952 resultados para distribution structure


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Saproxylic insect communities inhabiting tree hollow microhabitats correspond with large food webs which simultaneously are constituted by multiple types of plant-animal and animal-animal interactions, according to the use of trophic resources (wood- and insect-dependent sub-networks), or to trophic habits or interaction types (xylophagous, saprophagous, xylomycetophagous, predators and commensals). We quantitatively assessed which properties of specialised networks were present in a complex networks involving different interacting types such as saproxylic community, and how they can be organised in trophic food webs. The architecture, interacting patterns and food web composition were evaluated along sub-networks, analysing their implications to network robustness from random and directed extinction simulations. A structure of large and cohesive modules with weakly connected nodes was observed throughout saproxylic sub-networks, composing the main food webs constituting this community. Insect-dependent sub-networks were more modular than wood-dependent sub-networks. Wood-dependent sub-networks presented higher species degree, connectance, links, linkage density, interaction strength, and were less specialised and more aggregated than insect-dependent sub-networks. These attributes defined high network robustness in wood-dependent sub-networks. Finally, our results emphasise the relevance of modularity, differences among interacting types and interrelations among them in modelling the structure of saproxylic communities and in determining their stability.


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We have studied experimentally jump-to-contact (JC) and jump-out-of-contact (JOC) phenomena in gold electrodes. JC can be observed at first contact when two metals approach each other, while JOC occurs in the last contact before breaking. When the indentation depth between the electrodes is limited to a certain value of conductance, a highly reproducible behaviour in the evolution of the conductance can be obtained for hundreds of cycles of formation and rupture. Molecular dynamics simulations of this process show how the two metallic electrodes are shaped into tips of a well-defined crystallographic structure formed through a mechanical annealing mechanism. We report a detailed analysis of the atomic configurations obtained before contact and rupture of these stable structures and obtained their conductance using first-principles quantum transport calculations. These results help us understand the values of conductance obtained experimentally in the JC and JOC phenomena and improve our understanding of atomic-sized contacts and the evolution of their structural characteristics.


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The electronic gap structure of the organic molecule N,N′-diphenyl-N,N′-bis(3-methylphenyl)-(1,1′-biphenyl)-4,4′-diamine, also known as TPD, has been studied by means of a Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM) and by Photoluminescence (PL) analysis. Hundreds of current-voltage characteristics measured at different spots of the sample show the typical behavior of a semiconductor. The analysis of the curves allows to construct a gap distribution histogram which reassembles the PL spectrum of this compound. This analysis demonstrates that STM can give relevant information, not only related to the expected value of a semiconductor gap but also on its distribution which affects its physical properties such as its PL.


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Changes in benthic community structure are strongly related to environmental factors, and we need to determine how these natural changes occur in order to interpret the possible changes associated with anthropogenic impacts. The aim of this survey was to characterize and classify the polychaete assemblages inhabiting unpolluted soft bottoms in the Spanish Mediterranean in relation to environmental factors. Thirteen localities were sampled at depths between 9 and 31 m, from 2004 to 2006. Multivariate techniques showed that the structure of polychaete assemblages detected in 2004 was consistent over time and correlations between polychaetes and environmental factors were detected. The study area comprises four kinds of communities mainly characterized by polychaete assemblages, sediment types, and depth.


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The aim of the present study is to identify and evaluate the relationship between Woodpigeon (Columba palumbus, Linnaeus, 1758) density and different environmental gradients (thermotype, ombrotype, continentality and latitudinal), land use and landscape structure, using geographic information systems and multivariate modelling. Transects (n = 396) were developed to estimate the density of Woodpigeon in the Marina Baja (Alicante, Spain) from 2006 to 2008. The highestdensity for Woodpigeon was in September-October (1.28birds/10ha) and the lowest inFebruary-March (0.34birds/10ha). Moreover, there were more Woodpigeons in areas with a mesomediterranean thermotypethan in thermomediterranean or supramediterranean ones. There was greater densityinthe intermediate zones compared to thecoast and interior. The natural or cultural landscape had the highest Woodpigeon density (1.53birds/10ha), with both denseand clear pine forest values standing out. Therefore, it is very important to conserve these traditional landscapes with adequate management strategies in order to maintain, resident and transient Woodpigeon populations. These natural areas are open places where the Woodpigeons find food and detect the presence ofpredators. Thus, this study will enable more precise knowledge of the ecological factors (habitat variables) that intervene in the distribution of Woodpigeon populations and their density.


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The Lofoten-Vesterålen marine shelf is one of the most geologically diverse coast and offshore margin areas in Norway. This leads to huge heterogeneity in marine environments, and often high biodiversity. However, little is known yet about the benthic communities in this region. Within the ARCTOS LoVe MarineEco project the epibenthic communities of the Hola trough (Vesterålen) are analysed to give a first description of their spatial distribution. In this trough both a complex hydrodynamic system and varied topographic submarine elements occur. Trawling samples were collected for two different approaches: one in a meso-scale and another in a small-scale. For the broad scale a transect consisting in three stations was developed, while for the fine scale a small area on a sand wave field, consisting in five stations called HolaBox, was sampled. All organisms were intended to be identified to species level and colonial fauna was discarded for the analysis. Different diversity indexes were assessed (Shannon index (H’) and Pielou’s eveness (J’)). Clustering and nMDS analyses identified four statistically significant groups in terms of abundance (ind./100m2). A total amount of 211 different taxa were found within all stations. The more outer part of the transect (close to the shelf edge) presented a huge abundance of organisms and was dominated by the hemi sessile tube-builder polychaetes Nothria conchylega and Eunice dubitata and the sea urchin Gacilechinus acutus, while the more inner parts presented less abundance of individuals. Probably some upwelling produced by the Norwegian Atlantic Current (NWAC) is influencing the shelf edge increasing the primary production and, therefore, enriching the seafloor in this region. The sand wave field presented two different groups with few amount of individuals. Small-scale variability could be produced by the high heterogeneity within the different types of sand waves, while the scarce abundance of animals can be produced by the permanent changing environment that movable sand waves produce. Here more active and mobile fauna was found such as brittle stars and hermit crabs (among others). Finally, a fourth group was found in the most inner station of the transect, laying on a ridge in the central part of the trough. This station, with coarse substrate, was mainly dominated again by brittle stars and sea urchins. We can conclude that this is a really heterogeneous trough in environments and therefore in communities (even in a local scale). More detailed studies that focus in the local environmental drivers have to be carried out to get an integrated understanding of the structure of benthic communities in this system.


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Microstructural investigations of ocean crust samples provide a complementary approach to both marine surveys and laboratory experiments. The recovery of relatively undeformed diabases from Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP)/Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Hole 504B provides a first opportunity to examine a reference section of microstructural features that influence strain localization at depths of 2 km in the ocean crust. Syn- and post-crystallization features in plagioclase and augite crystals have been examined by optical microscopy and secondary and backscattered electron imaging. These features show a strong influence of modal composition and primary textures on early sites of strain localization. Thermal cracking and subsequent alteration intensities and distribution are strongly phase dependent. A consistently higher intragranular fracture density is observed in augite crystals relative to plagioclase. The impact of alteration on the mechanical response of diabases is likely to depend on the primary textural characteristics. Even where extensive augite alteration occurs, the rock remains supported by a framework of weakly altered plagioclase crystals. The Hole 504B diabases from Leg 140 provide a valuable comparison for future studies of more deformed sections likely to be encountered at depth. Advances in constraining the detailed rheology of the ocean crust at spreading centers would benefit from experimental deformation of texturally diverse diabase and gabbro samples.


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This data set describes the distribution of a total of 90 plant species growing on field margins of an agricultural landscape in the Haean-myun catchment in South Korea. We conducted our survey between July and August 2011 in 100 sampling plots, covering the whole catchment. In each plot we measured three environmental variables: slope, width of the field margin, and management type (i.e. "managed" for field margins that had signs of management activities from the ongoing season such as cutting or spraying herbicides and "unmanaged" for field margins that had been left untouched in the season). For the botanical survey each plot was sampled using three subplots of one square meter per subplot; subplots were 4 m apart from each other. In each subplot, we estimated three different vegetation characteristics: vegetation cover (i.e. the percentage of ground covered by vegetation), species richness (i.e. the number of observed species) and species abundance (i.e. the number of observed individuals / species). We calculated the percentage of the non-farmed habitats by creating buffer zones of 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 m radii around each plot using data provided by (Seo et al. 2014). Non-farmed habitats included field margins, fallows, forest, riparian areas, pasture and grassland.


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Seriocarpa rhizoides Diehl 1969 was collected in abundance from the calcareous sand of the Josephine Bank (between Portugal and Madeira) during the "Meteor" seamount cruises in 1967. Attachment in this loose soft substratum is effected by fine anchoring strands of the tests. Two irregular series of small polycarp-like hermaphrodite bodies which are embedded in a connective tissue lie directly below the endostyle, forming a tubular compound gonad, but without common ducts. The intermediate nature of the reproductive system with respect to arrangement and structure increases our knowledge about the polygenetic relations of the stylid-genera. Some of the hitherto known ecological facts point to the presumed "seamounts effect" on this species.


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Dependence of the faunal composition and species structure of the White Sea littoral Harpacticoida on sediment properties was studied. Three groups of species could be distinguished according to their relationship with sediment properties: (1) species typical of silty sediments, (2) species preferring sediments with high gravel content, and (3) species inhabiting well-sorted washed sands. Vertical distribution of crustaceans within sediments of different types was studied. Vertical migrations of harpacticoids (3) during the tidal cycle were described. Data on interannual variability of harpacticoid fauna are presented.


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We sampled leaves from 678 individuals in 21 natural populations (30-36 individuals per population), covering the entire distribution of Euptelea pleiospermum in China.Total DNA was isolated from about 50 mg powdered leaf tissue following the protocol of a DNA extraction kit (Tiangen Biotech Co., LTD., Beijing, China). We used seven fluorescence-labeled microsatellite loci (EP036, EP059, EP081, EP087, EP091, EP278 and EP294; Zhang et al., 2008) to genotype our 678 DNA samples.


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A general study of structure, biomass estimates and dynamics on the macrofauna was carried out in August 1975 and March 1976 during PREFLEX (1975) and FLEX (1976), the Fladen Ground Experiment. On the basis of these data an attempt was made to estimate macrobenthic production expressed as minimum production (MP). The macrobenthic production is discussed together with meiobenthic annual production and with indirectly estimated microbenthic production in relation to an energy input from the water column of about 25 g C m**-2 year**-1. From the production estimates of the three benthic components a rough energy budget is proposed. Sampling was performed at five stations for endofauna twice during the time of investigation and for epifauna once. At each station two replicate box core samples (30 X 20 cm) were taken for endofauna. Epifauna was sampled with an Agassiz trawl once at each station. The total numbers of endofauna increased from station 1 to 5. This was valid as well for August 1975 (4,233-12,166 individuals per m**2 and 10 cm sediment depth) as for March 1976 (1,008-2,925 individuals). The polychaetes were the dominant organisms with a share of 33 to 62 %. The densities for the endofauna decreased from August 1975 to March 1976 by a mean factor of 2.8. Abundances of epifauna amounted to values between 11 and 102 individuals per 1000 m**2. The biomass dry weights (DWT) for macrobenthic endofauna varied between 0.97 g DWT m**-2 and 6.42 g DWT m**-2 in August 1975 and between 0.27 g DWT m**-2 and 2.64 g DWT m**-2 in March 1976. The mean amounted to 1.74 g DWT m**-2. Dry weights of epifauna biomass gave values between 4.9 and 83.1 g DWT * 1000 m**-2. The minimum production for the total macro-endofauna at Fladen Ground amounted to 1.43 g DWT m**-2 yr**-1 or 0.82 g C m**-2 yr**-1. This resulted in a minimum turnover rate (P/B) of 0.8. The share produced by the polychaetes amounted to 1.06g DWT m**-2 yr**-1 or 74 %.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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The spatial arrangement and metabolic activity of 'Candidatus Competibacter phosphatis' was investigated in granular sludge from an anaerobic-aerobic sequencing batch reactor enriched for glycogen-accumulating organisms. In this process, the electron donor (acetate) and the electron acceptor (oxygen) were supplied sequentially in each phase. The organism, identified by fluorescence in situ hybridisation, was present throughout the granules; however, metabolic activity was limited to a 100-mum-thick layer immediately below the surface of the granules. To investigate the cause of this, oxygen microsensors and a novel microscale biosensor for volatile fatty acids were used in conjunction with chemical staining for intracellular storage polymers. It was found that the limited distribution of activity was caused by mass transport limitation of oxygen into the granules during the aerobic phase. (C) 2003 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.