762 resultados para Post-traumatic stress disorder -- Psychological aspects


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Die heutige Verfügbarkeit der molekularen Bildgebung ermöglicht einen signifikanten Einfluss auf die Diagnostik und die Therapiekontrolle von neurodegenerativen Erkrankungen, die unter anderem durch Fehlsteuerungen im GABAergen System auftreten können. Die Visualisierung und Quantifizierung des GABAA-alpha5-Subtyps durch PET könnte dabei zu einem besseren Verständnis von Erkrankungen wie Alzheimer und traumatischen Neurosen (emotionales Langzeitgedächtnis) beitragen. Ferner eröffnen GABAA/alpha5-subtypselektive Liganden die Möglichkeit, wesentliche Grundlagen der elementaren Vorgänge von Lernen und Erinnern zu untersuchen. 7,8,9,10-Tetrahydro-(7,10-ethan)-1,2,4-triazol[3,4-alpha]phthalazine stellen sich als vielverspre-chende Leitstrukturen zur Entwicklung neuer 18F-markierter alpha5-subtypselektiver GABAA-Rezeptorliganden für die PET dar. Um diese neuartigen Substanzen hinsichtlich ihrer Potenz als GABAA-alpha5-subtypselektive Radioliganden zu verifizieren, wurden zunächst die entsprechenden 19F-Derivate TC07-TC12 synthetisiert. Diese Referenzverbindungen wurden in Rezeptor-bindungsassays und in Autoradiographien mit [3H]Ro 15-4513 als zu verdrängender Radioligand evaluiert. In beiden Experimenten als auch in in vivo-Verdrängungsexperimenten an Ratten konnte eine hohe Affinität im nanomolaren Bereich als auch eine hohe Selektivität bezüglich der GABAA/alpha5-Untereinheit für einige der dargestellten Referenzverbindungen nachgewiesen werden. Gemäß diesen vielversprechenden Ergebnissen wurden verschiedene Markie-rungsvorläufer für eine 18F-Direktmarkierung der relevantesten Substanz TC07 in einer mehrstufigen organischen Synthese dargestellt. Die anschließende 18F-Markierung erfolgte über eine nukleophile Substitution mit [18F]Fluorid. Die Reaktionsparameter wurden hinsichtlich Reaktionstemperatur und dauer, Markierungsvorläuferkonzentration, Basenabhängigkeit und verschiedenen Markierungsmethoden optimiert. Daraus resultierend konnte [18F]TC07 mit bis zu 45 % radiochemischer Ausbeute erhalten werden. Die zerfallskorrigierte, gesamtradiochemische Ausbeute von nca [18F]TC07 in isotonischer NaCl-Lösung betrug 15 %. Basierend auf den bisher erhaltenen Ergebnissen wurde der Radioligand in in vitro-, ex vivo- und in vivo µPET-Experimenten evaluiert. Die zunächst durchgeführten in vitro-Experimente deuteten auf eine homogene Verteilung der Aktivität hin und zeigten keine spezifische Anreicherung. Diese Ergebnisse wurden sowohl in ex vivo- als auch in in vivo-µPET-Studien bestätigt. Auch hier konnte nur eine niedrige Aktivitätsanreicherung, eine homogene Verteilung im gesamten Gehirn und keine Übereinstimmung mit der bekannten GABAA/alpha5-Subtypverteilung gefunden werden. Eine im Anschluss durchgeführte Metabolismusstudie zeigte eine langsame Metabolisierungsrate des [18F]TC07 und auch eine Organverteilungsstudie zeigte keine außergewöhnlichen Anreicherungen. Aus den erhaltenen Ergebnissen kann geschlossen werden, dass der Radioligand [18F]TC07 kein geeigneter Tracer zur in vivo-Visualisierung der alpha5-Untereinheit des GABAA-Rezeptors ist.


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Zerebrale Erkrankungen, wie Schädelhirntrauma (SHT) und Subarachnoidalblutung (SAB) sind mit einer hohen Morbidität und Mortalität vergesellschaftet und stellen eine ernsthafte medizinische und ökonomische Herausforderung dar. Grundlage für die Entwicklung neuer effektiver Therapieansätze ist das Verständnis der pathophysiologischen Mechanismen dieser Krankheiten. Das Entstehen eines vasogenen Hirnödems ist eine schwere Komplikation nach SHT und SAB und beruht u.a. auf einem Öffnen der Bluthirnschranke (BHS). Ein möglicher zu Grunde liegender Mechanismus könnte die Aktivierung der Myosin-leichte-Kette-Kinase (MLCK) sein, was man therapeutisch unterbinden könnte.rnIn der vorliegenden Studie wurde in zwei unterschiedlichen experimentellen, zerebralen Schadensmodellen der Einfluss des kontraktilen Apparates auf die BHS Störung untersucht. In dem Schadensmodell des SHT sind die Hauptergebnisse: 1.) die Myosin-leichte-Kette-Kinase (MLCK) wird durch das induzierte Schädelhirntrauma hochreguliert. 2.) eine pharmakologische MLCK Inhibition stabilisiert die BHS, senkt den ICP und das Hirnödem nach experimentellen SHT. 3.) die MLCK Inhibition führte nicht zu einer Verbesserung des Hirnschadens, der neurologischen Funktion oder der zerebralen Inflammation 24 Stunden nach SHT, obwohl angenommen wird, dass die Entstehung eines Hirnödems den sekundären Hirnschaden vergrößert. In einer weitern Studie wurde untersucht, durch welchen Signalweg dieser zugrunde liegende Mechanismus aktiviert wird. In einem in-vitro BHS Model konnte gezeigt werden, dass C-reaktives Protein (CRP) über die Bindung an Fcγ-Rezeptoren den kontraktilen Apparat aktiviert und somit zu einem Öffnen der BHS führt. Obwohl der CRP Plasmaspiegel nach experimentellen SHT ansteigt, kommt es nicht zu einer Verringerungrndes Hirnwassergehaltes in FcγR-/- Mäusen. Die Entstehung des vasogenen Hirnödems wird im murinen CCI Model somit nicht über den Fcγ-Rezeptor vermittelt. Die in-vitro gezeigte Fcγ vermittelte Öffnung der BHS konnte in-vivo in dieser Studie nicht reproduziert werden. Mit der vorliegenden Studie kann nicht ausgeschlossen werden, dass CRP über einen Fcγ unabhängigen Mechanismus eine Öffnung der BHS vermittelt. Jedoch deuten die Daten daraufhin, das CRP im murinen CCI Model eine untergeordnete Rolle spielt. Die FcγR-/- Mäuse zeigten allerdings ein deutlich reduziertes Kontusionsvolumen und eine reduzierte Mikroglia Aktivierung, was darauf hindeutet, dass FcγR eine wesentliche Rolle bei der zerebralen Inflammation spielen.rnIn dem Schadensmodell der experimentellen SAB konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Inhibition der MLCK die Folgen einer SAB mindert. Sie führt zu einer Senkung des Hirnödems, des intrakraniellen Drucks und Verbesserung der neurologischen Erholung nach experimenteller SAB. Die Ergebnisse unterstützen die Hypothese, dass die MLCK einer der Endpunkteffektor für verschiedene Mechanismen ist, welche die endotheliale Permeabilität sowohl nach SHT als auch nach SAB erhöhen.rnZusammenfassend lässt sich feststellen, dass in beiden zerebralen experimentellen Insulten die MLCK eine wichtige Rolle beim BHS Versagen spielt. Die Daten tragen dazu bei, den zugrundeliegenden Mechanismus der BHS Öffnung, der durch eine Aktivierung der MLCK hervorgerufen werden könnte, besser zu verstehen. Dies könnte zu Entwicklung neuer Medikamente für eine Therapie des zerebralen Hirnödems führen.


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Il rachide è stato suddiviso in tre colonne da Denis: anteriore e centrale comprendono la metà anteriore del corpo vertebrale, la metà posteriore e l’inizio dei peduncoli, mentre la colonna posteriore comprende l’arco e i peduncoli stessi. In caso di resezione o lesione della colonna anteriore e media è indicata la ricostruzione. Diverse tecniche e materiali possono essere usati per ricostruire il corpo vertebrale. Innesti vascolarizzati, autograft, allograft sono stati usati, così come impianti sintetici di titanio o materiale plastico come il PEEK (Poly etere etere ketone). Tutti questi materiali hanno vantaggi e svantaggi in termini di proprietà intrinseche, resistenza meccanica, modulo di elasticità, possibilità di trasmissione malattie, capacità di fondersi con l’osso ospite o meno. Le soluzioni più usate sono le cage in titanio o carbonio, il PMMA ( Poli methil metacrilato), gli innesti ossei massivi. Si è effettuato uno studio di coorte retrospettivo paragonando due gruppi di pazienti oncologici spinali trattati da due chirurghi esperti in un centro di riferimento, con vertebrectomia e ricostruzione della colonna anteriore: un gruppo con cage in carbonio o titanio, l’altro gruppo con allograft massivo armato di innesto autoplastico o mesh in titanio. Si sono confrontati i risultati in termini di cifosi segmenterai evolutiva, fusione ossea e qualità di vita del paziente. Il gruppo delle cage in carbonio / titanio ha avuto risultati leggermente migliori dal punto di vista biomeccanico ma non statisticamente significativo, mentre dal punto di vista della qualità di vita i risultati sono stati migliori nel gruppo allograft. Non ci sono stati fallimenti meccanici della colonna anteriore in entrambi i gruppi, con un Fu tra 12 e 60 mesi. Si sono paragonati anche i costi delle due tecniche. In conclusione l’allogar è una tecnica sicura ed efficace, con proprietà meccaniche solide, soprattutto se armato con autograft o mesi in titanio.


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The purpose of the present retrospective study was to evaluate the post-traumatic healing of the pulp and periodontium of 32 permanent teeth with horizontal root fractures. Twenty-nine patients, 8-48 years old, who presented at our department with a root fracture between January 2001 and April 2007, participated in the study. Root-fractured teeth with a loosened or dislocated coronal fragment were repositioned and splinted for 14-49 days (average: 34 days). In cases of severe dislocation of the coronal fragment, prophylactic endodontic treatment was performed. Follow-up examinations were conducted routinely after 1,2,3,6, and 12 months. For this study, follow-up took place for up to 7 years post trauma. Of 32 root-fractured teeth, 29 (91%) survived. 10 teeth (31%) exhibited pulpal healing; 13 teeth (41%) were prophylactically endodontically treated within 2 weeks of injury. At the fracture line, interposition of calcified tissue was evident in 6 teeth (19%), and interposition of granulation tissue was observed in 8 teeth (25%). The prognosis of the root-fractured teeth was good, and one-third of the teeth with root fractures possessed a vital pulp at the final examination.


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The authors present the long-term results in a series of 44 cases with post-traumatic bone defects solved with muscle-rib flaps, between March 1997 and December 2007. In these cases, we performed 21 serratus anterior-rib flaps (SA-R), 10 latissimus dorsi-rib flaps (LD-R), and 13 LD-SA-R. The flaps were used in upper limb in 18 cases and in lower limb in 26 cases. With an overall immediate success rate of 95.4% (42 of 44 cases) and a primary bone union rate of 97.7% (43 of 44 cases), and despite the few partisans of this method, we consider that this procedure still remains very usefully for small and medium bone defects accompanied by large soft tissue defects.


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Proximal row carpectomy (PRC) is a well-accepted procedure for the treatment of early post-traumatic degenerative disease of the wrist. Much less frequently, PRC has been advocated as an emergency procedure for irreparable fracture-dislocation of the wrist. Our objective was to compare the results of PRC in patients having undergone this procedure in the two contexts. We conducted a retrospective analysis of the clinical and radiographic results of six patients treated by emergency PRC as compared to six patients who underwent elective PRC. The mean follow-up was 36 months. Both the patient's satisfaction and the grasp of the wrist joint were significantly better in patients who underwent PRC emergency as compared to those having undergone elective PRC. Quick DASH score, radiographic results, and return to work were also more favourable in these patients, but the difference between the two groups was not significant. This study confirms that PRC is a valuable salvage technique indicated in early posttraumatic wrist collapse. Moreover, when performed in emergency, the procedure shows even better subjective and objective results, allowing a majority of patients to return to their previous job.


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This meta-analysis investigated whether the association between researcher allegiance (RA) and the relative effect of two psychotherapies can be explained through the methodological weaknesses of the treatment comparisons. Seventy-nine comparisons of psychotherapies for depression or posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) were included. Methodological quality (MQ) was investigated as both a moderator and a mediator of the RA-outcome association. MQ included balanced nonspecific factors, balanced specific factors, conceptual quality, patients-per-therapist ratio, randomization to conditions and outcome assessment. The RA-outcome association was stronger when the MQ was low, suggesting a buffering effect of MQ. In addition, differences in the conceptual quality of treatments mediated the effect of RA on outcome. The results support the view that RA acts as a bias in treatment comparisons.


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A growing body of literature indicates a modestly positive association between religiosity and spirituality as predictors of psychological health (anxiety and depression), suggesting they serve as personal resiliency factors. The purpose of this study was to expand our understanding of the relationships among these constructs. Using Lazarus's Transactional Model of Stress as a theoretical framework, we examined: (a) the extent to which spirituality and religiosity mediated and/or moderated the association between perceived stress and psychological health and (b) whether there was a moderated (religiosity) mediation (spirituality) between stress and health. The Perceived Stress Scale, Daily Spiritual Experiences Scale, Religious Commitment Inventory, and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale were administered to measure the following constructs: stress, spirituality, religiosity, and psychological health. This study utilized a nonexperimental, quantitative, correlational, cross-sectional, moderated-mediation design, and included a convenience sample of 331 research participants. Both spirituality and religiosity moderated stress and health. However, only spirituality partially mediated the relationship. In addition, religiosity did not moderate the mediating effects of spirituality. Overall, this study confirmed the role of both religiosity and spirituality as effective resiliency resources.


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Bilateral radiographic progression of the supero-lateral fragment of a bipartite- into a tripartite patella with unilateral symptoms. An 8 year old girl presented a bilateral bipartite patella Stage III as an incidental finding after fall on the flexed right knee. Serial radiographs two years later revealed a bilateral progression of the bipartite- into a tripartite patella with complaints only on the post-traumatic right side. Observation was opted as therapy. There was no correlation of symptoms and radiological findings of the fragmentation of the bipartite- into a tripartite patella. Therefore we conclude the etiology of a bilateral late appearance of a third ossification center.


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A 4-year-old, neutered female, domestic shorthair cat admitted to the animal hospital for recurrent constipation presumed to be due to post-traumatic injuries, went into shock with signs including fever and ataxia followed by stupor. On the fifth day of hospitalization, the cat developed severe, diffuse oedema of the ventral abdomen with multifocal to coalescing erythematous areas and small vesicle formation. The results of bacteriological cultures of liver, spleen and kidney specimens led to the diagnosis of Acinetobacter baumannii sepsis. Histopathological findings of skin samples taken during necropsy showed an extensive epidermal and dermal necrosis with septic vasculitis and numerous intralesional gram-negative bacteria. Detection of the bla(OXA-51-like) gene specific for A. baumannii by PCR, performed retrospectively on samples of the deep layers of the skin, confirmed the presence of A. baumannii also in the cutaneous lesions. To our knowledge this is the first report of a necrotizing fasciitis with septic shock in a cat caused by A. baumannii.


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BACKGROUND: Long-term outcome and complications of diode laser cyclophotocoagulation (DCPC) may be important, since eyes, once treated with DCPC, are less likely to be subjected to other types of interventions in the further follow-up. METHODS: Retrospective review of 131 eyes of 127 patients treated from 2000 through 2004. Success was defined as intraocular pressure (IOP) at last visit 6-21 mm Hg; hypotony: IOP post-traumatic glaucoma, and patients were significantly younger. All eyes had refractory glaucomas on maximal medication, neovascular glaucoma (NVG) representing the largest subgroup (61%). IOP decreased from 36.9 (10.7) mm Hg pretreatment to 15.3 (10.4) mm Hg at the end of FU. Success was noted in 69.5% (91 eyes), failure (non-response) in 13%. Hypotony occurred in 17.6% eyes, of which 74% had NVG. Hypotony developed after mean 19.3 (11.0) months, range 6 to 36; with 96% of these eyes having received only 1 or 2 treatments; delivered energy did not differ from that in the successful eyes. CONCLUSIONS: DCPC is an efficient treatment for refractory glaucoma. Hypotony, the most common complication, may develop as late as 36 months post-treatment. Diagnostic category and age seem to influence the outcome stronger than laser protocol and delivered energy.


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Severe acute respiratory failure of varying etiology may require the temporary use of artificial gas exchange devices. So far, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation and extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal have been used successfully for this purpose. A totally implantable intravascular oxygenator (IVOX) recently became available. The authors have used IVOX in three patients who presented with severe respiratory failure secondary to pneumonia (n = 2) and post-traumatic adult respiratory distress syndrome (n = 1). At the time of implantation, all patients had hypoxemia (PaO2 less than 60) despite a 100% inspired oxygen concentration and forced mechanical ventilation. The duration of IVOX therapy ranged from 12 to 71 hr. All patients initially showed improvement in arterial oxygenation, allowing for moderate reduction of ventilator therapy after several hours. In one patient the pulmonary status deteriorated further, and she died from multiple organ failure despite IVOX therapy. One patient could be stabilized but died from other causes. The third patient is a long-term survivor 18 months after IVOX therapy. Gas transfer capabilities of IVOX are limited when compared to extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, and this may restrict its clinical applicability in cases of severe adult respiratory distress syndrome. However, IVOX may be used successfully in selected patients with less severe respiratory failure.


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The aim of the study was to determine the sensitivity and specificity for typical abdominal injuries after major blunt trauma in postmortem multislice computed tomography (MSCT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).


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The therapy of traumatized front teeth with ankylosis and additional root resorption is a real challenge for the clinician. Due to the infraposition ankylosed teeth are useless and esthetically unsatisfactory. The progressive replacement resorption and the vertical growth inhibition render an intervention inevitable. In the following case report, the prophylaxis of the alveolar ridge is brought into focus. The treatment of two ankylosed teeth by decoronation, preservation of the alveolar ridge and an implant-supported supraconstruction will be presented. The additional histological assessment confirms the diagnosis and the choice of treatment.