992 resultados para consumer attitude


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Since July 2010, all pre-packed organic food produced in the European Union (EU) must carry the new mandatory EU logo for organic food. Voluntary organic labels (such as national governmental logos and logos of private farmers’ associations and control bodies) can still be used, but only in addition to the mandatory EU logo. This change in the regulatory environment of organic labelling raises a number of questions regarding consumer preferences for different kinds of organic certification logos, which the present dissertation addressed. The first objective was to explore and analyse consumer perceptions, attitudes, preferences and willingness-to-pay (WTP) regarding different voluntary organic labels. The second objective was to investigate consumer perceptions and attitudes towards a mandatory EU logo. A combination of qualitative and quantitative methods of consumer research in six European countries was employed including focus group discussions, choice experiments and structured interviews. Based on the empirical results, recommendations are drawn for different actors in the organic sector.


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The objective of this paper is to understand how Chinese consumers perceive certified organic food, especially the differences between locally and nationally produced organic food compared to food produced overseas. In 2012, a consumer survey was conducted at supermarkets in Hong Kong and Shanghai (N=245). Participants were asked for their perception on four different food origins: locally produced organic food, organic food from China, imported organic food, and locally produced conventional food. Consumers in Hong Kong had a positive attitude towards local organic food and imported organic food. However, they were sceptical about organic food from China, in particular regarding chemical residues and the trustworthiness of producers. Consumers in Shanghai, in contrast, had a positive attitude towards all three tested geographical origins of organic food. Overall, the results suggest that it is challenging for marketers to promote and boost the sales of China-produced organic food in China. Better communication is essential to convince consumers that organic food from China is of similar quality as organic food produced elsewhere.


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Shareholdern, Mitarbeitern und Konsumenten kommt im Rahmen der Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) eine zentrale Rolle zu. Nicht zuletzt aufgrund ihrer ökonomischen Bedeutung für Unternehmen und ihrer Einflussmöglichkeiten auf diese werden sie zu den mithin wichtigsten Stakeholdern gezählt. Innerhalb der unternehmensethischen Diskussion setzt sich dabei verstärkt die Sichtweise eines Business Case von CSR durch, demzufolge CSR generell und insbesondere bei diesen drei Stakeholdern an Bedeutung gewinnt und ein entsprechendes Engagement daher neben finanziellen auch zahlreiche immaterielle Vorteile bedingt. Betrachtet man die Studienlage allerdings genauer, bleibt zu fragen, inwieweit das gezeichnete positive Bild und die ihm zugrunde liegenden Annahmen tatsächlich zutreffend sind. Denn weder liegen ausreichend Studien vor, die sich mit den Prozessen auf der Mikro-Ebene befassen, noch spiegelt sich die postulierte und von Konsumenten in Befragungen geäußerte Kauf- und Zahlungsbereitschaft im Marktanteil ethischer Produkte und Dienstleistungen wider, was im Allgemeinen dann allerdings wiederum durch ein „attitude-behaviour-gap“ erklärt wird. Mit Blick auf ein Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) stellt sich die Sach- oder Marktlage zwar besser dar, doch wird gemeinhin stillschweigend und unhinterfragt davon ausgegangen, dass ein ethisches Investment per se ethisch sei. Die Arbeit setzt an diesen Punkten an und geht nach einer Klärung zentraler Begriffe der Frage nach der Relevanz und Wahrnehmung von CSR bei den drei Stakeholdern anhand eigener qualitativer Fallstudien empirisch nach; d. h. konkret, mittels einer Einzelfallstudie unter der Mitarbeiterschaft eines mittelständischen Unternehmens, einer Konsumentenbefragung zum Kleidungskauf und einer Einzelfallstudie zur Überprüfung der Praxis ethischen Investments anhand des als besonders „ethisch“ ausgewiesenen Ethik-Fonds von Schellhammer & Schattera. Im Endergebnis zeigt sich, dass berechtigte Zweifel an den vielfach postulierten positiven Entwicklungen und Effekten und damit auch der Sichtweise eines Business Case von CSR angebracht sind. Denn selbst der gewählte ethische Fonds kann nicht alle an ein derartiges Investment zu stellenden Kriterien zweifelsfrei erfüllen. In eine ähnlich kritische Richtung weisen auch die Befunde der Konsumentenstudie. Durch die Verwendung eines anderen Untersuchungsansatzes zeigt sich, dass für den Großteil der befragten Konsumenten ethische Aspekte in Wirklichkeit keine oder wenn, eine allenfalls sehr untergeordnete Rolle spielen. Entsprechend handelt es sich möglicherweise beim „attitude-behaviour-gap“ vielfach nur um eine Pseudo-Inkonsistenz, die, wie aufgezeigt wird, theoretisch und methodisch bedingt ist. Im Vergleich dazu fallen die Befunde der Mitarbeiterstudie zwar sehr positiv aus, verweisen jedoch auch auf einen allgemein vernachlässigten zentralen Aspekt des CSR-Engagements. So können die empirisch belegten positiven Effekte zwar bestätigt werden, doch zeigt sich, dass diese wesentlich an die Bedingung der Authentizität von CSR geknüpft zu sein scheinen. Die sich hieraus wie aus den anderen Studien ergebenden Konsequenzen und Fragen werden im Rahmen einer Zusammenfassung abschließend diskutiert.


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Information and communication technology (ICT) projects have a great potential to revolutionise the information delivery system by bridging the gap between farmers and extension personnel. aAQUA (Almost All Questions Answered) portal was launched by the Developmental Informatics Laboratory (DIL) at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Mumbai, Maharashtra, India in 2003 as an information providing system to deliver technology options and tailored information for the problems and queries raised by Indian dairy farmers. To measure the effectiveness of this service the attitudinal dimensions of the users of aAQUA e-Agriservice were investigated using a 22 item scale. A simple random sampling technique was used to select 120 dairy farmers from which data were collected and subjected to factor analysis to identify the underlying constructs in this research. From the attitude items, four components were extracted and named as the pessimistic, utility, technical and efficacy perspective, which influenced the development of varied level of attitudinal inclination towards the e-Agriservice. These components explained 64.40 per cent of variation in the attitude of the users towards the aAQUA e-Agriservice. This study provides a framework for technically efficient service provision that might help to reduce the pessimistic attitude of target population to adopt e-Agriservice in their farming system. The results should also be helpful for researchers, academics, ICT based service providers and policy makers to consider these perspectives while planning and implementing ICT projects.


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Recommender systems attempt to predict items in which a user might be interested, given some information about the user's and items' profiles. Most existing recommender systems use content-based or collaborative filtering methods or hybrid methods that combine both techniques (see the sidebar for more details). We created Informed Recommender to address the problem of using consumer opinion about products, expressed online in free-form text, to generate product recommendations. Informed recommender uses prioritized consumer product reviews to make recommendations. Using text-mining techniques, it maps each piece of each review comment automatically into an ontology


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Consumer reviews, opinions and shared experiences in the use of a product is a powerful source of information about consumer preferences that can be used in recommender systems. Despite the importance and value of such information, there is no comprehensive mechanism that formalizes the opinions selection and retrieval process and the utilization of retrieved opinions due to the difficulty of extracting information from text data. In this paper, a new recommender system that is built on consumer product reviews is proposed. A prioritizing mechanism is developed for the system. The proposed approach is illustrated using the case study of a recommender system for digital cameras


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Lecture video slides and also the audio files


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Audio of What is the consumer? What is the reader? lecture delivered by Dr Cui Su and Paul Caplan as part of #WSAmacd and #WSAadm remix course


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Qualitative research is a research strategy used to analyze the reality. When applied to consumer psychology, it allows a deeper knowledge about consumer’s behavior and associated emotions and motivations. Qualitative research goes beyond the description of buyers’ behavior and shows information about how and why that behavior is produced.The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how qualitative research is relevant for the knowledge and the understanding of consumers’ behavior and how, through its techniques, it approaches the consumer’s socio-cultural reality and provides an interpretation of it. The present paper resumes the key aspects of qualitative research, mentioning its related antecedents of its contributions to the marketing and explaining the four most applied techniques in consumer psychology (interviews, focus group, ethnography and observation); moreover, it also studies the way to carry them out and gives some examples of some of the market issues which it can analyze. Finally, we take up again the qualitative data analysis as one of the most relevant topics because it produces important information for the decision making process related to the consumer. In addition, we explain the steps, strategies, types and technological tools to carry it out. 


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Educating health professionals implies the challenge of creating and developing an inquiring mind, ready to be in a state of permanent questioning. For this purpose, it is fundamental to generate a positive attitude toward the generation of knowledge and science. Objective: to determine the attitude toward science and the scientific method in undergraduate students of health sciences. Materials and methods: a cross-sectional study was made by applying a self-administered survey, excluding those who were transferred from other universities and repeated. The attitude toward science and the scientific method were valued using the scale validated and published by Hren, which contains three domains: value of scientific knowledge, value of scientific methodology, and value of science for health professions. Results: 362 students were included, 86,6% of them graded the attitude toward scientific knowledge above 135 points, neutral scale value. Similar scores were registered in the domains value of scientific knowlede for the human dimension of the students and value of science for health professions. 91,4% of the students graded the value of scientific methodology below 48 points. Conclusions: the favorable attitude of the students can be explained by the contact that they have with the scientific method since the beginning of their studies and its concordance with the evolution of science. The domain value of scientific methodology obtained the lowest grade on the part of the students, which could be related to the lack of knowledge about scientific methodology.


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Consumer neuroscience allows a fullest and objective understanding about desires andactions of consumers, turning itself in a fickle tool to the use of the companies and to improve their Marketing strategies. The use of the Neuroscientific methods to the analysis, description and comprehension of human behavior related to consume open a lot of unknown possibilities to discover. Neuromarketing or The consumer Neuroscience as is known too is the study of mental process been part of the consumer behavior and contexts concerning the marketing as well, apply and follow in the environment of the real life of human been. Its supported by the paradigms and the technological development of Neurosciences whose progress has made possible for the seekers to deep in knowledge abouthow the brain work. Physiological operations of mind are a product of a structural and functional ensemble including the brain, as organ, and mind, emotion and cognition, asfunctions. Mind events just can be understood in the middle of the interaction between the organism and his environment. Neuromarketing paradigm it’s still in his infancy and whatfor it’s full of research possibilities. Inside the consumer neuroscience the ethic building doesn’t collapse, the morality isn’t threaten, inside the normal individual Will it’s alwaysWill. The present paper looking for a place to the consumer neuroscience paradigm over the perspective of research open to the Marketing, from the technological advances and hermeneutical vision offer by Neuroscience; it’s propose some of several possibilities ofresearch and practice been explored actually. To give an example its offer one of methods of research as is the Evoked Potentials.