999 resultados para Serviço Público Federal


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If urban planning is to support the equitable distribution of public goods and services, it must recognize and address the dismal condition of millions of poor people who are living in a city. The primary focus of contemporary planners and planning students should be on finding and advocating solutions that help eliminate the problems of today¿s cities. Any meaningful solution will need to be grounded in a thorough understanding of the social class inequities of citizens. With the rapid development of national economy and urbanization process in Brazil over the last two decades, the number of vehicles and their travels are dramatically increased. This is particularly evident in all large cities. Traffic congestion becomes more and more severe. Inadequate parking facilities often result in difficulty to find a parking space in large cities and many illegally parked vehicles can be seen on the crowed streets. These illegally parked vehicles further intensify traffic congestion and also pose a traffic safety hazard. The process of urbanization and motorization in Brazil is likely to continue in a rapid pace. The urban public passengers transport modes problems in large cities are likely to get even worse. There is an urgent need for the development of policy and criteria for public service of urban public passenger transport by bus in large cities. The purpose of survey is to develop policy guidelines for public transport services planning, design, construction and mobility management, that meet community needs for accessibility in large cities. So this thesis will present major comparative characteristics of urban mobility management, urban public passengers transport by bus services planning and the quality of social life in two towns of Brazil: Rio de Janeiro and Curitiba. The study case has been focused on Rio de Janeiro and Curitiba because of the major different results of the survey presented by the two cities. The objectives of this thesis are: a) to analyze and discus existing urban mobility related accessibility and economic development problems in large cities; b) to provide an overview of the relationship within city ¿ quality of social life ¿ urban mobility in Rio and Curitiba; c) to analyze and discuss existing urban mobility management related public transport services in Rio and Curitiba; d) to analyze and discuss existing quality of bus public transport services problems in Rio. Some preliminary recommendations for mobility management policies will also be presented.


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No desenvolvimento da administração pública brasileira destacam-se significativas iniciativas de melhoria da qualidade do gasto público. O referido assunto tem figurado em inúmeras discussões em ambiente público e acadêmico e enseja uma oportunidade de otimização da ação pública por meio do controle efetivo de seus custos. Desde a década de 60 a gestão pública brasileira anseia pela implementação de um sistema capaz de apresentar as faces do custo bem como monitorar as atividades da gestão em termos de sua relação custo x benefício. Entretanto somente a partir da primeira década do século XXI surgem ações concretas com a pretensão de avançar em direção a um modelo de sistema de custos a ser adotado pela administração pública e seus diversos órgãos e entidades. Para tanto, este trabalho se propõe a pesquisar este processo de implementação bem como descrever as interfaces com os demais subsistemas de gestão. Esta pesquisa foi fundamentada em experiências nacionais e internacionais de implementação de sistemas de custos visando a compreensão das bases que nortearam a criação e implantação do modelo brasileiro. O objetivo portanto é a busca de subsídios que tem o propósito de clarificar a iniciativa do Ministério da Fazenda quanto à implementação deste sistema, que corrobora com as determinações legais expressas e com a necessidade premente de aumentar a qualidade do gasto público.


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Este trabalho é um estudo de caso sobre o uso do orçamento público como instrumento de gestão, abordando a evolução do instituto do orçamento desde o seu surgimento até a aplicação das técnicas modernas atuais nos países mais avançados na matéria orçamentária. Foi traçado um paralelo com o desenvolvimento do orçamento no Brasil, focando principalmente as mudanças introduzidas pela Constituição Federal de 1988 nas finanças do governo e a proposta de transformação das organizações públicas em virtude da reforma administrativa em 1995. A organização estudada foi a Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, órgão de ciência e tecnologia em saúde, dedicado à pesquisa, formação de recursos humanos, produção de imunobiológicos e medicamentos, e à prestação de serviços de referência. Constatou-se que o orçamento é utilizado no planejamento de seus objetivos e metas, não se restringindo apenas ao cumprimento das normas emanadas pelo governo federal. Entretanto, por ser uma experiência nova, implantada há apenas cinco anos, necessita ser aprimorada.


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O objetivo deste trabalho é esclarecer em que medida o orçamento é utilizado como instrumento de gestão no âmbito da Polícia Federal. Para isso, foram estudados os principais conceitos relacionados ao assunto, bem como diversos documentos, entre eles as leis orçamentárias de 2007 a 2011 e a Carta de Serviços ao Cidadão elaborada pelo órgão, ferramenta de gestão concebida pelo Programa Nacional de Gestão Pública e Desburocratização (Gespública). Ainda, foram realizadas entrevistas com os dirigentes da instituição (gestão 2007/2010), sendo que se procedeu a uma amostragem não probabilística, tendo em vista a facilidade de acesso ao alto escalão da instituição. A pesquisa valeu-se de procedimentos de cunho qualitativo e teve por intuito explorar cenários do ponto de vista dos atores envolvidos. Verificou-se que, na teoria, o órgão busca alinhar o seu orçamento com o planejamento estratégico e os serviços prestados à sociedade. Contudo, na prática, esse desejo ainda não virou realidade, sendo que a prática do incrementalismo – o orçamento é elaborado com ajustes no orçamento do ano anterior – ainda é encontrada no órgão. A conclusão é que na Polícia Federal o sentido das decisões orçamentárias tem por início os meios e por fim os resultados. Portanto, seu orçamento pouco atua como instrumento de gestão. Por outro lado, deve-se reconhecer o avanço do órgão no aumento do fluxo de informações na esfera orçamentária com diminuição de decisões conflitantes, o que reflete em maior harmonia entre os setores da instituição.


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No Brasil, a sociedade observa atônita a corrupção, o descaso com o dinheiro público e a prestação de serviços essenciais, que ficam aquém de suas expectativas. Para que haja mudanças no setor público, torna-se imprescindível a adoção de boas práticas de governança que promovam a adequação dos serviços prestados, de forma que possam se tornar mais eficientes e eficazes. Nessa seara, incluem-se as instituições provedoras de segurança pública, que, para cumprir suas atribuições, precisam estar bem equipadas, possuir recursos humanos suficientes e apresentar uma gestão íntegra, transparente e responsável. Nesse contexto, esta dissertação teve como objetivo diagnosticar as práticas de gestão da Polícia Federal e compará-las aos padrões de boa governança no setor público recomendados pelo Estudo 13 do PSC/IFAC. Os resultados demonstraram que grande parte das práticas de gestão adotadas pela Polícia Federal apresenta-se em conformidade com as boas práticas de governança sugeridas no referido Estudo. Destacaram-se positivamente as práticas relacionadas a padrões de comportamento e a estruturas e processos organizacionais. Por outro lado, constatou-se a inexistência de um código de conduta próprio e a ausência de treinamento inicial do membro do grupo governante, quando de sua nomeação ou durante seu mandato. Quanto às práticas de gestão relacionadas a controle, foram diagnosticadas falhas em gestão de riscos, em decorrência da falta de aplicação em todos os objetivos organizacionais. Comportamento semelhante foi observado no controle interno, que, apesar de ser constantemente monitorado, não pode ser avaliado quanto à adequação e efetividade. Quanto às práticas relativas a relatórios externos, constatou-se que a instituição elabora relatórios equilibrados, transparentes e de fácil compreensão, em conformidade com a legislação vigente e padrões contábeis. Entretanto, a Polícia Federal não demonstrou expressamente o cumprimento de códigos de governança, tampouco empregou indicadores de desempenho suficientes para mostrar que os recursos vêm sendo usados com eficiência. Concluiu-se que a Polícia Federal adota boas práticas de gestão, mas ainda pode implementar outras recomendações de boa governança, contribuindo para que o país caminhe para atingir a excelência na gestão dos recursos públicos e assuma uma posição de destaque no cenário internacional.


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O trabalho de conclusão de curso tem como objetivo central a análise crítica da Lei Complementar nº 105 de 2001- que autoriza a Receita Federal do Brasil a quebrar diretamente o sigilo bancário dos contribuintes, com base em possíveis indícios de omissões, fraudes e simulações- como meio hábil para coibir o crime de sonegação fiscal. A partir dessa análise, vamos testar a hipótese de que nenhum agente público pode determinar a quebra das informações bancárias de um contribuinte, sem a prévia autorização do Poder Judiciário. O artigo tem três partes. Na primeira, os principais conceitos que envolvem o sigilo bancário e as possíveis exceções à quebra do sigilo bancário são descritas e discutidas. A partir do exame conceitual, vamos estudar a correlação desse assunto com o combate à sonegação fiscal e a afirmação do princípio da transparência fiscal na comunidade internacional. Na última parte, somos chamados a estudar a opinião da Suprema Corte quanto ao objeto do presente trabalho. A conclusão a que se chega é a de que os agentes públicos não podem obter as referidas informações sem prévia autorização de um juiz. Contudo, a matéria apesar de muito antiga, ainda é polêmica para a doutrina e a jurisprudência. Além disso, a alteração na composição do Supremo Tribunal Federal, de 2010 para 2015, pode indicar uma mudança também no entendimento dos magistrados quanto ao assunto.


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In this work we have analyzed the political commitment of the social assistance sponsored by the Bradesco Foundation in João Pessoa. This Foundation is a private institution of public interest that provides social assistance to low income populations all over Brazil. This kind of work is one of the oldest management initiatives in what is actually referred to as managers` social responsibility. This thesis assumes that managers who are in fact socially responsible should guide their actions by the principles of social democracy, so that everyone can enjoy citizens` social freedom, and guarantee their rights as well as the political awareness of social actors. Analysis of documents and a qualitative approach have been applied to the pedagogical Project of the Foundation, as well as phenomenology to study the social profile of their students. The analysis of the pedagogical project as well as the students` standpoint towards life reveals that the Bradesco Foundation is indeed committed to the social efficacy of its students. The educational proposal of the organization includes those elements that are required for teenagers` education envisaging participative citizenship. The teenagers` speech reveals that they have developed the project identity, being therefore able to take part in the process of political transformation of our time. The results indicate that the Bradesco Foundation not only guarantees some of the basic social rights for the healthy development of those who attend their courses, but also sponsors a high level education providing both a technical and a political formation


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The present study analyzes the expansion of Brazilian superior education, investigating how the public and the private sectors are inserted in this process, taking as analysis dimensions the philanthropic actions, the democratization and the mercantilism. The study had for general objective to analyze the dynamics of the expansion of superior education in Brazil, investigating how it configures the overlap between the public and the private in this process. More specifically was tried: a) to understand the process of participation of the non-state public, state and private sectors with lucrative goals in the expansion of superior education; b) to analyze the limits between the democratization and mercantilism in the process of expansion of superior education; c) to analyze the mechanisms that express the privatization in the process of expansion of superior education; d) to investigate, in a program of the government, how is materialized the overlap between the public and the private, in the expansion of superior education. In the development of the study, was adopted as theoretician and methodological way a historical and critical perspective, because is considered it allows to understand the mediations between the inquiry subject and the historical context in which it is developed, allowing, this way, the true explanation of the studied object. About the technician procedures, it was adopted documentary and bibliographical research. Also, secondary data were searched on the main governmental web sites (INEP, SISPROUNI, INEP, PNUD; IBGE) which produce statistics on superior education and sponsors of private institutions of superior education, as example ABMES and the Court of Accounts of the Union, amongst others. The study results had delineated a picture that allows to evidence that has been occurring, in the country, a process of expansion of superior education, marked for the articulated participation of the public state, private with lucrative ends and private without lucrative ends sectors, but it is distinguished in recent years the prevalence of the private sector with lucrative ends. In result, it is concluded that this process of expansion cannot be considered as dimension of the democratization because it occurs by means that move it away from the education as a right to be placed in the scope of the market, changing the right into a service that is appropriated by mercantile relations


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This study aims to identify the concepts of professional nursing team on assistance in urgency and psychiatric emergencies in SAMU in Mossoró/RN, identifying the difficulties in implementing an emergency assistance to the user in psychiatric distress in this service and point strategies in pursuit of consolidation and expansion of comprehensive health care to the public. It is a descriptive research with qualitative and exploratory approach. The subjects were employees of the nursing staff of SAMU of that mentioned municipality. Semi-structured interviews are applied as tool for data collection. It was counted on the consent of the institution where the study was developed and approval by the Ethics Committee in Research of UFRN with CAAE No 17326513.0.0000.5537, besides signing the Informed Free Consent Term by the participants. Data analysis was done by means of thematic analysis proposed by Bardin. Thus , as a result of the research produced the following categories: mechanistic practice; dehumanization of care; need for qualification, barriers to assistance in urgency and psychiatric emergency and strategies in pursuit of comprehensive care, which proceeded in preparing two articles entitled "Nursing care to the emergency room and psychiatric emergencies in the mobile emergency care service" and "Barriers for emergency service and psychiatric emergencies in the mobile emergency care service". In the studied reality it was identified that nursing care offered to users in situations of urgency and psychiatric emergency is made based primarily on the use of chemical and physical restraints, as well as transportation to the general hospital, constantly using the police force support, which meets the guidelines of the Psychiatric Reform and thereby undermining the provision of an effective and humane care. This scenario is worsened by the lack of an organized network of services in mental health, where after the service the user is taken to a general hospital, considering that there is no ready or appropriate psychiatric emergency service as a Center of Psychosocial Care - CAPs III to reference it, thereby precluding the realization of a resolute and comprehensive care. Thus, it is concluded that nursing care is based on biologicist and medicine-centered model advocated by classical psychiatry, and that despite all the advances in psychiatric reform, still guides the mental health care, so the lack of service network organized in hierarchical and mental health, where the user in urgency and emergency service can be watched in full and the guidelines of the psychiatric reform can be realized in practice


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The research aimed identify how the quality of services provided by Casa de Apoio à Criança com Câncer Durval Paiva is perceived by its users, giving an opportunity of improve their performance in social services provision pointing out the failures experienced, the institution will have the user as a important partner in fails identification, serving as a subsidy to the actions of correction and improvement to such situations demands. With this work implementation will be observed contributions that will permeate to the fields of theory and practice, enabling progress and enrichment on the subject. The theoretical contribution is observed as this work execution will provide greater advance about the models developed for the third sector. The proposed work will raise awareness issues about the full potential of the social economy, with regard to the quality of services provided by organizations, allowing a better definition of priorities on their development. The study addressed three issues: identifying the people that receive support of the Casa Durval Paiva, identifying what is the level of satisfaction of families served and evaluate the services provided by Casa Durval Paiva that demand improvements in the perception of families assisted. Found a demand for services has been found that the institution has a multidisciplinary team with a high level of professionalism, and supervised with students of various educational institutions and many volunteers to complement the actions of individual professionals. Was measured a high satisfaction of users of the services provided by Casa Durval Paiva


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The information tecnology (IT) has, over the years, gaining prominence as a strategic element and competitive edge in organizations, public or private. In the judiciary, with the implementation of actions related to Judiciário Eletrônico, information technology (IT), definitely earns its status as a strategic element and significantly raises the level of dependence of the organs of their services and products. Increasingly, the quality of services provided by IT has direct impact on the quality of services provided by the agency as a whole. The Ministério Público do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte (MPRN) deployments shares of Electronic Government, along with an administrative reform, beyond these issues raised, caused a large increase in institutional demand for products and services provided by the Diretoria de Tecnologia da Informação (DTI), a sector responsible for the provision of IT services. Taking as starting point strategic goal set by MPRN to reach a 85% level of user satisfaction in four years, we seek to propose a method that assists in meeting the goal, respecting the capacity constraints of the IT sector. To achieve the proposed objective, we conducted a work in two distinct and complementary stages. In the first step we conducted a case study in MPRN, in which, through an internal and external diagnosis of DTI, accomplished by an action of internal consulting and one research of the user satisfaction, we seek to identify opportunities of change seeking to raise the quality perceived of the services provided by the DTI , from the viewpoint of their customers. The situational report, drawn from the data collected, fostered changes in DTI, which were then evaluated with the managers. In the second stage, with the results obtained in the initial process, empirical observation, evaluation of side projects of quality improvement in the sector, and validation with the managers, of the initial model, we developed an improved process, gazing beyond the identification of gaps in service a strategy for the selection of best management practices and deployment of these, in a incremental and adaptive way, allowing the application of the process in organs with little staff allocated to the provision of information technology services


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Health policies in Brazil, the decentralization of SUS management responsibilities for the three spheres of government has driven the creation and regulation of the audits of health services in the National Audit Office, this is a trend of neoliberal policies imposed by international bodies like the World Bank and IMF to peripheral countries characterized by productive restructuring and reforming the state focuses on the presence of two competing projects in the area of health: Health Sector Reform Project which is based on the democratic rule of law with the assumption of health as social right and duty of the State in defending the extension of the conquest of rights and democratization of access to health care guaranteed through the public financing strategies and the effective decentralization of decisions pervaded by social control and privatized Health Project which is based on the state minimum, with a reduction in social spending or in partnerships and privatization, stronger nonprofit sector, subject to capitalist interests, is made effective through strategies targeting health policy and refilantropização actions. In this context, the present study is an analysis on the work of social audits of public health in infants from a qualitative and quantitative approach, embodied by the critical method of dialectical Marxist social theory that enabled us to unveil the characterization, the demands, challenges and outline the profile of Social Work in teams inserted audits of SUS in RN, but also provided evidence to demonstrate the prospects and possibilities of this area of activity of social workers. It was also found that through the audit work that the state fulfill its role as bureaucratic and regulator of health services with efficiency, effectiveness and economy. Yet, paradoxically, the audits of SUS may provide a vehicle for enforcing rights and ensuring the fundamental principles contained in the project of health reform, because it can be configured in a space of political struggle as representing a new field of knowledge production that needs to be appropriate for a theoretical critic able to redirect the social interests in favor of the user. From this perspective, it is concluded that the work of social audits of public health in infants despite the social relevance that prints, as they constitute an activity study of reality and its transformation proposition requires a transformative political action guided the discussion Marxist theory holds that the ethical project professional politician of Social Work


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It analyses the approach given by health professionals (social workers, nurses and doctors) against woman violence at the Medical Unities of Felipe Camarão and Quintas of the City of Natal and searches to identify if the domestic violence is (in)visible at the Public Health Assistance System attendance. and It refers to the grandiosity of this violence and its consequences to the women health, recognizing it as a public health problem. To the comprehension of the relationship between violent acts against women and their health serious damages, exposes the battle history of the feminist movements and the brazilian women, demonstrating the visibility acquired by theses conquests of the questions related to the women and how the gender study becomes the central category to (re) think the social relations involving women and men, specially, the violent relationships between them. It analyses, mainly, those practiced by the husbands, partners, boyfriends or lovers. It refers, at the end, about the public politics of violence combat adopted at police stations at health centers, showing the difficulties to establish the legislation that exists to combat the violence suffered by the women that look for assistance at the health unities. It intends, with this way, to give more visibility to the domestic questions at the marital relations and ask attention from the public power and health professionals between them, the social worker to the (in) visibility of this problems at the attendances practiced