576 resultados para adoptive immunotherapy


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Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária


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IgE-mediated allergy to chicken egg affects a large number of children and adults worldwide. The current management strategy for egg allergy is strict avoidance, however this is impractical due to the presence of eggs in a range of foods and pharmaceutical products including vaccines. Strict avoidance also poses nutritional disadvantages due to high nutritional value of eggs. Allergen specific immunotherapy is being pursued as a curative treatment, in which an allergic individual is gradually exposed to the allergen to induce tolerance. Use of recombinant proteins for immunotherapy has been beneficial due to the purity of the recombinant proteins compared to natural proteins. In this study, we produced IgE reactive recombinant egg white proteins that can be used for future immunotherapy. Using E. coli as an expression system, we successfully produced recombinant versions of Gal d 1, 2 and 3, that were IgE reactive when tested against a pool of egg allergic patients' sera. The IgE reactivity indicates that these recombinant proteins are capable of eliciting an immune response, thus being potential candidates for immunotherapy. We have, for the first time, attempted to produce recombinant versions of all 4 major egg white allergens in E. coli, and successfully produced 3, with only Gal d 4 showing loss of IgE reactivity in the recombinant version. The results suggest that egg allergy in Australian populations may mainly be due to IgE reactivity to Gal d 3 and 4, while Gal d 1 shows higher IgE reactivity. This is the first report of a collective and comparative immunological analysis of all 4 egg white allergens. The significance of this study is the potential use of the IgE reactive recombinant egg white proteins in immunotherapy to treat egg allergic patients.


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Gal d 1 (Ovomucoid) is the most allergenic protein in the chicken egg white. Hypoallergenic variants of this allergen can be used in immunotherapy as an egg allergy treatment approach. We hypothesized that disruption of selected cysteine-cysteine disulfide bridges by mutagenesis will allow us the production of a hypoallergenic variant of the protein.


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Allergy to hen's (Gallus domesticus) egg white is one of the most common forms of food allergy. Allergy to hen's yolk also exists however, to a lesser extent when compared to egg white allergy. Two minor allergens from the hen's egg yolk known as α-livetin (Gal d 5) and YGP42 (Gal d 6) were discovered recently. In this study, we investigated whether sensitization to egg white is associated with reactivity to egg yolk as well. Sera obtained from 25 patients with allergy to egg white were tested for specific IgE binding for egg yolk proteins through western immunoblotting. 36% of patients were found with true IgE-sensitization against egg yolk proteins. It was found that most of the IgE reactive yolk proteins were fragments of major precursor proteins of hen; vitellogenin-1 (VTG-1), vitellogenin-2 (VTG-2) and apolipoprotein B (Apo B). The egg yolk allergen Gal d 6 is the C-terminal part of VTG-1 and was found to be allergenic in significant percentage of egg white allergy patients. These results highlight the significance of Gal d 6 as an important allergen of egg yolk. Therefore, the secondary aim of this study involved developing a recombinant version of YGP42 in an Escherichia coli expression system. Recombinant Gal d 6 (rGal d6) was expressed as a fusion peptide with a 6 × His tag and purified using metal chelating resin. The inhibition ELISA results showed that rYGP42 was IgE reactive and was able to inhibit IgE binding to crude egg yolk (CEY) by up to 30%. Traditionally, it was thought that allergy to egg yolk occurred independently from sensitization to egg white. This study underlies the importance of concomitant sensitization to egg yolk proteins in patients allergic to egg white. Evidence reported in this study strongly suggests that egg yolk has potentially undiscovered allergens and therefore warrants further investigation. Furthermore, IgE reactive Gal d 6 presented in this study has the potential to be used in diagnosis and immunotherapy to treat egg allergy.


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Résumé : Le carcinome hépatocellulaire (HCC) est la troisième cause commune de décès de cancer et affecte plus les hommes que les femmes. Le HCC résulte d’une dérégulation des voies de signalisation impliquées dans l’initiation de l’inflammation menant ainsi à des répercussions désastreuses. De part la complexité de ce type de cancer, les traitements qui existent à ce jour ne sont pas très prometteurs et ont un faible pourcentage de « rémission ». L’immunothérapie soulève beaucoup d’espoir quant à l’orientation vers un traitement efficace plausible. En effet, plusieurs suppresseurs de tumeur se retrouvent réprimés, parmi lesquels le SOCS1. C’est dans cette optique que nos recherches se sont orientées en mettant la lumière sur le SOCS1 «suppresseur de signalisation des cytokines 1 (SOCS1) » qui est réprimé au niveau du HCC et dont la restauration pourrait contribuer à un pronostic favorable à la rémission. La protéine SOCS1 a beaucoup attisé la curiosité des chercheurs de part son rôle suppresseur de tumeur. Pour comprendre les mécanismes d’action de SOCS1 et son implication dans la neutralisation de la tumeur, nous avons généré trois types stables de la lignée cellulaire du carcinome hépatocellulaire de souris Hepa1-6, une portant un vecteur vide, l’autre exprimant le type sauvage du gène SOCS1 (SOCS1-WT; Hepa-S) et une portant une mutation au niveau du domaine SH2 (SOCS1-R105K; Hepa-R). Le mutant ne peut plus inhiber la signalisation des cytokines. Lors de l'implantation sous-cutanée des cellules Hepa1-6 modifiées, chez des souris C57BL/6 et NOD.scid.gamma (NSG). Nous avons observé que les cellules Hepa1-6 exprimant le vecteur de contrôle (Hepa-V) formaient de grosses tumeurs tandis que les cellules Hepa-S formaient de petites tumeurs chez les deux types de souris. Les cellules Hepa-R quant à elles, formaient de grosses tumeurs seulement chez des souris immunodéficientes (NSG) mais montraient une croissance nettement retardée lorsqu’elles étaient greffées aux souris (C57BL/6) immunocompétentes. Partant de ce constat intrigant, nous avons postulé que SOCS1 favorise l'immunogénicité des cellules tumorales par son domaine SOCS Box. Par conséquent, les cellules Hepa-R offrent une occasion unique de démêler le potentiel pro-immunogène de SOCS1, et ceci dans le but d'élucider les fonctions immunogènes de SOCS1 dans le cancer du foie. Jusqu'à présent aucune précédente recherche ne s’est aventurée à chercher l’implication de SOCS1 dans l’augmentation de l’immunogénicité.


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Fleas, several aeroallergens as well as many food allergens are the most common allergenic sources for animals and frequent cause of allergic reactions with different target organs such as skin, eyes, and respiratory or digestive systems. Allergy diagnosis needs to follow well-established guidelines under clinical and laboratory approaches. Since 1980 with the Hanifin & Rajka’s criteria for the diagnosis of atopic dermatitis (AD) in humans, successive proposals have been developed to identify atopic dermatitis in dogs. A consensual plan was first proposed by Willemse in 1986 undergoing several modifications in 1994. Prélaud and colleagues made important changes to the plan in 1998 and it was further adjusted by Favrot in 2009. In 2010, this plan was approved by the International Task Force on Canine Atopic Dermatitis (CAD). It was subjected in 2015 to minor updates with regard to therapeutic options. To improve diagnostic accuracy by integrating the basic knowledge on sensitization development and allergen nature and diversity, allergen sources and implicated molecular allergens for animals should be clearly identified. As well as in human medicine, this molecular epidemiology concept is essential for the veterinary allergy diagnosis in the near future, standing as the basis of a component-resolved diagnosis (CRD). Besides current pharma- cotherapy, it will be highly relevant to increase the efficiency of the avoidance measures and specific immunotherapy. Clinical guidelines will lead to at least 80 % of positive diagnosis of atopy, but newer laboratory methods in veterinary medicine aiming to a more precise diagnosis and a better integration of the clinical/laboratory diagnostic course are needed. Allergoms identification for animals, from different allergen sources proteoms should become a priority in veterinary allergology, in order to allow the intended CRD, which is essential to understand the cross-reaction phenomena, allowing a more precise and possibly effective component-resolved immunotherapy (CRIT). Further research has been carried out for a better understanding of the interaction between allergic clinical condition and immune pathophysiology. As well as in human medicine, a deeper knowledge of the molecular immunological mechanisms in veterinary allergy — with their specific allergen triggers — will also provide the veterinary allergist with the necessary information to act more efficiently in the future.