864 resultados para Ramsar and World Heritage


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Esta investigación se centra en la Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) como organización política. Intenta responder dos interrogantes primordiales: 1) ¿cómo la FIFA ha constituido el poder que tiene actualmente y, así, hacerse del monopolio indiscutido del fútbol? Y 2) ¿cómo ha cambiado en el tiempo la política interna de FIFA y su vínculo con la política internacional? Para lograr esto, se realiza un estudio histórico, basado principalmente en documentos, que intenta caracterizar y analizar los cambios de la organización en el tiempo. Se enfatizan las últimas dos presidencias de FIFA, de João Havelange y Joseph Blatter, como casos de estudio.


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El t??tulo aparece en espa??ol y, a continuaci??n, el t??tulo traducido al ingl??s: ???Education and Modern Heritage: the individual and the Room of One's Own'


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The first protective activities of historical and archaeological heritage in the province of Girona (Catalonia, Spain), although some earlier precedents, were produced from the third decade of the nineteenth century. These arose as a reaction to this terrible destruction suffered as a result of the introduction of the liberal state and the disappearance of several regular orders. Preservationists actions were carried out by some pseudo-public entities, which acted at the request of local authorities. These entities include the the Diputación Arqueológica, the Sociedad de Amigos del País and the Comisión de Monumentos. These corporations, with significant human and economic constraints, began activities as important as the beginning of the excavations of the site of Ampurias, the formation of a provincial museum in Girona and the restoration of the monastery of Ripoll.


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A época atual exige que a escola se reformule e se adapte às exigências locais, nacionais e mundiais com as quais se confronta. O professor, ator principal das mudanças requeridas, vê aumentar significativamente as suas funções, necessitando de uma formação que corresponda às suas necessidades e que terá de efetivar ao longo de toda a sua vida profissional. Contudo, a formação proposta pelos centros de formação nem sempre se afigura a mais adequada. Para mudar, a escola precisa de lideranças fortes que apostem numa formação que vá ao encontro das necessidades sentidas e tente dar respostas eficazes. Tendo por base estes pressupostos, o presente projeto pretende investigar, no contexto particular de uma determinada escola, o modo como a(s) lideranças promovem uma dinâmica de escola aprendente e dinamizam formações que correspondam às necessidades sentidas. Este estudo permite-nos concluir que a(s) liderança(s) é um dos fatores que influencia fortemente o plano de formação, muito embora não seja o único. O entendimento que a(s) lideranças têm da formação, do desenvolvimento profissional e do futuro da escola, condiciona fortemente a dinâmica de escola que aprende. Decorrente da visão sobre a formação na escola alvo deste estudo, construiu-se um plano de ação de formação que assenta na criação de uma equipa de formação, team-teaching, centrada na escola, trabalhando colaborativamente, para dar início ao que poderá ser a solução para o problema identificado: uma formação que responda efetivamente e eficazmente às necessidades de formação dos professores da escola para fazer face às exigências da escola atual. Assim, partindo do team-teaching no departamento de línguas, tentar-se-á alargar a experiência e criar as bases para uma formação que promova a dinâmica de escola aprendente.


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Sociomuseology expresses a considerable amount of the effort made to suit museological facilities to the conditions of contemporary society. The process of opening up the museum, as well as its organic relation with the social context that infuses it with life, has resulted in the need to structure and clarify the relations, notions and concepts that may define this process. Sociomuseology is thus a scientific field of teaching, research and performance which emphasizes the articulation of museology, in particular, with the areas of knowledge covered by Human Sciences, Development Studies, Services Science, and Urban and Rural Planning. The multidisciplinary approach of Sociomuseology aims to strengthen the acknowledgement of museology as a resource for the sustainable development of Humanity, based on equal opportunities as well as social and economic inclusion. Sociomuseology bases its social intervention on mankind’s cultural and natural heritage, both tangible and intangible. What characterizes Sociomuseology is not so much the nature of its premises and its goals, as is the case with other areas of knowledge, but the interdisciplinary focus which makes it draw on perfectly consolidated areas of knowledge and relate them with Museology itself.


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“…we have to take into account the fact that museology and museums are two completely different things.” Martin R. Shärer[1] In the 20th century, growing populations produced a growing body of heritage. The transmission of this heritage to succeeding generations coalesced into three major modern institutions: universities, library/archives and museums. Traditional systems of social and cultural memory had become overloaded and therefore evolved conceptually. This evolution took place within the primary context of a naturally occurring museology through the process I call museogenesis. The term museogenesis refers to the origin and development of museological thought in a specific cultural context. By museological thought, I refer to ideas and theories surrounding the parameters of “the natural and cultural heritage, the activities concerned with the preservation and communication of this heritage, the institutional frame-work, and society as a whole” (Mensch 1992). This broadly inclusive definition relates museology to another broadly defined concept: cultural context. By cultural context, I refer to the “webs of significance and systems of meaning which is the collective property of a group” (Geertz 1973). [1] ICOFOM Study Series – ISS 34, 2003, ISS 34_03.pdf, p.7


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Considering the principles of the National Museum Policy, created in 2003, the Brazilian Museums Institute – Ibram supports and encourages the development of museum practices and processes aimed at rewriting the history of social groups which were deprived of the right to narrate and exhibit their memories and their heritage. As effective action, in 2008, the Department of Museums and Cultural Centres (Demu/Iphan) – which gave rise to Ibram in January 2009 – started the Memory Hotspots Programme, with the main goal of fostering wide popular participation in matters related to social memory and museums. The Memory Hotspots Programme was inspired in and directly influenced by the Ministry of Culture/MinC, which created the National Programme for Culture, Education and Citizenship (Living Culture). The purpose of this Programme is to contribute to make society conquer spaces, exchange experiences and develop initiatives that foster culture and citizenship, in a proactive manner. The partnership struck between civil society and the state power gave rise to Culture Hotspots, inspired in the anthropological “do-in” concept, idealized by the then Minster Gilberto Gil.


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Diante dos avanços da Nova Museologia, as propostas educativas no âmbito dos museus também precisam ser renovadas. O conceito de Ecomuseu nos remete ao trabalho do educador Celestín Freinet, que ao fazer educação através de quatro eixos fundamentais – cooperação, afectividade, comunicação e registro – trabalha os principais aspectos do fazer museológico na relação museu e sociedade. Assim, o presente trabalho pretende discutir a aplicabilidade da Pedagogia Freinet na realidade dos Ecomuseus e, no futuro, construir uma metodologia de trabalho efectiva voltada para a formação de cidadãos comprometidos com a preservação da memória e do património comunitário.


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Todas las previsiones sobre la economía mundial han sido rebajadas, reflejando la pérdida de dinamismo del crecimientó en los Estados Unidos y el traslado de dicha tendencia al resto del mundo, por los canales comerciales y financieros. Las promesas de la nueva economía respecto del fin de los ciclos no se han cumplido y los mercados financieros siguen caracterizados por una elevada volatilidad. A pesar de las reducciones de las tasas de interés y de los impuestos, se mantiene abierto el debate sobre los escenarios que enfrentaría la economía norteamericana y mundial. con la amenaza de una crisis de proporciones.


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Este texto toma por objeto el conjunto de la obra de Eugenio Espejo (Quito, 1747-1795) para recorrer en ella su complejo sistema de desdoblamientos, proyecciones y ocultamientos –fundamentados en el mecanismo del anónimo– que la ubican como el caso más interesante y significativo de las letras ecuatorianas en lo que se refiere a la génesis autoral. El propósito de Landázuri es sintetizar y ordenar la información existente sobre los procedimientos de desdoblamiento o anonimato visibles en la obra de Espejo y tratar de comprenderlos a la luz de los mecanismos discursivos del barroco, enfrentados –o asimilados– en el paradigma dieciochesco de la Ilustración. Para ello, acude a las tesis de Bolívar Echeverría sobre el “ethos barroco” y sus relaciones con la concepción de modernidad, lo cual sin duda permite una comprensión bastante amplia de lo que ocurre en la obra y cosmovisión de Espejo como síntesis y caso significativo de su época.


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When it comes to human rights, the first thoughts that come to mind are the rights to life, liberty or equality, among others, which possess the concept of being fundamental. Commonly, culture and heritage are not usually considered as rights; however, as well as there is the right to own legal identity, there is also the right to enjoy a cultural identity. This paper deals precisely with the study of culture and cultural heritage as a human right. Cultural heritage’s meaning concept is analyzed, its enclosure between fundamental rights and the way that it should be protected, essentially by the State. The Ecuadorian case is also analyzed around their legislation and cultural management, in order to assess the treatment that this right has been received in the country.


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The aim is to discuss the main legal criteria developed in Argentina in regard to cultural and architectural heritage protection through the analysis of five court decisions and their main protection techniques. The goal is to raise awareness about the critical role of civil society in the protection and promotion of heritage and cultural values. The attempt is to highlight the importance of judge’s active role as a major figure in the field.


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The conditions for soil development in the lowland tropics are described, in particular the soil-forming factors, climate, parent material, topography and organisms, and their interactions through time. Of particular importance is the climate of the lowland tropics, which has a major influence on the nature of soil development because of high temperatures and the duration of the periods when the soil is moist. The nature of the parent material is also a major determinant of the nature of the soil. Because soil development has taken place in much of the tropics over long time periods, the soils have distinctive characteristics. Soil-forming processes are described briefly, in particular the nature of the weathering of the inorganic fraction of the soil, and the removal of soluble materials in leaching and the translocation of materials in suspension. Typical soils developed in the humid and seasonally moist tropics are briefly described, and comparisons made between the two most widely used international soil classifications, Soil Taxonomy and World Reference Base for Soil Resources. Some of the other soils found within the tropics are briefly described.


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The Internet has an increasing role in facilitating communication between people and groups of people. As access to the Internet and World Wide Web is widely available, collaborative services enabled over the Internet are also burgeoning. In this paper, we present the current issues and our techniques for developing collaborative social software. We discuss online communities in the context of social collaborative systems. We then describe our approach to the development of supporting software for online communities and collaboration.


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This paper demonstrates that recent influential contributions to monetary policy imply an emerging consensus whereby neither rigid rules nor complete discretion are found optimal. Instead, middle-ground monetary regimes based on rules (operative under 'normal' circumstances) to anchor inflation expectations over the long run, but designed with enough flexibility to mitigate the short-run effect of shocks (with communicated discretion in 'exceptional' circumstances temporarily overriding these rules), are gaining support in theoretical models and policy formulation and implementation. The opposition of 'rules versus discretion' has, thus, reappeared as the synthesis of 'rules cum discretion', in essence as inflation-forecast targeting. But such synthesis is not without major theoretical problems, as we argue in this contribution. Furthermore, the very recent real-world events have made it obvious that the inflation targeting strategy of monetary policy, which rests upon the new consensus paradigm in modern macroeconomics is at best a 'fair weather' model. In the turbulent economic climate of highly unstable inflation, deep financial crisis and world-wide, abrupt economic slowdown nowadays this approach needs serious rethinking to say the least, if not abandoning it altogether