921 resultados para copyright duration


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We discuss consistency of the concept of external background in QFT. Different restrictions on magnitude of magnetic and electric fields are analyzed. The back reaction due to strong electric field is calculated and restrictions on the magnitude and duration of such a field are obtained. The problem of consistency of Dirac equation with a superstrong Coulomb field is discussed.


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We discuss the possibility of implementing a universal quantum XOR gate by using two coupled quantum dots subject to external magnetic fields that are parallel and slightly different. We consider this system in two different field configurations. In the first case, parallel external fields with the intensity difference at each spin being proportional to the time-dependent interaction between the spins. A general exact solution describing this system is presented and analyzed to adjust field parameters. Then we consider parallel fields with intensity difference at each spin being constant and the interaction between the spins switching on and off adiabatically. In both cases we adjust characteristics of the external fields (their intensities and duration) in order to have the parallel pulse adequate for constructing the XOR gate. In order to provide a complete theoretical description of all the cases, we derive relations between the spin interaction, the inter-dot distance, and the external field. (C) 2008 WILEYNCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA. Weinheim.


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Themean value of the one-loop energy-momentum tensor in thermal QED with an electric-like background that creates particles from vacuum is calculated. The problem is essentially different from calculations of effective actions ( similar to the action of Heisenberg-Euler) in backgrounds that respect the stability of vacuum. The role of a constant electric background in the violation of both the stability of vacuum and the thermal character of particle distribution is investigated. Restrictions on the electric field and the duration over which one can neglect the back-reaction of created particles are established.


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A novel concept of quantum turbulence in finite size superfluids, such as trapped bosonic atoms, is discussed. We have used an atomic (87)Rb Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) to study the emergence of this phenomenon. In our experiment, the transition to the quantum turbulent regime is characterized by a tangled vortex lines formation, controlled by the amplitude and time duration of the excitation produced by an external oscillating field. A simple model is suggested to account for the experimental observations. The transition from the non-turbulent to the turbulent regime is a rather gradual crossover. But it takes place in a sharp enough way, allowing for the definition of an effective critical line separating the regimes. Quantum turbulence emerging in a finite-size superfluid may be a new idea helpful for revealing important features associated to turbulence, a more general and broad phenomenon. [GRAPHICS] Amplitude versus elapsed time diagram of magnetically excited BEC superfluid, presenting the evolution from the non-turbulent regime, with well separated vortices, to the turbulent regimes, with tangled vortices (C) 2011 by Astro Ltd. Published exclusively by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA


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In this paper, we use Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) to write electronic states of a ferromagnetic system into high-temperature paramagnetic nuclear spins. Through the control of phase and duration of radio frequency pulses, we set the NMR density matrix populations, and apply the technique of quantum state tomography to experimentally obtain the matrix elements of the system, from which we calculate the temperature dependence of magnetization for different magnetic fields. The effects of the variation of temperature and magnetic field over the populations can be mapped in the angles of spin rotations, carried out by the RF pulses. The experimental results are compared to the Brillouin functions of ferromagnetic ordered systems in the mean field approximation for two cases: the mean field is given by (i) B = B(0) + lambda M and (ii) B = B(0) + lambda M + lambda`M(3), where B(0) is the external magnetic field, and lambda, lambda` are mean field parameters. The first case exhibits second order transition, whereas the second case has first order transition with temperature hysteresis. The NMR simulations are in good agreement with the magnetic predictions.


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Purpose. - This study investigates the influence of age at onset of OCS on psychiatric comorbidities, and tries to establish a cut-off point for age at onset. Methods. - Three hundred and thirty OCD patients were consecutively recruited and interviewed using the following structured interviews: Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale; Yale Global Tic Severity Scale and the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV. Data were analyzed with regression and cluster analysis. Results. - Lower age at onset was associated with a higher probability of having comorbidity with tic, anxiety, somatoform, eating and impulse-control disorders. Longer illness duration was associated with lower chance of having tics. Female gender was associated with anxiety, eating and impulse-control disorders. Tic disorders were associated with anxiety disorders and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. No cutoff age at onset was found to clearly divide the sample in homogeneous subgroups. However, cluster analyses revealed that differences started to emerge at the age of 10 and were more pronounced at the age of 17, suggesting that these were the best cut-off points on this sample. Conclusions. - Age at onset is associated with specific comorbidity patterns in OCD patients. More prominent differences are obtained when analyzing age at onset as an absolute value. (C) 2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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Syftet med uppsatsen var att relatera amningstidens längd till amningsproblem och kvinnors upplevelse av sin amning samt att kartlägga orsaker till delvis amning och upphörande av amning. Studiens design var en deskriptiv, retrospektiv korrelationsstudie med kvantitativ ansats. Materialet till studien hämtades från redan utförda intervjuer. Populationen bestod av 250 kvinnor i åldrarna 19-46 år varav 103 var förstföderskor och 147 omföderskor.Resultatet av studien har visat att tiden för enbart amning och den totala amningstidens längd varierade. De kvinnor som var positiva till amningen hade en längre amningsperiod än de kvinnor som var negativa till amningen. Anledningarna till att kvinnorna upphörde med den exklusiva amningen var främst medveten tillvänjning till annan kost än bröstmjölk. Det näst vanligaste skälet var enligt rekommendation från BVC att börja ge smakportioner, och det näst, näst vanligaste skälet var relaterat till barnet, nämligen hungrigt barn. Skälen till att avsluta amningen var jämnt fördelade mellan mor- och barn-relaterade orsaker. Bland barn-relaterade orsaker var barnets ointresse för bröstet det klart dominerande skälet till avslutad amning och bland mammorna en medveten avvänjning. Under BB-tiden var det varannan mamma som led av problem med amningen. Det vanligaste problemet var fel sugteknik hos barnet och det näst vanligaste problemet var såriga bröstvårtor. Under barnets första vecka efter hemgång var det såriga bröstvårtor som var det största problemet. Under BVC-tiden var det mjölkstockning som var det vanligast förekommande problemet tätt följt av såriga bröstvårtor. Majoriteten av mödrarna hade upplevt sin amning som positiv, en mysig och värdefull tid. Men många hade även negativa upplevelser såsom känsla av bundenhet och stress.


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Bakgrund: Amning är av stor betydelse för det nyfödda barnet och mamma, både ur närings- och trygghetsaspekter. Tidigare studier om sambandet mellan förlossningssätt och amning visar motstridiga resultat; vissa studier indikerar att sectio påverkar amningen negativt medan andra studier inte visar på något samband.Syftet: Att undersöka huruvida det finns demografiska och hälsorelaterade skillnader hos mammor gällande förlossningssätt samt om förlossningssätt påverkar amningsdurationen upp till två månaders ålder.Metod: Studien har en populationsbaserad kohortdesign och omfattar n= 35250 mamma-barn par i Örebro- och Uppsala län, där barnet fötts åren 1993-2001. Statistiska analyser har genomförts med Chi-square test, binär logistisk regressionsanalys och multivariat logistik regressionsanalys.Resultat: Visade att mammor som förlösts med sectio ammade i lägre utsträckning vid två månaders ålder i jämförelse med mammor som förlösts vaginalt. Många riskfaktorer identifierades för en ökad risk att förlösas med sectio: län, hälsofaktorer hos mamma och barn, paritet, mammans ålder, rökning samt socioekonomiska faktorer. Resultatet kan hjälpa barnmorskan i hennes profession, genom att kunskap erhålls om dessa samband. Barnmorskan kan därmed identifiera riskfaktorer, arbeta förebyggande och underlätta initieringen av amning.Konklusion: Barnmorskor kan med hjälp av denna studie öka medvetenheten hos vårdpersonal angående sectioförlösta mammors behov av extra stöd vid initiering av amning.


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This paper proposes a spatial-temporal downscaling approach to construction of the intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) relations at a local site in the context of climate change and variability. More specifically, the proposed approach is based on a combination of a spatial downscaling method to link large-scale climate variables given by General Circulation Model (GCM) simulations with daily extreme precipitations at a site and a temporal downscaling procedure to describe the relationships between daily and sub-daily extreme precipitations based on the scaling General Extreme Value (GEV) distribution. The feasibility and accuracy of the suggested method were assessed using rainfall data available at eight stations in Quebec (Canada) for the 1961-2000 period and climate simulations under four different climate change scenarios provided by the Canadian (CGCM3) and UK (HadCM3) GCM models. Results of this application have indicated that it is feasible to link sub-daily extreme rainfalls at a local site with large-scale GCM-based daily climate predictors for the construction of the IDF relations for present (1961-1990) and future (2020s, 2050s, and 2080s) periods at a given site under different climate change scenarios. In addition, it was found that annual maximum rainfalls downscaled from the HadCM3 displayed a smaller change in the future, while those values estimated from the CGCM3 indicated a large increasing trend for future periods. This result has demonstrated the presence of high uncertainty in climate simulations provided by different GCMs. In summary, the proposed spatial-temporal downscaling method provided an essential tool for the estimation of extreme rainfalls that are required for various climate-related impact assessment studies for a given region.


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This paper deals with the testing of autoregressive conditional duration (ACD) models by gauging the distance between the parametric density and hazard rate functions implied by the duration process and their non-parametric estimates. We derive the asymptotic justification using the functional delta method for fixed and gamma kernels, and then investigate the finite-sample properties through Monte Carlo simulations. Although our tests display some size distortion, bootstrapping suffices to correct the size without compromising their excellent power. We show the practical usefulness of such testing procedures for the estimation of intraday volatility patterns.


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This paper develops a family of autoregressive conditional duration (ACD) models that encompasses most specifications in the literature. The nesting relies on a Box-Cox transformation with shape parameter λ to the conditional duration process and a possibly asymmetric shocks impact curve. We establish conditions for the existence of higher-order moments, strict stationarity, geometric ergodicity and β-mixing property with exponential decay. We next derive moment recursion relations and the autocovariance function of the power λ of the duration process. Finally, we assess the practical usefulness of our family of ACD models using NYSE transactions data, with special attention to IBM price durations. The results warrant the extra flexibility provided either by the Box-Cox transformation or by the asymmetric response to shocks.


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This paper is part of the Brazilian branch of the BISA Copyright Review, a research project focused on the intersection of copyright and public interest in Brazil, India and South Africa, funded by the Ford Foundation. The Brazilian contribution is based on interviews with some of the key actors involved with the process of copyright reform initiated by the Brazilian Ministry of Culture in 2007, and provides a thorough picture of the Brazilian copyright policy scenario as of 2008.


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Trata da apresentação técnica conhecida como Macaulay Duration e sua aplicação na administração do risco de taxa de juros. Aborda aspectos conceituais e práticos da medida e as recentes discussões a respeito de sua aplicabilidade e limitações em finanças.