999 resultados para Ramón Jiménez


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Se analizaron las muertes registradas como homicidio en México de 1979-1992. El estudio se basó en fuente secundaria, siendo las variables analizadas: año, edad, sexo y causa externa de traumatismos y envenenamientos según CIE IX Rev.(E960-E969). Se utilizó un modelo de regresión Poisson para las causas más frecuentes, obteniendo riesgos relativos según edad y sexo. El grupo de referencia fue el de 10-14 años y el sexo femenino. Se registraron 198,485 muertes por Homicidio, con un promedio anual de 14,177 y diario de 39. La principal causa fue ataque con arma de fuego y explosivos(56%). El riesgo relativo más alto fue para el grupo de 35-39 años, con RR 15,4 IC(95%) 14,9-16,0, en comparación al de referencia. El sexo masculino presentó un riesgo relativo 10,1 veces mayor que el femenino, ajustado por edad IC10.0-10.3. Los resultados llaman la atención sobre la necesidad de profundizar y analizar el problema de los homicidios bajo una perspectiva multidisciplinaria.


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Este estudo de intervenção tem como objetivo avaliar o efeito de um programa de estimulação da Consciência Fonológica em crianças pré-escolares, com e sem problemas de linguagem. Os programas de intervenção em Consciência Fonológica são exequíveis e devem ser implementados precocemente, tal como é sugerido por Capovilla e Capovilla (2000) e Nunes (2009), influenciando positivamente na futura aquisição da leitura e da escrita. Da mesma forma Sim-Sim, Duarte, Barbeito e Pereira (2010) enaltecem a importância da aquisição desta competência dando especial enfoque às “Metas de Aprendizagem”, na promoção da continuidade entre ciclos de ensino. Neste estudo participaram 62 crianças de cinco e seis anos de idade, a frequentar sete estabelecimentos de ensino pré-escolar, divididas em três condições experimentais: a) Grupo Experimental 1 (crianças sem problemas de linguagem); b) Grupo Experimental 2 (crianças com problemas de linguagem e da fala); c) Grupo de Controlo, sem intervenção em Consciência Fonológica. Os dois grupos experimentais foram sujeitos a uma intervenção em Consciência Fonológica. Os instrumentos utilizados foram a Prova de Segmentação Linguística (Jiménez e Ortiz, 1995) e o Programa de Treino da Consciência Fonológica (Silva, 2002). Globalmente, os resultados obtidos revelaram uma significativa superioridade das crianças dos dois grupos experimentais em algumas das sub-competências medidas, quando comparadas com o grupo de controlo. Comprovou-se ainda que o efeito da intervenção era específico dado que todos os grupos continuaram equivalentes numa variável não trabalhada (nível aritmético). Conclui-se assim que é possível estimular alguns aspetos relevantes do desenvolvimento da Consciência Fonológica em crianças de idade pré-escolar, com e sem problemas de linguagem, antes da iniciação formal à leitura e à escrita.


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OBJETIVO: Hay un aumento significativo de pacientes con Secreción Genital Femenina, en el Sector Público del gran Buenos Aires. Fue necesario actualizar la prevalencia de los microorganismos asociados a los efectos de revisar el apoyo necesario de laboratorio y ajustar las medidas de prevención y control. MÉTODOS: Se incorporan a este estudio, la totalidad de los casos atendidos (1997-1998): 84 adolescentes (15 a 19 años) y 784 adultas (20 a 60 años) sintomáticas. El protocolo incluye (secreción vaginal y endocervical) detección de Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Streptococcus agalactiae, Trichomonas vaginalis, Candida spp y vaginosis bacteriana. Aplicando métodos específicos directos y cultivo, Chlamydia trachomatis (detección de antígeno), Ureaplasma urealitycum y Mycoplasma hominis (cultivos) fueron estudiados en parte de la población total. RESULTADOS: El aumento de la demanda de consulta fue continuo desde 1997 y aumentó 2.10 veces del primero al último semestre de 1998. En las mujeres adultas se encontró: vaginosis bacteriana, 23,8%; Candida spp 17,8%; S. agalactiae 5,6%; T. vaginalis 2,4%. En 50,3% no se detecto ninguno. En adolescentes se detectó: vaginosis bacteriana, 17,8%; Candida spp 29,7%; S. agalactiae 3,6%, T. vaginalis 2,4%: En 46,4% de los casos el resultado fue negativo. En el grupo de mujeres adultas sintomáticas, no en la totalidad, se detectó: C. trachomatis (7/400) 1,76%, U. urealyticum (209/340) 61,4% y M. hominis (45/272) 16,5%. CONCLUSIONES: El aumento significativo de consultas se debe a problemas sociales en la población, no al aumento de ninguna patología en especial. Impacta como problema clínico concreto la prevalencia de vaginosis bacteriana y Candida spp. Llama la atención, la nula incidencia de N. gonorrhoeae y la baja circulación de T. Vaginalis y C. trachomatis, en este tipo de población. La prevalencia de U. urealyticum y M. hominis es alta, pero su real participación en la patología genital de adultas debe ser reconsiderada. Las prevalencias establecidas motivan la necesidad de adecuar los manuales de procedimientos apuntando a la aplicación de metodologías simples de alto valor predictivo.


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Tubulin cofactors (TBCs) participate in the folding, dimerization, and dissociation pathways of the tubulin dimer. Among them, TBCB and TBCE are two CAP-Gly domain-containing proteins that together efficiently interact with and dissociate the tubulin dimer. In the study reported here we showed that TBCB localizes at spindle and midzone microtubules during mitosis. Furthermore, the motif DEI/M-COO− present in TBCB, which is similar to the EEY/F-COO− element characteristic of EB proteins, CLIP-170, and α-tubulin, is required for TBCE–TBCB heterodimer formation and thus for tubulin dimer dissociation. This motif is responsible for TBCB autoinhibition, and our analysis suggests that TBCB is a monomer in solution. Mutants of TBCB lacking this motif are derepressed and induce microtubule depolymerization through an interaction with EB1 associated with microtubule tips. TBCB is also able to bind to the chaperonin complex CCT containing α-tubulin, suggesting that it could escort tubulin to facilitate its folding and dimerization, recycling or degradation.


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A ten year (1976-1986) review study of cases of Actinomycetoma in Venezuela was made through personal interview and clinical examinations, analysis of medical records of patients with actinomycetoma, histological studies of biopsy samples, as well as microbiological studies of isolates strain, also through out personal interviews with researchers and dermatologists who were sources of information on mycetoma cases. A total of 47 cases were recorded. As etiologic agent Actinomadura madurae was found in 20 cases - (42.5%), Nocardia brasiliensis in 13 cases (27.6%), Nocardia spp 7 cases (14.8%), Streptomyces somaliensis in 4 cases (8.5%), N. asteroides in 2 cases (4.2%) and N. otitidis caviarum, (N. caviae) in 1 case (2.1%). Most of the reported cases involved individuals living and working in rural areas, mostly males who outnumber females 4:1. The patients were 18 to 80 years old. A. madurae was reported as the most frequent etiologic agent. Most of the clinical cases were seen when the disease was well established. Twenty four of the forty seven cases reported were observed in Lara State, which represents a 51.0% of all the cases studied.


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pp. 51-75


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Tendo em conta um enfoque comunicativo experiencial (Fernández- Corbacho, 2014) e uma pedagogia crítica emancipatória (Jiménez Raya, Lamb & Vieira, 2007), enriquecida por enfoques multissensoriais (Arslan, 2009), é nossa intenção, com este projeto, contribuir para a implementação de práticas que espelhem as variedades linguísticas e culturais da Hispanoamérica (Liceras, 1995; Beave, 2000) na aula de espanhol como língua estrangeira no ensino secundário português. Neste estudo, através duma perspetiva metodológica de índole qualitativa, pretendemos, como ponto de partida, analisar: a) as representações de alunos portugueses sobre o lugar da Hispanoamérica no processo de ensino-aprendizagem de espanhol como língua estrangeira (Altmann & Vences, 2004; Pérez, 2003), através de inquéritos por questionário; e, ainda, b) as abordagens das variedades linguísticas e culturais do espanhol, que surgem nos manuais utilizados no ensino secundário português. Por outro lado, através de um estudo de caso (Benson, Chik, Gao, Huang & Wang, 2009), procurámos evidenciar uma mostra de possíveis boas práticas didático-pedagógicas e materiais, com vista a um trabalho sistemático e próativo com as variedades linguísticas e culturais do espanhol, baseado numa (hiper)pedagogia crítica e encarando a língua enquanto objeto manipulável e potenciador de cidadãos verdadeiramente conscientes do mundo. Para tal, criámos materiais físicos e digitais, que foram posteriormente implementados com alunos do 11º ano de escolaridade, no nível de iniciação de espanhol, num agrupamento de escolas da região de Aveiro. Os resultados mostram que práticas e materiais desta natureza poderão favorecer aprendizagens comunicativas experienciais, quanto à criação de futuros cidadãos críticos e ativos, fomentando o desenvolvimento das suas competências comunicativa plurilingue e pluricultural e duma consciência cultural crítica (Byram, Gribkova & Starkey, 2002) dos alunos, no contexto de ensino-aprendizagem do ensino secundário.


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A leptospirosis clinical-epidemiological study was made in humans and reservoirs in the state of Yucatán, México. Interviews and serological analyses were made on 400 persons from an open population, 439 probable cases of leptospirosis and 1060 animal reservoirs (cows, pigs, dogs, rats and opossums). IgM Leptospira DipstickTM and Microscopic Agglutination Test (MAT) was used to detect human antibodies to leptospiras and serovar respectively. Leptospirosis incidence in humans was 2.2/100,000 inhab. in 1998, 0.7/100,000 in 1999 and 0.9/100,000 in 2000. Overall seroprevalence was 14.2%, relatively unchanged from seroprevalences observed 20 years ago. Highest seropositivity was found in people over 56 years of age, predominating males over females. Predominant serovars in the open population were tarassovi, hardjo, pomona and panama. Leptospirosis cases were most frequent in rural areas, and the anicteric course predominated over the icteric. The panama, icterohaemorrhagiae and pomona serovars predominated in both anicteric and icteric courses. Dogs, pigs and rodents had the highest seropositivity among the reservoirs. Contact with rodents and natural water sources were significant factors (p £ 0.05). Human cases (74%) occurred during the rainy season. It is concluded that leptospirosis is still a serious illness with important clinical and epidemiological implications in the state of Yucatán, Mexico.


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Teniendo en cuenta una pedagogía crítica emancipadora (Jiménez Raya, Lamb & Vieira, 2007) enriquecida por enfoques multisensoriales (Arslan, 2009), se pretende en este artículo dar cuenta de prácticas verdaderamente interdisciplinarias y basadas en una filosofía de proyecto en el que alumnos de ELE en la Educación Básica (primer y tercer ciclos) llevan a cabo tareas de naturaleza plurilingüe y multicultural.En este estudio, hemos tratado de destacar las prácticas y estrategias emancipatorias que traducen aprendizajes que resultan significativos en un nivel multicultural y plurilingüe para los alumnos (Andrade & Araújo e Sá, 2003), contribuyendo al desarrollo de su conciencia crítica cultural (Byram et al, 2002). Buscando evidenciar una muestra de prácticas interdisciplinarias y multisensoriales (Arslan, 2009), relacionadas con el proyecto Pluri+Red y basadas en el uso de estrategias y materiales físicos o digitales (juegos didácticos, WebQuests, cuentos interactivos, etc.) que plantean retos a los estudiantes con el fin de provocar asombro y extrañeza, pero también cuestionamiento (Jiménez Raya, Lamb & Vieira, 2007), pretendemos que este estudio exploratorio demuestre las opciones y rutas tomadas hacia un único objetivo: formar a los futuros ciudadanos conscientes del mundo, capaces de intervenir y de formarse a lo largo de su vida.


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Relatório final de estágio do Mestrado em Ensino de Inglês e Francês ou Espanhol no Ensino Básico


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To date, there are no vaccines against Leishmania, and chemotherapy remains the mainstay for the control of leishmaniasis. The drugs of choice used for leishmaniasis therapy are significantly toxic, expensive and with a growing frequency of refractory infections. Because of these limitations, a combination therapy is the better hope. This work demonstrates that the essential oil from Chenopodium ambrosioides shows a synergic activity after incubation in conjunction with pentamidine against promastigotes of Leishmania amazonensis. However, an indifferent effect has been found for combinations of meglumine antimoniate or amphotericin B and the essential oil.


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The aim of this study was to estimate the frequency of human toxocariosis in a child population from Morrope district, Lambayeque, Peru. From October to December 2005, 182 school children (96 male and 86 female) were studied. Blood samples were collected for Toxocara ELISA-IgG test and hematological examination. Additionally, stool samples were collected for coproparasitological examination to check cross reactions. We found frequency of positives in 32.4% (59/182) with a significant higher proportion of positivity in male children (p < 0.00001). 71.2% of the children with positive serology (52 male and seven female), were between five and 10 years old, 77.96% had respiratory symptoms, 61.02% had ocular manifestations, 38.98% had hepatic symptoms, 38.98% had mild or moderate eosinophilia, signs statistically associated with seropositivity. 83.5% of studied population had some intestinal parasite, such as: Blastocystis hominis (53.3%), Giardia lamblia (31.3%), Entamoeba coli (29.1%), Entamoeba histolytica/E. dispar (1.1%), Hymenolepis nana (5.49%), and Ascaris lumbricoides (3.3%), but they had not any association with serology results. The ownership of dogs or/and cats were significantly associated with seropositivity to anti-Toxocara antibodies although the presence of such pets within the house was not. In conclusion, clinical and serological evidence of Toxocara infection exists in the studied population.


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The aim of this study was to estimate the frequency of human toxocariasis in Cauday district, Cajamarca, Peru, using a dot-ELISA test. From June to October 2005, a total of 256 adult subjects were studied. Blood samples were collected for serology by a dot-ELISA test and for hematological examination. Parasitological examination was also carried out in stool samples to check cross-reactions in the dot-ELISA. The frequency observed was 44.92%, with a significant higher proportion of positivity in male subjects. From subjects with positive serology, 45.6% had respiratory symptoms, 40.44% abdominal pain, 32.35% hepatic symptoms, 14.7% cutaneous signs, 13.23% ocular manifestations, 43.38% eosinophilia, and all of these were statistically associated to serology. Among the population evaluated, 90.23% (231/256) were parasitized. From subjects with positive serology, 92.17% had at least one intestinal parasite and the most frequent were: Blastocystis hominis (68.38%), Giardia lamblia (28.68%), Hymenolepis nana (20.0%), Ascaris lumbricoides (15.65%), Entamoeba histolytica/E. dispar (13.24%), Cyclospora cayetanensis (4.41%), Cryptosporidium sp. (1.47%), Enterobius vermicularis (0.87%), Strongyloides stercoralis (0.87%), Taenia sp. (0.87%), and Trichuris trichiura (0.87%). The rate of false positives in the dot-ELISA test was improved by serum absorption each with A. suum antigens, with a decrease of cross-reactions. In conclusion, human toxocariasis is highly frequent in this population and some risk factors like dog/cat ownership, presence of pets within house, and previous history of geophagia were observed in the present study.


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The aim of this study was to assess the seroprevalence of human toxocariasis in three Andean communities from the Northeast of Lima, Peru. A total of 303 subjects including children and adults were studied and blood samples were collected to detect anti-Toxocara antibodies by ELISA-IgG test and by hematological examination; stool samples were collected also for parasitological examination. The overall seroprevalence of toxocariasis observed in the total population was 20.46%, with a significant high proportion in children from one to 10 years old (p = 0.034). Among the subjects with positive serology, 32.26% of them had respiratory disturbances, 22.58% hepatomegaly, 17.74% ocular signs or symptoms, 14.51% abdominal pain, 9.68% neurological involvement, and 4.84% cutaneous signs, but none of these clinical features were associated to a positive serology by multivariate analysis. Furthermore, 79.03% of seropositive subjects also harbored at least one intestinal parasite, which was associated to a positive serology (p < 0.05). The presence of pets within the houses, a previous history of pica or geophagia and the use of public places were also present in this population, but only the latter was associated to the serology (p < 0.05). In conclusion, clinical, serological, and epidemiological evidences for larval Toxocara infection were found in the studied population.


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The aim of this study was to determine the seroprevalence of the infection by Toxocara in the general population of the Amazonian city of Yurimaguas, Peru. From March to August 2008, a total of 300 subjects were sampled and tested by means of a Toxocara ELISA-IgG test. A clinical and epidemiological questionnaire was used to assess the symptomatology and risk factors associated with human toxocariasis. The overall rate of seropositivity was 35.66%, with a significant high proportion in children (p < 0.001). The clinical evaluation revealed that 95.33% of the seropositive group had some type of symptomatology: headache (66.36%), respiratory compromise (63.55%), abdominal pain (54.21%), cutaneous signs (40.19%) and ocular manifestations (36.45%), and almost all of them were statistically significant (p < 0.001). Furthermore, 56.07% of the seropositive subjects presented at least one intestinal pathogen parasite with predominance of helminthes, but without significant association (p = 0.334). The analysis of risk factors showed only that the use of public places and geophagia exhibited a significant association with the seropositivity (p < 0.001). Clinical, serological and epidemiological findings associated to infection with Toxocara were observed in the present study and future studies should be done to assess this serious health problem.