972 resultados para Taylor, Henry, Sir, 1800-1886
Tutkimus luotaa 1800-luvun alkuvuosikymmenten Suomen suuriruhtinaskunnan virkamiehistön poliittisia asenteita sensuuri-ja painovapauskysymysten valossa. Sadan virkamiehistöön kuuluneen henkilön yksityiskirjastot ja niiden sisältämät mahdolliset sensuurin kieltämät nimikkeet on seulottu Kansalliskirjaston kokoelmissa olevista 1800- luvun kirjahuutokauppaluetteloista vertailemalla niitä Kansallisarkistossa säilytettäviin sensuuriviranomaisten kiellettyjen teosten listoihin. Tutkimuksen keskeisimmiksi teemoiksi nousevat näin poliittis- sekä kirjahistorialliset, kirjallista kulttuuria koskettelevat ulottuvuudet. Virkamiehistön yksityiskirjastot mahdollisine kiellettyine nimikkeineen on esitelty tilastollisen taulukoinnin avulla kirjastojen koon, virkamiehistön hallintoalan, rankiluokan sekä alueellisen identiteetin mukaan jaoteltuina. Vaikka lähdeaineiston perusteella on tämänkaltaisen poliittisväritteisen kirjallisen kulttuurin tavoittaminen osaksi ongelmallista, ovat huutokauppaluettelot systemaattisesta ja säännöllisestä luonteestaan johtuen merkittävää ja satunnaisten inventaarioluetteloiden ohella lähestulkoon ainoaa käsillä olevaa yksityiskirjastoja koskevaa lähdeaineistoa. Suomen 1800-luvun valtiolliseen asemaan liittyviä historiantulkintoja on tutkimuksen edetessä pyritty kuljettamaan rinnakkain; niitä ovat toisaalta suomalaisten käsitykset maansa perustuslaillisesta asemasta ja toisaalta venäläisten viranomaisten tulkinnat Suomen asemasta yleisvaltakunnallisessa viitekehyksessä. Tämän ohella tutkimusaihetta on lähestytty sen ajalliseeen kontekstiin olennaisesti kytkeytyvien yhteiskunta-ja historianfilosofisten teorioiden avulla. Ne ovat olleet myös tutkimuksen kohteena olleille aikalaisille relevantti henkinen ulottuvuus. Tämä on perusteltua, koska filosofista ja valtiotieteellistä kirjallisuutta on ollut kirjastoissa paljon. Etiikasta ja moraalista lähtevä vapauden ongelma on ollut yksi tämänkaltainen yhteiskuntafilosofinen kysymys. Tutkimuksessa aika ajoin esiin nouseva aatteellinen vertailu muiden Euroopan maiden oloihin laajentaa tutkimuksen historiallisen viitekehyksen osaksi 1800-luvun eurooppalaisen henkisen aatemaailman maisemaa. Tutkimuksen varovaiset johtopäätökset juontuvat erilaisista näkökulmista. Kiellettyjä nimikkeitä löytyi hieman yli 30 % kaikista virkamiehistön yksityiskirjastoista, mutta kiellettyjen nimikkeiden määrät osoittautuivat kirjastokohtaisesti laskettuna pienehköiksi. Ilmiön voi näin väittää olleen toisaalta marginaalista, mutta toisaalta konkreettinen osoitus poliittiseen vakaumukseen viittaavasta asennoitumisesta; sensuuria esimerkiksi saatettiin tulkita perustuslaillisuutta ja Aleksanteri I:n antaman hallitsijanvakuutuksen taustaa vasten. Kielletyn kirjallisuuden hankkiminen sensuurilaeista piittaamatta saattoi myös olla kamppailua hyvänä pidetyn yhteiskuntajärjestyksen puolesta järjestelmän epäkohtia vastaan. Keisaria kohtaan tunnettiin lojaalisuutta, mutta hänen hallitsemaansa järjestelmää edustavia sensuuriviranomaisia kohtaan välttämättä ei. Tässä kohdin Suomen tilanteella oli vastaavuutta Saksan oloihin, j o s s a nuorhegeliläiset halusivat muuttaa yhteiskuntaa ideaalimpaan suuntaan. Venäjän keisarikuntaan kuuluminen toi mukanaan maallista hyvää, mutta henkisen kulttuurin puolella orientoiduttiin pääasiassa länteen, ja pitäydyttiin Ruotsin ajan luomassa perinnössä. Yksi keskeinen tästä kummunnut valistusaatteen traditionaalinen arvo oli itsensä vapaa kehittäminen, joten sensuurikysymyksissä ajauduttiin väistämättä törmäyskurssille valtiopoliittisen ja kulttuurisen identiteetin ristipaineessa. Vaikka valtiopoliittinen identiteetti vaihtui vuoden 1809 jälkeen, ei kulttuurisen identiteetin kohdalla näin käynyt. Tätä kautta vahvistuu kokonaiskuva 1700-luvun historian ja Ruotsin ajan perinnön tärkeydestä 1800-luvun henkiselle kehitykselle etenkin kirjallisen kulttuurin saralla.
Jac. Ahrenberg and Patrimony Restoration Plans for Viipuri and Turku Castles at the End of the 19th Century This dissertation examines the unrealized restoration plans for two castles in the Grand Duchy of Finland one located at Viipuri (Vyborg, nowadays in Russia), the other at Turku (in Swedish, Åbo) during the last decades of the 19th century. Both castles were used as prisons, barracks and warehouses. From the middle of the 19th century on, their restoration and transformation into museums and "national monuments" were demanded in the newspapers. The prison reform in the 1860s stimulated the documentation and debate concerning their future, but it was only at the beginning of the 1880s when their restoration became an official state-run project. The undertaking was carried out by Johan Jacob (Jac.) Ahrenberg (1847 1914), architect of the National Board of Public Buildings. By combining written sources with drawings and photographs, this dissertation examines the restoration projects, the two castles' significance and the ways in which they were investigated by scholars. The plans are analyzed in connection with restoration practices in France and Sweden and in the context of contemporary discussions concerning national art and patrimony. The thesis argues that these former castles of the Swedish crown were used to manifest the western roots of Finnish law and order, the lineage of power and the capacity of the nation to defend itself. However, because of their symbolism, their restoration became a politically delicate question concerning the role of the Swedish heritage in Finland's nation-building process. According to Jac. Ahrenberg's plans, the two castles were to be restored to their assumed appearance at the time of the Vasa dynasty. Consequently, the structures would have resembled castles in Sweden. It is suggested that one aim of the restoration plans was to transform the two buildings into monuments testifying to the common history of Sweden and Finland. They were meant to consolidate the Swedish basis of Finnish culture and autonomy and thus to secure them against the threatening implications of Russian imperialism. It seems that along with the changing ideals of architectural restoration and the need for an original Finnish architectural heritage, the political connotations associated with the castles were one reason why Jac. Ahrenberg's restoration plans were never realized.
Using normal mode analysis Rayleigh-Taylor instability is investigated for three-layer viscous stratified incompressible steady flow, when the top 3rd and bottom 1st layers extend up to infinity, the middle layer has a small thickness δ. The wave Reynolds number in the middle layer is assumed to be sufficiently small. A dispersion relation (a seventh degree polynomial in wave frequency ω) valid up to the order of the maximal value of all possible Kj (j less-than-or-equals, slant 0, K is the wave number) in each coefficient of the polynomial is obtained. A sufficient condition for instability is found out for the first time, pursuing a medium wavelength analysis. It depends on ratios (α and β) of the coefficients of viscosity, the thickness of the middle layer δ, surface tension ratio T and wave number K. This is a new analytical criterion for Rayleigh-Taylor instability of three-layer fluids. It recovers the results of the corresponding problem for two-layer fluids. Among the results obtained, it is observed that taking the coefficients of viscosity of 2nd and 3rd layers same can inhibit the effect of surface tension completely. For large wave number K, the thickness of the middle layer should be correspondingly small to keep the domain of dependence of the threshold wave number Kc constant for fixed α, β and T.
Right as an Argument. Leo Mechelin and the Finnish Question 1886-1912 At the turn of the 20th century the Finnish Question rose up as a political and juridical issue at the international arena. The vaguely précised position of Finland in the Russian empire led to diverse conclusions concerning the correctness of the February manifesto of 1899. It was predominantly among a European elite of politicians, cultural workers and academics the issue rose some interest. Finns were active making propaganda for their cause, and they put an emphasis on the claim that the right was on the Finnish side. In the study Elisabeth Stubb compare the Finnish, Russian and European statements about the Finnish Question and analyse their use of right as an argument. The Finnish Question offers at the same time a case study of a national entity which possesses a political sphere of life but is not fully independent, and its possibilities to drive its interests in an international context. Leo Mechelin (1839-1914), the leader of the Finnish propaganda organization abroad, is used as a point of departure. The biographical stance is formed into a triangle, where Leo Mechelin, the idea of right and the Finnish Question abroad are the three cornerstones. The treatment of one cornerstone sheds a ligth on the two others. The metaphor of triangulation also worked as a method to reach "a third stance" in a scinetific and political issue that usually is polarised into two opposite alternatives. An adherence to a strict legal right could not in the end offer a complete, unquestionable and satisfactory solution to the Finnsih Question, it was dependent on "the right of state wisdom and sound insight". The Finnish propaganda abroad used almost completely alternative ways of making politics. The propaganda did not have a decisive effect on countries' official politics, but gained unofficial support, especially in the public opinion and in academic statements. Mechelin claimed that the political field was dependent on public opinion and scientific research. Together with the official politics these two fields formed a triangle that shared the task of balancing the political arena and preventing it from making unwise decisions of taking an unjust turn. The international sphere worked as a balancing part in the Finnish Question. Mechelin tried by claiming the status of state for Finland's part to secure the country a place at the official international arena. At the same time, and especially when the claim was not fully adopted, he emphasised, and in a European context worked for, that right would become the guiding light not only for international relations, but also for the policy making in the inner life of the state.
The aim of the study is to investigate the use of finlandisms in an historical perspective, how they have been viewed from the mid-19th century to this day, and the effect of language planning on their use. A finlandism is a word, a phrase, or a structure that is used only in the Swedish varieties used in Finland (i.e. in Finland Swedish), or used in these varieties in a different meaning than in the Swedish used in Sweden. Various aspects of Finland-Swedish language planning are discussed in relation to language planning generally; in addition, the relation of Finland Swedish to Standard Swedish and standard regional varieties is discussed, and various types of finlandisms are analysed in detail. A comprehensive picture is provided of the emergence and evolution of the ideology of language planning from the mid-19th century up until today. A theoretical model of corpus planning is presented and its effect on linguistic praxis described. One result of the study is that the belief among Finland-Swedish language planners that the Swedish language in Finland must not be allowed to become distanced from Standard Swedish, has been widely adopted by the average Finland Swede, particularly during the interwar period, following the publication of Hugo Bergroth s work Finlandssvenska in 1917. Criticism of this language-planning ideology started to appear in the 1950s, and intensified in the 1970s. However, language planning and the basis for this conception of language continue to enjoy strong support among Swedish-speaking Finns. I show that the editing of Finnish literary texts written in Swedish has often been somewhat amateurish and the results not always linguistically appropriate, and that Swedish publishers have in fact adopted a rather liberal attitude towards finlandisms. My conclusion is that language planning has achieved rather modest results in its resistance to finlandisms. Most of the finlandisms used in 1915 were still in use in 2005. Finlandisms occur among speakers of all ages, and even among academically educated people despite their more elevated style. The most common finlandisms were used by informants of all ages. The ones that are firmly rooted are the most established, in other words those that are stylistically neutral, seemingly genuinely Swedish, but which are nevertheless strongly supported by Finnish, and display a shift in meaning as compared with Standard Swedish.
We analyze the performance of an SIR based admission control strategy in cellular CDMA systems with both voice and data traffic. Most studies In the current literature to estimate CDMA system capacity with both voice and data traf-Bc do not take signal-tlFlnterference ratio (SIR) based admission control into account In this paper, we present an analytical approach to evaluate the outage probability for voice trafllc, the average system throughput and the mean delay for data traffic for a volce/data CDMA system which employs an SIR based admission controL We show that for a dataaniy system, an improvement of about 25% In both the Erlang capacity as well as the mean delay performance is achieved with an SIR based admission control as compared to code availability based admission control. For a mixed voice/data srtem with 10 Erlangs of voice traffic, the Lmprovement in the mean delay performance for data Is about 40%.Ah, for a mean delay of 50 ms with 10 Erlangs voice traffic, the data Erlang capacity improves by about 9%.
Stable isotopes from a U/Th dated aragonite stalagmite from the Central Kumaun Himalaya provide evidence of variation in climatic conditions in the last similar to 1800 years. The delta O-18 and delta C-13 values vary from -4.3 parts per thousand to -7.6 parts per thousand and -3.4 parts per thousand to -9.1 parts per thousand respectively, although the stalagmite was not grown in isotopic equilibrium with cave drip water, a clear palaeoclimatic signal in stalagmite delta O-18 values is evident based on the regional climate data. The stalagmite showed a rapid growth rate during 830-910 AD, most likely the lower part of Medieval Warm Period (MWP), and 1600-1640 AD, the middle part of Little Ice Age (LIA). Two distinct phases of reduced precipitation are marked by a 2 parts per thousand shift in 8180 values towards the end of MWP (similar to 1080-1160 AD) and after its termination from similar to 1210 to 1440 AD. The LIA (similar to 1440-1880 AD) is represented by sub-tropical climate similar to modern conditions, whereas the post-LIA was comparatively drier. The Inter Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) was located over the cave location during wetter/warmer conditions. When it shifted southward, precipitation over the study area decreased. A prominent drop in delta O-18 and delta C-13 values during the post-LIA period may also have been additionally influenced by anthropogenic activity in the area. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved.
We propose and experimentally demonstrate a three-dimensional (3D) image reconstruction methodology based on Taylor series approximation (TSA) in a Bayesian image reconstruction formulation. TSA incorporates the requirement of analyticity in the image domain, and acts as a finite impulse response filter. This technique is validated on images obtained from widefield, confocal laser scanning fluorescence microscopy and two-photon excited 4pi (2PE-4pi) fluorescence microscopy. Studies on simulated 3D objects, mitochondria-tagged yeast cells (labeled with Mitotracker Orange) and mitochondrial networks (tagged with Green fluorescent protein) show a signal-to-background improvement of 40% and resolution enhancement from 360 to 240 nm. This technique can easily be extended to other imaging modalities (single plane illumination microscopy (SPIM), individual molecule localization SPIM, stimulated emission depletion microscopy and its variants).
Information spreading in a population can be modeled as an epidemic. Campaigners (e.g., election campaign managers, companies marketing products or movies) are interested in spreading a message by a given deadline, using limited resources. In this paper, we formulate the above situation as an optimal control problem and the solution (using Pontryagin's Maximum Principle) prescribes an optimal resource allocation over the time of the campaign. We consider two different scenarios-in the first, the campaigner can adjust a direct control (over time) which allows her to recruit individuals from the population (at some cost) to act as spreaders for the Susceptible-Infected-Susceptible (SIS) epidemic model. In the second case, we allow the campaigner to adjust the effective spreading rate by incentivizing the infected in the Susceptible-Infected-Recovered (SIR) model, in addition to the direct recruitment. We consider time varying information spreading rate in our formulation to model the changing interest level of individuals in the campaign, as the deadline is reached. In both the cases, we show the existence of a solution and its uniqueness for sufficiently small campaign deadlines. For the fixed spreading rate, we show the effectiveness of the optimal control strategy against the constant control strategy, a heuristic control strategy and no control. We show the sensitivity of the optimal control to the spreading rate profile when it is time varying. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Two new Ru(II)-complexes RuH(Tpms)(PPh3)(2)] 1 (Tpms - (C3H3N2)(3)CSO3, tris-(pyrazolyl) methane sulfonate) and Ru(OTf)(Tpms)(PPh3)(2)] 2 (OTf = CF3SO3) have been synthesized and characterized wherein Ru-H and Ru-OTf are the key reactive centers. Reaction of 1 with HOTf results in the Ru(eta(2)-H-2)(Tpms)(PPh3)(2)]OTf] complex 3, whereas reaction of 1 with Me3SiOTf affords the dihydrogen complex 3 and complex 1 through an unobserved sigma-silane intermediate. In addition, an attempt to characterize the sigma methane complex via reaction of complex 1 with CH3OTf yields complex 2 and free methane. On the other hand, reaction of Ru(OTf)(Tpms)(PPh3)(2)] 2 with H-2 and PhMe2SiH at low temperature resulted in sigma-H-2, 3 and a probable sigma-silane complexes, respectively. However, no sigma-methane complex was observed for the reaction of complex 2 with methane even at low temperature. (C) 2014 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.
The role of elastic Taylor-Couette flow instabilities in the dynamic nonlinear viscoelastic response of an entangled wormlike micellar fluid is studied by large-amplitude oscillatory shear (LAOS) rheology and in situ polarized light scattering over a wide range of strain and angular frequency values, both above and below the linear crossover point. Well inside the nonlinear regime, higher harmonic decomposition of the resulting stress signal reveals that the normalized third harmonic I-3/I-1 shows a power-law behavior with strain amplitude. In addition, I-3/I-1 and the elastic component of stress amplitude sigma(E)(0) show a very prominent maximum at the strain value where the number density (n(v)) of the Taylor vortices is maximum. A subsequent increase in applied strain (gamma) results in the distortions of the vortices and a concomitant decrease in n(v), accompanied by a sharp drop in I-3 and sigma(E)(0). The peak position of the spatial correlation function of the scattered intensity along the vorticity direction also captures the crossover. Lissajous plots indicate an intracycle strain hardening for the values of gamma corresponding to the peak of I-3, similar to that observed for hard-sphere glasses.
The products of the Henry nitroaldol reaction from nitromethane and several aldehydes were reduced to the corresponding nitroalkanes with (n-Bu)(3)SnH in water under microwave irradiation (80 degrees C/10 min), or dehydrated to the corresponding nitroalkenes with K2CO3 in water (generally 0-5 degrees C/20 min). Both ``one-pot'' reactions occur in excellent yields across a range of aliphatic and aromatic (including heteroaromatic) substrates. It seems likely that the deoxygenation of the nitroaldols occurs via coordination of an oxygen atom of the nitro group with a tin atom, which facilitates hydride delivery in the transition state. The elimination of water from the nitroaldols in mild base is likely driven by the stability of the conjugated nitroalkene products. The elimination required workup with 2N HCl, which likely displaces a nitroalkane-nitroalkene equilibrium towards the latter. These extensions of the Henry reaction lead to products not easily obtained otherwise.
Numerical simulations are performed to study the stability characteristics of a molten salt thermocline storage unit. Perturbations are introduced into a stable flow field in such a way as to make the top-fluid heavier than the fluid at the bottom, thereby causing a possible instability in the system. The evolution pattern of the various disturbances are examined in detail. Disturbances applied for short duration get decayed before they could reach the thermocline, whereas medium and long duration disturbances evolve into a ``falling spike'' or ``stalactite-like'' structure and destabilize the thermocline. Rayleigh Taylor instability is observed inside the storage tank. The effect of the duration, velocity and temperature of the disturbance on thermocline thickness and penetration length are studied. A quadratic time dependence of penetration length was observed. New perspectives on thermocline breakdown phenomena are obtained from the numerical flow field. (C) 2015 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
The proposed work discusses different parameters which are considered to improve the performance of a tin oxide-based thin film gas sensor. This includes analysing and deducing suitable catalytic additives to enhance the performance of the sensor in terms of selectivity and sensitivity. Chemical sensitization and electronic sensitization are performed to improve the rate of response of the sensor.
The 3-dimensiqnal incompressible Rayleigh-Taylor instability is numerically studied through the large-eddy-simulation (LES) approach based on the passive scalar transport model. Both the instantaneous velocity and the passive scalar fields excited by sinu