872 resultados para Thematic Text Analysis
Resumen: En la segunda mitad del siglo XIV, Fernando Álvarez de Albornoz escribió un texto autobiográfi co en latín en la hoja de guarda de un códice del Decreto de Graciano. Parte de este texto es un relato de la guerra civil castellana (1366-1371), probablemente basado en la información que le llegó a Italia a través de cartas enviadas a él o a alguno de sus familiares. Así, puede ser estudiado como fuente primaria o como escrito historiográfi co. En este estudio el texto es transcrito, traducido y analizado. A partir de este análisis, se proponen una datación del texto, modelos para sus estructuras temática y narrativa, y algunas hipótesis sobre su naturaleza e intencionalidad.
Contributed to: "Measuring the Changes": 13th FIG International Symposium on Deformation Measurements and Analysis; 4th IAG Symposium on Geodesy for Geotechnical and Structural Enginering (Lisbon, Portugal, May 12-15, 2008).
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Coastal Change Analysis Programl (C-CAP) is developing a nationally standardized database on landcover and habitat change in the coastal regions of the United States. C-CAP is part of the Estuarine Habitat Program (EHP) of NOAA's Coastal Ocean Program (COP). C-CAP inventories coastal submersed habitats, wetland habitats, and adjacent uplands and monitors changes in these habitats on a one- to five-year cycle. This type of information and frequency of detection are required to improve scientific understanding of the linkages of coastal and submersed wetland habitats with adjacent uplands and with the distribution, abundance, and health of living marine resources. The monitoring cycle will vary according to the rate and magnitude of change in each geographic region. Satellite imagery (primarily Landsat Thematic Mapper), aerial photography, and field data are interpreted, classified, analyzed, and integrated with other digital data in a geographic information system (GIS). The resulting landcover change databases are disseminated in digital form for use by anyone wishing to conduct geographic analysis in the completed regions. C-CAP spatial information on coastal change will be input to EHP conceptual and predictive models to support coastal resource policy planning and analysis. CCAP products will include 1) spatially registered digital databases and images, 2) tabular summaries by state, county, and hydrologic unit, and 3) documentation. Aggregations to larger areas (representing habitats, wildlife refuges, or management districts) will be provided on a case-by-case basis. Ongoing C-CAP research will continue to explore techniques for remote determination of biomass, productivity, and functional status of wetlands and will evaluate new technologies (e.g. remote sensor systems, global positioning systems, image processing algorithms) as they become available. Selected hardcopy land-cover change maps will be produced at local (1:24,000) to regional scales (1:500,000) for distribution. Digital land-cover change data will be provided to users for the cost of reproduction. Much of the guidance contained in this document was developed through a series of professional workshops and interagency meetings that focused on a) coastal wetlands and uplands; b) coastal submersed habitat including aquatic beds; c) user needs; d) regional issues; e) classification schemes; f) change detection techniques; and g) data quality. Invited participants included technical and regional experts and representatives of key State and Federal organizations. Coastal habitat managers and researchers were given an opportunity for review and comment. This document summarizes C-CAP protocols and procedures that are to be used by scientists throughout the United States to develop consistent and reliable coastal change information for input to the C-CAP nationwide database. It also provides useful guidelines for contributors working on related projects. It is considered a working document subject to periodic review and revision.(PDF file contains 104 pages.)
Este trabalho se propõe a analisar duas obras do escritor português António Lobo Antunes, tendo em vista algumas instâncias narrativas, que, a nosso ver, sobressaem na obra do autor. As obras são Ontem não te vi em Babilónia, romance publicado em 2006, e O arquipélago da insónia, de 2008. Os dois romances compõem o ciclo de produção mais recente do autor, no qual as experimentações formais e estéticas são mais intensas do que nos romances anteriores. Além disso, as obras apresentam convergências temáticas já explicitadas por uma leitura atenta de seus títulos. Ontem não te vi é a representação de um tempo de espera, um tempo de frustração; Babilónia é Babel, símbolo maior da incomunicabilidade para o Ocidente. Já arquipélago é um conjunto de ilhas, reunião marcada pelo isolamento e pela incomunicabilidade; insónia é, igualmente, uma espera frustrada por algo que não vem, no caso, o sono, que nos romances será metáfora para a morte. O trabalho privilegiará, portanto, a análise do espaço, a partir do símbolo da casa; do tempo, insone e de morte; e do texto, que se apresenta, essencialmente, por uma enxurrada discursiva. Assim, pretende-se entrar no universo antuniano e, como parece ser o desejo do autor, desvendar a nós mesmos e a nosso tempo
This dataset provides raw data of chemical analyses made during studies on seasonal variations of some major ions in the stream water of the catchment of Lake Windermere in Cumbria. Measurements of sodium, calcium, potassium, magnesium, chloride ions and pH were taken at 37 stations in the catchment between 1975 and 1978.
A presente pesquisa objetiva, em essência, discutir questões referentes à expressividade em textos literários, como também observar a riqueza de suas múltiplas possibilidades de construção estética. Esse material é burilado pelos recursos fônicos, morfossintáticos e léxico-semânticos do sistema linguístico. Foram utilizados como corpus para o trabalho os contos de Ana Maria Machado e as poesias de José Paulo Paes, produções inseridas no Programa Literatura em Minha Casa e que sensibilizaram os leitores pelo jogo verbal primoroso, resultado das escolhas e das combinações dos autores. Foram tomados como referência para análise dos textos os recursos linguístico-expressivos neles observados, pretendendo demonstrar o potencial expressivo, com vistas a propor alternativa pedagógica, de caráter produtivo para o ensino, despertando a sensibilidade frente ao texto literário e contribuindo para promover o prazer de ler dos alunos do ensino fundamental. Para tanto, a autora buscou na estilística fundamentos teóricos e metodológicos que aprofundassem a temática em tela
Esta dissertação tem como objeto de estudo a interpretação da expressividade fônica, lexical, sintática e enunciativa, aliada aos aspectos semânticos que envolvem os estudos de estilística linguística. O corpus abrange as letras de dez canções populares do cantor e compositor Deusamar Santos, artista notadamente reconhecido em sua localidade e que representa a cultura de Balsas, município do interior do Maranhão. O estudo se relaciona com o tema e com a realidade sociocultural contidos nessas canções. A linguagem da canção popular representa um recorte da língua em uso e atua como marca de caracterização de um grupo de falantes de uma região, ou seja, o léxico regional. O lirismo temático contido nas letras dessas composições está expresso na exaltação ao rio Balsas e à cidade homônima. A análise estilística com base nos diferentes estratos possibilita descrever a estrutura do texto e depreender significados interessantes do universo linguístico e cultural do local, como contribuição para o desvelamento de particularidades importantes da língua
O propósito deste trabalho é analisar os conetivos, ferramentas linguísticas que se propõem nos enunciados a estabelecer ligação, do ponto de vista funcional, em seus usos, e que representam valores semânticos importantes discursivamente. Para isso, será válido utilizarmos fundamentações teóricas da Linguística Textual e do Funcionalismo. O corpus de análise baseia-se em textos cuja tipologia é argumentativa, mais especificamente o gênero editorial. Dessa forma, procuraremos analisar como esses conectivos (conjunções, preposições, advérbios...) revelam marcas semânticas importantes que se constituem como verdadeiras estratégias argumentativas por parte dos autores em sua proposta temática e que precisam ser reconhecidas pelo leitor para uma compreensão textual mais abrangente. Essa forma de abordagem implicará análises de coesão e de coerência textuais e, por isso, é também uma proposta de avaliação de como os textos são constituídos em sua tessitura, resultando na produção de sentido. Os textos em análise serão os correspondentes aos editoriais da revista Veja, cujo titulo da seção chama-se Carta ao leitor. As abordagens colocarão em relevo os elementos conectores tanto do ponto de vista sintático-semântico bem como em relação às implicações pragmático-discursivas, fatores que servirão de base para compreensão/interpretação dos textos. Espera-se com isso proporcionar análises contundentes, levando em consideração a descrição, estruturação e o funcionamento da Língua portuguesa, com o objetivo de colaborar para o desenvolvimento científico das abordagens linguísticas
A presente pesquisa investiga as escolhas temáticas de textos jornalísticos, especificamente de reportagens, que partem do mesmo evento, mas que são produzidos e publicados em linhas editoriais distintas. Nosso objetivo geral, com este estudo, é proporcionar subsídios para que sejam superados paradigmas ainda baseados na dicotomia texto e gramática na Escola Básica, como também colaborar para a promoção de um ensino mais crítico e reflexivo, a fim de que os estudantes possam atuar em sociedade com autonomia. Para isso, elegemos como corpus duas reportagens de veículos ideologicamente antagônicos: o jornal A Nova Democracia e a revista Veja. Considerando que o contexto de cultura e o contexto de situação são determinantes para as escolhas linguísticas dos textos, examinamos a organização temática dos períodos que compõem as reportagens. Como referencial teórico, elegemos a Gramática Sistêmico-Funcional (GSF) de Halliday (1978; 1994; 2004), centrando-se especificamente na função Tema, pertencente à Estrutura Temática na Metafunção Textual, um dos níveis de análise da GSF, que organiza a oração como mensagem e sistematiza os significados ideacionais. O objetivo específico deste trabalho é, portanto, analisar até que ponto as diferenças ideológicas afetam as escolhas temáticas dos textos. Com essa finalidade, dedicamo-nos à análise dos Temas Ideacionais e seus significados, pois são eles os responsáveis por indicar de que maneira os autores priorizaram as informações nos períodos que compõem e organizam as mensagens contidas nos textos. Como método de pesquisa, anotamos e classificamos manualmente cada um dos dados quantitativos e, em seguida, passamos a uma análise qualitativa dos Temas assinalados. Os resultados apontam que ambos os textos apresentam uma alta frequência de Temas Ideacionais Participantes, mas semanticamente distintos. Quanto aos Temas Ideacionais Processos e Circunstâncias, eles evidenciam discrepâncias sintáticas e semânticas significativas, que revelam representações diferentes dos narradores frente ao mesmo evento.
Compared with structured data sources that are usually stored and analyzed in spreadsheets, relational databases, and single data tables, unstructured construction data sources such as text documents, site images, web pages, and project schedules have been less intensively studied due to additional challenges in data preparation, representation, and analysis. In this paper, our vision for data management and mining addressing such challenges are presented, together with related research results from previous work, as well as our recent developments of data mining on text-based, web-based, image-based, and network-based construction databases.
Compared with construction data sources that are usually stored and analyzed in spreadsheets and single data tables, data sources with more complicated structures, such as text documents, site images, web pages, and project schedules have been less intensively studied due to additional challenges in data preparation, representation, and analysis. In this paper, our definition and vision for advanced data analysis addressing such challenges are presented, together with related research results from previous work, as well as our recent developments of data analysis on text-based, image-based, web-based, and network-based construction sources. It is shown in this paper that particular data preparation, representation, and analysis operations should be identified, and integrated with careful problem investigations and scientific validation measures in order to provide general frameworks in support of information search and knowledge discovery from such information-abundant data sources.
This paper reports on an extensive analysis of the electroluminescence characteristics of InGaN-based LEDs with color-coded structure, i.e., with a triple quantum well structure in which each quantum well has a different indium content. The analysis is based on combined electroluminescence measurements and two-dimensional simulations, carried out at different current and temperature levels. Results indicate that (i) the efficiency of each of the quantum wells strongly depends on device operating conditions (current and temperature); (ii) at low current and temperature levels, only the quantum well closer to the p-side has a significant emission; (iii) emission from the other quantum wells is favored at high current levels. The role of carrier injection, hole mobility, carrier density and non-radiative recombination in determining the relative intensity of the quantum wells is discussed in the text. © 2013 The Japan Society of Applied Physics.
Over last two decades, numerous studies have used remotely sensed data from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) sensors to map land use and land cover at large spatial scales, but achieved only limited success. In this paper, we employed an approach that combines both AVHRR images and geophysical datasets (e.g. climate, elevation). Three geophysical datasets are used in this study: annual mean temperature, annual precipitation, and elevation. We first divide China into nine bio-climatic regions, using the long-term mean climate data. For each of nine regions, the three geophysical data layers are stacked together with AVHRR data and AVHRR-derived vegetation index (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) data, and the resultant multi-source datasets were then analysed to generate land-cover maps for individual regions, using supervised classification algorithms. The nine land-cover maps for individual regions were assembled together for China. The existing land-cover dataset derived from Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) images was used to assess the accuracy of the classification that is based on AVHRR and geophysical data. Accuracy of individual regions varies from 73% to 89%, with an overall accuracy of 81% for China. The results showed that the methodology used in this study is, in general, feasible for large-scale land-cover mapping in China.
The Bifurcation Interpreter is a computer program that autonomously explores the steady-state orbits of one-parameter families of periodically- driven oscillators. To report its findings, the Interpreter generates schematic diagrams and English text descriptions similar to those appearing in the science and engineering research literature. Given a system of equations as input, the Interpreter uses symbolic algebra to automatically generate numerical procedures that simulate the system. The Interpreter incorporates knowledge about dynamical systems theory, which it uses to guide the simulations, to interpret the results, and to minimize the effects of numerical error.
Purpose and rationale The purpose of the exploratory research is to provide a deeper understanding of how the work environment enhances or constrains organisational creativity (creativity and innovation) within the context of the advertising sector. The argument for the proposed research is that the contemporary literature is dominated by quantitative research instruments to measure the climate and work environment across many different sectors. The most influential theory within the extant literature is the componential theory of organisational creativity and innovation and is used as an analytical guide (Amabile, 1997; Figure 8) to conduct an ethnographic study within a creative advertising agency based in Scotland. The theory suggests that creative people (skills, expertise and task motivation) are influenced by the work environment in which they operate. This includes challenging work (+), work group supports (+), supervisory encouragement (+), freedom (+), sufficient resources (+), workload pressures (+ or -), organisational encouragement (+) and organisational impediments (-) which is argued enhances (+) or constrains (-) both creativity and innovation. An interpretive research design is conducted to confirm, challenge or extend the componential theory of organisational creativity and innovation (Amabile, 1997; Figure 8) and contribute to knowledge as well as practice. Design/methodology/approach The scholarly activity conducted within the context of the creative industries and advertising sector is in its infancy and research from the alternative paradigm using qualitative methods is limited which may provide new guidelines for this industry sector. As such, an ethnographic case study research design is a suitable methodology to provide a deeper understanding of the subject area and is consistent with a constructivist ontology and an interpretive epistemology. This ontological position is conducive to the researcher’s axiology and values in that meaning is not discovered as an objective truth but socially constructed from multiple realties from social actors. As such, ethnography is the study of people in naturally occurring settings and the creative advertising agency involved in the research is an appropriate purposive sample within an industry that is renowned for its creativity and innovation. Qualitative methods such as participant observation (field notes, meetings, rituals, social events and tracking a client brief), material artefacts (documents, websites, annual reports, emails, scrapbooks and photographic evidence) and focused interviews (informal and formal conversations, six taped and transcribed interviews and use of Survey Monkey) are used to provide a written account of the agency’s work environment. The analytical process of interpreting the ethnographic text is supported by thematic analysis (selective, axial and open coding) through the use of manual analysis and NVivo9 software Findings The findings highlight a complex interaction between the people within the agency and the enhancers and constraints of the work environment in which they operate. This involves the creative work environment (Amabile, 1997; Figure 8) as well as the physical work environment (Cain, 2012; Dul and Ceylan, 2011; Dul et al. 2011) and that of social control and power (Foucault, 1977; Gahan et al. 2007; Knights and Willmott, 2007). As such, the overarching themes to emerge from the data on how the work environment enhances or constrains organisational creativity include creative people (skills, expertise and task motivation), creative process (creative work environment and physical work environment) and creative power (working hours, value of creativity, self-fulfilment and surveillance). Therefore, the findings confirm that creative people interact and are influenced by aspects of the creative work environment outlined by Amabile (1997; Figure 8). However, the results also challenge and extend the theory to include that of the physical work environment and creative power. Originality/value/implications Methodologically, there is no other interpretive research that uses an ethnographic case study approach within the context of the advertising sector to explore and provide a deeper understanding of the subject area. As such, the contribution to knowledge in the form of a new interpretive framework (Figure 16) challenges and extends the existing body of knowledge (Amabile, 1997; Figure 8). Moreover, the contribution to practice includes a flexible set of industry guidelines (Appendix 13) that may be transferrable to other organisational settings.