905 resultados para Weaknesses


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O turismo rural é um sector económico e social em pleno crescimento, o que justifica que um número cada vez maior de operadores, (nomeadamente promotores e investidores) comecem a interessar-se por este. No entanto, as organizações e as prestações do turismo rural sofrem de fraquezas crónicas, em matéria de definição da produção e de concretização da distribuição, ou seja, a forma como estas colocam os seus produtos no mercado é insuficiente. É conveniente, portanto, reflectir sobre o assunto e contribuir, mesmo que de uma forma modesta, para a alteração desta paisagem díspar para melhor responder às necessidades de desenvolvimento do mundo rural. Na maior parte dos casos o turismo rural reduz-se ao agro-turismo (acolhimento turístico nas explorações agrícolas), englobando o turismo verde, com locais tranquilos e alternativos ligados ao campo. Pretende-se que o turismo rural exista, se desenvolva, agrade, para que se distinga do turismo de massas. É por tudo isto que os citadinos cada vez mais ávidos de particularidades procuram o campo, a natureza e a ruralidade que são locais seguros e tranquilizadores. Neste contexto, surgem novas unidades de turismo em espaço rural e actividades de complementaridade, como a Unidade Casa da Fonte Velha, objecto do presente projecto, contribuindo para o reforço da oferta turística local e regional, assim como para um desenvolvimento económico, social e ambiental do concelho onde se insere.


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A dissertação tem a finalidade de identificar as razões e dificuldades para implantar departamento de Recursos Humanos em cinco empresas de porte médio comercializadoras de material de construção localizadas nos bairros da cidade de Macapá, capital do Estado do Amapá, Brasil. Para tanto, foi realizado um Levantamento (Survey) com empresários do ramo e representante do Sindicato de Materiais de Construção do Amapá (SINDMAT). Para a coleta de dados, participaram da pesquisa por meio de preenchimento de questionários semi-estruturados. Os dados obtidos confirmam que as razões e dificuldades para implantar esse departamento se devem ao alto custo para ser mantido, falta de experiencia em RH, desconhecimento de técnicas (know how) e acham desnecessário conhecer suas ferramentas de gestão. Os dados expuseram a existencia de obstáculos principalmente nos pontos fortes e pontos fracos do negócio para incentivar a qualidade do serviço e o aumento na venda dos produtos. Concluiu-se que para despertar nos empresários a necessidade de reflexão sobre a criação do Setor de RH, com a finalidade de aprimorar o negócio e, consequentemente, colaborar para uma aprendizagem consciente dos seus colaboradores. A falta de conhecimento e de assessoria dos empresário deste setor está retardando a implantação de um setor de RH. Com essa estrutura montada as empresas tem condições ao seu modo, no seu tempo implantarem uma área RH, para cuidar da gestão de pessoas, e com isso, crescerem e melhorarem e desenvolverem-se em todos os níveis. Com essas definições e a formatação correta dos RH na empresa, podemos resolver a maioria dos problemas inerentes a organização.


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O SIADAP, Sistema de Avaliação do Desempenho na Administração Pública, surge como um novo paradigma de avaliação do desempenho, estratégico para a gestão das organizações do sector público, porque tem sido um enorme desafio para os serviços que o têm implementado, ou para os que ainda não o conseguiram fazer. Este trabalho pretende avaliar as opiniões de avaliadores e avaliados, relativamente ao sistema e à sua implementação numa autarquia. A abordagem metodológica seguida para a sua realização, foi uma análise qualitativa. O processo seguido foi o de realização de entrevistas gravadas com a finalidade de recolher a informação necessária ao desenvolvimento da dissertação. Foram estabelecidos os seguintes objetivos de trabalho: Apresentar e caracterizar o SIADAP, conhecer e analisar as opiniões dos avaliados e dos avaliadores em relação ao processo SIADAP, no que respeita ao seu conhecimento e experiência dos sistemas de avaliação, à importância atribuída e dificuldades na aplicação do atual processo de Avaliação do Desempenho dos Trabalhadores da Administração Pública, o papel da avaliação do desempenho enquanto ferramenta de gestão de recursos humanos, e instrumento de apoio na promoção de uma cultura de mérito. Para avaliadores e avaliados, o sistema apresenta uma avaliação globalmente positiva e com oportunidades de melhoria, embora existam pontos fracos e constrangimentos que não podem ser ignorados.


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El artículo analiza el proceso de integración fronteriza en la CAN partiendo de sus antecedentes y señalando las fortalezas y debilidades que lo han acompañado. La autora realiza un análisis de la importancia que el tema tiene para Colombia debido a que es este país el que más fronteras andinas comparte y el que presenta un intenso conflicto cuyos efectos se sienten en los países vecinos. Finalmente formula algunas sugerencias para el manejo de los asuntos fronterizos en la CAN a corto, mediano y largo plazo.


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The original Council Decision establishing the European External Action Service (EEAS) in 2010, called for a review of the organisation and functioning of the EEAS by mid-2013. This CEPS Commentary argues that the review process will offer a formal opportunity to address some of the Service's weaknesses and to give a new impetus to its further development. In particular, it urges stakeholders to go beyond a review of organisational matters and also look into the Service’s overall contribution to attaining the objectives of the EU’s foreign policy, into its cooperation with the member states’ diplomatic services, the services of the European Commission, the Council General Secretariat and the European Parliament. Four sets of recommendations are put forward.


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This paper was given at a meeting of the Society held on 12 January 2006 and it discusses the relationship between academic research and developer-funded archaeology in Britain today, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of each. It considers the relationship between archaeological theory and practice and discusses the changing roles of academics, fieldworkers and managers. It argues that important issues need to be resolved, including the dissemination of information from recent archaeological fieldwork and the use of ‘grey literature’ in informing more ambitious interpretations of the past.


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A wide variety of exposure models are currently employed for health risk assessments. Individual models have been developed to meet the chemical exposure assessment needs of Government, industry and academia. These existing exposure models can be broadly categorised according to the following types of exposure source: environmental, dietary, consumer product, occupational, and aggregate and cumulative. Aggregate exposure models consider multiple exposure pathways, while cumulative models consider multiple chemicals. In this paper each of these basic types of exposure model are briefly described, along with any inherent strengths or weaknesses, with the UK as a case study. Examples are given of specific exposure models that are currently used, or that have the potential for future use, and key differences in modelling approaches adopted are discussed. The use of exposure models is currently fragmentary in nature. Specific organisations with exposure assessment responsibilities tend to use a limited range of models. The modelling techniques adopted in current exposure models have evolved along distinct lines for the various types of source. In fact different organisations may be using different models for very similar exposure assessment situations. This lack of consistency between exposure modelling practices can make understanding the exposure assessment process more complex, can lead to inconsistency between organisations in how critical modelling issues are addressed (e.g. variability and uncertainty), and has the potential to communicate mixed messages to the general public. Further work should be conducted to integrate the various approaches and models, where possible and regulatory remits allow, to get a coherent and consistent exposure modelling process. We recommend the development of an overall framework for exposure and risk assessment with common approaches and methodology, a screening tool for exposure assessment, collection of better input data, probabilistic modelling, validation of model input and output and a closer working relationship between scientists and policy makers and staff from different Government departments. A much increased effort is required is required in the UK to address these issues. The result will be a more robust, transparent, valid and more comparable exposure and risk assessment process. (C) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper deconstructs the relationship between the Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI) and national income. The ESI attempts to provide a single figure which encapsulates environmental sustainability' for each country included in the analysis, and this allied with a 'league table' format so as to name and shame bad performers, has resulted in widespread reporting within the popular presses of a number of countries. In essence, the higher the value of the ESI then the more 'environmentally sustainable' a country is deemed to be. A logical progression beyond the use of the ESI to publicise environmental sustainability is its use within a more analytical context. Thus an index designed to simplify in order to have an impact on policy is used to try and understand causes of good and bad performance in environmental sustainability. For example the creators of the ESI claim that ESI is related to GDP/capita (adjusted for Purchasing Power Parity) such that the ESI increases linearly with wealth. While this may in a sense be a comforting picture, do the variables within the ESI allow for alternatives to the story, and if they do then what are the repercussions for those producing such indices for broad consumption amongst the policy makers, mangers, the press, etc.? The latter point is especially important given the appetite for such indices amongst non-specialists, and for all their weaknesses the ESI and other such aggregated indices will not go away. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Efforts to decentralise the pursuit of economic and social development have increased in recent years. The authors examine the rationale for establishing local development companies in areas of high unemployment and deprivation. The broad purpose is to establish a new style of organisation that combines attributes of the public and private sectors-to adapt and integrate economic and social services to meet local needs, to champion local interests in external arenas, and to act as enabling agents to promote local investment and development. These arguments are elaborated and illustrated with reference to one of Britain's most successful local development companies, Govan Initiative. The analysis reveals important strengths of the Initiative, including its action orientation, commitment to quality, and a local leadership role, but also certain weaknesses including its limited leverage over wider policies and resource flows. Local development companies need meaningful commitment from regional and national public organisations to fulfil their potential.


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Research in construction management is diverse in content and in quality. There is much to be learned from more fundamental disciplines. Construction is a sub-set of human experience rather than a completely separate phenomenon. Therefore, it is likely that there are few problems in construction requiring the invention of a completely new theory. If construction researchers base their work only on that of other construction researchers, our academic community will become less relevant to the world at large. The theories that we develop or test must be of wider applicability to be of any real interest. In undertaking research, researchers learn a lot about themselves. Perhaps the only difference between research and education is that if we are learning about something which no-one else knows, then it is research, otherwise it is education. Self-awareness of this will help to reduce the chances of publishing work which only reveals a researcher’s own learning curve. Scientific method is not as simplistic as non-scientists claim and is the only real way of overcoming methodological weaknesses in our work. The reporting of research may convey the false impression that it is undertaken in the sequence in which it is written. Construction is not so unique and special as to require a completely different set of methods from other fields of enquiry. Until our research is reported in mainstream journals and conferences, there is little chance that we will influence the wider academic community and a concomitant danger that it will become irrelevant. The most useful insights will come from research which challenges the current orthodoxy rather than research which merely reports it.


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Research in construction management is diverse in content and in quality. There is much to be learned from more fundamental disciplines. Construction is a sub-set of human experience rather than a completely separate phenomenon. Therefore, it is likely that there are few problems in construction requiring the invention of a completely new theory. If construction researchers base their work only on that of other construction researchers, our academic community will become less relevant to the world at large. The theories that we develop or test must be of wider applicability to be of any real interest. In undertaking research, researchers learn a lot about themselves. Perhaps the only difference between research and education is that if we are learning about something which no-one else knows, then it is research, otherwise it is education. Self-awareness of this will help to reduce the chances of publishing work which only reveals a researcher’s own learning curve. Scientific method is not as simplistic as non-scientists claim and is the only real way of overcoming methodological weaknesses in our work. The reporting of research may convey the false impression that it is undertaken in the sequence in which it is written. Construction is not so unique and special as to require a completely different set of methods from other fields of enquiry. Until our research is reported in mainstream journals and conferences, there is little chance that we will influence the wider academic community and a concomitant danger that it will become irrelevant. The most useful insights will come from research which challenges the current orthodoxy rather than research which merely reports it.


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This paper describes a project undertaken during 2001/2002 which developed a method for valuing hedgerows adjacent to the inland waterway network of Great Britain. The method enables the landowner, British Waterways, to manage their valuable environmental asset to achieve a good level of biodiversity and robust habitat balanced against the heavy amenity use the 3000 km canal network endures. Valuation techniques were developed using a combination of new and existing ecological indices for components of biodiversity, hedgerow structure and amenity, and synthesised into an index in an innovative combined approach. The resultant index was then applied to a sample 20 km section of hedge alongside the Grand Union Canal in Southeast England. The results obtained reflect the hedgerows' present value, and highlight factors that might improve or limit their future increase in value. The results from the case study application also demonstrate that there is a positive relationship between hedgerow structure and biodiversity, and that hedgerows in urban areas are less biodiverse and structurally sound than those in rural areas. Furthermore, there is a zone within rural areas influenced by the adjacent urban areas and/or higher amenity use. The paper concludes with an assessment of the approaches' strengths and weaknesses with a view to its compatibility with other hedgerow evaluations, such as HEGS, its use by other agencies or landowners, and to aid hedgerow management and future development. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The CGIAR System conducts research to produce international public goods (IPG) that are of wide applicability creating a scientific base which speeds and broadens local adaptive development. Integrated natural resources management (INRM) research is sometimes seen to be very location specific and consequently does not lend itself readily to the production of IPGs. In this paper we analyse ways in which strategic approaches to INRM research can have broad international applicability and serve as useful foundations for the development of locally adapted technologies. The paper describes the evolution of the IPG concept within the CGIAR and elaborates on five major types of IPGs that have been generated from a varied set of recent INRM research efforts. CGIAR networks have both strengths and weaknesses in INRM research and application, with enormous differences in relative research and development capacities, responsibilities and data access of its partners, making programme process evolution critical to acceptance and participation. Many of the lessons learnt regarding challenges and corresponding IPG research approaches are relevant to designing and managing future multi-scale, multi-locational, coordinated INRM programmes involving broad-based partnerships to address complex environmental and livelihood problems for development.


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An aggregated farm-level index, the Agri-environmental Footprint Index (AFI), based on multiple criteria methods and representing a harmonised approach to evaluation of EU agri-environmental schemes is described. The index uses a common framework for the design and evaluation of policy that can be customised to locally relevant agri-environmental issues and circumstances. Evaluation can be strictly policy-focused, or broader and more holistic in that context-relevant assessment criteria that are not necessarily considered in the evaluated policy can nevertheless be incorporated. The Index structure is flexible, and can respond to diverse local needs. The process of Index construction is interactive, engaging farmers and other relevant stakeholders in a transparent decision-making process that can ensure acceptance of the outcome, help to forge an improved understanding of local agri-environmental priorities and potentially increase awareness of the critical role of farmers in environmental management. The structure of the AFI facilitates post-evaluation analysis of relative performance in different dimensions of the agri-environment, permitting identification of current strengths and weaknesses, and enabling future improvement in policy design. Quantification of the environmental impact of agriculture beyond the stated aims of policy using an 'unweighted' form of the AFI has potential as the basis of an ongoing system of environmental audit within a specified agricultural context. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Current research into indirect phytopathogen–herbivore interactions (i.e., interactions mediated by the host plant) is carried out in two largely independent directions: ecological/mechanistic and molecular. We investigate the origin of these approaches and their strengths and weaknesses. Ecological studies have determined the effect of herbivores and phytopathogens on their host plants and are often correlative: the need for long-term manipulative experiments is pressing. Molecular/cellular studies have concentrated on the role of signaling pathways for systemic induced resistance, mainly involving salicylic acid and jasmonic acid, and more recently the cross-talk between these pathways. This cross-talk demonstrates how interactions between signaling mechanisms and phytohormones could mediate plant–herbivore–pathogen interactions. A bridge between these approaches may be provided by field studies using chemical induction of defense, or investigating whole-organism mechanisms of interactions among the three species. To determine the role of phytohormones in induced resistance in the field, researchers must combine ecological and molecular methods. We discuss how these methods can be integrated and present the concept of “kaleidoscopic defense.” Our recent molecular-level investigations of interactions between the herbivore Gastrophysa viridula and the rust fungus Uromyces rumicis on Rumex obtusifolius, which were well studied at the mechanistic and ecological levels, illustrate the difficulty in combining these different approaches. We suggest that the choice of the right study system (possibly wild relatives of model species) is important, and that molecular studies must consider the environmental conditions under which experiments are performed. The generalization of molecular predictions to ecologically realistic settings will be facilitated by “middle-ground studies” concentrating on the outcomes of the interactions.