709 resultados para Severe Mental Illness
Quality of life (QoL) and Health-related quality of life (HRQoL) are becoming one of the key outcomes of health care due to increased respect for the subjective valuations and well-being of patients and an increasing part of the ageing population living with chronic, non-fatal conditions. Preference-based HRQoL measures enable estimation of health utility, which can be useful for rational rationing, evidence-based medicine and health policy. This study aimed to compare the individual severity and public health burden of major chronic conditions in Finland, including and focusing on reliably diagnosed psychiatric conditions. The study is based on the Health 2000 survey, a representative general population survey of 8028 Finns aged 30 and over. Depressive, anxiety and alcohol use disorders were diagnosed with the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (M-CIDI). HRQoL was measured with the 15D and the EQ-5D, with 83% response rate. This study found that people with psychiatric disorders had the lowest 15D HRQoL scores at all ages, in comparison to other main groups of chronic conditions. Considering 29 individual conditions, three of the four most severe (on 15D) were psychiatric disorders; the most severe was Parkinson s disease. Of the psychiatric disorders, chronic conditions that have sometimes been considered relatively mild - dysthymia, agoraphobia, generalized anxiety disorder and social phobia - were found to be the most severe. This was explained both by the severity of the impact of these disorders on mental health domains of HRQoL, and also by the fact that decreases were widespread on most dimensions of HRQoL. Considering the public health burden of conditions, musculoskeletal disorders were associated with the largest burden, followed by psychiatric disorders. Psychiatric disorders were associated with the largest burden at younger ages. Of individual conditions, the largest burden found was for depressive disorders, followed by urinary incontinence and arthrosis of the hip and knee. The public health burden increased greatly with age, so the ageing of the Finnish population will mean that the disease burden caused by chronic conditions will increase by a quarter up to year 2040, if morbidity patterns do not change. Investigating alcohol consumption and HRQoL revealed that although abstainers had poorer HRQoL than moderate drinkers, this was mainly due to many abstainers being former drinkers and having the poorest HRQoL. Moderate drinkers did not have significantly better HRQoL than abstainers who were not former drinkers. Psychiatric disorders are associated with a large part of the non-fatal disease burden in Finland. In particular anxiety disorders appear to be more severe and have a larger public health burden than previously thought.
ABSTRACT Mental disorders and suicide attempts among acute burn patients were investigated in a collaborative research project between National Institute for Health and Welfare and Departments of Psychiatry and Plastic surgery in University of Helsinki in Finland. This project was realized in two parts. The first cohort of burn patients consisted of all burn patients admitted to the Helsinki Burn Centre during 1989 97. In this retrospective cohort, 5.7% (N=46) of the total of 811 burn patients had attempted suicide. The burn severity of suicide attempters was markedly higher than in the other burn patients. Suicide attempters were more often unemployed or on disability pension and had psychiatric history before the injury. The second sample was a prospective cohort of all acute consecutive burn patients admitted to the Helsinki Burn Centre during 18 months in 2006- 2007. All subjects (N=107) of the cohort were interviewed with the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV for Axis I and II mental disorders (SCID-I and SCID-II) at baseline and then 86 % of all (N=92) with SCID-I at the end of six-month follow-up. Most (61%) patients had at least one lifetime mental disorder before burn; 47 % substance-related, 10% psychotic and 23% personality disorders. The overall prevalence of Axis I mental disorders increased significantly from the month prior to burn to acute care but decreased significantly from acute care to six months. However, more than one half (55%) of the cohort suffered from some mental disorder during follow-up. Less than one half of the burn patients with estimated need for psychiatric care received psychiatric care. Burn severity independently and strongly predicted risk for mental disorders during follow-up and pre-burn psychiatric history, severe burns and estimated need for psychiatric care significantly predicted psychiatric care received. The proportion of patients with self-inflicted burns is not high but mental disorders are common among burn patients. Mental disorders may predispose to burns. After burn injury, more than half of the patients suffer from mental disorders and a strong relationship exists between burn severity and some post-burn mental disorders. A minority of the patients with unequivocal need for psychiatric care actually receive it. Psychiatric consultations and care follow mainly the course of acute burn treatment.
The major changes that have been witnessed in today's workplaces are challenging the mental well-being of employed people. Stress and burnout are considered to be modern epidemics, and their importance to physical health and work ability has been acknowledged world-wide. The aim of the thesis was to study the concept of burnout as a process proceeding from its antecedents, through the development of the syndrome, and to its outcomes. Several work-related factors considered antecedents of burnout were studied in different occupational groups. The syndrome of burnout is seen as consisting of three dimensions - exhaustion, cynicism and lack of professional efficacy - and different alternatives for the sequential development of these dimensions were tested. Furthermore, several indicators of the severely detrimental health and work ability outcomes of burnout were investigated in a longitudinal study design. The research questions were as follows. 1) Is burnout, as measured with the Maslach Burnout Inventory - General Survey (MBI-GS), a three-dimensional construct and how invariant is the factorial structure across occupations (Finnish) and national samples (Finnish, Swedish and Dutch)? How persistent is exhaustion over time? 2) What is the sequential process of burnout? Is it similar across occupations? How do work stressors relate to the process? 3) How does burnout relate to severe health consequences as well as temporary and chronic work disability according to hospitalization periods, sick-leave episodes and receiving disability pensions? The data were collected between 1986 and 2005. The population of the study consisted of respondents to a company-wide questionnaire survey carried out in 1996-1997 (N=9705, response rate 63%). The participants comprised 6025 blue-collar workers and 3680 white-collar workers. The majority were men (N=7494) and the average age was 43.7 years. In addition, a sample from the population had responded to a questionnaire survey in 1988, which was combined with the 1996 data to form panel data on 713 respondents. The register-based data were collected between 1986 and 2005 from 1) the company's occupational health services' records for a sample of respondents from the 1996 questionnaire survey (sick-leave data), 2) hospitalization records from the Hospital discharge register, and 3) disability pension records from the Finnish Centre for Pensions. These data were combined person by person with the 1996 questionnaire survey data with the help of personal identification numbers which were saved with the study numbers by the researchers. The results showed that burnout consists of three separate but correlating symptoms: exhaustion, cynicism and lack of professional efficacy. As a syndrome, burnout was strongly related to job stressors at work, and seemed to develop from exhaustion through cynicism to lack of professional efficacy in a similar manner among white-collar and blue-collar employees. The results also showed that exhaustion persisted even after eight years of follow-up but did not predict cynicism or lack of professional efficacy after that amount of time. Nor were job stressors longitudinally related to burnout. Longitudinal results were obtained for the severe health-related consequences of burnout. The investigated outcomes represented different phases of health deterioration ranging from sick-leaves and hospitalization periods to receiving work disability pensions. The results showed that burnout syndrome, and its elements of exhaustion and cynicism, were related to future mental and cardiovascular disorders as indicated by hospitalization periods. Burnout was also related to future sick-leave periods due to mental, cardiovascular and musculoskeletal disorders. Of the separate elements, exhaustion was related to the same three categories of disorder, cynicism to mental, musculoskeletal and digestive disorders, and lack of professional efficacy to mental and musculoskeletal disorders. Burnout also predicted receiving disability pensions due to mental and musculoskeletal disorders among initially healthy subjects. Exhaustion was related to receiving disability pensions even when self-reported chronic illness was taken into account. The results suggest that burnout is a multidimensional, chronic, work-related syndrome, which may have serious consequences for health and work ability.
Discutem-se os processos de trabalho e de produção do cuidado dos auxiliares e técnicos de enfermagem do Núcleo de Atenção à Crise do Instituto Municipal de Assistência à Saúde Nise da Silveira, no contexto da desinstitucionalização, e seus efeitos na integralidade do cuidado. O foco de análise repousa sobre o cuidado cotidiano prestado por esses profissionais nas unidades de internação psiquiátrica. Buscou-se realizar uma reflexão sobre os aspectos contemporâneos do cotidiano da assistência psiquiátrica e o papel dos hospitais psiquiátricos no atendimento aos pacientes agudos. Para tal objetivou-se, especificamente: contextualizar o IMNS no cenário de saúde mental no município do Rio de Janeiro; descrever as práticas assistenciais de auxiliares e técnicos de enfermagem no cuidado aos pacientes agudos internados; e discutir as práticas de cuidado no contexto da reorientação do modelo hospitalar e suas repercussões na integralidade da assistência em saúde, buscando contradições e aproximações com o discurso da política de saúde mental vigente. Foram abordadas na fundamentação teórica: as questões da prática da equipe de saúde sob o eixo da integralidade, em especial da equipe de enfermagem, e a relação trabalho/saúde/cotidiano na construção dos processos de trabalho e de produção do cuidado da assistência prestada. Como abordagem teórico-metodológica que possibilitou alcançar o objetivo proposto, realizou-se estudo exploratório, de natureza qualitativa, na perspectiva da cartografia, tendo na observação participante seu principal elemento de coleta de dados. O mapeamento das práticas rotineiras de cuidado evidenciou que estas são predominantemente pautadas no modelo asilar, no qual auxiliares e técnicos desempenham suas atividades diárias de modo distanciado dos pacientes e de suas necessidades. Esses profissionais não são vistos como elementos da equipe de saúde mental, e assim, desprestigiados em relação à política de formação e capacitação em saúde mental, assumem o cuidado aos pacientes institucionalizados de modo pouco estruturado, sem levar em consideração os anseios e sofrimentos dos usuários. Acolhimento, vínculo e integralidade fizeram parte do discurso oficial de reorganização da assistência, num contexto macroestrutural, mas ainda não se materializam nas práticas assistenciais da unidade de saúde pesquisada. A importância do estudo está pautada no fornecimento de subsídios para a formulação e implantação de ações que auxiliem na melhoria da gestão do trabalho em saúde mental. Sua justificativa se faz na medida em que essa área é permeada por conflitos e questões que interferem decisivamente na qualidade dos serviços prestados.
O retardo mental (RM) representa um problema de saúde pública mundial ainda negligenciado no Brasil e, em especial nas regiões mais pobres como o Nordeste. A síndrome do X frágil (SXF) é uma das formas mais estudadas de RM hereditário em seres humanos. Esta doença monogênica, de herança ligada ao X dominante, é decorrente de uma mutação no exon 1 do gene FMR1, localizado na região Xq27.3. A mutação no FMR1 se caracteriza pelo aumento de repetições de trinucleotídios CGG em tandem na região 5 UTR desse gene, sendo a expansão dessas trincas o principal evento mutacional responsável pela SXF. De maneira geral, os fenótipos cognitivos de indivíduos do sexo masculino com a síndrome incluem deficiência intelectual de moderada à grave. No presente trabalho, realizamos um estudo transversal da SXF em indivíduos portadores de retardo mental de causa desconhecida, engajados em Programas de Educação Especial e em instituições psiquiátricas de São Luís-MA, rastreando amplificações de sequências trinucleotídicas no gene FMR1. A amostra foi composta por 238 indivíduos do sexo masculino, não aparentados, na faixa etária de 4 a 60 anos (média = 21 9 anos). O DNA dos participantes foi obtido a partir de 5 mL de sangue coletados em tubos com anti-coagulante EDTA e a análise molecular da região gênica de interesse foi realizada através da reação em cadeia da polimerase, utilizando-se três primers. Dentre os indivíduos triados quanto à presença de mutações no gene FMR1, apenas um apresentou um resultado inconclusivo e 2 (0,84%) foram positivos para a SXF, sendo que um deles (3503) apresentou mais de 200 repetições CGG no locus FRAXA e o outro indivíduo (3660) apresentou uma deleção de ~197 pb envolvendo parte das repetições CGG e uma região proximal às repetições CGG. Ambos possuíam história familiar de RM ligado ao X. No indivíduo 3503 observamos as seguintes características clínicas: temperamento dócil, orelhas grandes, mandíbula proeminente e flacidez ligamentar. O indivíduo 3660 apresentava hiperatividade, contato pobre com os olhos, orelhas grandes, mandíbula proeminente, pectus excavatum, macroorquidismo e pouca comunicação. O esclarecimento sobre a doença oferecido às famílias de ambos contribuiu sobremaneira para o entendimento da condição, do prognóstico e dos riscos de recorrência. A prevalência da SXF em nossa amostra, 0,84%, embora relativamente baixa, encontra-se na faixa de incidência de casos diagnosticados em outras populações que, em sua maioria, relatam incidências variando de 0 a 3%. Em parte, atribuímos o percentual encontrado aos critérios de inclusão utilizados em nosso estudo. Concluímos que o protocolo de triagem molecular utilizado em nosso estudo se mostrou eficiente e adequado para a realidade do Maranhão, podendo constituir uma ferramenta auxiliar a ser aplicada na avaliação de rotina dos portadores de RM, com grandes benefícios para o Estado.
Grattan, J. Durand, M. Taylor, S., Illness and elevated Human Mortality in Europe Coincident with the Laki fissure eruption. In: 'Volcanic Degassing: Geological Society, Special Publication 213', Oppenheimer, C., Pyle, D.M. and Barclay, J. (eds). Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 410-414, 2003.
BACKGROUND: The HIV/AIDS epidemic is a significant public health concern in North Carolina, and previous research has pointed to elevated mental health distress and substance use among HIV-infected populations, which may impact patients' adherence to medications. The aims of this study were to describe the prevalence of mental health and substance use issues among patients of a North Carolina HIV clinic, to examine differences by demographic characteristics, and to examine factors associated with suboptimal adherence to HIV medications. METHODS: This study was a secondary analysis of clinical data routinely collected through a health behavior questionnaire at a large HIV clinic in North Carolina. We analyzed data collected from February 2011 to August 2012. RESULTS: The sample included 1,398 patients. Overall, 12.2% of patients endorsed current symptomology indicative of moderate or severe levels of depression, and 38.6% reported receiving a psychiatric diagnosis at some point in their life. Additionally, 19.1% had indications of current problematic drinking, and 8.2% reported problematic drug use. Nearly one-quarter (22.1%) reported suboptimal adherence to HIV medications. Factors associated with poor adherence included racial/ethnic minority, age less than 35 years, and indications of moderate or severe depression. LIMITATIONS: The questionnaire was not completed systematically in the clinic, which may limit generalizability, and self-reported measures may have introduced social desirability bias. CONCLUSION: Patients were willing to disclose mental health distress, substance use, and suboptimal medication adherence to providers, which highlights the importance of routinely assessing these behaviors during clinic visits. Our findings suggest that treating depression may be an effective strategy to improve adherence to HIV medications.
To examine the extent to which the illness perceptions of Oesophageal cancer survivors and the illness perceptions of their carers explain the survivors' levels of psychological distress (in terms of anxiety and depression symptoms) relative to demographic and biomedical variables and patients' coping strategies.
Everyone registered with the Oesophageal Patients' Association in the UK was mailed a questionnaire booklet containing questions about medical and demographic variables, the Illness Perception Questionnaire-Revised, the Cancer Coping Questionnaire, and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. Patients were asked to pass a modified version of the Illness Perception Questionnaire-Revised to someone they identified as a carer. Complete responses were received from 317 dyads.
Regression models indicated that the variables measured could explain 56% of the variance in anxiety and 54% of the variance in depression. Patients' illness perceptions explained the majority of this variance. Positive focus coping strategies were also found to be important in explaining psychological well-being. Some of the carers' illness perceptions made a significant contribution to the explanation of the patients' levels of psychological distress, and in some instances, carer perceptions were found to moderate the relationship between patients' perceptions and psychological distress.
The findings suggest that cognition-based interventions could potentially be most effective in minimizing emotional distress among survivors of Oesophageal cancer. This study also shows that these interventions could usefully be delivered at the level of the patient–carer dyad.
Objective: The research aimed to determine the extent to which illness cognitions and coping explain psychological distress (fear of cancer recurrence, anxiety and depression symptoms) among family carers of survivors of oesophageal cancer.
Methods: Carers of patients registered with the Oesophageal Patients' Association in the UK were mailed a questionnaire booklet containing questions about medical and demographic variables, the Illness Perception Questionnaire-Revised, the Cancer Coping Questionnaire, the Concerns about Recurrence Scale and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale.
Results: Complete responses were received from 382 family carers (75% male; mean (SD) age=62 (10.91) years). Regression models indicated that the variables measured could explain between 35 and 49% of the variance in psychological distress among carers. Illness cognitions (particularly perceptions of the cause of, consequences of and personal control over oesophageal cancer and the carer's understanding of the condition) explained the majority of this variance. Positive focus coping strategies were also found to be important in explaining psychological distress.
Conclusion: The results of this study are consistent with previous research demonstrating that illness cognitions are significant correlates of adaptive outcomes, thereby suggesting that cognition-based interventions could potentially be effective in minimizing emotional distress among family carers of oesophageal cancer survivors.
To determine whether the proposed 7-factor structure of the Illness Perception Questionnaire-Revised (Timeline Acute/Chronic, Timeline Cyclical, Consequences, Personal Control, Treatment Control, Illness Coherence and Emotional Representations) is appropriate among a population of oesophageal cancer survivors.
Everyone registered with the Oesophageal Patients’ Association in the UK (n=2185) was mailed a questionnaire booklet which included the Illness Perception Questionnaire-Revised. Responses from 587 oesophageal cancer survivors (27%) were subjected to a confirmatory factor analysis.
The proposed 7 factor structure provided a reasonable fit of the data. Modification indices suggested that a significantly better fit could be provided if one of the items on the Timeline Acute/Chronic factor loaded on the Treatment Control factor and an error covariance was added between 2 other items on the Timeline Acute/Chronic factor.
The model fit for the 7 factor structure proposed by Moss-Morris et al. (2002) was found to be adequate in our study. However, the structure of the timeline acute/chronic factor needs to be considered, particularly when the IPQ-R is to be used among older people with a potentially life-threatening illness or those receiving palliative care.
Hippocampus and amygdala changes have been implicated in the pathophysiology and symptomatology of both schizophrenia (SCZ) and bipolar disorder (BD). However relationships between illness course, neuropathological changes and variations in symptomatology remain unclear. This investigation examined the associations between hippocampus and amygdala volumes and symptom dimensions in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder patients after their first episode of psychosis. Symptom severity was associated with decreases in hippocampus/amygdala complex volume across groups. In keeping with previous work bilateral hippocampus and amygdala volume reductions were also identified in the SCZ patients while in BD patients only evidence of amygdala inflation reached significance. The study concludes that there appear to be important relationships between volume changes in the hippocampus and amygdala and dimensions and severity of symptomatology in psychosis. Structural alterations are apparent in both SCZ and BD after first episode of psychosis but present differently in each illness and are more severe in SCZ.
Background: Clinical trials have shown the benefits of cholinesterase inhibitors for the treatment of mild-to-moderate Alzheimer's disease. It is not known whether treatment benefits continue after the progression to moderate-to-severe disease. Methods: We assigned 295 community-dwelling patients who had been treated with donepezil for at least 3 months and who had moderate or severe Alzheimer's disease (a score of 5 to 13 on the Standardized Mini-Mental State Examination [SMMSE, on which scores range from 0 to 30, with higher scores indicating better cognitive function]) to continue donepezil, discontinue donepezil, discontinue donepezil and start memantine, or continue donepezil and start memantine. Patients received the study treatment for 52 weeks. The coprimary outcomes were scores on the SMMSE and on the Bristol Activities of Daily Living Scale (BADLS, on which scores range from 0 to 60, with higher scores indicating greater impairment). The minimum clinically important differences were 1.4 points on the SMMSE and 3.5 points on the BADLS.
Results: Patients assigned to continue donepezil, as compared with those assigned to discontinue donepezil, had a score on the SMMSE that was higher by an average of 1.9 points (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.3 to 2.5) and a score on the BADLS that was lower (indicating less impairment) by 3.0 points (95% CI, 1.8 to 4.3) (P<0.001 for both comparisons). Patients assigned to receive memantine, as compared with those assigned to receive memantine placebo, had a score on the SMMSE that was an average of 1.2 points higher (95% CI, 0.6 to 1.8; P<0.001) and a score on the BADLS that was 1.5 points lower (95% CI, 0.3 to 2.8; P = 0.02). The efficacy of donepezil and of memantine did not differ significantly in the presence or absence of the other. There were no significant benefits of the combination of donepezil and memantine over donepezil alone.
Conclusions: In patients with moderate or severe Alzheimer's disease, continued treatment with donepezil was associated with cognitive benefits that exceeded the minimum clinically important difference and with significant functional benefits over the course of 12 months. (Funded by the U.K. Medical Research Council and the U.K. Alzheimer's Society; Current Controlled Trials number, ISRCTN49545035).
Objectives: The objectives of this study were to compare behaviour problems and competencies, at home and school, in 7-year-old children with congenital heart disease with a sibling control group, to examine the prospective determinants of outcome from infancy, and to explore whether any gains were maintained in our sub-group of children who had participated in a previous trial of psychological interventions in infancy.
Methods: A total of 40 children who had undergone surgery to correct or palliate a significant congenital heart defect in infancy were compared (Child Behavior Checklist) with a nearest-age sibling control group (18 participants). Comparisons were made between sub-groups of children and families who had and had not participated in an early intervention trial.
Results: Problems with attention, thought and social problems, and limitations in activity and school competencies, were found in comparison with siblings. Teacher reports were consistent with parents, although problems were of a lower magnitude. Disease, surgical, and neurodevelopmental functioning in infancy were related to competence outcomes but not behaviour problems. The latter were mediated by family and maternal mental health profiles from infancy. Limited, but encouraging, gains were maintained in the sub-group that had participated in the early intervention programme.
Conclusions: The present study is strengthened by its longitudinal design, use of teacher informants, and sibling control group. The patterns of problems and limitations discerned, and differential determinants thereof, have clear implications for interventions. We consider these in the light of our previously reported intervention trial with this sample and current outcomes at the 7-year follow-up.
In addition to physical health risks, it has been postulated that hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) - severe and persistent nausea and vomiting during pregnancy - can adversely affect maternal mental health and maternal-fetal attachment.
Background: Congenital heart disease can have a negative impact on both infant development and maternal adjustment. This study considered the impact of a new programme of early psychosocial interventions on such outcomes, following the birth of a child with severe congenital heart disease.
Methods: Seventy infants and their mothers were assigned to an intervention or control group based on order of presentation to the unit. Interventions aimed at bolstering mother–infant transactions, through psychoeducation, parent skills training and narrative therapy techniques were implemented.
Results: Clinically and statistically signi?cant gains were observed at 6-month follow-up on the mental (but not the psychomotor) scale of the Bayleys-II. Positive gains were also manifested on feeding practices, maternal anxiety, worry and appraisal of their situation.
Conclusions: A programme of generalizable psychosocial interventions is shown to have a positive impact on the infant with severe congenital heart disease and the mother.