886 resultados para Text alignment


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Observational data encodes values of properties associated with a feature of interest, estimated by a specified procedure. For water the properties are physical parameters like level, volume, flow and pressure, and concentrations and counts of chemicals, substances and organisms. Water property vocabularies have been assembled at project, agency and jurisdictional level. Organizations such as EPA, USGS, CEH, GA and BoM maintain vocabularies for internal use, and may make them available externally as text files. BODC and MMI have harvested many water vocabularies alongside others of interest in their domain, formalized the content using SKOS, and published them through web interfaces. Scope is highly variable both within and between vocabularies. Individual items may conflate multiple concerns (e.g. property, instrument, statistical procedure, units). There is significant duplication between vocabularies. Semantic web technologies provide the opportunity both to publish vocabularies more effectively, and achieve harmonization to support greater interoperability between datasets. - Models for vocabulary items (property, substance/taxon, process, unit-of-measure, etc) may be formalized OWL ontologies, supporting semantic relations between items in related vocabularies; - By specializing the ontology elements from SKOS concepts and properties, diverse vocabularies may be published through a common interface; - Properties from standard vocabularies (e.g. OWL, SKOS, PROV-O and VAEM) support mappings between vocabularies having a similar scope - Existing items from various sources may be assembled into new virtual vocabularies However, there are a number of challenges: - use of standard properties such as sameAs/exactMatch/equivalentClass require reasoning support; - items have been conceptualised as both classes and individuals, complicating the mapping mechanics; - re-use of items across vocabularies may conflict with expectations concerning URI patterns; - versioning complicates cross-references and re-use. This presentation will discuss ways to harness semantic web technologies to publish harmonized vocabularies, and will summarise how many of the challenges may be addressed.


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Esta tese trata de como o sistema SignWriting pode servir de suporte a uma nova proposta pedagógica ao ensino da escrita de língua de sinais e letramento para crianças surdas usuárias da Língua Brasileira de Sinais - Libras e da Língua de Sinais Francesa - LSF. Escrever deve ser uma atividade significativa para a criança. No caso da criança surda, a escrita fundamenta-se em sua competência na língua de sinais, sem precisar da intermediação da língua oral. A criança surda, quando em um ambiente onde ela e seus colegas se comunicam em língua de sinais, efetivamente tenta escrever sinais, quando é incentivada a fazê-lo. Em nossos experimentos, usamos o sistema SignWriting para mostrar ás crianças surdas (e a seus pais e professores) como escrever textos em línguas de sinais de ambas as formas: manuscrita e impressa, usando o programa Sign Writer para editar textos em línguas de sinais. A base teórica que apóia a tese é a abordagem bilíngüe para a educação de surdos, a língua de sinais, a teoria de Piaget, e de Ferreiro quando trata das etapas da alfabetização em língua oral. Esta investigação possui um caráter exploratório, em que o delineamento metodológico é dado pela pesquisa-ação. O primeiro estudo apresenta um levantamento do processo de aquisição da escrita de sinais, em sua forma manuscrita, pela criança e jovem surdo no Brasil e na França. O segundo estudo trata da ajuda que a informática pode dar a essa aquisição e de como utilizamos os softwares de escrita de língua de sinais em aulas de introdução ao uso do computador e em transcrições da LSF de corpus vídeo para a escrita de língua de sinais. Os resultados sugerem que as crianças evoluem em sua escrita, pois muitos signos que elas escreveram não foram sugeridos pela experimentadora, nem por outro meio, mas surgiram espontaneamente. A introdução de um software como o Sign Writer ou o SW-Edit nas classes para introduzir as TI traz a essas aulas muito maior interesse do que quando usamos um editor de textos na língua oral. Também as produções das crianças são mais sofisticadas. As conclusões indicam que a escrita de língua de sinais incorporada à educação das crianças surdas pode significar um avanço significativo na consolidação de uma educação realmente bilíngüe, na evolução das línguas de sinais e aponta para a possibilidade de novas abordagens ao ensino da língua oral como segunda língua.


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The paper provides a close lecture of the arguments and methods of legal construction, employed in the extensive individual opinions written by the Justices of the Brazilian Supreme Court in the case which authorized the same sex civil union. After tracing an outline of the legal problem and his possible solutions, we analyze the individual opinions, showing their methodological syncretism, the use of legal methods and arguments in a contradictory way as well the deficiencies in the reasoning. The Justices use legal arguments, but do not meet the requirements of rationality in the decision-making. We have a rhetorical attempt that aims to satisfy the public opinion than to offer a comprehensive and coherent solution according the normative elements of the Brazilian Federal Constitution of 1988.


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Three studies were prepared and are presented in this document. The first, The Brazilian Financial Sector Institutional Context in the Transition to Sustainable Development looks at the legislation, regulation, and public policies aimed at socio-environmental themes related to the financial sector. The second study, Current Financing for the Green Economy in Brazil, provides an initial estimate of the financial assets already allocated to the green economy, as well as a methodological proposal for the survey and monitoring of the respective flow of assets. The third and final study looks at two important segments of the Brazilian economy and their process of transition to a greener economy: renewable energy and agriculture.


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Die vorliegende Dissertation setzt sich mit dem Phänomen ›Text im Rahmen der Neuen Medien‹ auseinander, indem sie theoretisch und empirisch der in der einschlägigen Forschung aufgeworfenen (und kontrovers diskutierten) Frage nachgeht, ob die Sprache in den Textsorten der neuen Kommunikationsformen als neue Schriftlichkeit bzw. schriftliche Mündlichkeit zu verstehen sei. Dabei konzentriert sie sich exemplarisch auf die Analyse eigens für diesen Zweck erstellter aktueller Textkorpora der Kommunikationsformen E-Mail und Brief und untersucht sie unter den Gesichtspunkten Mündlichkeit / Schriftlichkeit bzw. Nähe / Distanz. ›Kapitel 1‹ umreißt den Forschungsstand zum Thema ›Text und Textsorte‹ sowohl in der Textlinguistik als auch in aktuellen Studien zur Sprache in den Neuen Medien. ›Kapitel 2‹ ist dem kritischen Referat verschiedener bekannter Modelle gewidmet, die sich mit dem Aspekt der Mündlichkeit und Schriftlichkeit bzw. Nähe und Distanz beschäftigen (Hugo Stegers Freiburger Gruppe, Ludwig Söll, Koch/Oesterreicher und Ágel/Hennig) und eine Verortung von Textsorten im Kontinuum Nähe und Distanz vornehmen (Koch/Oesterreicher und Ágel/Hennig).›Kapitel 3‹ schlägt Korrekturen und Ergänzungen betreffend Punktgebung, Modellglossar und Makroanalyse im Modell von Ágel/Hennig vor, das in dieser Arbeit den Analysen der Nähesprachlichkeit in Privatbriefen und privaten E-Mails zugrunde liegt. ›Kapitel 4‹ setzt sich mit Aspekten der beiden Textkorpora auseinander, auf die sich diese Arbeit stützt, und beschreibt und erläutert den Fragebogen, der im Rahmen dieser Arbeit erstellt und Probanden zur Beantwortung vorgelegt wurde. ›Kapitel 5‹ nimmt einen ausführlichen Vergleich der Textsorten ›Privatbrief und private E-Mail‹ vor und beleuchtet abrissartig die Geschichte beider Kommunikationsformen, wobei es sich gleichzeitig auch kritisch mit den in der Forschung in solchen Vergleichsfragen vertretenen Positionen auseinander setzt. ›Kapitel 6‹ interpretiert die Ergebnisse der in der Arbeit durchgeführten Näheanalysen und zieht daraus die Schlussfolgerungen.


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Dynamical properties of the U-238-U-238 system at the classical turning point, specifically the distance of closest approach, the relative orientations of the nuclei, and deformations have been studied at the sub-Coulomb energy of E(lab) = 6.07 MeV/nucleon using a classical dynamical model with a variable moment of inertia. Probability of favorable alignment for anomalous positron-electron pair emission through vacuum decay is calculated. The calculated small favorable alignment probability value of 0.116 is found to be enhanced by about 16% in comparison with the results of a similar study using a fixed moment of inertia as well as the results from a semiquantal calculation reported earlier.


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We investigated the alignment induced on a nematic liquid crystal (LC) by a photo-aligned polymer film with azo-dye side groups. The orientation of the LC molecules can be manipulated in a reversible manner by irradiating the film with polarized light. We analyzed the competition between the orientation induced by the main chain, through rubbing of the film and that induced by the photo-aligned polymer. Anchoring strength for the different processing conditions are reported. The changes in film morphology caused by rubbing or photo-alignment could be captured by atomic force microscopy. The reversibility of the photo-induced alignment and the competition between the two anchoring mechanisms may allow recording and erasing of information in a LC display.


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Two Kalman-filter formulations are presented for the estimation of spacecraft sensor misalignments from inflight data. In the first the sensor misalignments are part of the filter state variable; in the second, which we call HYLIGN, the state vector contains only dynamical variables, but the sensitivities of the filter innovations to the misalignments are calculated within the Kalman filter. This procedure permits the misalignments to be estimated in batch mode as well as a much smaller dimension for the Kalman filter state vector. This results not only in a significantly smaller computational burden but also in a smaller sensitivity of the misalignment estimates to outliers in the data. Numerical simulations of the filter performance are presented.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Two Kalman-filter formulations are presented for the estimation of spacecraft sensor misalignments from inflight data. In the first the sensor misalignments are part of the filter state variable; in the second the state vector contains only dynamical variables, but the sensitivities of the filter innovations to the misalignments are calculated within the Kalman filter. This procedure permits the misalignments to be estimated in batch mode as well as a much smaller dimension for the Kalman filter state vector. This results not only in a significantly smaller computational burden but also in a smaller sensitivity of the misalignment estimates to outliers in the data. Numerical simulations of the filter performance are presented.


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The CMS silicon tracker, consisting of 1440 silicon pixel and 15 148 silicon strip detector modules, has been aligned using more than three million cosmic ray charged particles, with additional information from optical surveys. The positions of the modules were determined with respect to cosmic ray trajectories to an average precision of 3-4 microns RMS in the barrel and 3-14 microns RMS in the endcap in the most sensitive coordinate. The results have been validated by several studies, including laser beam cross-checks, track fit self-consistency, track residuals in overlapping module regions, and track parameter resolution, and are compared with predictions obtained from simulation. Correlated systematic effects have been investigated. The track parameter resolutions obtained with this alignment are close to the design performance. © 2010 IOP Publishing Ltd and SISSA.


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The alignment system for the muon spectrometer of the CMS detector comprises three independent subsystems of optical and analog position sensors. It aligns muon chambers with respect to each other and to the central silicon tracker. System commissioning at full magnetic field began in 2008 during an extended cosmic ray run. The system succeeded in tracking muon detector movements of up to 18 mm and rotations of several milliradians under magnetic forces. Depending on coordinate and subsystem, the system achieved chamber alignment precisions of 140-350 μm and 30-200 μrad, close to the precision requirements of the experiment. Systematic errors on absolute positions are estimated to be 340-590 μm based on comparisons with independent photogrammetry measurements. © 2010 IOP Publishing Ltd and SISSA.