature of the temperature data in shallower depths around 60 m can be explained by a comparatively large amplitude of the Little Ice Age (up to 4 K), with low temperatures prevailing far into the 20th century. Other mechanisms, like varying porosity, may also have an influence on the temperature profile, however, our modeling studies imply a major contribution from recent climate changes.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Enterprise systems interoperability (ESI) is an important topic for business currently. This situation is evidenced, at least in part, by the number and extent of potential candidate protocols for such process interoperation, viz., ebXML, BPML, BPEL, and WSCI. Wide-ranging support for each of these candidate standards already exists. However, despite broad acceptance, a sound theoretical evaluation of these approaches has not yet been provided. We use the Bunge-Wand-Weber (BWW) models, in particular, the representation model, to provide the basis for such a theoretical evaluation. We, and other researchers, have shown the usefulness of the representation model for analyzing, evaluating, and engineering techniques in the areas of traditional and structured systems analysis, object-oriented modeling, and process modeling. In this work, we address the question, what are the potential semantic weaknesses of using ebXML alone for process interoperation between enterprise systems? We find that users will lack important implementation information because of representational deficiencies; due to ontological redundancy, the complexity of the specification is unnecessarily increased; and, users of the specification will have to bring in extra-model knowledge to understand constructs in the specification due to instances of ontological excess.
Monoclonal antibodies (Mab) are heterotetramers consisting of an equimolar ratio of heavy chain (HC) and light chain (LC) polypeptides. Accordingly, most recombinant Mab expression systems utilize an equimolar ratio of heavy chain (he) to light chain (lc) genes encoded on either one or two plasmids. However, there is no evidence to suggest that this gene ratio is optimal for stable or transient production of recombinant Mab. In this study we have determined the optimal ratio of hc:lc genes for production of a recombinant IgG(4) Mab, cB72.3, by Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells using both empirical and mathematical modeling approaches. Polyethyleneimine-mediated transient expression of cB72.3 at varying ratios of hc:lc genes encoded on separate plasmids yielded an optimal Mab titer at a hc:lc gene ratio of 3:2; a conclusion confirmed by separate mathematical modeling of the Mab folding and assembly process using transient expression data. On the basis of this information, we hypothesized that utilization of he genes at low hc:lc gene ratios is more efficient. To confirm this, cB72.3 Mab was transiently produced by CHO cells at constant he and varying lc gene dose. Under these conditions, Mab yield was increased with a concomitant increase in lc gene dose. To determine if the above findings also apply to stably transfected CHO cells producing recombinant Mab, we compared the intra- and extracellular ratios of HC and LC polypeptides for three GS-CHO cells lines transfected with a 1:1 ratio of hc:lc genes and selected for stable expression of the same recombinant Mab, cB72.3. Intra- and extracellular HC:LC polypeptide ratios ranged from 1:2 to 1:5, less than that observed on transient expression of the same Mab in parental CHO cells using the same vector. In conclusion, our data suggest that the optimal ratio of hc:lc genes used for transient and stable expression of Mab differ. In the case of the latter, we infer that optimal Mab production by stably transfected cells represents a compromise between HC abundance limiting productivity and the requirement for excess LC to render Mab folding and assembly more efficient.
There is still a great deal of opportunity for research on contextual interactive immersion in virtual heritage environments. The general failure of virtual environment technology to create engaging and educational experiences may be attributable not just to deficiencies in technology or in visual fidelity, but also to a lack of contextual and performative-based interaction, such as that found in games. However, there is little written so far on exactly how game-style interaction can help improve virtual learning environments.
Music plays an enormous role in today's computer games; it serves to elicit emotion, generate interest and convey important information. Traditional gaming music is fixed at the event level, where tracks loop until a state change is triggered. This behaviour however does not reflect musically the in-game state between these events. We propose a dynamic music environment, where music tracks adjust in real-time to the emotion of the in-game state. We are looking to improve the affective response to symbolic music through the modification of structural and performative characteristics through the application of rule-based techniques. In this paper we undertake a multidiscipline approach, and present a series of primary music-emotion structural rules for implementation. The validity of these rules was tested in small study involving eleven participants, each listening to six permutations from two musical works. Preliminary results indicate that the environment was generally successful in influencing the emotion of the musical works for three of the intended four directions (happier, sadder & content/dreamier). Our secondary aim of establishing that the use of music-emotion rules, sourced predominantly from Western classical music, could be applied with comparable results to modern computer gaming music was also largely successfully.
Nonlinear, non-stationary signals are commonly found in a variety of disciplines such as biology, medicine, geology and financial modeling. The complexity (e.g. nonlinearity and non-stationarity) of such signals and their low signal to noise ratios often make it a challenging task to use them in critical applications. In this paper we propose a new neural network based technique to address those problems. We show that a feed forward, multi-layered neural network can conveniently capture the states of a nonlinear system in its connection weight-space, after a process of supervised training. The performance of the proposed method is investigated via computer simulations.
This paper is an analysis of the characteristics of two earner households in which both partners are in full-time employment and there are young dependent children. ABS data show that this household type has increased substantially over the last two decades. The paper uses the HILDA data to investigate the demographic and social characteristics of this group and the differences between them and the more traditional breadwinner household forms. The aim is to understand what characteristics encourage couples with dependent children to pursue full-time employment compared to couples who opt for other strategies. The paper uses a combination of descriptive methods and statistical modeling to identify socioeconomic and attitudinal differences amongst couples. The findings are discussed in light of recent policy directions that encourage women with young children to remain at home or to work part-time.