779 resultados para Satisfação total no trabalho - Total job satisfaction


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We examine the relationship between atmospheric and water pollution, traffic congestion, access to parkland and personal well-being using a survey administered across six Chinese cities in 2007. In contrast to existing studies of well-being determinants by economists which typically employ single-item indicators, we use the Personal Well-being Index (PWI). We also employ the Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS) to measure job satisfaction, which is one of the variables for which we control when examining the relationship between environmental surroundings and personal well-being. Previous research by psychologists has shown the PWI and JSS to have good psychometric properties in western and Chinese samples. A robust finding is that in cities with higher levels of atmospheric pollution and traffic congestion, respondents report lower levels of personal well-being ceteris paribus. Specifically, we find that a one standard deviation increase in suspended particles or sulphur dioxide emissions is roughly equivalent to a 12-13% reduction in average monthly income in the six cities. © 2010 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.


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Portfolio careers in medicine can be defined as significant involvement in one or more portfolios of activity beyond a practitioner's primary clinical role, either concurrently or in sequence. Portfolio occupations may include medical education, research, administration, legal medicine, the arts, engineering, business and consulting, leadership, politics and entrepreneurship. Despite significant interest among junior doctors, portfolios are poorly integrated with prevocational and speciality training programs in Australia. The present paper seeks to explore this issue. More formal systems for portfolio careers in Australia have the potential to increase job satisfaction, flexibility and retention, as well as diversify trainee skill sets. Although there are numerous benefits from involvement in portfolio careers, there are also risks to the trainee, employing health service and workforce modelling. Formalising pathways to portfolio careers relies on assessing stakeholder interest, enhancing flexibility in training programs, developing support programs, mentorship and coaching schemes and improving support structures in health services.


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Aims: The purpose of this study was to describe the formal preparation nursing graduates are given throughout their first year of nursing in terms of educational structure and content of work-based year-long graduate nurse programs, from the perspectives of Graduate Nurse Program Coordinators. Background: In Australia, graduate nurse programs aim to provide a supportive learning environment, assisting nursing graduates in applying their theory to practice and supporting them in becoming safe, competent and responsible professionals. Internationally, research has demonstrated an increase in the job satisfaction and more importantly retention rates of newly qualified nurses who are supported in their first year of employment in some type of transition program. Method: Using a descriptive qualitative approach, individual semi-structured interviews were used. These interviews were audio recorded, transcribed verbatim and thematically analysed to reveal themes and sub-themes. Results: The interviews provided an insight into the various aspects of preparation that nursing graduates are given in their first year of practice with the main theme to emerge from analysis, nature of transition programs. The three subthemes associated with nature of transition programs consisted of composition of rotations and study days and supernumerary strategies. Findings indicate variation in pedagogical models underpinning graduate nurse programs across Victoria. Clinical rotations varied between three to twelve months, the number of study days offered were between four and thirteen days and there was variation in supernumerary time and strategies within the programs investigated.


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AIM: This study examined the relationships between the personality traits of conscientiousness, openness and extraversion at trait and facet-levels and three indicators of work role performance; proficiency, 'adaptivity' and proactivity measured at individual, team and organisational levels. BACKGROUND: This is one of the first studies to explore the relationship between personality, measured at trait and facet-level and performance using a comprehensive range of performance indicators. METHOD: An online survey of 393 nurses from health-care organisations across Australia was conducted to test hypothesised relationships. RESULTS: Path analyses revealed numerous relationships between personality, measured at both trait and facet-levels, and work role performance. Conscientiousness was highlighted as the strongest driver of work role performance across all the indicators, with extraversion also strongly associated with work role performance. Openness to experience, previously considered a week predictor of performance, was, when examined at the facet-level, related to all of the work role performance indicators. CONCLUSIONS: Results suggests a bandwidth effect, where the personality traits drive global performance while the facets drive specific performance. IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING MANAGEMENT: Better understanding of the relationship between personality and work role performance will help nurse managers to foster the fit between individual and organisation, improving job satisfaction, engagement, retention and performance in role.


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OBJECTIVES: Equity and fairness at work are associated with a range of organizational and health outcomes. Past research suggests that workers with disabilities experience inequity in the workplace. It is difficult to conclude whether the presence of disability is the reason for perceived unfair treatment due to the possible confounding of effect estimates by other demographic or socioeconomic factors. METHODS: The data source was the Household, Income, and Labor Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) survey (2001-2012). Propensity for disability was calculated from logistic models including gender, age, education, country of birth, and father's occupational skill level as predictors. We then used nearest neighbor (on propensity score) matched analysis to match workers with disabilities to workers without disability. RESULTS: Results suggest that disability is independently associated with lower fairness of pay after controlling for confounding factors in the propensity score matched analysis; although results do suggest less than half a standard deviation difference, indicating small effects. Similar results were apparent in standard multivariable regression models and alternative propensity score analyses (stratification, covariate adjustment using the propensity score, and inverse probability of treatment weighting). CONCLUSIONS: Whilst neither multivariable regression nor propensity scores adjust for unmeasured confounding, and there remains the potential for other biases, similar results for the two methodological approaches to confounder adjustment provide some confidence of an independent association of disability with perceived unfairness of pay. Based on this, we suggest that the disparity in the perceived fairness of pay between people with and without disabilities may be explained by worse treatment of people with disabilities in the workplace.


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In addition to extending the empirical investigation of the relationship between transformational leadership and follower affective commitment to the Chinese hospitality industry, this study makes a theoretical contribution by investigating the influence of individually held cultural values on this relationship. Building on previous research which has examined whether collectivism moderates the transformational leadership/affective commitment relationship, this study investigates the moderating effects of two additional cultural value orientations, namely power distance and uncertainty avoidance. Hierarchical regression analysis was utilized to analyse survey data from 398 employees of four Chinese hotels in Zhejiang Province. In addition to finding a positive relationship between transformational leadership and affective commitment, data analysis revealed that followers low in power distance exhibited higher levels of affective commitment when working under a transformational leader than those high in power distance. In addition, followers high in uncertainty avoidance and collectivism exhibited greater commitment when working under a transformational leader than those low in uncertainty avoidance and collectivism. These findings clearly indicate the importance of within-country cultural differences to the effectiveness of leaders in the workplace. © 2014 © 2013 Taylor & Francis.


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Based on insights from social exchange and social identity theories, this paper examines the influence of three dimensions of socially responsible human resource management (SR-HRM), namely legal compliance HRM, employee-oriented HRM and general CSR facilitation HRM, on employees' organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB). Structural equation modelling of dyadic data collected from Chinese employees and their direct supervisors in three phases revealed that whilst organizational identification fully mediated the relationship between employee-oriented HRM and employee OCB, general CSR facilitation HRM had a direct effect on employee OCB. In contrast, legal compliance HRM neither influenced employee OCB directly, nor indirectly through organizational identification. The findings highlight the important but complex role played by SR-HRM in eliciting positive employee work outcomes, and contribute to our knowledge of the mechanisms underlying this relationship.


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© 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. So-called servant leaders strive selflessly and altruistically to assist others before themselves, work to develop their followers' greatest potential, and seek to benefit the wider community. This article examines the trust-based mechanisms by which servant leadership influences organizational commitment in the Chinese public sector, using data from a survey of civil servants. Quantitative analysis shows that servant leadership strongly influences affective and normative commitment, while having no impact on continuance commitment. Furthermore, we find that affective trust rather than cognitive trust is the mechanism by which servant leadership induces higher levels of commitment. Our findings suggest that in a time of decreasing confidence levels in public leaders, servant leadership behaviour may be used to re-establish trust and create legitimacy for the Chinese civil service.


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Objetivo: Analisar as características sociodemográficas, ocupacionais e de saúde clínica/comportamental, e o impacto desses fatores na avaliação da qualidade de vida de professores da rede municipal de Natal/RN. Métodos: Estudo descritivo-analítico com corte transversal e amostra de 242 docentes. Foram utilizados os questionários Whoqol-breve e nórdico, além de questões referentes ao trabalho do Job Content Questionnaire (JCQ). Os dados foram submetidos à análise estatística com nível de significância p<0,05, sendo utilizada a regressão logística binária, para análise de fatores hierarquicamente agrupados. Resultados: O domínio físico apresentou maior comprometimento entre os professores com trabalho de alta exigência (p=0,043), com mais de 02 diagnósticos de doenças (p < 0,001), atividade física inadequada (p= 0,001) e com sintomas osteomusculares (p=0.025); o domínio psicológico entre os docentes com trabalho de alta exigência (p=0,043), com carga horária maior que 28 horas semanais (p=0,034), com mais de 02 doenças (p=0,012) e que praticavam atividade física inadequadamente (p< 0,001); o de relações sociais com tempo de trabalho inferior/igual a 18 anos (p=0,036) e que residiam em bairro diferente do que trabalhavam (p=0,027); e, por último, o domínio meio ambiente apresentou maior comprometimento entre os docentes com carga horária superior a 28 horas semanais (p=0,025), que exerciam a atividade com tempo inferior/igual a 18 anos (p=0,013) e com sintomas osteomusculares (p= 0,002). Conclusões: Os professores apresentaram uma avaliação comprometida da qualidade de vida e do seu estado de saúde, tendo as atividades laborais desenvolvidas por esse grupo de trabalhadores um impacto importante sobre os resultados demonstrados. Tais achados podem comprometer a efetivação da proposta das escolas promotora de saúde


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Die Literatur zu Arbeitszufriedenheit zeigt, dass die Bedeutung verschiedener Komponenten der Arbeitszufriedenheit zwischen einzelnen Kulturkreisen schwankt. Um diese unterschiedlichen Befunde zu erklären, bietet die "Affective Events Theory" einen Erklärungsrahmen an, der den Einfluss affektiver Erlebnisse auf verschiedene Einstellungskomponenten abbildet. Diese Studie hatte zum Ziel, bei Beschäftigten mit unterschiedlichen kulturellen Hintergründen, den Einfluss von "daily hassles" auf Empfindungen und verschiedene Komponenten der Arbeitszufriedenheit zu untersuchen. Da sich bei Mitgliedern independenter und interdependenter Kulturen verschiedene Interpretationen der gleichen Situationen finden, die anschließend zu unterschiedlichen affektiven und kognitive Reaktionen führen, wurden insgesamt 244 Beschäftigte aus Deutschland (independent) und Japan (interdependent) befragt. Sie erinnerten selbst erlebte, berufliche "daily hassles" hinsichtlich der kognitiven Dimensionen "Verursacher" und "Kontrollierbarkeit" und gaben ihre Reaktionen auf Fragebögen an. Allgemeine Arbeitszufriedenheit wurde als Konstrukt konzipiert, das aus einer affektiven und einer kognitiven Komponente besteht. Es wurde vermutet, dass die Befragten abhängig vom kulturellen Hintergrund und der kognitiven Struktur der "daily hassles" unterschiedliche Empfindungen zeigen, die die affektiven und kognitiven Komponenten der Arbeitszufriedenheit unterschiedlich beeinflussen. Zudem wurde angenommen, dass allgemeine Arbeitszufriedenheit im jeweiligen Kulturkreis durch diese beiden Komponenten unterschiedlich stark beeinflusst wird. Die Ergebnisse der Regressionsanalysen eines grafischen Kettenmodells konnten diese Annahmen zum großen Teil bestätigen: in independenten Kulturkreisen erweist sich allgemeine Arbeitszufriedenheit als ein aus zwei Komponenten bestehendes Konstrukt mit einer kognitiven und einer affektiven Komponente; in interdependenten Kulturen hingegen entspricht allgemeine Arbeitszufriedenheit vornehmlich einer affektiven Komponente. Es zeigte sich, dass die affektive Komponente in beiden Kulturkreisen durch unterschiedliche Empfindungen beeinflusst wird. Auf den ersten Blick gleiche, berufliche Ereignisse werden abhängig vom kulturellen Hintergrund unterschiedlich interpretiert und lösen differierende Empfindungen aus. Diese beeinflussen ihrerseits verschiedene Komponenten der Arbeitszufriedenheit unterschiedlich. Entgegen dem aktuellen Stand der Literatur spiegeln Angaben zu allgemeiner Arbeitszufriedenheit somit nicht ein universell einheitliches (kognitives) Phänomen wider sondern sind abhängig vom kulturellen Hintergrund unterschiedlich stark affektiv besetzt.


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The aim of this prospective cohort study was to identify modifiable protective factors of the progression of acute/subacute low back pain (LBP) to the persistent state at an early stage to reduce the socioeconomic burden of persistent LBP. Patients attending a health practitioner for acute/subacute LBP were assessed at baseline addressing occupational, personal and psychosocial factors, and followed up over 12 weeks. Pearson correlations were calculated between these baseline factors and the presence of nonpersistent LBP at 12-week follow-up. For those factors found to be significant, multivariate logistic regression analyses were performed. The final 3-predictor model included job satisfaction, mental health and social support. The accuracy of the model was 72%, with 81% of nonpersistent and 60% of persistent LBP patients correctly identified. Further research is necessary to confirm the role of different types of social support regarding their prognostic influence on the development of persistent LBP.


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Several elements influence the meanings of work: the basic psychological processes of aging; the cohort or generation of the worker; the ecology of the work itself; and the larger social context of managing the risks of aging. This article discusses the meaning of work across the lifespan, and then reviews each of these elements to describe the meanings of work for older workers. The authors summarize data from multiple sources to answer several related questions: Why do older workers continue to work—beyond the solely monetary motivation? How do older workers' meanings of work vary by financial, health, job satisfaction, familial, or workplace concerns? What are the implications of these findings for employers and employees?