975 resultados para Rituais e performances


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Résumé Les mutations du gène APP (amyloïde de la protéine de précurseur) sur le chromosome 21 mènent à une surproduction de protéines β amyloïdes dans la maladie d'Alzheimer (MA). Il existe donc un consensus impliquant la cascade amyloïde dans la genèse et le développement de la MA. C'est pourquoi, afin d'évaluer l'hypothèse de la cascade inflammatoire de la MA, on combine des manipulations génétiques chez des modèles de souris transgéniques avec des traitements anti-inflammatoires. Les animaux porteurs d'une mutation génétique induite permettent d'évaluer le rôle de certains gènes dans le développement de la maladie. Pour ce faire j'ai étudié les performances de différentes cohortes de souris soumises à un ensemble de trois épreuves comportementales complémentaires ; la première étudiant les conduites exploratoires, la deuxième évaluant la capacité de l'animal à effectuer un apprentissage de lieu et la troisième explorant l'efficacité des animaux dans une tâche dite d'élimination. Enfin, une évaluation complémentaire a été fondée sur le répertoire des troubles du comportement des animaux. Chez les animaux APP homozygotes, l'organisation de la mémoire se dégrade et se modifie avec l'âge. Chez ces animaux, le déficit des mémoires de références et de travail se manifeste déjà chez les souris jeunes (dès l'âge de 50 jours).De plus, il est apparu un certain nombre de troubles comportementaux. Enfin les APP homozygotes sont ceux qui ont le plus de dépôt de plaques amyloïdes localisé dans l'hippocampe. Chez les animaux APP hétérozygotes, tant la mémoire de référence, utilisée au cours d'un apprentissage de lieu, que la mémoire de travail permettant d'éviter des bras déjà visités, ne sont affectées que chez les sujets de 15 mois. De plus, tous les troubles du comportement sont présents à 15 mois, mais de manière moins intense que chez les animaux APP homozygotes. Un traitement anti-TNF administré aux APP hétérozygotes n'a pas permis d'améliorer leur performance mais a un effet bénéfique sur les troubles du comportement. Enfin, le pourcentage des dépôts de plaques a été estimé à trois fois moins élevé chez ces animaux hétérozygotes de 16 mois que chez les APP homozygotes de 8 mois. Chez les animaux APP hétérozygotes dont le gène TNFα est bloqué, les mémoires de travail et de référence sont altérées déjà à l'âge de 6 mois, en dépit du blocage de l'expression de TNF. Ces jeunes animaux ont même une capacité cognitive inférieure à celle des animaux hétérozygotes APP, en gardant toutefois leur activité et performance exploratoires intactes. Ainsi, il semble que le blocage de l'expression du gène TNFα chez des souris APP n'influence pas leurs capacités cognitives mais permet, d'une part, d'éviter l'apparition des troubles du comportement et d'autre part, ralentit le processus du déclin cognitif. Enfin, le pourcentage de plaques amyloïdes a été évalué à deux fois plus élevés pour les KO TNF-α APP hétérozygotes de 15 mois par rapport à des APP hétérozygotes sans traitement du même âge. Chez les animaux APP hétérozygotes surexprimant le TNFα, cette association génétique péjore la performance cognitive comparée à celle des APP homozygotes. Ces animaux ont une altération des mémoires de travail et de référence équivalente à celle retrouvée chez des APP homozygotes. Un traitement anti-inflammatoire administré à ces souris n'améliore pas la capacité cognitive mais permet d'une part, d'éviter l'apparition des troubles comportementaux, et d'autre part, d'entraîner la presque disparition des plaques amyloïdes. Abstract Mutations on the amyloid precursor protein (APP) gene on chromosome 21 lead to an overproduction of β amyloid in both human early onset familial Alzheimer's Disease (AD) and transgenic (TG) mice. On the other hand, inflammatory responses in the brain seem to contribute to the genesis and evolution of neurodegenerative damage. To study the influence of inflammatory factors - especially TNFα - on brain amyloid and behavioural components, TG mice expressing mutant amyloid precursor protein were treated with anti-TNFα antibody and compared with controls injected with PBS buffer or human globulins, as well as with APP mice knockout for the TNFα gene. The APP/V717 mutation leads to a brain deposit of amyloid and to significant behavioural deficits in both homozygous at different ages and heterozygous only at 15 months. The percentage of amyloid is almost triple in APP+/+ than in APP+/- animals, indicating a gene dosage effect. There is no significant effect of an anti-TNF treatment on the deposit of brain amyloid nor spatial learning capabilities. Transgenic mice show also stereotyped behaviour but the anti-TNF treatment decreases the production of stereotypies. The blockade of gene TNFα seems several cognitive alterations and increases the production of amyloid in APP mice at 15 months; but this combination allows to avoid the appearance of stereotyped behavior and in addition, the process of the cognitive decline slows down. Tg6074 mice (overexpressing TNF) increase deleterious effects on behavioural adaptive resources. Treatment with anti-TNF doesn't show changes in cognitive performances but seems to increase the production of amyloid and the stereotyped behaviour.


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Hemoglobin concentration is one of the principal factors of aerobic power and, consequently, of performance in many types of physical activities. The use of recombinant human erythropoietin is, therefore, particularly powerful for improving the physical performances of patients, and, more generally, improving their quality of life. This article discusses procedures for monitoring recombinant erythropoietin and its analogues in doping for athletic performance.


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The performances of two rapid tests and a standard serological test for the diagnosis of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) were compared using sera from 193 patients with VL and 85 controls. The Kala-Azar Detect®, IT-LEISH® and IFI-LH® assays showed sensitivities of 88.1%, 93.3% and 88.6%, respectively, and specificities of 90.6%, 96.5% and 80%, respectively. The sensitivity values were similar for both rapid tests, but the specificity and positive predictive values of IT-LEISH® were higher than the corresponding values for IFI-LH®. Both rapid tests showed satisfactory performances and can be used in primary health care settings; however, IT-LEISH® permits the use of whole blood, making this assay more suitable for bedside diagnosis.


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Objectives: Our aim was to study the brain regions involved in a divided attention tracking task related to driving in occasional cannabis smokers. In addition we assessed the relationship between THC levels in whole blood and changes in brain activity, behavioural and psychomotor performances. Methods: Twenty-one smokers participated to two independent cross-over fMRI experiments before and after smoking cannabis and a placebo. The paradigm was based on a visuo-motor tracking task, alternating active tracking blocks with passive tracking viewing and rest condition. Half of the active tracking conditions included randomly presented traffic lights as distractors. Blood samples were taken at regular intervals to determine the time-profiles of the major cannabinoids. Their levels during the fMRI experiments were interpolated from concentrations measured by GCMS/ MS just before and after brain imaging. Results: Behavioural data, such as the discard between target and cursor, the time of correct tracking and the reaction time during traffic lights appearance showed a statistical significant impairment of subject s skills due to THC intoxication. Highest THC blood concentrations were measured soon after smoking and ranged between 28.8 and 167.9 ng/ml. These concentrations reached values of a few ng/ml during the fMRI. fMRI results pointed out that under the effect of THC, high order visual areas (V3d) and Intraparietal sulcus (IPS) showed an higher activation compared to the control condition. The opposite comparison showed a decrease of activation during the THC condition in the anterior cingulate gyrus and orbitofrontal areas. In these locations, the BOLD showed a negative correlation with the THC level. Conclusion: Acute cannabis smoking significantly impairs performances and brain activity during active tracking tasks, partly reorganizing the recruitment of brain areas of the attention network. Neural activity in the anterior cingulate might be responsible of the changes in the cognitive controls required in our divided attention task.


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Introduction Music performance anxiety (MPA, often referred to as "stage fright") is one of the leading severe medical problems among musicians. For about 15-25% of musicians MPA is a serious problem. Particularly high levels of MPA are observed among music students. Musical performance can induce negative emotions, including anxiety, which in some individuals can approach extreme levels of terror and take the form of panic attack, impair the quality of the performance, lead to avoidance of performance situations, and consequently have debilitating effects on the career. Coping efforts used by musicians in their attempts to manage MPA, such as sedatives, alcohol, and β-blockers can have deleterious health side-effects. Music ranks high in the cultural and economic life of Switzerland. In ten university music schools, students from all around the world are educated to become professional musicians. Despite the importance of musical education in Switzerland, data concerning the phenomenon of MPA are largely lacking. Goal and Methods The main goal of this research was to survey the occurrence, experience, and management of MPA among full-time music students in French Swiss conservatories. A questionnaire was developed based on the literature and interviews with music students and teachers and distributed to all the students of the conservatories of Fribourg, Geneva, Lausanne, and Neuchâtel in the spring 2007. 194 students (61% women) returned the questionnaire. Results The size of the problem: MPA is a major problem for 1/3 of the students (ranks 3 and 4). The consequences of MPA: 22% and 35% of the students think that they have failed exams and auditions, respectively, because of MPA. Further, 25% of the students have already avoided performing and 11% have interrupted public performances because of MPA. Coping with MPA: 90% of the students have never used alcohol prior to performing, whereas 97% and 81%, respectively, have never used recreation drugs and medication. The majority of students use relaxation exercises, respiratory exercises, and meditation techniques to prepare themselves. About ¾ of the students think that the use of alcohol and recreational drugs to manage MPA is never justified. 53% of the students think that the use of medication is justified on some occasions. Need for information and support: 66% of the students would like to receive more support and help to cope with music performance situations. This support should mainly come from their teachers and specialists. 53% of the students know nothing or little about possible means for the management of MPA. About 50% consider themselves not at all or little informed about the possible risks associated with the consumption of alcohol, recreational drugs, and medication for the management of performance situations. 89% would like to know more about MPA and 94% think that this topic should be discussed much more in their musical education at the conservatory. Conclusions The results of this survey indicate that MPA is a major problem for 1/3 of the students with serious consequences on their career. There is a huge need for more information and support on how to manage the stress due to performance situations. The use of alcohol, recreational drugs, and medication is modest but the students are poorly informed about possible side-effects of these coping strategies. It seems clear that more should be done in the French Swiss conservatories about music performance anxiety to inform, educate, and prepare the students for their future professional career.


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Alzheimer's disease is a frequent neurodegenerative disease, which affects more than one third of elderly persons over 80 years. No curative treatment is currently available for this disease, but symptomatic treatments have produced significant improvements in patients' condition. Cholinesterase inhibitors should be prescribed for early and moderate stages and memantine for more severe stages of the disease. These drugs have an impact on cognitive performances, may delay functional decline and improve behaviour disturbances. From a preventive perspective, evidence of benefit from early management of vascular risk factors is accumulating. In the near future, the improved comprehension of the underlying mechanisms of Alzheimer's disease will hopefully bring new treatments, thats will delay or modify its course.


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Background: Current guidelines underline the limitations of existing instruments to assess fitness to drive and the poor adaptability of batteries of neuropsychological tests in primary care settings. Aims: To provide a free, reliable, transparent computer based instrument capable of detecting effects of age or drugs on visual processing and cognitive functions. Methods: Relying on systematic reviews of neuropsychological tests and driving performances, we conceived four new computed tasks measuring: visual processing (Task1), movement attention shift (Task2), executive response, alerting and orientation gain (Task3), and spatial memory (Task4). We then planned five studies to test MedDrive's reliability and validity. Study-1 defined instructions and learning functions collecting data from 105 senior drivers attending an automobile club course. Study-2 assessed concurrent validity for detecting minor cognitive impairment (MCI) against useful field of view (UFOV) on 120 new senior drivers. Study-3 collected data from 200 healthy drivers aged 20-90 to model age related normal cognitive decline. Study-4 measured MedDrive's reliability having 21 healthy volunteers repeat tests five times. Study-5 tested MedDrive's responsiveness to alcohol in a randomised, double-blinded, placebo, crossover, dose-response validation trial including 20 young healthy volunteers. Results: Instructions were well understood and accepted by all senior drivers. Measures of visual processing (Task1) showed better performances than the UFOV in detecting MCI (ROC 0.770 vs. 0.620; p=0.048). MedDrive was capable of explaining 43.4% of changes occurring with natural cognitive decline. In young healthy drivers, learning effects became negligible from the third session onwards for all tasks except for dual tasking (ICC=0.769). All measures except alerting and orientation gain were affected by blood alcohol concentrations. Finally, MedDrive was able to explain 29.3% of potential causes of swerving on the driving simulator. Discussion and conclusions: MedDrive reveals improved performances compared to existing computed neuropsychological tasks. It shows promising results both for clinical and research purposes.


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den Dunnen et al. [den Dunnen, W.F.A., Brouwer, W.H., Bijlard, E., Kamphuis, J., van Linschoten, K., Eggens-Meijer, E., Holstege, G., 2008. No disease in the brain of a 115-year-old woman. Neurobiol. Aging] had the opportunity to follow up the cognitive functioning of one of the world's oldest woman during the last 3 years of her life. They performed two neuropsychological evaluations at age 112 and 115 that revealed a striking preservation of immediate recall abilities and orientation. In contrast, working memory, retrieval from semantic memory and mental arithmetic performances declined after age 112. Overall, only a one-point decrease of MMSE score occurred (from 27 to 26) reflecting the remarkable preservation of cognitive abilities. The neuropathological assessment showed few neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) in the hippocampal formation compatible with Braak staging II, absence of amyloid deposits and other types of neurodegenerative lesions as well as preservation of neuron numbers in locus coeruleus. This finding was related to a striking paucity of Alzheimer disease (AD)-related lesions in the hippocampal formation. The present report parallels the early descriptions of rare "supernormal" centenarians supporting the dissociation between brain aging and AD processes. In conjunction with recent stereological analyses in cases aged from 90 to 102 years, it also points to the marked resistance of the hippocampal formation to the degenerative process in this age group and possible dissociation between the occurrence of slight cognitive deficits and development of AD-related pathologic changes in neocortical areas. This work is discussed in the context of current efforts to identify the biological and genetic parameters of human longevity.


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We report the performances of a double focusing magnetic beta spectrometer. The energy resolution was measured using conversion peaks of Cs-137 and Ba-133 at 0.73% for 624 keV, and 1.33% for 124 keV. The counting efficiency as a function of the energy was estimated using a P-32 source and was used to correct the measured spectra of Cs-137. The result was compared with the theoretical spectrum and we found a good agreement.


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BACKGROUND: The European Guidelines specify a minimum of 5,000 screening cases to be read yearly by radiologists carrying out second reading in non-centralized programs. This professional requirement is difficult to reach and/or to implement in regional programs covering a sparse population with a high number of participating radiology units, so that alternative blind double reading strategies must be devised. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect on breast cancer screening performances of two second reading strategies used in non-centralized, low-volume programs. METHODS: Reading performances in two Swiss regional breast cancer screening programs (cantons of Wallis and Vaud), covering female populations, aged 50-69, of about 31'000 and 72'000 inhabitants were computed and compared. Both programs had similar screening regimens and organizations, but differed with respect to second reading. One setting applied a selective strategy whereby only experienced radiologists performed second reading; the other elicited not to restrict second readers on the basis of their individual screening activity. Analysis included some 140,000 mammograms performed between 1999 and 2005. RESULTS: Overall, screening performances improved with increasing total volume of reading, albeit not in a linear fashion. Regardless of setting, radiologists attained a higher level of screening accuracy when performing second rather than first readings, and incident rather than prevalent screening cases. The effect of a selective, small group of second readers appeared to impact favorably on the false-positive rate and other indicators of screening quality. As the learning curve depends on the number of mammograms read, these distinct strategies may bear different outcome in the long run. Implications and practical issues for low-volume programs are discussed.


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The 2008 Data Fusion Contest organized by the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Data Fusion Technical Committee deals with the classification of high-resolution hyperspectral data from an urban area. Unlike in the previous issues of the contest, the goal was not only to identify the best algorithm but also to provide a collaborative effort: The decision fusion of the best individual algorithms was aiming at further improving the classification performances, and the best algorithms were ranked according to their relative contribution to the decision fusion. This paper presents the five awarded algorithms and the conclusions of the contest, stressing the importance of decision fusion, dimension reduction, and supervised classification methods, such as neural networks and support vector machines.


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BACKGROUND Health-related quality of life (HRQoL) is gaining importance as a valuable outcome measure in oral cancer area. The aim of this study was to assess the general and oral HRQoL of oral and oropharyngeal cancer patients 6 or more months after treatment and compare them with a population free from this disease. METHODS A cross-sectional study was carried out with patients treated for oral cancer at least 6 months post-treatment and a gender and age group matched control group. HRQoL was measured with the 12-Item Short Form Health Survey (SF-12); oral HRQoL (OHRQoL) was evaluated using the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14) and the Oral Impacts on Daily Performances (OIDP). Multivariable regression models assessed the association between the outcomes (SF-12, OHIP-14 and OIDP) and the exposure (patients versus controls), adjusting for sex, age, social class, functional tooth units and presence of illness. RESULTS For patients (n = 142) and controls (n = 142), 64.1% were males. The mean age was 65.2 (standard deviation (sd): 12.9) years in patients and 67.5 (sd: 13.7) years in controls. Patients had worse SF-12 Physical Component Summary scores than controls even in fully the adjusted model [β-coefficient = -0.11 (95% CI: -5.12-(-0.16)]. The differences in SF-12 Mental Component Summary were not statistically significant. Regarding OHRQoL patients had 11.63 (95% CI: 6.77-20.01) higher odds for the OHIP-14 and 21.26 (95% CI: 11.54-39.13) higher odds for OIDP of being in a worse category of OHRQoL compared to controls in the fully adjusted model. CONCLUSION At least 6 months after treatment, oral cancer patients had worse OHRQoL, worse physical HRQoL and similar psychological HRQoL than the general population.


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In the first part of this research, three stages were stated for a program to increase the information extracted from ink evidence and maximise its usefulness to the criminal and civil justice system. These stages are (a) develop a standard methodology for analysing ink samples by high-performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC) in reproducible way, when ink samples are analysed at different time, locations and by different examiners; (b) compare automatically and objectively ink samples; and (c) define and evaluate theoretical framework for the use of ink evidence in forensic context. This report focuses on the second of the three stages. Using the calibration and acquisition process described in the previous report, mathematical algorithms are proposed to automatically and objectively compare ink samples. The performances of these algorithms are systematically studied for various chemical and forensic conditions using standard performance tests commonly used in biometrics studies. The results show that different algorithms are best suited for different tasks. Finally, this report demonstrates how modern analytical and computer technology can be used in the field of ink examination and how tools developed and successfully applied in other fields of forensic science can help maximising its impact within the field of questioned documents.


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Introduction : Driving is a complex everyday task requiring mechanisms of perception, attention, learning, memory, decision making and action control, thus indicating that involves numerous and varied brain networks. If many data have been accumulated over time about the effects of alcohol consumption on driving capability, much less is known about the role of other psychoactive substances, such as cannabis (Chang et al.2007, Ramaekers et al, 2006). Indeed, the solicited brain areas during safe driving which could be affected by cannabis exposure have not yet been clearly identified. Our aim is to study these brain regions during a tracking task related to driving skills and to evaluate the modulation due to the tolerance of cannabis effects. Methods : Eight non-smoker control subjects participated to an fMRI experiment based on a visuo-motor tracking task, alternating active tracking blocks with passive tracking viewing and rest condition. Half of the active tracking conditions included randomly presented traffic lights as distractors. Subjects were asked to track with a joystick with their right hand and to press a button with their left index at each appearance of a distractor. Four smoking subjects participated to the same fMRI sessions once before and once after smoking cannabis and a placebo in two independent cross-over experiments. We quantified the performance of the subjects by measuring the precision of the behavioural responses (i.e. percentage of time of correct tracking and reaction times to distractors). Functional MRI data were acquired using on a 3.0T Siemens Trio system equipped with a 32-channel head coil. BOLD signals will be obtained with a gradient-echo EPI sequence (TR=2s, TE=30ms, FoV=216mm, FA=90°, matrix size 72×72, 32 slices, thickness 3mm). Preprocessing, single subject analysis and group statistics were conducted on SPM8b. Results were thresholded at p<0.05 (FWE corrected) and at k>30 for spatial extent. Results : Behavioural results showed a significant impairment in task and cognitive test performance of the subjects after cannabis inhalation when comparing their tracking accuracy either to the controls subjects or to their performances before the inhalation or after the placebo inhalation (p<0.001 corrected). In controls, fMRI BOLD analysis of the active tracking condition compared to the passive one revealed networks of polymodal areas in superior frontal and parietal cortex dealing with attention and visuo-spatial coordination. In accordance to what is known of the visual and sensory motor networks we found activations in V4, frontal eye-field, right middle frontal gyrus, intra-parietal sulcus, temporo-parietal junction, premotor and sensory-motor cortex. The presence of distractors added a significant activation in the precuneus. Preliminary results on cannabis smokers in the acute phase, compared either to themselves before the cannabis inhalation or to control subjects, showed a decreased activation in large portions of the frontal and parietal attention network during the simple tracking task, but greater involvement of precuneus, of the superior part of intraparietal sulcus and middle frontal gyrus bilaterally when distractors were present in the task. Conclusions : Our preliminary results suggest that acute cannabis smoking alters performances and brain activity during active tracking tasks, partly reorganizing the recruitment of brain areas of the attention network.


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BACKGROUND: The Pulmonary Embolism Severity Index (PESI) estimates the risk of 30-day mortality in patients with acute pulmonary embolism (PE). We constructed a simplified version of the PESI. METHODS: The study retrospectively developed a simplified PESI clinical prediction rule for estimating the risk of 30-day mortality in a derivation cohort of Spanish outpatients. Simplified and original PESI performances were compared in the derivation cohort. The simplified PESI underwent retrospective external validation in an independent multinational cohort (Registro Informatizado de la Enfermedad Tromboembólica [RIETE] cohort) of outpatients. RESULTS: In the derivation data set, univariate logistic regression of the original 11 PESI variables led to the removal of variables that did not reach statistical significance and subsequently produced the simplified PESI that contained the variables of age, cancer, chronic cardiopulmonary disease, heart rate, systolic blood pressure, and oxyhemoglobin saturation levels. The prognostic accuracy of the original and simplified PESI scores did not differ (area under the curve, 0.75 [95% confidence interval (CI), 0.69-0.80]). The 305 of 995 patients (30.7%) who were classified as low risk by the simplified PESI had a 30-day mortality of 1.0% (95% CI, 0.0%-2.1%) compared with 10.9% (8.5%-13.2%) in the high-risk group. In the RIETE validation cohort, 2569 of 7106 patients (36.2%) who were classified as low risk by the simplified PESI had a 30-day mortality of 1.1% (95% CI, 0.7%-1.5%) compared with 8.9% (8.1%-9.8%) in the high-risk group. CONCLUSION: The simplified PESI has similar prognostic accuracy and clinical utility and greater ease of use compared with the original PESI.