986 resultados para Wolff, Charlotta
OBJECTIVE To analyze the cost and time requirement per achieved pregnancy in optimized modified natural cycle in vitro fertilization (mNC-IVF) based on a treatment protocol with very few consultations and to compare those with conventional gonadotropin-stimulated aVF (clVF) cycles. STUDY DESIGN Mono centric prospective trial. Eighty infertile patients each received 1 modified mNC-IVF cycle using low doses of the clomiphene citrate. Based on the number of consultations and the clinical pregnancy rate per cycle, the total costs and required time to achieve a pregnancy were analyzed and compared with cIVF. Calculations for cIVF were based on standard therapy protocols and outcomes of European registries. RESULTS Patients (21-42 years old, 35.4 +/- 4.7 years) undergoing mNC-IVF required on average 1.2 consultations before follicle aspiration. Pregnancy rate per transfer and per initiated cycle were 25% and 13.6%, respectively. Multiple pregnancies did not occur. According to the calculations, total costs per pregnancy rate were around 15% lower with mNC-IVF as compared to cIVF. In contrast, time to achieve an equal pregnancy rate was calculated to take around 30% longer with mNC-IVF as compared to cIVF. CONCLUSION mNC-IVF using very low dosages of clomiphene citrate avoids multiple pregnancies and is less expensive but more time consuming per achieved pregnancy when compared to clVF.
Despite increasing life expectancy, the age of onset of natural menopause has not significantly changed in recent decades. Thus, women spend about one-third of their lives in an estrogen-deficient state if untreated. There is a need for appropriate treatment of acute symptoms and prevention of the sequelae of chronic estrogen deficiency. International guidelines call for the use of the lowest effective hormone dosage for vasomotor symptom relief, the major indication for menopausal hormone therapy (MHT). In 2011, an oral continuous combined ultra-low-dose MHT was approved in Switzerland. This publication was elaborated by eight national menopause specialists and intends to review the advantages and disadvantages of ultra-low-dose MHT after the first years of its general use in Switzerland. It concludes that, for many women, ultra-low-dose MHT may be sufficient to decrease vasomotor symptoms, but not necessarily to guarantee fracture prevention.
Throughout follicular growth the number of immune cells increases, enhanced under stimulation with exogenous gonadotropins. This treatment, however, may adversely influence folliculogenesis and negatively affect oocyte quality through modifications in the follicular concentrations of cytokines released by these immune cells. We studied this hypothesis by systematically analysing the concentrations of cytokines present in the serum and follicular fluid at the time of follicular aspiration in conventional gonadotropin-stimulated (c-IVF) cycles in comparison with natural cycle IVF (NC-IVF) in which the follicles were naturally matured. Our study involved 37 NC-IVF and 39 c-IVF cycles including 13 women who underwent both therapies. Mean age was 35.3 ± 4.6 (SD) and 34.2 ± 3.7 years in the NC-IVF and c-IVF groups (ns). Thirteen cytokines were determined in matched serum and FF samples. Interleukin (IL)-4, TNF-α, RANTES, eotaxin and interferon-gamma-induced protein-10 concentrations were lower in FF than in serum. IL-6, -8, -10, -18, monocyte chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1), VEGF and leukaemia inhibitory factor (LIF) showed higher median levels in FF than in serum, indicating possible ovarian production. Most of these markers were also increased in concentration in the stimulated (c-IVF) than in the NC groups in the serum, but not in the follicular fluid. This finding can be attributed to the increased number of active follicles present after controlled ovarian stimulation. IL-8 was reduced in c-IVF cycles. Our study did not reveal differences in follicular fluid but in serum cytokine concentrations, suggesting that the follicular immune system might not be significantly affected by gonadotropin stimulation.
BACKGROUND Ovarian cancer is a rare disease especially in young patients and surgical treatment often leads to loss of fertility. This study investigated the incidence of the different histological types and discusses the possibility of fertility preservation. PATIENTS AND METHODS A retrospective analysis of patients with an ovarian tumour under the age of 40 who presented either to the Women's University Hospital, Tuebingen or to centres of the FertiPROTEKT network was performed. RESULTS Out of 51 patients with ovarian cancer from Tuebingen, 21 (41.2%) were eligible for fertility-preserving surgery, 11 received chemotherapy and from those 4 (36.4%) chose a fertility preservation technique. From the FertiPROTEKT network, 26/41 patients (63.4%) decided to undergo fertility preservation. No complications and postponement of chemotherapy due to fertility preservation procedures were noted. CONCLUSION With careful consideration of the risks, the correct indication and diligent aftercare, the realisation of conception is possible also for patients with ovarian cancer.
Natural-cycle IVF has been suggested as an alternative IVF treatment. However, efficacy is limited due to high premature ovulation rates, resulting in low transfer rates. This study investigates whether low dosages of clomiphene citrate reduce premature ovulation rate and increase transfer rate. Of 112 women included (aged 35.2 ± 4.5 years) 108 underwent one natural-cycle IVF cycle with human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) to induce ovulation and 103 underwent one natural-cycle IVF cycle with 25 mg/day clomiphene from about day 7 until HCG administration. Before retrieval, 1.2 monitoring consultations per cycle were required. Clomiphene reduced premature ovulation rate, from 27.8% without to 6.8% with clomiphene (P < 0.001) and increased transfer rate from 39.8% to 54.4% (P = 0.039). Clinical pregnancy rates without and with clomiphene were 27.9% versus 25.0% per transfer and 11.1% versus 13.6% per initiated cycle. Use of clomiphene resulted in mild hot flushes and headache in 5% of patients. Nausea and persisting ovarian cyst formation was not observed. In conclusion, clomiphene citrate led to very few side effects, required 1.2 monitoring consultations, significantly reduced premature ovulation rate and significantly increased transfer rate per initiated cycle, an effect which was not age dependent.
von Siegfried Wolff
An important share of paleoclimatic information is buried within the lowermost layers of deep ice cores. Because improving our records further back in time is one of the main challenges in the near future, it is essential to judge how deep these records remain unaltered, since the proximity of the bedrock is likely to interfere both with the recorded temporal sequence and the ice properties. In this paper, we present a multiparametric study (δD-δ18Oice, δ18Oatm, total air content, CO2, CH4, N2O, dust, high-resolution chemistry, ice texture) of the bottom 60 m of the EPICA (European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica) Dome C ice core from central Antarctica. These bottom layers were subdivided into two distinct facies: the lower 12 m showing visible solid inclusions (basal dispersed ice facies) and the upper 48 m, which we will refer to as the "basal clean ice facies". Some of the data are consistent with a pristine paleoclimatic signal, others show clear anomalies. It is demonstrated that neither large-scale bottom refreezing of subglacial water, nor mixing (be it internal or with a local basal end term from a previous/initial ice sheet configuration) can explain the observed bottom-ice properties. We focus on the high-resolution chemical profiles and on the available remote sensing data on the subglacial topography of the site to propose a mechanism by which relative stretching of the bottom-ice sheet layers is made possible, due to the progressively confining effect of subglacial valley sides. This stress field change, combined with bottom-ice temperature close to the pressure melting point, induces accelerated migration recrystallization, which results in spatial chemical sorting of the impurities, depending on their state (dissolved vs. solid) and if they are involved or not in salt formation. This chemical sorting effect is responsible for the progressive build-up of the visible solid aggregates that therefore mainly originate "from within", and not from incorporation processes of debris from the ice sheet's substrate. We further discuss how the proposed mechanism is compatible with the other ice properties described. We conclude that the paleoclimatic signal is only marginally affected in terms of global ice properties at the bottom of EPICA Dome C, but that the timescale was considerably distorted by mechanical stretching of MIS20 due to the increasing influence of the subglacial topography, a process that might have started well above the bottom ice. A clear paleoclimatic signal can therefore not be inferred from the deeper part of the EPICA Dome C ice core. Our work suggests that the existence of a flat monotonic ice–bedrock interface, extending for several times the ice thickness, would be a crucial factor in choosing a future "oldest ice" drilling location in Antarctica.
Climate changes in the North Atlantic region during the last glacial cycle were dominated by the slow waxing and waning of the North American ice sheet as well as by intermittent, millennial-scale Dansgaard–Oeschger climate oscillations. However, prior to the last deglaciation, the responses of North American vegetation and biomass burning to these climate variations are uncertain. Ammonium in Greenland ice cores, a product from North American soil emissions and biomass burning events, can help to fill this gap. Here we use continuous, high-resolution measurements of ammonium concentrations between 110,000 to 10,000 years ago from the Greenland NGRIP and GRIP ice cores to reconstruct North American wildfire activity and soil ammonium emissions. We find that on orbital timescales soil emissions increased under warmer climate conditions when vegetation expanded northwards into previously ice-covered areas. For millennial-scale interstadial warm periods during Marine Isotope Stage 3, the fire recurrence rate increased in parallel to the rapid warmings, whereas soil emissions rose more slowly, reflecting slow ice shrinkage and delayed ecosystem changes. We conclude that sudden warming events had little impact on soil ammonium emissions and ammonium transport to Greenland, but did result in a substantial increase in the frequency of North American wildfires.
Neuroenhancement (NE), the use of substances as a means to enhance performance, has garnered considerable scientific attention of late. While ethical and epidemiological publications on the topic accumulate, there is a lack of theory-driven psychological research that aims at understanding psychological drivers of NE. In this perspective article we argue that self-control strength offers a promising theory-based approach to further understand and investigate NE behavior. Using the strength model of self-control, we derive two theory-driven perspectives on NE-self-control research. First, we propose that individual differences in state/trait self-control strength differentially affect NE behavior based on one’s individual experience of NE use. Building upon this, we outline promising research questions that (will) further elucidate our understanding of NE based on the strength model’s propositions. Second, we discuss evidence indicating that popular NE substances (like Methylphenidate) may counteract imminent losses of self-control strength. We outline how further research on NE’s effects on the ego-depletion effect may further broaden our understanding of the strength model of self-control.
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Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Die Revolution vom März 1848 hat die in der Zwischenzeit errungenen Freiheiten ermöglicht, ist selbst aber abgeschlossen; eine Revolution in Permanenz ist abzulehnen. Warnung vor der Vorstellung, nationale und politische Ziele im Kampf gegen die preußische Monarchie erreichen zu wollen. Das Ergebnis wäre nur ein innerlich gespaltenes Preußen, welches solchermaßen seine Rolle bei der nationalen Einigung nicht zu spielen imstande wäre.
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