978 resultados para Système de sécrétion de type III
RESUMO: As concentrações circulantes de cálcio são notavelmente constantes a despeito das variações diárias na absorção intestinal e na eliminação renal deste elemento. A regulação da calcémia é um sistema complexo que compreende vários factores controladores (a calcémia, a fosforémia, as concentrações circulantes de paratormona (PTH) e calcitriol além de muitos outros factores como hormonas esteróides em geral, outros iões como o magnésio e outros factores hormonais) e vários órgãos alvo (glândulas paratiroideias, osso, rim e intestino). As respostas dos órgãos alvo também são muito variadas. No caso mais simples, a cristalização de sais de cálcio corresponde a uma mudança de fase em que participam moléculas orgânicas que a iniciam, aceleram ou inibem. Em geral a combinação de um factor controlador com o respectivo receptor de membrana (para polipeptídeos ou iões) ou intracelular (hormonas esteróides) é apenas o primeiro passo de uma cadeia bioquímica que introduz uma enorme amplificação na resposta. A esta variedade de mecanismos de resposta correspondem grandes diferenças nos tempos de resposta que podem ser de minutos a semanas. É hoje possível “observar” (medir) com apreciável rigor nos líquidos biológicos (sangue, urina, fezes, etc.) os factores mais importantes do sistema de regulação da calcémia (cálcio, fósforo, paratormona e calcitriol) assim como administrar estes factores em experiências agudas. Esta possibilidade reflecte – se na literatura neste campo que tem vindo a crescer. O advento das técnicas da biologia molecular tem permitido a caracterização molecular de algumas das disfunções da homeostase do cálcio e é de esperar um diagnóstico fisiopatológico cada vez mais rigoroso dessas disfunções. Com o avanço dos conhecimentos nesta área que não cessa de aumentar temos cada vez maiores capacidades para fazer diagnósticos e é cada vez mais difícil interpretar com rigor os correspondentes quadros metabólicos. A análise ou síntese de sistemas complexos é a actividade mais nobre dos engenheiros que lhes permite desenhar pontes, diques, barcos, aviões ou automóveis. Com o aparecimento de computadores de médio ou grande porte foi – lhes possível utilizar descrições matemáticas não só para desenhar sistemas como ainda para interpretar eventuais falhas na sua operação. Essas descrições matemáticas consistem numa sequência de operações realizadas num computador segundo um “programa informático” que receberam a designação genérica de modelos, por analogia com as famosas leis (equações) da física que foram deduzidas a partir de um certo número de postulados e que permitem representar matematicamente processos físicos. As famosas leis de Newton são talvez os exemplos mais famosos de “modelos” de sistemas físicos. A introdução de modelos matemáticos em biologia e particularmente em medicina só se deu recentemente.MÉTODOS No trabalho que aqui se apresenta construiu - se um modelo simplificado da homeostase do cálcio destinado ao cálculo de variáveis observáveis (concentrações de cálcio, fósforo, PTH e calcitriol) de modo a poderem comparar-se valores calculados com valores observados. A escolha dos componentes do modelo foi determinada pela nossa experiência clínica e pela informação fisiopatológica e clínica publicada. Houve a preocupação de construir o modelo de forma modular de modo a ser possível a sua expansão sem grandes transformações na descrição matemática (e informática) já existente. Na sua fase actual o modelo não pode ser usado como instrumento de diagnóstico. É antes uma ferramenta destinada a esclarecer “em princípio” mecanismos fisiopatológicos. Usou – se o modelo para simular um certo número de observações publicadas e para exemplificar a sua eventual aplicação clínica na simulação de situações hipotéticas e na análise de possíveis mecanismos fisiopatológicos responsáveis por situações de hipo ou hipercalcémias. Simultaneamente fez – se uma análise dos dados acumulados relativos a doentes vistos no Serviço de Endocrinologia do Instituto Português de Oncologia de Francisco Gentil – Centro Regional Oncológico de Lisboa, S.A. CONCLUSÕES Numa população de 894 doentes com patologias variadas do Instituto Português de Oncologia de Lisboa os valores da calcémia tiveram uma distribuição normal unimodal com uma média de 9.56 mg/dl, e um erro padrão de 0.41 mg/dl. Estas observações sugerem que a calcémia está sujeita a regulação. A partir dos resultados publicados em que o metabolismo do cálcio foi perturbado por infusões de cálcio, calcitriol ou PTH, de estudos bioquímicos e fisiológicos sobre os mecanismos de acção de factores controladores da calcémia e do estudo do comportamento de órgãos alvo (paratiroideias, intestino, osso e rim) foi possível construir um modelo matemático de parâmetros concentrados do sistema de regulação da calcémia. As expressões analíticas usadas foram baseadas na cinética enzimática de modo a que os seus parâmetros tivessem um significado físico ou fisiológico simples. O modelo revelou apreciável robustez e flexibilidade. É estável quando não perturbado e transita entre estados estacionários quando perturbado. Na sua forma actual gera simulações que reproduzem satisfatoriamente um número apreciável de dados experimentais colhidos em doentes. Isto não significa que possa ser usado como instrumento de diagnóstico aplicável a doentes individuais. O desenho do modelo comporta a adição posterior de novas relações quando surgirem situações para as quais se revele insuficiente. A utilização exaustiva do modelo permitiu explicitar aspectos do metabolismo do cálcio que ou não estão contidas na sua formulação actual – o aparecimento de hipertrofia ou de adenomas das paratiroideias e as alterações na estrutura óssea , a participação de outros factores controladores – magnésio, ou estão insuficientemente descritas – alterações do metabolismo do fósforo nos hipoparatiroidismos. A análise dos dados relativos aos doentes do Serviço de Endocrinologia do IPO permitiu o início da caracterização dos tipos de patologia que representam e de possíveis mecanismos fisiopatológicos subjacentes. Estas observações são o ponto de partida para análises futuras. São exemplos das relações encontradas: a distribuição dos doentes por dois grandes grupos conforme a calcémia é determinada pelas concentrações circulantes de PTH ou estas são determinadas pela calcémia; a distribuição sazonal das concentrações de Vit. D25. no sangue; a correlação negativa entre estas e as concentrações de PTH no sangue. Também foi possível extrair a cinética do controlo da PTH sobre a síntese de calcitriol. O estudo dos níveis circulantes de PTH no pós-operatório imediato de doentes paratiroidectomizados permitiu determinar as suas taxas de degradação metabólica. O modelo permitiu simular as relações Ca/PTH no sangue, Ca/Fracção excretada da carga tubular, Ca/P no sangue para valores normais ou altos de Ca. Foram feitas simulações de situações fisiopatológicas (em “doentes virtuais”): infusões crónicas de cálcio, PTH e calcitriol; alterações no comportamento de receptores. Estas simulações correspondem a experiências que não podem ser realizadas em humanos. São exemplos da utilização do modelo na exploração de possíveis mecanismos fisiopatológicos através da observação de resultados quantitativos inacessíveis à intuição. O modelo foi útil em duas fases do trabalho: Primeiro, durante a sua síntese implicou uma escolha criticamente selectiva de informação, sua análise quantitativa e processamento, uma explicitação rigorosa (analítica) das relações funcionais entre os controladores e as variáveis e da sua integração numa estrutura global; Segundo, a simulação de situações experimentais ou clínicas (dados do Serviço de Endocrinologia do IPO) em doentes obrigou a explicitar raciocínios fisiopatológicos habitualmente formulados em bases puramente intuitivas. Esta prática revelou comportamentos óbvios após as simulações – acção reduzida das infusões PTH (simulação de hiperparatiroidismos primários) enquanto não há inibição total da respectiva secreção, necessidade de aumento da massa secretora da paratiroideia nas insuficiências renais avançadas, etc. A síntese e utilização do modelo não implicaram uma preparação matemática avançada e foram possíveis mercê da disponibilidade de “software” interactivo especificamente desenhado para a simulação de sistemas dinâmicos em que os programas se escrevem em inglês usando a simbologia simples da álgebra elementar. A função nobre de modelos desta natureza é semelhante à dos modelos usados pelos físicos desde o século XVII: permitir explicações de carácter geral funcionando como uma ferramenta intelectual para manipulação de conceitos e para a realização de “experiências pensadas” (“thought experiments”) respeitando certos princípios físicos (princípios de conservação) que estabelecem as fronteiras da realidade. -------ABSTRACT: Calcium blood levels are remarkably constant despite great variations in calcium daily intake, intestinal absorption and renal excretion. The regulation of the calcium concentration in the blood is achieved by a complex system that includes several controller factors (mainly the serum levels of calcium, phosphorus, parathyroid hormone (PTH) and calcitriol but also of steroid hormones, ions such as magnesium and other hormonal factors) and several target organs (parathyroid glands, bone, kidney and intestine). The functional response to the controlling factors obeys a variety of kinetics. The precipitation of calcium salts is a simple phase transition in which organic molecules may provide nucleation centres or inhibit the process. The combination of a controller factor with its receptor located in the cell membrane (for peptides or ions) or in the nucleus (for steroid hormones) is only the first step of a biochemical chain that introduces a huge amplification in the response. To this great variability of response we have to add the times of response that vary from minutes to weeks. It is possible to “observe” (measure) with great accuracy in biological fluids (blood, urine, faeces, etc.) the most important factors intervening in the calcium regulation (calcium, phosphorus, PTH and calcitriol). The response of the system to acute infusions of the controlling factors has also been studied. Using molecular biology techniques it has been possible to characterize some calcium homeostasis dysfunctions and better physiopathological diagnosis are expected. With the increasingly new knowledge in this area we have better capacity to diagnose but it is harder to explain correctly the underlying metabolic mechanisms. The analysis or synthesis of complex systems is the noble activity of engineers that enables them to draw bridges, dams, boats, airplanes or cars. With the availability of medium-large frame computers it was possible to use mathematical descriptions not only to draw systems but also to explain flaws in its operations. These mathematical descriptions are generally known as models by analogy with the laws (equations) of physics that allow the mathematical description of physical processes. In practice it is not possible to find general solutions for the mathematical descriptions of complex systems but (numeric) computations for specific situations can be obtained with digital computers. The introduction of mathematical models in biology and particularly in medicine is a recent event. METHODS In this thesis a simplified model of calcium homeostasis was built that enables the computation of observable variables (concentrations of calcium, phosphorus, PTH and calcitriol) and allows the comparison between the simulation values and observed values. The choice of the model’s components was made according to our clinical experience and to the published clinical and physiopathological data. The model has a modular design that allows future expansions with minor alterations in its structure. In its present form the model cannot be used for diagnosis. It is a tool designed to enlighten physiopathological processes. To exemplify its possible clinical application in the simulation of hypothetical situations and in the analysis of possible mechanisms responsible for hypo or hypercalcemias the model was used to simulate a certain number of published observations. An analysis of clinical and laboratory data from the Endocrinology Department of the Portuguese Cancer Institute (I.P.O.F.G.-C.R.O.L.,S.A.) is also presented. CONCLUSIONS In a population of 188 patients without an identifiable disease of the calcium metabolism at the Portuguese Cancer Institute the calcemia levels had a unimodal distribution with an average of 9.56 mg/dL and a S.E.M of 0.41 mg/dL. This observation confirms that serum calcium is regulated. Using published data; in which calcium metabolism was disrupted by calcium, PTH or calcitriol infusions; from biochemical and physiological studies of the action of controller factors on the calcemia; in which the response of target organs (parathyroid glands, intestine, bone, kidney) was studied it was possible to build a mathematical model of concentrated parameters of the calcium homeostasis. Analytical expressions used were based on enzymatic kinetics. The model is flexible and robust. It is stable when not disturbed and changes between steady states when disturbed. In its present form it provides simulations that reproduce closely a number of experimental clinical data. This does not mean that it can be used as a diagnostic tool for individual patients. The exhaustive utilisation of the model revealed the need of future expansions to include aspects of the calcium metabolism not included in its present form –hypertrophy or adenomas of the parathyroid glands, bone structure changes, participation of other controller factors such as magnesium – or insufficiently described – phosphate metabolism in hypoparathyroidism. The analysis of the data collected from the I.P.O.’s Endocrinology Department allowed the initial characterization of the different pathologies represented and of their possible physiopathological mechanisms. These observations are a starting point for future analysis. As examples of the relations found were: the distribution of patients in two groups according to the dependency of calcium by PTH levels or PTH levels by calcium concentration; the seasonal distribution of the serum concentrations of D25; its negative correlation with PTH concentration. It was also possible to extract the kinetics of the control of the synthesis of calcitriol by PTH. The analysis of immediate post-surgical levels of PTH in parathyroidectomized patients allowed the determination of its metabolic clearance. The model also allowed the simulation of the relations between Ca/PTH in blood, serum Ca/Fraction of tubular load excreted and Ca/P in blood for normal and high values of calcium. Simulations were made of pathological situations (in “virtual patients”): chronic infusions of calcium, PTH and calcitriol; changes in the characteristics of receptors. These simulations are not possible in real persons. They are an example of the use of this model in exploring possible mechanisms of disease through the observation of quantitative results not accessible to simple intuition. This model was useful in two phases: Firstly, its construction required a careful choice of data, its quantitative analysis and processing, an analytical description of the relations between controller factors and variables and their integration in a global structure. Secondly, the simulation of experimental or clinical (I.P.O.’s Endocrinology Department) data implied testing physiopathological explanations that previously were based on intuition. The construction and utilisation of the model didn’t demand an advanced mathematical preparation since user-friendly interactive software was used. This software was specifically designed for the simulation of dynamic systems. The programs are written in English using elementary algebra symbols. The essential function of this type of models is identical to that of those used by physicists since the XVII century which describe quantitatively natural processes and are an intellectual tool for the manipulation of concepts and the performance of “thought experiments” based in certain physical principles (conservation principles) that are the frontiers of reality.------------------RESUMÉE: Les concentrations circulantes de calcium sont constantes même pendant des variations de l’absorption intestinale et de l’élimination rénale de cet élément. La régulation de la calcémie est un système complexe qui comprend plusieurs éléments contrôleurs (la calcémie, la phosphorémie, les concentrations circulantes de l’hormone parathyroïdienne (PTH) e du calcitriol et d’autres comme les hormones stéroïdes ou des ions comme le magnésium) et plusieurs organes (glandes parathyroïdiennes, l’os, le rein et l’intestin). Les réponses de ces organes sont variées. Dans le cas plus simple, la cristallisation des sels de calcium correspond à un changement de phase dans lequel y participent des molécules organiques que la débutent, l’accélèrent ou l’inhibent. Généralement la combinaison d’un élément contrôleur avec leur récepteur de membrane (pour les peptides ou les ions) ou intracellulaire (pour les hormones stéroïdes) n’est que le premier pas d’une chaîne biochimique qu’introduit une grande amplification de la réponse. A cette variété de réponses correspondent des grandes différences des temps de réponses qu’y vont des minuits a semaines. Il est possible « observer » (mesurer) dans les fluides biologiques (sang, urine, fèces, etc.) les éléments plus importants du système de régulation de la calcémie (calcium, phosphate, PTH et le calcitriol) et les administrer en expérimentes aigus. Cette possibilité est visible dans la littérature publiée dans ce domaine qui est en croissance permanente. L’avenir des techniques de biologie moléculaire a permis caractériser des nombreuses dysfonctions de la régulation de la calcémie et on attend un diagnostique physiopathologique de ces dysfonctions chaque fois plus rigoureuses. Les connaissances dans ce domaine s’agrandissent et on a de plus de capacités pour faire des diagnostiques et il est chaque fois plus difficile les interpréter. L’analyse ou synthèse de systèmes complexes est l’activité plus noble des ingénieurs qui les permit dessiner des ponts, bateaux, avions ou automobiles. Avec des ordinateurs de médium ou grand port il les est possible utiliser descriptions mathématiques pour dessiner les systèmes et interpréter des éventuelles fautes d’opération. Ces descriptions mathématiques sont une séquence d’opérations réalisées dans un ordinateur selon « un programme informatique » qui ont reçu la désignation générique de modèles, pour analogie avec les équations de la physique qui ont été déduits d’un nombre de postulées et qu’ont permit représenter des processus physiques en équations mathématiques. Les fameuses équations de Newton sont peut-être les exemples plus connus des systèmes physiques. L’introduction des modèles mathématiques en biologie et en particulier en médecine est un évènement récent. Dans ce travaille, on a construit un modèle simplifié de l’homéostasie du calcium pour calculer les variables observables (concentrations de calcium, phosphate, PTH et calcitriol) pour les comparer. Les choix des components a été déterminés par notre expérience clinique et par l’information physiopathologique et clinique publiée. Le modèle a été construit de façon modulaire ce que permit leur postérieur expansion sans des grandes altérations dans la description mathématique et informatique déjà existante. Dans cette forme le modèle ne peut être utilisé comme un instrument de diagnostique. Il est un outil pour éclairer la physiopathologie. Le modèle a été utilisé pour simuler un certain nombre d’observations publiées et pour exemplifier leur possible utilisation clinique dans la simulation des hypothèses et de la physiopathologie des situations d’hypo ou hypercalcémie. On a fait une analyse des éléments des procès cliniques des malades observées dans le Service d’Endocrinologie de l’IPOFG-CROL, SA. Dans une population de 894 malades avec des différentes pathologies les valeurs de calcémie on une distribution uni modale avec une Médie de 9.56 mg/dL et une erreur standard de 0.41 mg/dL. Ces observations suggèrent que la calcémie soit sujette de régulation. En utilisant des résultats de travaux publiés dans lesquels le métabolisme du calcium a été changé par des infusions de calcium, calcitriol ou PTH, des études biochimiques et physiologiques sur des mécanismes d’action des éléments contrôleurs de la calcémie et de l’étude du comportement des organes cible (parathyroïdes, intestin, rein, os), il a été possible de construire un modèle mathématique de paramètres concentrés du système de régulation de la calcémie. Les expressions analytiques utilisées ont été basées sur la cinétique enzymatique de façon à que les paramètres aient eu une signification physique ou biologique. Le modèle est stable quand il n’est pas perturbé et transit entre états stationnaires quand il est sujet a des perturbations. A ce moment il fait des simulations qui reproduisent de façon satisfaisant un nombre d’observations expérimentales. La construction du modèle permit l’addiction de nouvelles relations dans les cas ou il est insuffisant. L’utilisation exhaustive du modèle a permit expliciter des aspects du métabolisme du calcium qui y ne sont pas compris – l’hyperplasie ou la formation des adénomes des parathyroïdes, les altérations de la structure des os, la participation d’outres éléments régulateurs (magnésium), ou sont insuffisamment décrites – les altérations du métabolisme des phosphates dans l’hypoparathyroidism. L’analyse de l’information des malades du Service d’Endocrinologie a permit caractériser les pathologies représentées et leurs possibles mécanismes physiopathologiques. Ces observations sont le point de départ pour les analyses futures. Sont des exemples des relations trouvées: la distribution des malades par deux groupes: ceux dans lequel la calcémie est déterminée par la PTH ou ceux dans lesquels la PTH est déterminée par la calcémie; la distribution sazonale de la concentration de la vitamine D; la corrélation négative entre la vitamine D et la PTH. On a eu la possibilité de déduire la cinétique de control de la PTH sur la synthèse du calcitriol. L’étude des niveaux circulants de PTH sur des sujets parathyroidectomisées a permit déduire leur taux de dégradation métabolique. Le modèle a permit simuler les relations Ca/PTH dans le sang, Ca/fraction éliminée par le rein, Ca/P dans le sang pour des valeurs normales ou hautes de calcium. On a fait des simulations de situations physiopathologiques (dans “malades virtuelles”): Infusions chroniques de calcium, PTH ou calcitriol; altérations des récepteurs. Ces simulations ne peuvent pas être réalisées dans les humains. Sont des exemples d’utilisation du modèle dans l’exploration des possibles mécanismes de la physiopathologie en observant des résultats quantitatifs inaccessibles à l’intuition. Le modèle a été utile pendant deux étapes des travaux: La première, dans sa construction on a choisi l’information disponible, son analyse quantitative, l’explicitation rigoureuse (analytique) des relations fonctionnelles entre les contrôleurs et les variables et sa intégration dans une structure globale. La deuxième, la simulation de situations expérimentales ou cliniques (du Service d’Endocrinologie) a obligé d’expliciter des raisonnements physiopathologiques généralement formulés utilisant l’intuition. Cette pratique a montré des comportements – action réduite des infusions de PTH (jusqu’à l’inhibition totale de leur respective sécrétion), nécessité d’augmenter la masse sécréteuse de la parathyroïde dans les insuffisants rénales, etc. La synthèse et utilisation du modèle n’ont pas besoin d’une formation avancée en mathématique et sont possibles grâce à un programme interactif qui a été conçu pour la simulation des systèmes dynamiques dans lesquels le programme se construit en anglais en utilisant la symbolique élémentaire de l’algèbre. La fonction noble de ces modèles est semblable à celles des physiques du XVII siècle: Permettre établir explications générales en fonctionnant comme un outil intellectuel pour manipuler des concepts et pour la réalisation d’expérimentes pensées en respectant certains principes de la physique (principe de la conservation) qu’établissent les frontières de la réalité.
Molecular characterization of Dengue viruses type 1 and 2 isolated from a concurrent human infection
In 2001, an autochthonous case of dual viremia, resulting from naturally acquired dengue virus DEN-1 and DEN-2 infections was detected during the dengue outbreak that occurred in Barretos, a city with about 105,000 inhabitants in the North region of São Paulo State. Serotype identification was based on virus isolation to C6/36 mosquito cells culture and immunofluorescence assays using type-specific monoclonal antibodies. The double infection was also confirmed by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Comparative analysis of the 240-nucleotide sequences of E/NS1 gene junction region between the genome of DEN-1 and DEN-2 isolates of the corresponding reference Nauru and PR 159S1 strains, respectively, showed some nucleotide differences, mainly silent mutations in the third codon position. Results of maximum likelihood phylogenetic analysis of E/NS1 gene sequences indicated that both genotypes of DEN-1 and DEN-2 viruses recovered from double infection in Barretos belonged to genotypes I and III, respectively.
Strain typing is a critical tool for molecular epidemiological analysis and can provide important information about the spread of dengue viruses. Here, we performed a molecular characterization of DEN-2 viruses isolated in Brazil during 1990-2000 from geographically and temporally distinct areas in order to investigate the genetic distribution of this serotype circulating in the country. Restriction site-specific polymerase chain reaction (RSS)-PCR presented the same pattern for all 52 Brazilian samples, showing the circulation of just one DEN-2 variant. Phylogenetic analysis using progressive pairwise alignments from 240-nucleotide sequences of the E/NS1 junction in 15 isolates showed that they belong to genotype III (Jamaica genotype).
The genomic sequences of the Envelope-Non-Structural protein 1 junction region (E/NS1) of 84 DEN-1 and 22 DEN-2 isolates from Brazil were determined. Most of these strains were isolated in the period from 1995 to 2001 in endemic and regions of recent dengue transmission in São Paulo State. Sequence data for DEN-1 and DEN-2 utilized in phylogenetic and split decomposition analyses also include sequences deposited in GenBank from different regions of Brazil and of the world. Phylogenetic analyses were done using both maximum likelihood and Bayesian approaches. Results for both DEN-1 and DEN-2 data are ambiguous, and support for most tree bipartitions are generally poor, suggesting that E/NS1 region does not contain enough information for recovering phylogenetic relationships among DEN-1 and DEN-2 sequences used in this study. The network graph generated in the split decomposition analysis of DEN-1 does not show evidence of grouping sequences according to country, region and clades. While the network for DEN-2 also shows ambiguities among DEN-2 sequences, it suggests that Brazilian sequences may belong to distinct subtypes of genotype III.
J Biol Inorg Chem (2006) 11: 548–558 DOI 10.1007/s00775-006-0104-y
J Biol Inorg Chem (2006) 11: 433–444 DOI 10.1007/s00775-006-0090-0
For some years, researchers could not find a clear effect of capital adequacy on the risk profile of banks, as shareholders could increase the riskiness of the assets (qualitative effect), crowding-out the effect of reduced leverage (volume effect). Some shareholders might have the will to increase the riskiness of the assets, but they may lack the power to do so. Considering only ”powerful” shareholders, definitive conclusions were drawn but with constant ownership profile. In this paper I investigate whether there is a significant change in the type of shareholders in response to regulatory capital shocks and, if so, will the banking system be in the hands of more “desired” shareholders. I find that ownership profile responds to a regulatory shock, changing the risk appetite of the ruling power at the bank. I find more banks and the government in the ownership of undercapitalised banks and much less institutional shareholders and free float. I claim that these new shareholders may not the desired ones, given the objective of the regulatory change, as they are associated with a preference for more leverage. One possible explanation for this crowding-out effect is that regulators are trying to contain idiosyncratic risk (more linked to the riskiness of the assets) with a rule that contains systematic risk (capital adequacy). This has a distorting effect on ownership. Another insight can be drawn from the tests: supervisors should be aware of significant ownership movements that cause the crowding-out.
Three PEGylated derivatives of 1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-1-((6-amino)hexanoic)-4,7,10-triacetic acid) (DOTA-AHA) with different molecular weights were prepared and characterized. Their Gd(III) chelates were studied in aqueous solution using variable-temperature 1H nuclear magnetic relaxation dispersion (NMRD) and 17ONMR spectroscopy in view of the determination of their relaxivity and the parameters that govern it. The relaxivity varied from 5.1 to 6.5 mM-1.s-1 (37 ºC and 60 MHz) with the increasing molecular weight of the PEG chain, being slightly higher than that of the parent chelate Gd(DOTA-AHA), due to a small contribution of a slow global rotation of the complexes. A variable temperature 1H NMR study of several Ln(III) chelates of DOTA-A(PEG750)HA allowed the determination of the isomeric M/m ratio (M = square antiprismatic isomer and m = twisted square antiprismatic isomer, the latter presenting a much faster water exchange) which for the Gd(III) chelate was estimated in circa 1:0.2, very close to that of [Gd(DOTA)]-. This explains why the PEGylated Gd(III) chelate has a water rate exchange similar to that of [Gd(DOTA)]-. The predominance of the M isomer is a consequence of the bulky PEG moiety which does not favor the stabilization of the m isomer in sterically crowded systems at the substituent site, contrary to what happens with less packed asymmetrical DOTA-type chelates with substitution in one of the four acetate C(α) atoms.
The synthesis and biological evaluation of novel 1-aryl-3-[2-, 3- or 4-(thieno[3,2-b]pyridin-7-ylthio)phenyl]ureas 3, 4 and 5 as VEGFR-2 tyrosine kinase inhibitors, are reported. The 1-aryl-3-[3-(thieno[3,2-b]pyridin-7-ylthio)phenyl]ureas 4a-4h, with the arylurea in the meta position to the thioether, showed the lowest IC50 values in enzymatic assays (10-206 nM), the most potent compounds 4d-4h (IC50 10-28 nM) bearing hydrophobic groups (Me, F, CF3 and Cl) in the terminal phenyl ring. A convincing rationalization was achieved for the highest potent compounds 4 as type II VEGFR-2 inhibitors, based on the simultaneous presence of: (1) the thioether linker and (2) the arylurea moiety in the meta position. For compounds 4, significant inhibition of Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells (HUVECs) proliferation (BrdU assay), migration (wound-healing assay) and tube formation were observed at low concentrations. These compounds have also shown to increase apoptosis using the TUNEL assay. Immunostaining for total and phosphorylated (active) VEGFR-2 was performed by Western blotting. The phosphorylation of the receptor was significantly inhibited at 1.0 and 2.5 microM for the most promising compounds. Altogether, these findings point to an antiangiogenic effect in HUVECs.
The indices found are analysed as a whole and general conclusions are drawn from them which may be of use in understanding many of the problems offered by the local flora (Ilhéus). The first column of the tables presented indicates the biological form of the species, showing the nature of the flora and the constitution of the climax. A total of 200 species of phanerophyta were found; 69 macrophanerophyta (trees), 54 are mesophanerophyta (treelets) and 77 are nanophanerophyta (shrubs). The macrophanerophyta are consequently considered as dominants and the meso-and nanophanerophyta as codominants (the biological forms: chamaephyta, hemicriptophyta, criptophyta, geophyta, therophyta, epiphyta and hydrophyta are subdominants), the more so as the first cover 80% and the others more or less 50%. This points to a climax of trees and a local vegetation mainly composed of trees also. The smaller forms are left out as they are beyond the present scope of this sort of wort in Brazil. The third column of ecological formulae indicates the reaction of the constituent species to light (C = sciophilous, F = photophilous and I = indifferents), the biological types of vegetation (H = hygrophytes, X = xerophytes and M = mesophytes) and the fidelity of the species to the climax. Of the species studied: 25 are pioneers (P. Table I), 63 are accidentals (A. Table II), 35 are companion species (O. Table III), 19 show preferences (E. Table with vitality Vn), 44 are selective (S. Table V) and 13 exclusive species (L. Table VI). This leads to the conclusion that the vegetation of the region is in full reconstitution. As to the ecological characteristics of the 200 species studied, 89 are either pioneers (a class separated by the author) or accidentals; this means that the devastated zones are being reconstituted in the subsere both with members of the prisere and alien species. Of the remaining species, 54 are companion, or accompanying species, which appear in most subclimax, serclímax and quasiclimax associations, and 57 are real constituents of the local climax. As all the species except the pioneers, selectives and exclusives (xerophytes and mesophytes) may be considered as hygrophytes this type evidently predominantes in the region and may constitute a hygrophilous serclimax and quasiclímax. In regard to light 101 are sciophilous, 32 indiferents and 67 photophilous. This leads to the conclusion that the vegetation comprises mainly tolerant species, showing the hygrophilous and mesophilous character of the region with a vegetation composed mostly of trees. The presence a large number of sciophilous species is easy to understand as the hygrophilous and mesophilous habitats and the dominance of trees favour the germination and growth of tolerant species. The last two columns analyse the percentage of individuals present and the occurrent classes to which they belong: 92 species vary between 1 and 9%; 50 between to 10 and 19%; 36 between 20 and 29%; 14 between 30 and 39%; and 8 between 40 and 49%. Only 8 species belong to occurrence class V; 14 to classe IV; 36 to class III; 50 to class II; and 92 to class I. This leads to the conclusion that the local formation is very unsociable and very complex, though the median coverture is 80% and the number of species is very large. The analysis of the data also shows that the climax is being reconstituted in the subsere with elements drawn from the prisere and alien species introduced either by man (following desvastation) or by other consequent factors (such as brusque changes of microclimates due to total or partial destruction). This modifies the subclimax appreciably and apparently also the climax of the local regional subsere. As a final conclusion it is suggested that as in the subsere the pioneer formation is xerophilous, the prisere also beging as a xerosere; but as there are and probably always were hydrophilous formation evolving in the same climate, the local climax is composed of species with medium exactions, that is of relative mesophites.
Hyla claresignata Lutz & Lutz, 1939, is a large species apparently not closely allied to the other known Brazilian hylas. It is characterized by the very small tympanum; the head is short and the snout rounded; the legs are long, the hands and feet unusually large, the latter extensively webbbed. The specific name is derived from the insular, irregular, or roughly triangular, dark spots, with a light halo, found mostly in the dorso-lateral region and on the legs. It belongs to the rain-forest fauna of the Marítime Range. The adult is a bromeliad-dweller and the tadpole rhyacophilous. DESCRIPTION. Vomerine teeth in two separate, oblique, groups, behind the large choanae, parallel to the posterior half of their inner border. Tongue entire, short, very broad and hardly free behind. Snout short, rounded, with distinct canthus rostralis and gradually sloping loreal region. Eye very large and prominent, its horizontal diameter almost equal to the distance between its anterior corner and the tip of the snout. Tympanum very small, less than one third of the diameter of the eye, but distinct, partly covered by a short, heavy ridge. Lateral fingers less than one third webbed; fourth finger slightly longer than the second, just reaching the base of the disk of the third; subarticular tubercles well developed; an angular pollex rudiment, more noticeable in the males. Toes almost completely webbed, the edge of the web inserted at the base of the disk on the third and the fifth; an inner metatarsal tubercle. Skin smooth above, granular beneath, on the throat minutely so. No dermal appendage on the hell. Habit robust, head broader than long, body rather heavy, slightly narrowed in the postaxillary region. Legs long, the tibiotarsal articulation reaching beyond the tip of the snout when adpressed. Type (female): 61 mm. (Fig. 1.) DIAGNOSIS of TADPOLE (by G. Orton). "A large specialized, mountain-stream tadpole, with wide head an elongated, flattened snout, greatly enlarged lips and high tooth formula. Eyes dorsal. Spiracle sinistral, projecting, situated far back on side. Anus dextral. Tooth formula 8/12 to 9/14 in fully grown larvae. Tail with a prominent, vertical dark band across musculature and fins; a second concentration of dark pigment near tip of tail, may or may not form a similar but narrower band. Maximum known total length: 60mm.; head and body length 25mm. (Figs. 6 e 7). For further details see Lutz & Lutz, 1939 and Lutz B. & Orton G. 1946.
Combined media on photographic paper. 80" x 55"
Le glucose est notre principale source d'énergie. Après un repas, le taux de glucose dans le sang (glycémie) augmente, ce qui entraine la sécrétion d'insuline. L'insuline est une hormone synthétisée au niveau du pancréas par des cellules dites bêta. Elle agit sur différents organes tels que les muscles, le foie ou le tissu adipeux, induisant ainsi le stockage du glucose en vue d'une utilisation future.¦Le diabète est une maladie caractérisée par un taux élevé de glucose dans le sang (hyperglycémie), résultant d'une incapacité de notre corps à utiliser ou à produire suffisamment d'insuline. A long terme, cette hyperglycémie entraîne une détérioration du système cardio-vasculaire ainsi que de nombreuses complications. On distingue principalement deux type de diabète : le diabète de type 1 et le diabète de type 2, le plus fréquent (environ 90% des cas). Bien que ces deux maladies diffèrent sur beaucoup de points, elles partagent quelques similitudes. D'une part, on décèle une diminution de la quantité de cellules bêta. Cette diminution est cependant partielle dans le cas d'un diabète de type 2, et totale dans celui d'un diabète de type 1. D'autre part, la présence dans la circulation de médiateurs de l'inflammation nommés cytokines est décelée aussi bien chez les patients de type 1 que de type 2. Les cytokines sont sécrétées lors d'une inflammation. Elles servent de moyen de communication entre les différents acteurs de l'inflammation et ont pour certaines un effet néfaste sur la survie des cellules bêta.¦L'objectif principal de ma thèse a été d'étudier en détail l'effet de petites molécules régulatrices de l'expression génique, appelées microARNs. Basé sur le fait que de nombreuses publications ont démontré que les microARNs étaient impliqués dans différentes maladies telles que le cancer, j'ai émis l'hypothèse qu'ils pouvaient également jouer un rôle important dans le développement du diabète.¦Nous avons commencé par mettre des cellules bêta en culture en présence de cytokines, imitant ainsi un environnement inflammatoire. Nous avons pu de ce fait identifier les microARNs dont les niveaux d'expression étaient modifiés. A l'aide de méthodes biochimiques, nous avons ensuite observé que la modulation de certains microARNs par les cytokines avaient des effets néfastes sur la cellule bêta : sur sa production et sa sécrétion d'insuline, ainsi que sur sa mort (apoptose). Nous avons en conséquence pu démontrer que ces petites molécules avaient un rôle important à jouer dans le dysfonctionnement des cellules bêta induit par les cytokines, aboutissant au développement du diabète.¦-¦La cellule bêta pancréatique est une cellule endocrine présente dans les îlots de Langerhans, dans le pancréas. L'insuline, une hormone sécrétée par ces cellules, joue un rôle essentiel dans la régulation de la glycémie. Le diabète se développe si le taux d'insuline relâché par les cellules bêta n'est pas suffisant pour couvrir les besoins métaboliques corporels. Le diabète de type 1, qui représente environ 5 à 10% des cas, est une maladie auto-immune qui se caractérise par une réaction inflammatoire déclenchée par notre système immunitaire envers les cellules bêta. La conséquence de cette attaque est une disparition progressive des cellules bêta. Le diabète de type 2 est, quant à lui, largement plus répandu puisqu'il représente environ 90% des cas. Des facteurs à la fois génétiques et environnementaux sont responsables d'une diminution de la sensibilité des tissus métabolisant l'insuline, ainsi que d'une réduction de la sécrétion de l'insuline par les cellules bêta, ce qui a pour conséquence le développement de la maladie. Malgré les différences entre ces deux types de diabète, ils ont pour points communs la présence d'infiltrat immunitaire et la diminution de l'état fonctionnel des cellules bêta.¦Une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes aboutissant à l'altération de la cellule bêta est primordiale, avant de pouvoir développer de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques capables de guérir cette maladie. Durant ma thèse, j'ai donc étudié l'implication de petites molécules d'ARN, régulatrices de l'expression génique, appelées microARNs, dans les conditions physiopathologiques qui aboutissent au développement du diabète. J'ai débuté mon étude par l'identification de microARNs dont le niveau d'expression était modifié lorsque les cellules bêta étaient exposées à des conditions favorisant à la fois le développement du diabète de type 1 (cytokines) et celui du diabète de type 2 (palmitate). Nous avons découvert qu'une modification de l'expression des miR-21, -34a et -146a était commune aux deux traitements. Ces changements d'expressions ont également été confirmés dans deux modèles animaux : les souris NOD qui développent un diabète s'apparentant au diabète de type 1 et les souris db/db qui développent plutôt un diabète de type 2. Puis, à l'aide de puces à ADN, nous avons comparé l'expression de microARNs chez des souris NOD pré-diabétiques. Nous avons alors retrouvé des changements au niveau de l'expression des mêmes microARNs mais également au niveau d'une famille de microARNs : les miR-29a, -29b et -29c. De manière artificielle, nous avons ensuite surexprimé ou inhibé en conditions physiopathologiques l'expression de tous ces microARNs et nous nous sommes intéressés à l'impact d'un tel changement sur différentes fonctions de la cellule bêta comme la synthèse et la sécrétion d'insulinè ainsi que leur survie. Nous avons ainsi pu démontrer que les miR-21, -34a, -29a, -29b, -29c avaient un effet délétère sur la sécrétion d'insuline et que la surexpression de tous ces microARNs (excepté le miR-21) favorisait la mort. Finalement, nous avons démontré que la plupart de ces microARNs étaient impliqués dans la régulation d'importantes voies de signalisation responsables de l'apoptose des cellules bêta telles que les voies de NFKB, BCL2 ou encore JNK.¦Par conséquent, nos résultats démontrent que les microARNs ont un rôle important à jouer dans le dysfonctionnement des cellules bêta lors de la mise en place du diabète.
Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) albitarsis Lynch-Arribalzaga, 1878 shows morphological and behavioural variations which results in it being sometimes considered as a major malaria vector and at other times as playing no important role in epidemiology. With the aim of clarifying the taxonomy of the species, comparative morphological and isoenzymatic studies were made in populations from the type-locality, Baradero, Argentina and from 9 different localities inBrazil. Morphological studies consisted of the observation of eggs in scanning electron microscopy, of complete chaetotaxy of larvae and pupae and of the detailed drawing of male and female adults. Only Guajara-Mirim and Rio Branco populations, described previously as Anopheles deaneorum sp.n., showed morphological differences. Isoenzymes were studied using 4th instar larvae homogenate and agarosegel electrophoresis. Eleven enzymatic loci were analyzed. By calculation of Nei's Genetic Distance (D), the populations could be separated into 5 groups: i)Baradero, ii)Marajo, iii)Boa Vista, iv)Angra, Itaguai and Paraipaba and v)Guajara-Mirim and Rio Branco. These groups belong to 2 major clusters called I and II, separated by D = 0.345. In the I cluster are groups i, ii and iii and in II clusteriv and v. In I, D=0.246 separates i and ii from iii, while i is separated by D =0.181 from ii. In II, D = 0.223 between iv and v. Only the population of group vcould be distinguished morphologically from the others, leading to the description of an independent species An. deaneorum.
Glutaric aciduria type I (glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency) is an inborn error of metabolism that usually manifests in infancy by an acute encephalopathic crisis and often results in permanent motor handicap. Biochemical hallmarks of this disease are elevated levels of glutarate and 3-hydroxyglutarate in blood and urine. The neuropathology of this disease is still poorly understood, as low lysine diet and carnitine supplementation do not always prevent brain damage, even in early-treated patients. We used a 3D in vitro model of rat organotypic brain cell cultures in aggregates to mimic glutaric aciduria type I by repeated administration of 1 mM glutarate or 3-hydroxyglutarate at two time points representing different developmental stages. Both metabolites were deleterious for the developing brain cells, with 3-hydroxyglutarate being the most toxic metabolite in our model. Astrocytes were the cells most strongly affected by metabolite exposure. In culture medium, we observed an up to 11-fold increase of ammonium in the culture medium with a concomitant decrease of glutamine. We further observed an increase in lactate and a concomitant decrease in glucose. Exposure to 3-hydroxyglutarate led to a significantly increased cell death rate. Thus, we propose a three step model for brain damage in glutaric aciduria type I: (i) 3-OHGA causes the death of astrocytes, (ii) deficiency of the astrocytic enzyme glutamine synthetase leads to intracerebral ammonium accumulation, and (iii) high ammonium triggers secondary death of other brain cells. These unexpected findings need to be further investigated and verified in vivo. They suggest that intracerebral ammonium accumulation might be an important target for the development of more effective treatment strategies to prevent brain damage in patients with glutaric aciduria type I.