967 resultados para Threat
Swiss municipalities are, to a large extent, responsible for their financial resources. Since these resources primarily depend on income and property taxes from individuals and enterprises, municipality budgets are likely to be directly affected by the current crisis in the financial sector and the economy. This article investigates how municipalities perceived this threat and how they reacted to it. In a nationwide survey conducted at the end of 2009 in all 2596 Swiss municipalities, we asked local secretaries which measures had been launched in order to cope with expected losses in tax income and a possible increase in welfare spending. Did the municipalities rely on Keynesian measures increasing public spending and accepting greater deficits, or did they try to avoid further deficits by using austerity measures and a withdrawal of planned investments? Our results show that only a few municipalities - mainly the bigger ones - expected to be greatly affected by the crisis. Their reactions, however, did not reveal any clear patterns that theory would lead one to expect. Preferences for austerity measures and deficit spending become visible but many municipalities took measures from both theories. The strongest explanatory factors for determining how/why municipalities react are: the municipality's level of affectedness followed by whether or not the municipality belongs to the French-speaking part of the country. Size also has an impact, whereas the strength of the Social Democrat party is negligible. Explaining what kind of measures municipalities are likely to take is more difficult. However, the more a municipality is affected, the more likely it is to stick to austerity measures.
Since the 1950s, medical communities have been facing with emerging and reemerging infectious diseases, and emerging pathogens are now considered to be a major microbiologic public health threat. In this review, we focus on bacterial emerging diseases and explore factors involved in their emergence as well as future challenges. We identified 26 major emerging and reemerging infectious diseases of bacterial origin; most of them originated either from an animal and are considered to be zoonoses or from water sources. Major contributing factors in the emergence of these bacterial infections are: (1) development of new diagnostic tools, such as improvements in culture methods, development of molecular techniques and implementation of mass spectrometry in microbiology; (2) increase in human exposure to bacterial pathogens as a result of sociodemographic and environmental changes; and (3) emergence of more virulent bacterial strains and opportunistic infections, especially affecting immunocompromised populations. A precise definition of their implications in human disease is challenging and requires the comprehensive integration of microbiological, clinical and epidemiologic aspects as well as the use of experimental models. It is now urgent to allocate financial resources to gather international data to provide a better understanding of the clinical relevance of these waterborne and zoonotic emerging diseases.
Mountain ecosystems have been less adversely affected by invasions of non-native plants than most other ecosystems, partially because most invasive plants in the lowlands are limited by climate and cannot grow under harsher high-elevation conditions. However, with ongoing climate change, invasive species may rapidly move upwards and threaten mid- then high-elevation mountain ecosystems. We evaluated this threat by predicting current and future potential distributions of 48 invasive plant species distributed in Switzerland (CH) and New South Wales (NSW), two areas where climate interacts differently with the elevation gradient. Using a species distribution modeling approach combining two scales, which builds on high-resolution data (< 250 m) but accounts for the global climatic niche of species, we found that different environmental drivers limit the elevation range of invasive species in the two regions, leading to region-specific species responses to climate change. Whereas the optimal suitability for plant invaders is predicted to markedly shift from the lowland to the montane or subalpine zone in CH, such an upward shift is far less pronounced in NSW where montane and subalpine elevations are currently already suitable. Non-native species able to invade the upper reaches of mountains in a future climate will be cold-tolerant in the Swiss Alps but preferring wet soils in the Australian Alps. Other plant traits were only marginally associated with elevation limits. These results demonstrate that a more systematic consideration of future distributions of invasive species is required in conservation plans of not yet invaded mountainous ecosystems.
A través de este proyecto final de carrera se pretende analizar la viabilidad técnica y económica para la puesta en marcha de un hotel de montaña en una comarca concreta del Pirineo Aragonés, como alternativa de negocio. Aunque no podemos olvidar que es un sector que puede parecer saturado, se tratará de buscar el elemento diferenciador para superar esta amenaza competitiva. Desde el año 2000, el número total de turistas que llegan a España, ha ido ascendiendo año a año, hasta alcanzar valores máximos en 2007 y de nuevo en 2013. Las estadísticas demuestran que es un sector al alza y en la comunidad aragonesa aporta al PIB aragonés, cerca de 3.000 millones de euros. Por otro lado, la crisis ha provocado una bajada importante en los precios de los inmuebles y parcelas, por lo que nos aprovecharemos de esta oportunidad de negocio. A través de otros estudios que implementan el trabajo, llegamos a los resultados del análisis que demuestran que la inversión es posible. La modalidad escogida para la construcción y diseño del hotel, el efecto diferenciador en los productos y servicios ofertados y la cercanía del hotel de las estaciones de esquí, hacen posible el sueño de los futuros promotores, que apuestan por un tipo de negocio sostenible e integrado en la naturaleza y que respete la autenticidad sociocultural de la comarca y el entono.
Peer-to-Peer (P2P) technology has revolutionized file exchange activities besides enhancing processing power distribution. As such, this technology which is nowadays made freely available to all internet users also imposes a threat as it enables the illegal distribution of copyrighted digital work. P2P technology continuously evolves in a greater pace than copyright legislation, leading to compatibility gaps between the applicability of copyright law and the illicit file sharing and downloading. Such issues give high incentives to consumers to practise piracy using P2P systems with a low perception of risk towards prosecution, leading to substantial losses for copyright owners. This study focuses on developing insights for content owners on consumer behaviour towards piracy in Finland, where quantitative analyses are assessed using a data set based on a survey conducted by the Helsinki Institute for IT. The research approach investigates the significance of three fundamental areas in relation to evaluate consumer behaviour as: environmental-related factors, innovation-related factors and consumer-related. each of these are integrates concepts derived in previous theoretical models such as the technology acceptance model, theory of reasoned action, theory of planned behaviour, the issue-risk-judgement model and the Hunt & Vitell’s model.
Mediterranean endemic freshwater fish are among the most threatened biota in the world. Distinguishing the role of different extinction drivers and their potential interactions is crucial for achieving conservation goals. While some authors argue that invasive species are a main driver of native species declines, others see their proliferation as a co-occurring process to biodiversity loss driven by habitat degradation. It is difficult to discern between the two potential causes given that few invaded ecosystems are free from habitat degradation, and that both factors may interact in different ways. Here we analyze the relative importance of habitat degradation and invasive species in the decline of native fish assemblages in the Guadiana River basin (southwestern Iberian Peninsula) using an information theoretic approach to evaluate interaction pathways between invasive species and habitat degradation (structural equation modeling, SEM). We also tested the possible changes in the functional relationships between invasive and native species, measured as the per capita effect of invasive species, using ANCOVA. We found that the abundance of invasive species was the best single predictor of natives’ decline and had the highest Akaike weight among the set of predictor variables examined. Habitat degradation neither played an active role nor influenced the per capita effect of invasive species on natives. Our analyses indicated that downstream reaches and areas close to reservoirs had the most invaded fish assemblages, independently of their habitat degradation status. The proliferation of invasive species poses a strong threat to the persistence of native assemblages in highly fluctuating environments. Therefore, conservation efforts to reduce native freshwater fish diversity loss in Mediterranean rivers should focus on mitigating the effect of invasive species and preventing future invasions
Kaukojäähdytyksellä tarkoitetaan keskitetysti tuotetun jäähdytysenergian jakamista kiinteistöihin jakeluverkossa kiertävän kylmän veden välityksellä, eli kaukojäähdytys on ulkoistettu jäähdytysratkaisu. Jäähdytysenergiaa tarvitaan työtehon, viihtyisyyden ja sisäilman laadun parantamiseksi, sekä joidenkin prosessien tarpeisiin. Siinä missä perinteinen kiinteistökohtainen jäähdytysjärjestelmä tuottaa jäähdytysenergian sähköllä, käytetään kaukojäähdytyksessä jäähdytysenergian tuottamiseen sellaisia resursseja, jotka muuten jäisivät käyttämättä. Tästä syystä kaukojäähdytys vähentää merkittävästi hiilidioksidipäästöjä, jonka lisäksi kaukojäähdytys vähentää kylmäkoneissa käytettävien kylmäaineiden aiheuttamia kasvihuonekaasupäästöjä. Kaukolämpöverkkoa muistuttavan kaukojäähdytysverkon rakentaminen vaatii suuria investointeja. Nykyisin jakeluverkon rakenteena käytetään 2Mpuk- rakennetta, jonka todettiin olevan teknistaloudellisesti soveltuvin vaihtoehto Helsingin Energian kaukojäähdytysverkkoon. Myös PE 100 putkia voitaisiin käyttää PN 16 paineluokassa alle DN 300 kokoluokkaa vastaavissa johdoissa, ja PN 10 paineluokassa alle DN 400 johdoissa. Kaukolämpöverkon paineluokan valinta vaikuttaa oleellisesti investointikustannuksiin PE- putkilla ja joillekin alueille kannattanee rakentaa alemman paineluokan omaava erillisverkko PE- putkista. Happidiffuusion kautta PE- putkista pääsee jonkin verran happea verkkoon, mutta määrät ovat melko pieniä, eikä muitakaan teknisiä esteitä hyvin korroosiota kestävien PE- putkien käytölle ole. 2Mpuk- rakenteelle suurimman riskin aiheuttaa elementtien liitoskohdista teräsputken pinnalle pääsevä ulkopuolinen vesi. Koska kaukojäähdytysjohdot ovat lisäksi yleensä ympäristöä kylmempiä, kondensoivat ne vettä pinnallensa kaukolämpöjohdoista poiketen. Ulkopuolisen veden aiheuttamaa riskiä voitaisiin pienentää eristämällä liitoskohdat sähkömuhveilla. Verkoston rakentamiskustannuksia ja liikenteelle aiheutuvia haittoja voidaan vähentää ojattomia rakentamismenetelmiä, kuten suuntaporausta käyttämällä.
En los últimos años se ha producido un incremento del uso de la telefonía móvil e Internet con fines intimidatorios o simplemente para amenazar a los iguales en los centros escolares de nuestro país. Con la voluntad de aportar datos que puedan ayudar a su prevención, se ha realizado un estudio de encuesta en el que se ha obtenido información relativa a las amenazas recibidas a través de los nuevos medios de comunicación, es decir, Internet y la telefonía móvil. Los resultados indican que un 23.3% de los estudiantes de los centros públicos de Enseñanza Secundaria Obligatoria de la ciudad de Girona (Cataluña), durante el curso escolar, han recibido vía Internet o telefonía móvil algún mensaje que, por su contenido, ha supuesto una amenaza para su bienestar. Se analizan las consecuenciasemocionales y las estrategias de afrontamiento utilizadas por parte de estos adolescentes
The presence of non-aqueous phase liquids (NAPLs) in the subsurface is a threat to public health as well as a serious environmental issue. NAPLs may remain adsorbed or form lenses floating on aquifers causing long-term contaminations. Surfactants may increase NAPLs solubility, enhancing the pump-and-treatment performance. Size, shape, hydration and ionization degree of the micelles define the affinity and the space available for the solubilization of a particular contaminating agent. The tests carried out at laboratory scale, taking into account the NAPL to be removed and the medium characteristics were useful to select surfactants and evaluate their efficiency as NAPLs solubilizers.
Due to the threat of extinction of Amburana cearensis, a tree of medicinal importance for the Northeastern Brazil, a phytochemical analysis was performed with specimens obtained by seed germination. Ten compounds were isolated and identified by spectroscopic methods and comparison with literature data. p-Hydroxybenzoic acid, ayapin, (E/Z)-melilotosides are being reported for the first time for the genus, besides coumarin, isokaempferide, vanillic acid, protocatechuic acid, amburosides A and B which have already been found in the trunk bark. Based on physical and NMR spectroscopy evidences the structures of several melilotosides already described in the literature have been suggested to be revised.
Tutkielman tavoitteena on oikeudellisten lähteiden systematisoinnilla tuottaa johdonmukainen kuvaus poliisin, rajavartiomiehen sekä ammattisotilaan virkavelvollisuuksista, oikeudellisesta vastuusta ja virkarikosten rangaistavuudesta. Päähuomio kohdistuu virkamiehen määräaikaiseen virantoimituksesta erottamiseen. Oikeudellisella argumentaatiolla pyritään esittämään lainmukainen ja hyväksyttävä tulkintakannanotto siihen, miten kyseistä säädöstä tulisi tulkita. Tutkimusmetodi työssä on oikeusdogmatiikka. Ensisijaisena aineistona tutkielmassa on voimassa oleva lainsäädäntö valmisteluaineistoineen. Toissijaisina lähteinä käytetään kirjallisuutta, viranomaisten kurinpitopäätöksiä ja haastatteluja. Määräaikainen erottaminen voidaan määrätä virkamiehelle, joka toimii vastoin virkavelvollisuuksiaan tai laiminlyö niitä. Säädös on tulkittavissa laajentavasti siten, että myös muut kuin selkeästi viranomaisen valvontavastuulle kuuluvat teot voidaan katsoa virkatehtävien vastaiseksi. Erityisen käyttäytymisvelvoitteen johdosta menettely on rangaistavaa myös vapaa-ajalla. Määräaikainen erottaminen sijoittuu rangaistusasteikossa varoituksen ja irtisanomisen väliin. Rangaistus ei edellytä erityisen painavia perusteita, joita vaaditaan virkamiehen irtisanomiseen. Uuden säädöksen myötä irtisanomisten määrä on vähentynyt Rajavartiolaitoksessa. Säädöksestä on muotoutunut kurinpidollinen lisärangaistus, joka on määrätty virkamiehelle hallinnollisella päätöksellä yleensä rikostuomion jälkeen. Säädös on kuitenkin tarkoitettu ja se mahdollistaa myös puuttumisen varsinaisten virkatehtävien laiminlyönteihin. Lainsäädännön selkeyttämiseksi määräaikaisen erottamisen säädös tulisi poistaa eri viranomaisten erityislainsäädännöstä ja liittää suoraan virkamieslakiin. Säädöksen soveltaminen tulisi ulottaa koskemaan myös muita virkamiehiä, jotka palvelevat kyseisissä viranomaisissa. Tutkimuksen kohteena oleva virkamiesryhmä alistuu virkamiesoikeudessa blankkorangaistusuhan alle. Virkamiehen on vaikea hahmottaa kaikkea rangaistavaa toimintaa, ja virantoimittamisvelvollisuus on usein täsmentymätön ja tulkinnanvarainen. Kokonaisharkinnassa korostuvat myös muut kuin oikeudelliset lähteet (esimerkiksi moraalikäsitykset, etiikka, ohjeet, virkamiehen elämäntilanne). Sotilaiden ja poliisin oikeudenhoito poikkeaa monilta osin muiden virkamiesten oikeudenhoitomenettelystä. Rajavartiolaitoksessa sotilasoikeudenhoidon määräykset ja ohjeet ovat selkeästi puutteelliset. Rajavartiolaitoksen tehtäväkentän ja toimivaltuudet huomioiden tulisi kurinpito- ja virkarikosten tutkinnoissa lähentyä poliisin mallia sekä hyödyntää rikostorjuntahenkilöstön ammattitaitoa oman henkilökunnan esitutkinnoissa. Erityisen turvallisuusviranomaisten virkarikoksiin erikoistuneen tutkintaorganisaation perustaminen voisi tehostaa ja parantaa esitutkintojen tasoa sekä lisätä oikeusvarmuutta.
Phoma leaf spot, caused by Phoma costarricensis poses a serious threat to coffee (Coffea arabica) production, especially in the highlands of the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Extracts of citric biomass, coffee berry husks and coffee leaves severely affected by rust caused by Hemileia vastatrix, were evaluated against P. costarricensis. In an in vitro assay, aqueous extracts of rusted leaves and berry husks plus the commercial extracts based on citric biomass named Ecolife® and Agromil® were tested at various dilutions on the mycelial growth inhibition of P. costarricensis. In vivo, coffee seedlings maintained in glasshouse, were sprayed with these extracts seven days before inoculation of P. costarricensis. Only extracts from citric biomass had inhibitory effects on the fungus. In vivo, Ecolife® (5 ml/l), Agromil® (5 g/l) and the aqueous extract of rusted coffee leaves (dilution 1:6) reduced Phoma leaf spot. Both, Ecolife® and the extract of rusted coffee leaves were significantly more effective in reducing the area under the lesion progress curve when applied at lower doses, indicating a possible effect on the induction of resistance.
Asian rust of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merril] is one of the most important fungal diseases of this crop worldwide. The recent introduction of Phakopsora pachyrhizi Syd. & P. Syd in the Americas represents a major threat to soybean production in the main growing regions, and significant losses have already been reported. P. pachyrhizi is extremely aggressive under favorable weather conditions, causing rapid plant defoliation. Epidemiological studies, under both controlled and natural environmental conditions, have been done for several decades with the aim of elucidating factors that affect the disease cycle as a basis for disease modeling. The recent spread of Asian soybean rust to major production regions in the world has promoted new development, testing and application of mathematical models to assess the risk and predict the disease. These efforts have included the integration of new data, epidemiological knowledge, statistical methods, and advances in computer simulation to develop models and systems with different spatial and temporal scales, objectives and audience. In this review, we present a comprehensive discussion on the models and systems that have been tested to predict and assess the risk of Asian soybean rust. Limitations, uncertainties and challenges for modelers are also discussed.
Työn tavoitteena oli selvittää, millaisia muutoksia Viron, Latvian ja Liettuan rautateiden henkilöliikenteessä on tapahtunut neuvostoajan lopun ja tämän päivän välillä. Tarkastelupisteiksi valittiin vuodet 1991, 1997, 2002 ja 2009. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli myös selvittää muutoksiin vaikuttaneita taustatekijöitä, kuvata nykytilannetta ja tarkastella tulevaisuuden vaihtoehtoisia kehityspolkuja. Tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella rautateiden henkilöliikenteen määrä on supistunut noin puoleen kaikissa kolmessa maassa tarkasteltuna junakilometrien viikoittaisella määrällä. Matkustajamäärät ovat laskeneet kaikissa kolmessa maassa selvästi tarkastelujakson aikana. Syitä rautateiden henkilöliikenteen supistumiseen ovat olleet mm. kireä kilpailu linja-autoliikenteen kanssa ja lisääntynyt henkilöautojen käyttö. 1990-luvun taloudellisesti vaikeina vuosina rautateillä ei ollut mahdollisuuksia uusia kalustoaan. Kansainvälinen talouskriisi ja sen myötä heikentynyt taloudellinen tilanne kaikissa kolmessa maassa muodostaa uuden uhan rautateiden henkilöliikenteelle. Korkeat rataverkon käyttömaksut toimivat tehokkaana esteenä henkilöliikenteen kehittämiselle.
The resources of the step family and the children’s well-being The present study investigates children's well-being in stepfamilies and fac¬tors, both external and internal, that are related to the children's well-being. Of the external factors, the study focuses on factors related to the structure of the stepfamily, parents' education, socio-economic status and factors related to work, livelihood and living conditions. The internal resources include the general functioning of the family, parenthood and parenting, family support networks and issues that the stepfamilies themselves consider important. Another important resource in a stepfamily is a functioning network of human relationships, which in the present study is approached from the maternal viewpoint. Changing family relations are considered a potential threat to the children's well-being. Therefore, in addition to looking into the stepfamily's resources, the other important goal of the study is to explore other factors potentially related to the well-being of children living in stepfamilies. In view of the stepfamily's resources, it is important to explore how the functioning of the relationships network is linked with the child's well-being. The study employs survey and interview data. The survey data (n=2236) are part of national survey data on the well-being of families and children and factors impacting them which were gathered as part of ”Origins of Exclusion in Early Childhood”, a research project carried out in 2002. The data consists of 667 stepfamilies. The interview data consists of interviews with 24 parents in stepfamilies. In the study, the analyses of survey and interview data are combined. Both descriptive statistical analyses and multivariate methods are employed. Content analysis is employed in the analysis of the interview data. The results indicate that the stepfamilies’ resources in general but their external resources in particular differed from those of the nuclear and single-parent families. The level of education and the socio-economic status of the stepfamily parents were somewhat lower than those of the nuclear family parents. The differences in relation to single-parent families were primarily related to the better economic status of the stepfamilies. The analysis of internal resources showed relatively minor differences: the stepfamilies assessed themselves a somewhat better general functioning of the family than did the nuclear families. Parenting issues caused more disagreement in stepfamilies than in nuclear families. The analysis of the functioning of the human relations in stepfamilies showed that the stepfamily mothers experienced the external relationships of the family (e.g., between the child and the absent father) as significantly more problematic than the relationships within the stepfamily. Living in a stepfamily thus challenges the functioning of the relationship between the child and the absent father. As a result of the analysis of the relationships networks in the stepfamilies, three groups were formed. One group had the nuclear family as an ideal goal, another valued an extended family composed of a variety of relationships, and the third one appreciated a strong intimate relationship between the parents. In the present study, the most common group was the multi-relationship, extended type of stepfamily. In conclusion, living in a stepfamily does not seem to pose a risk to the child’s well-being, but it may influence the family’s resources and thus have an indirect effect on the child’s well-being. In view of the resources of the stepfamily, the child’s well-being was best supported by a functioning network of human relationships in the stepfamily: there was a distinct connection with the children’s problems and the non-functioning of the relationships network. According to the mothers, the internal relationships in the stepfamily seemed to be more important than the external relationships of the family. A child’s functioning relationship with the absent father can be viewed as a positive resource, supporting the child’s well-being in the stepfamily.