868 resultados para Pre-primary education
Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC
The play and playfulness as well as school subjects are ways that the teacher has in the classroom to mediate the relationship between knowledge and the students, providing an easier and more enjoyable learning. This paper aims to analyze how teachers in the early years of primary education, the areas of Physical Education, Education, Art and English, assesses the importance of playfulness at school, define concepts such as the playful, playing, their importance for the learning and social life. Field research through interviews with nine teachers was conducted, six Educationalists teachers, an art professor, an English and physical education teacher. The results indicated that most of these teachers mediates learning through playfulness that children have better learning when the pedagogical work occurs through play, and feel more motivated to attend school. Participants have the idea that playfulness is the play and the play and say the school should value the playful, and need support from the school staff and the community. In conclusion, the playful should be part of everyday school life and more than a teaching strategy, should be valued in the integral formation of the individual
Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC
The objective of this study is to analyze the process of producing reflexive narratives on nursing students' portfolios. This qualitative study performed an analysis of the portfolios of the class discipline Health Promotion in Primary Education, taught in the fourth semester of the Nursing Licensure Course. Results showed an initial predominance of descriptive records, with the incipient approach of theoretical aspects associated with the aspects regarding their experience. Further, in the group and experience discussions, there were narratives containing more critical and reflexive elements, with justifications for the described actions and the relationships with the theoretical-practical aspects studied in the class and in the course. In conclusion, there is a process of producing critical-reflexive narratives in portfolios that could include a summarized description, using common sense and idealization which allows for including the differences and the theoretical review.
The objective of this study was to identify the socioeconomic and demographic characteristics of children and adolescents who study and work outside their home. This non-experimental, correlational, cross-sectional study was performed using questionnaires applied to primary education students, enrolled in public schools in Ribeirao Preto (Brazil). Two schools were selected through a draw. Data analysis was performed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences, version 14.0. Of the 133 students who answered the questionnaire, 36 (27.7%) reported working outside their home, 20.6% were between 11 and 13 years of age, and 66.7% were male (p=0.000) and had started working early to help with the family income (p=0.003). The salary they received helped comprise the family income, and it was found that as the family income increased, the need for the youngsters to work was reduced. It was found that many factors contribute to these subjects' early start at work, including family size, structure and poverty.
Quality of municipal public spending on primary education in Brazil. The focus of this paper was to analyze the relationship between municipal public education spending and students' academic achievement, evaluated according to IDEB (Index of Basic Education Development) of 2005. The following databases were used: School Census 2005, Brazil Exam (mathematics evaluation applied to students from fourth grade of elementary school) and Finance of Brazil (FINBRA). A multilevel model was estimated and the results suggest that simply increasing the percentage of municipal expenditures on education or the percentage of spending on primary education in relation to municipal expenditures on education do not automatically guarantee improvements in the quality of education.
Conhecimento histórico e crianças pequenas: parques infantis e escola municipal de educação infantil
Este artigo relata a experiência com o projeto "Os parques infantis de Mário de Andrade ontem e hoje", empreendido por todos os profissionais e crianças de uma escola municipal de Educação Infantil da cidade de São Paulo. A preocupação com o conhecimento histórico e as crianças da primeira infância e suas especificidades, numa perspectiva não-escolarizante e não-antecipatória do Ensino Fundamental, foi a tônica e um desafio. Procura aliar história e memória, estabelecendo relações entre História da Educação, história da escolarização de crianças pequenas e formação docente.
[ES] Esta tesis tiene como objetivo principal conocer y diagnosticar la situación real de la informática y por extensión la de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) en el sistema educativo portugués, en los grados de la enseñanza preuniversitaria, teniendo como centro de atención los docentes y su perfil académico y profesional.
"[ES] En España las posibilidades de empleo de las personas en riesgo de exclusión social no son satisfactorias. Se trata de un problema que centramos en las concepciones educativas de la enseñanza-aprendizaje inicial, que orientan minoritariamente a la formación para el empleo como a la oferta y demanda de trabajo de esos colectivos. En nuestro sistema educativo de la desatención y marginación del alumnado en riesgo de exclusión social se pasó a la educación especial; luego, a la normalización e integración, lo que condujo a la inclusión educativa. En ese momento final que nos encontramos aparecen visiones innovadoras como la escuela para todos, empleo con apoyo, y vida con apoyo que desarrollan el paradigma de la autonomía y vida independiente. [EN] Employment chances for people in risk of social exclusion are not satisfactory in Spain. This has been a problem at the core of educational conceptions concerning primary education, scarcely orientated towards the employment of such groups. In our system, from margination and neglect of our pupils in risk of social exclusion, we sent them to special education first, then to normalization and integration and finally to inclusive education. Nowadays, innovative visions such as school for all, employment and life with support are developing the model of autonomy and independent life. "
[ES] Con motivo de la práctica docente universitaria en la Facultad de Formación del Profesorado con alumnos del grado de Primaria, en el ámbito de las artes plásticas, tuvimos la idea y la oportunidad de reforzar y ampliar los recursos didácticos planteados a priori en la investigación, experimentándolos con un sector más amplio que el de los alumnos de especialidades específicamente artísticas, a quienes iba dirigido en un principio la creación de recursos didácticos relacionados con la tesis titulada: “Escultura pública en Gran Canaria entre 1980-2010: recursos didácticos para la enseñanza de algunos procedimientos usados en ellas.” [EN] In the context of teaching activities to Primary Education students at the Teacher Training College in the field of plastic arts and in reference to the thesis called 1980-2012 Public Sculpture in Gran Canaria, Didactic Resources for the Teaching of some of the Procedures Applied in their Making geared towards students whose specialties were specifically artistic, we had the op ortunity to reinforce and increase the methodological resources considered within the research but with students different to those of the speciality of plastics arts.
[ES] En el área de Ciencias Sociales en la actualidad, dada la situación novedosa y compleja de la evaluación de la asignatura Trabajo Fin de Grado (TFG), se precisa de nuevos modelos que orienten a los diferentes agentes que tendrán que desarrollar la evaluación: tutores, miembros del tribunal, etc. El objetivo en este artículo es presentar una propuesta de evaluación alternativa que oriente a los tutores en la valoración de las competencias transversales de los TFG de las titulaciones de Educación Infantil y Primaria a través de la rúbrica. Presentamos el proceso de diseño que hemos seguido en dos rúbricas para establecer su calidad. Las orientaciones que ofrecemos han surgido de una revisión de la literatura existente y de un trabajo de campo. [EN] The Final Year Project, a new compulsory subject linked to Social Sciences, has been recently introduced in the Spanish University Degrees. Given its novelty and the difficulties its assessment entails, those agents, involved in evaluating the students’ perform ance on this subject (e.g. supervisors, members of the assessment committee), need a fresh set of guidelines to assist their work. In order to meet this need in the Degrees of Preschool and Primary Education, our objective in this paper is to propose an alternative assessment model to help supervisors judge the TFGs by means of a rubric, and we offer two examples of this instrument. These assessment tools have been adapted for the TFGs where students specifically carry out a bibliographic review. The guidelines that we suggest here are the result of both the revision of existing research and fieldwork.
[ES] En el área de Ciencias Sociales en la actualidad, dada la situación novedosa y compleja de la evaluación de la asignatura Trabajo Fin de Grado (TFG), se precisa de nuevos modelos que orienten a los diferentes agentes que tendrán que desarrollar la evaluación: tutores, miembros del tribunal, etc. El objetivo en este artículo es presentar una propuesta de evaluación alternativa que oriente a los tutores en la valoración de las competencias transversales de los TFG de las titulaciones de Educación Infantil y Primaria a través de la rúbrica. Presentamos el proceso de diseño que hemos seguido en dos rúbricas para establecer su calidad. Las orientaciones que ofrecemos han surgido de una revisión de la literatura existente y de un trabajo de campo. [EN] The Final Year Project, a new compulsory subject linked to Social Sciences, has been recently introduced in the Spanish University Degrees. Given its novelty and the difficulties its assessment entails, those agents, involved in evaluating the students’ performa ce on this subject (e.g. supervisors, members of the assessment committee), need a fresh set of guidelines to assist their work. In order to meet this need in the Degrees of Preschool and Primary Education, our objective in this paper is to propose an alternative assessment model to help supervisors judge the TFGs by means of a rubric, and we offer two examples of this instrument. These assessment tools have been adapted for the TFGs where students specifically carry out a bibliographic review. The guidelines that we suggest here are the result of both the revision of existing research and fieldwork.
Der Wandel der bildungspolitischen Ansichten der Weltbank. In dieser Arbeit wird dargestellt, welchen Stellenwert das Thema Bildung in der Politik der Weltbank von 1962 bis heute besessen hat und welche Prioritätensetzung es in der Förderung von Bildungsprojekten zu welchem Zeitpunkt gab. Nach diesen Kriterien werden fünf Phasen in der Bildungspolitik der Weltbank unterschieden. In der ersten Phase (1962 bis Ende der 1970er Jahre) ist ein geringes Interesse der Weltbank am Bildungssektor und ein fehlendes Gesamtkonzept ihrer Bildungspolitik erkennbar. Gefördert wurden in dieser Zeit hauptsächlich Sekundar- und Hochschulbildung. Die zweite Phase (Ende der 1970er Jahre bis 1987) zeichnet sich durch die Förderung von Primarschulbildung und durch einen geringen Bedeutungsgewinn des Themas Bildung als einen entwicklungspolitischen Faktor aus. In der dritten Phase (1987 bis Mitte der 1990er Jahre) wurde der Schwerpunkt der Förderung der Weltbank im Bereich Primarschulförderung um die Bereiche Sekundar- und Hochschulförderung ergänzt. Da Bildung nur als ein Aspekt des Ziels der Armutsbekämpfung betrachtet wurde, mangelte es in der vierten Phase (Mitte bis Ende der 1990er Jahre) an einem eigenständigen Konzept für die Förderung des Bildungssektors. In dieser Zeit war nur eine leichte Schwerpunktsetzung in den Primarschulbereich erkennbar. In der fünften Phase (ab dem Jahre 2000) setzt die Weltbank in der Förderung wieder auf eine Kombination von Primar-, Sekundar- und Hochschulbildung. Bildung wird nun als ein eigenständiges Ziel der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit angesehen. Bei der Betrachtung des Wandels der bildungspolitischen Ansichten der Weltbank wird die additive Politik der Weltbank deutlich. Alte Strategien werden nicht komplett verworfen, sondern lediglich neue Aspekte und Schwerpunktsetzungen in die alten Konzepte eingeflochten. Außerdem sind eine Widersprüchlichkeit in der Bildungspolitik, das Fehlen eines langfristigen Konzeptes, große Unterschiede zwischen den theoretischen Konzepten und der Umsetzung der Bildungspolitik der Weltbank zu erkennen. Festzuhalten ist, dass das Thema Bildung von 1962 bis heute in der Politik der Weltbank stark an Bedeutung hinzugewonnen hat.
Road traffic accidents (RTA) are an important cause of premature death. We examined socio-demographic and geographical determinants of RTA mortality in Switzerland by linking 2000 census data to RTA mortality records 2000-2005 (ICD-10 codes V00-V99). Data from 5.5 million residents aged 18-94 years, 1744 study areas, and 1620 RTA deaths were analyzed, including 978 deaths (60.4%) in motor vehicle occupants, 254 (15.7%) in motorcyclists, 107 (6.6%) in cyclists, and 259 (16.0%) in pedestrians. Weibull survival models and Bayesian methods were used to calculate hazard ratios (HR), and standardized mortality ratios (SMR) across study areas. Adjusted HR comparing women with men ranged from 0.04 (95% CI 0.02-0.07) in motorcyclists to 0.43 (95% CI 0.32-0.56) in pedestrians. There was a u-shaped relationship with age in motor vehicle occupants and motorcyclists. In cyclists and pedestrians, mortality increased after age 55 years. Mortality was higher in individuals with primary education (HR 1.53; 95% CI 1.29-1.81), and higher in single (HR 1.24; 95% CI 1.05-1.46), widowed (HR 1.31; 95% CI 1.05-1.65) and divorced individuals (HR 1.62; 95% CI 1.33-1.97), compared to persons with tertiary education or married persons. The association with education was particularly strong for pedestrians (HR 1.87; 95% CI 1.20-2.91). RTA mortality increased with decreasing population density of study areas for motor vehicle occupants (test for trend p<0.0001) and motorcyclists (p=0.0021) but not for cyclists (p=0.39) or pedestrians (p=0.29). SMR standardized for socio-demographic and geographical variables ranged from 82 to 190. Prevention efforts should aim to reduce inequities across socio-demographic and educational groups, and across geographical areas, with interventions targeted at high-risk groups and areas, and different traffic users, including pedestrians.
Nearly one in three children in the developing world is malnourished. Poor nutrition contributes to one out of two deaths (53%) associated with infectious diseases among children aged under five in developing countries. Using data from the 2005 World Food Program’s (WFP) Livelihood Vulnerability and Nutritional Assessment of Rural Kassala and Red Sea State this study examines the impact of female headed households and maternal education on malnutrition in children 6-59 months old. The dependent variable investigated in this study is moderate to severe wasting or less than -2 weight for height Z-score, also known as global acute malnutrition (GAM). ^ The study population consisted of 450 households in Kassala State and Red Sea State, Sudan. A total of 900 children 6-59 months of age were part of the households sampled from these states and one child per household (773 children) was randomly chosen for the analysis along with the child’s mother. Results of the study found that 18 percent of children between 6-59 months of age had GAM/wasting. Maternal education, main source of water, and income were strongly related to wasting. Gender of head of household was not found to have a significant relationship with GAM/wasting. Mothers with at least primary education were much less likely to have malnourished children, even after controlling for income and environmental conditions. Children in households with unsafe sources of water were 2.6 more likely to have wasting than those with piped in/tube wells as their main source of water. For every increase of 100 dinar in a household, the children in the household are approximately two-thirds times (.662) less likely to be wasted. ^ The results of this study support the alternate hypothesis that there is an association between maternal education on wasting of children 6-59 months old. The results do not, however, support the alternate hypothesis that there is an association between gender of head of household on wasting of children 6-59 months old. Better understanding of the association of wasting and other measures of malnutrition with maternal education levels can program managers and other health officials to target important nutritional and non-nutritional interventions. ^