946 resultados para Vassouras - RJ
OBJETIVO : Analisar a prevalência do aleitamento materno exclusivo e sua associação com a assistência pela Iniciativa Unidade Básica Amiga da Amamentação. MÉTODOS : Estudo transversal, com dados da pesquisa sobre práticas alimentares no primeiro ano de vida conduzida nas campanhas de vacinação em Barra Mansa, RJ, em 2003 e 2006. Foram selecionadas as crianças < 6 meses, no total 589 em 2003 e 707 em 2006. Tomou-se por base o inquérito de 2006 para estimar a relação entre ser assistido pela Iniciativa Unidade Básica Amiga da Amamentação e a prática do aleitamento materno exclusivo. Variáveis de exposição que se mostraram associadas (p ≤ 0,20) ao desfecho na análise bivariada foram selecionadas para a análise múltipla. As razões de prevalência ajustadas foram obtidas por modelo de regressão de Poisson com variância robusta, segundo modelo conceitual hierarquizado. O modelo final foi composto por variáveis de exposição que obtiveram p ≤ 0,05. RESULTADOS : A prevalência do aleitamento materno exclusivo aumentou de 30,2% em 2003 para 46,7% em 2006. Baixa escolaridade materna reduziu o aleitamento materno exclusivo em 20,0% (RP = 0,798; IC95% 0,684;0,931), o parto cesariano em 16,0% (RP = 0,838; IC95% 0,719;0,976), o uso de chupeta em 41,0% (RP = 0,589; IC95% 0,495;0,701) e a prevalência de aleitamento materno exclusivo foi 1,0% menor a cada dia de vida da criança (RP = 0,992; IC95% 0,991;0,994) na análise múltipla. O acompanhamento do bebê por unidade credenciada na Iniciativa Unidade Básica Amiga da Amamentação aumentou o desfecho em 19,0% (RP = 1,193; IC95% 1,020;1,395). CONCLUSÕES : A Iniciativa Unidade Básica Amiga da Amamentação contribuiu para a prática do aleitamento materno exclusivo e para orientação de gestantes e mães quando implementada na rede primária de saúde.
OBJETIVO Estimar a associação entre variáveis contextuais de vizinhança e prática de atividade física de lazer. MÉTODOS Foram analisados dados de 2.674 participantes adultos de estudo longitudinal no Rio de Janeiro, RJ, em 1999. A atividade física de lazer, avaliada de forma dicotômica, referiu-se às duas semanas prévias à pesquisa. Sexo, idade, renda, escolaridade e situação conjugal foram analisados como variáveis individuais. Características contextuais referentes às vizinhanças (bairros) foram índice de desenvolvimento social, índice de Theil e proporção de área de parques, praças e jardins, categorizadas em quintis. Foram estimadas razões de chances brutas e ajustadas e intervalos de confiança de 95% por meio de regressão logística multinível. RESULTADOS As prevalências de atividade física de lazer foram maiores entre residentes de bairros com maiores índices de desenvolvimento social (entre 32,3% e 55,4%) e proporção de área de parques, praças e jardins (entre 35,8% e 53,1%). Para o índice de desenvolvimento social, quando comparados aos residentes de bairros do primeiro quintil, as razões de chances ajustadas de atividade física de lazer para variáveis individuais foram 1,22 (IC95% 0,93;1,61), 1,44 (IC95% 1,09;1,89), 1,75 (IC95% 1,31;2,34) e 2,25 (IC95% 1,70; 3,00) entre residentes de bairros do segundo, terceiro, quarto e quinto quintis. As razões de chances relativas à proporção de área de parques, praças e jardins foram 0,90 (IC95% 0,69;1,19), 1,41 (IC95% 1,04;1,90), 1,63 (IC95% 1,24;2,14) e 1,05 (IC95% 0,80;1,38) entre residentes de bairros dos segundo, terceiro, quarto e quinto quintis. Após ajuste para as demais variáveis contextuais, somente o índice de desenvolvimento social permaneceu associado à atividade física de lazer, com razões de chances de 1,41 (IC95% 1,02;1,95), 1,54 (IC95% 1,12;2,12); 1,65 (IC95% 1,14;2,39) e 2,13 (IC95% 1,40;3,25) para residentes de bairros dos segundo, terceiro, quarto e quinto quintis. CONCLUSÕES A atividade física de lazer foi mais frequente entre residentes de bairros com maiores índices de desenvolvimento social. Não foram observadas associações com acesso a espaços de lazer e desigualdade de renda.
OBJECTIVE To evaluate factors associated with users’ satisfaction in the Tuberculosis Control Program. METHODS A cross-sectional study of 295 patients aged ≥ 18 years, with two or more outpatient visits in the Tuberculosis Control Program, in five cities in the metropolitan region of Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Southeastern Brazil, in 2010. Considering an estimated population of 4,345 patients, the sampling plan included 15 health care units participating in the program, divided into two strata: units in Rio de Janeiro City, selected with probability proportional to the monthly average number of outpatient visits, and units in the other four cities. In the units, four temporal clusters of five patients each were selected with equal probability, totaling 300 patients. A questionnaire investigating the users’ clinical and sociodemographic variables and aspects of care and service in the program relevant to user satisfaction was applied to the patients. Descriptive statistics about users and their satisfaction with the program were obtained, and the effects of factors associated with satisfaction were estimated. RESULTS Patients were predominantly males (57.7%), with a mean age of 40.9 and with low level of schooling. The mean treatment time was 4.1 months, mostly self-administered (70.4%). Additionally, 25.8% had previously been treated for tuberculosis. There was a high level of satisfaction, especially regarding medication provision, and respect to patients by the health professionals. Patients who were younger (≤ 30), those on self-administered treatment, and with graduate level, showed less satisfaction. Suggestions to improve the services include having more doctors (70.0%), and offering exams in the same place of attendance (55.1%). CONCLUSIONS Patient satisfaction with the Tuberculosis Control Program was generally high, although lower among younger patients, those with university education and those on self-administered treatment. The study indicates the need for changes to structural and organizational aspects of care, and provides practical support for its improvement.
OBJECTIVE To identify gender differences in social support dimensions’ effect on adults’ leisure-time physical activity maintenance, type, and time.METHODS Longitudinal study of 1,278 non-faculty public employees at a university in Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Southeastern Brazil. Physical activity was evaluated using a dichotomous question with a two-week reference period, and further questions concerning leisure-time physical activity type (individual or group) and time spent on the activity. Social support was measured with the Medical Outcomes Study Social Support Scale. For the analysis, logistic regression models were adjusted separately by gender.RESULTS A multinomial logistic regression showed an association between material support and individual activities among women (OR = 2.76; 95%CI 1.2;6.5). Affective support was associated with time spent on leisure-time physical activity only among men (OR = 1.80; 95%CI 1.1;3.2).CONCLUSIONS All dimensions of social support that were examined influenced either the type of, or the time spent on, leisure-time physical activity. In some social support dimensions, the associations detected varied by gender. Future studies should attempt to elucidate the mechanisms involved in these gender differences.
OBJECTIVE To analyze if dietary patterns during the third gestational trimester are associated with birth weight.METHODS Longitudinal study conducted in the cities of Petropolis and Queimados, Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Southeastern Brazil, between 2007 and 2008. We analyzed data from the first and second follow-up wave of a prospective cohort. Food consumption of 1,298 pregnant women was assessed using a semi-quantitative questionnaire about food frequency. Dietary patterns were obtained by exploratory factor analysis, using the Varimax rotation method. We also applied the multivariate linear regression model to estimate the association between food consumption patterns and birth weight.RESULTS Four patterns of consumption – which explain 36.4% of the variability – were identified and divided as follows: (1) prudent pattern (milk, yogurt, cheese, fruit and fresh-fruit juice, cracker, and chicken/beef/fish/liver), which explained 14.9% of the consumption; (2) traditional pattern, consisting of beans, rice, vegetables, breads, butter/margarine and sugar, which explained 8.8% of the variation in consumption; (3) Western pattern (potato/cassava/yams, macaroni, flour/farofa/grits, pizza/hamburger/deep fried pastries, soft drinks/cool drinks and pork/sausages/egg), which accounts for 6.9% of the variance; and (4) snack pattern (sandwich cookie, salty snacks, chocolate, and chocolate drink mix), which explains 5.7% of the consumption variability. The snack dietary pattern was positively associated with birth weight (β = 56.64; p = 0.04) in pregnant adolescents.CONCLUSIONS For pregnant adolescents, the greater the adherence to snack pattern during pregnancy, the greater the baby’s birth weight.
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To describe the waiting time for radiotherapy for patients with cervical cancer. METHODS This descriptive study was conducted with 342 cervical cancer cases that were referred to primary radiotherapy, in the Baixada Fluminense region, RJ, Southeastern Brazil, from October 1995 to August 2010. The waiting time was calculated using the recommended 60-day deadline as a parameter to obtaining the first cancer treatment and considering the date at which the diagnosis was confirmed, the date of first oncological consultation and date when the radiotherapy began. Median and proportional comparisons were made using the Kruskal Wallis and Chi-square tests. RESULTS Most of the women (72.2%) began their radiotherapy within 60 days from the diagnostic confirmation date. The median of this total waiting time was 41 days. This median worsened over the time period, going from 11 days (1995-1996) to 64 days (2009-2010). The median interval between the diagnostic confirmation and the first oncological consultation was 33 days, and between the first oncological consultation and the first radiotherapy session was four days. The median waiting time differed significantly (p = 0.003) according to different stages of the tumor, reaching 56 days, 35 days and 30 days for women whose cancers were classified up to IIA; from IIB to IIIB, and IVA-IVB, respectively. CONCLUSIONS Despite most of the women having had access to radiotherapy within the recommended 60 days, the implementation of procedures to define the stage of the tumor and to reestablish clinical conditions took a large part of this time, showing that at least one of these intervals needs to be improved. Even though the waiting times were ideal for all patients, the most advanced cases were quickly treated, which suggests that access to radiotherapy by women with cervical cancer has been reached with equity.
Com o objetivo de estudar a susceptibilidade de Lymnaea (pseudosuccinea) columella de Minas Gerais, Estado onde ainda não se registraram casos autóctones de fasciolose hepática, foram utilizadas as amostras MG 1, MG 2, MG 3 e MG 4, provenientes de diferentes regiões deste Estado, para estudo comparativo com as amostras RJ e RGS procedentes dos Estados do Rio de Janeiro e Rio Grande do Sul, áreas de focos de fasciolose. A amostra de Fasciola hepatica utilizada era procedente de ovinos abatidos no município de Camapuã, no Rio Grande do Sul, e foi mantida em coelhos. Os moluscos foram infectados com 6, 8 e 10 miracídos por molusco, sendo estudadas as incidências de infecção e de mortalidade. Nas condições que se realizou o trabalho diante dos resultados obtidos, foram tiradas as seguintes conclusões: 1. A mortalidade dos caramujos parece não estar diretamente relacionada com a percentagem de infecção; 2. As amostras de Lymnaea (pseudosuccinea) columella de Minas Gerais, do Rio de Janeiro e do Rio Grande do Sul mostraram-se identicamente susceptíveis à infecção por Fasciola hepatica; 3. A população humana e os rebanhos bovino, ovino e suíno de Minas Gerais, particularmente aqueles do Vale do Rio Paraíba, podem ser considerados sujeitos à infecção por Fasciola hepatica.
Os estudos iniciais sobre a soroprevalência de anticorpos anti-VIH-1 (Ac-VIH) em unidades de hemodiálise no Estado do Rio de Janeiro (RJ) foram feitos em 1985. Os números alarmantes, próximos a 14%, foram atribuídos à má qualidade do sangue obtido de "doadores profissionais" em troca de comida ou dinheiro. Recentemente uma série de medidas foram adotadas na tentativa de reduzir o tráfico de sangue. Nossa investigação objetivou avaliar o impacto destas na soroprevalência de Ac-VIH em duas unidades satélites no RJ. A Clínica Segumed foi uma das unidades estudadas em 1985. Em 1987 realizamos um segundo levantamento no mesmo grupo estudado previamente. A Casa de Saúde Grajaú, inaugurada em 1986 com a maioria dos pacientes novos em diálise, foi estudada em 1988. O teste ELISA HIV-1 foi utilizado como rastreamento. Os resultados positivos foram confirmados com Western blot. Os resultados na Segumed mostraram uma grande diferença entre os dois levantamentos (14,4% vs 3,6%). Os dois casos positivos em 1987 estavam entre os identificados em 1985. Nenhum paciente se infectou entre os dois levantamentos apesar de não se utilizarem medidas de isolamento para os portadores de VIH e do uso de transfusões ter aumentado no período. Na CS Grajaú apenas dois casos foram encontrados (soroprevalência 2,4%) embora um já fosse conhecido desde 1985 quando vivia com um transplante. Uma revisão de estudos semelhantes no RJ e São Paulo parece revelar uma tendência à diminuição das taxas nos últimos anos. Nós concluímos que a chance de contaminação com VIH é atualmente reduzida nos centros estudados e pode estar caindo globalmente no RJ. É possível que a maior vigilância, e até fechamento de bancos de sangue, tenha resultado na melhora da qualidade do sangue no RJ.
Com o objetivo de estudar as condições de estocagem da vacina contra o sarampo na rede de vacinação dos Municípios de Nitéroi e São Gonçalo - RJ, 22 Unidades Sanitárias foram avaliadas de acordo com as normas técnicas específicas estabelecidas pelo Programa Nacional de Imunização. Observou-se que em 86,4% das Unidades visitadas os cuidados com os refrigeradores eram adequados ou regulares mas quanto à arrumação das vacinas no interior dos aparelhos e ao controle de temperatura, estes percentuais caíram para 60,0% e 54,5%, respectivamente. De todos os itens avaliados, o mais problemático foi o apoio técnico imediato frente a situações de emergência, apoio esse considerado insuficiente em 90,0% dos casos. Em 100% das amostras vacinais recolhidas das Unidades Sanitárias, os títulos estavam abaixo da potência mínima preconizada para tal produto no momento da aplicação. Torna-se necessário então, que as condições de conservação e uso das vacinas sejam melhoradas evitando assim a formação de grupamentos de crianças suscetíveis à doença.
B. tenagophila snails from Ouro Branco, MG, showed positivity for S. mansoni, with infection rates of 5%, 10%, (SJ strain), and 1% (LE strain) using a pool of miracidia. The mollusks were found to be susceptive from the 3rd generation reared in laboratory onwards. The B. tenagophila (OB, MG) when individually exposed to 10 miracidia, showed infection rate of 2% for LE strain. B. glabrata snails from Gagé, MG, showed a positivity rate of 58% for S. mansoni (LE strain), under experimental conditions. The B. tenagophila from Cabo Frio, RJ and B. glabrata from Belo Horizonte, MG used as a control for SJ strain showed infection rates of 47% - 85% and 36% respectivily. For the LE strain, B. glabrata (BH, MG) used as control showed infection rate of 40% - 75%.
From March 1994 to November 1995 24 cases of human parvovirus B19 infection were seen at the Infectious Diseases Department of the Hospital Universitário Antônio Pedro, Niterói - RJ. Serum samples for IgM detection (capture enzyme immunoassay) were positive from the 1st to the 27th day after the onset of the exathema. The classical features of erythema infectiosum (slapped cheecked syndrome) were observed in 8 (33.3%) cases all of them children. Eight patients (6 adults and 2 children) presented a symmetrical polyartropathy, seen more frequently in women. These results show that B19 infection diagnosis is difficult when the disease does not present the classical features and because of the frequent involvement of the joints this infection should be considered in the differential diagnosis of early rheumatoid arthritis.
To characterize the HIV-2 integrase gene polymorphisms and the pathways to resistance of HIV-2 patients failing a raltegravir-containing regimen, we studied 63 integrase strand transfer inhibitors (INSTI)-naïve patients, and 10 heavily pretreated patients exhibiting virological failure while receiving a salvage raltegravir-containing regimen. All patients were infected by HIV-2 group A. 61.4% of the integrase residues were conserved, including the catalytic motif residues. No INSTI-major resistance mutations were detected in the virus population from naïve patients, but two amino acids that are secondary resistance mutations to INSTIs in HIV-1 were observed. The 10 raltegravir-experienced patients exhibited resistance mutations via three main genetic pathways: N155H, Q148R, and eventually E92Q - T97A. The 155 pathway was preferentially used (7/10 patients). Other mutations associated to raltegravir resistance in HIV-1 were also observed in our HIV-2 population (V151I and D232N), along with several novel mutations previously unreported. Data retrieved from this study should help build a more robust HIV-2-specific algorithm for the genotypic interpretation of raltegravir resistance, and contribute to improve the clinical monitoring of HIV-2-infected patients.
BACKGROUND: Aneurysm shrinkage has been proposed as a marker of successful endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR). Patients with early postoperative shrinkage may experience fewer subsequent complications, and consequently require less intensive surveillance. METHODS: Patients undergoing EVAR from 2000 to 2011 at three vascular centres (in 2 countries), who had two imaging examinations (postoperative and after 6-18 months), were included. Maximum diameter, complications and secondary interventions during follow-up were registered. Patients were categorized according to early sac dynamics. The primary endpoint was freedom from late complications. Secondary endpoints were freedom from secondary intervention, postimplant rupture and direct (type I/III) endoleaks. RESULTS: Some 597 EVARs (71.1 per cent of all EVARs) were included. No shrinkage was observed in 284 patients (47.6 per cent), moderate shrinkage (5-9 mm) in 142 (23.8 per cent) and major shrinkage (at least 10 mm) in 171 patients (28.6 per cent). Four years after the index imaging, the rate of freedom from complications was 84.3 (95 per cent confidence interval 78.7 to 89.8), 88.1 (80.6 to 95.5) and 94.4 (90.1 to 98.7) per cent respectively. No shrinkage was an independent risk factor for late complications compared with major shrinkage (hazard ratio (HR) 3.11; P < 0.001). Moderate compared with major shrinkage (HR 2.10; P = 0.022), early postoperative complications (HR 3.34; P < 0.001) and increasing abdominal aortic aneurysm baseline diameter (HR 1.02; P = 0.001) were also risk factors for late complications. Freedom from secondary interventions and direct endoleaks was greater for patients with major sac shrinkage. CONCLUSION: Early change in aneurysm sac diameter is a strong predictor of late complications after EVAR. Patients with major sac shrinkage have a very low risk of complications for up to 5 years. This parameter may be used to tailor postoperative surveillance.
OBJECTIVE/BACKGROUND: The association between socioeconomic status (SES), presentation, and outcome after vascular surgery is largely unknown. This study aimed to determine the influence of SES on post-operative survival and severity of disease at presentation among vascular surgery patients in the Dutch setting of equal access to and provision of care. METHODS: Patients undergoing surgical treatment for peripheral artery disease (PAD), abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA), or carotid artery stenosis between January 2003 and December 2011 were retrospectively included. The association between SES, quantified by household income, disease severity at presentation, and survival was studied using logistic and Cox regression analysis adjusted for demographics, and medical and behavioral risk factors. RESULTS: A total of 1,178 patients were included. Low income was associated with worse post-operative survival in the PAD cohort (n = 324, hazard ratio 1.05, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.00-1.10, per 5,000 Euro decrease) and the AAA cohort (n = 440, quadratic relation, p = .01). AAA patients in the lowest income quartile were more likely to present with a ruptured aneurysm (odds ratio [OR] 2.12, 95% CI 1.08-4.17). Lowest income quartile PAD patients presented more frequently with symptoms of critical limb ischemia, although no significant association could be established (OR 2.02, 95% CI 0.96-4.26). CONCLUSIONS: The increased health hazards observed in this study are caused by patient related factors rather than differences in medical care, considering the equality of care provided by the study setting. Although the exact mechanism driving the association between SES and worse outcome remains elusive, consideration of SES as a risk factor in pre-operative decision making and focus on treatment of known SES related behavioral and psychosocial risk factors may improve the outcome of patients with vascular disease.
Em inquérito pela intradermorreação de Montenegro, realizado em 402 pessoas da população da Praia Vermelha, Ilha Grande, município de Angra dos Reis, RJ, os autores observaram uma prevalência de 11,94% de positividade; não ocorreram diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre sexo e faixas etárias. Esse Inquérito ainda revelou que o risco em adquirir a infecção é de 3 vezes maior na população masculina que trabalha na área durante todo o ano, quando comparada à população de pescadores que se ausenta da área por longos períodos; também revelou um risco 8 vezes maior nos moradores dos domicílios onde ocorreu um caso humano da doença.