967 resultados para Portland cement mortar
An economical solution for cementing oil wells is the use of pre-prepared dry mixtures containing cement and additives. The mixtures may be formulated, prepared and transported to the well where is added water to be pumped.Using this method, becomes dispensable to prepare the cement mixes containing additives in the cementing operation, reducing the possibility of error. In this way, the aim of this work is to study formulations of cement slurries containing solid additives for primary cementing of oil wells onshore for typical depths of 400, 800 and 1,200 meters. The formulations are comprised of Special Class Portland cement, mineral additions and solids chemical additives.The formulated mixtures have density of 1.67 g / cm ³ (14.0 lb / gal). Their optimization were made through the analysis of the rheological parameters, fluid loss results, free water, thickening time, stability test and mechanical properties.The results showed that mixtures are in conformity the specifications for cementing oil wells onshore studied depths
Although there are a wide variety of additives that act in fresh state, to adjust the properties of cement, there is also a search by additions that improve the tenacity of the cement in the hardened state. This, in turn, can often be increased by inserting fibers, which act on the deflection of microcracks. This study aimed to use a microfiber glass wool (silica-based) as an additive reinforcing the cement matrix, improving the rupture tenacity, in order to prevent the propagation of microcracks in the cement sheath commonly found in oil wells submitted to high temperatures. The fibers were added at different concentrations, 2 to 5% (BWOC) and varied average sizes, grinding for 90 s, 180 s, 300 s, 600 s. The cement slurries were made with a density of 1,90 g/ cm3 (15,6 lb/gal), using Portland cement CPP- Special Class as the hydraulic binder and 40% silica flour. The characterization of the fiber was made by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), particle size by sieving, X-ray fluorescence (XRF), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and thermogravimetry (TG / DTG). Were performed technological tests set by the API (American Petroleum Institute) by rheology, stability, free water, compressive strength, as well as testing rupture energy, elastic modulus and permeability. The characterization results showed good thermal stability of the microfiber glass wool for application in oil wells submitted to steam injection and, also, that from the particle size data, it was possible to suggest that microfibers milled up to 300 s, are ideal to act as reinforcement to the cement slurries. The rheological parameters, there was committal of plastic viscosity when larger lengths were inserted of microfiber (F90). The values obtained by free water and stability were presented according to API. The mechanical properties, the incorporation of microfiber to the cement slurries gave better rupture tenacity, as compared to reference cement slurries. The values of compressive strength, elastic modulus and permeability have been maintained with respect to the reference cement slurries. Thus, cement slurries reinforced with microfiber glass wool can ensure good application for cementing oil wells submitted to steam injection, which requires control of microcracks, due to the thermal gradients
Cementing operation is one of the most important stages in the oil well drilling processes and has main function to form hydraulic seal between the various permeable zones traversed by the well. However, several problems may occur with the cement sheath, either during primary cementing or during the well production period. Cements low resistance can cause fissures in the cement sheath and compromise the mechanical integrity of the annular, resulting in contamination of groundwater and producing zones. Several researches show that biomass ash, in particular, those generated by the sugarcane industry have pozzolanic activity and can be added in the composition of the cementing slurries in diverse applications, providing improvements in mechanical properties, revenue and cement durability. Due to the importance of a low cost additive that increases the mechanical properties in a well cementing operations, this study aimed to potentiate the use of sugarcane bagasse ash as pozzolanic material, evaluate the mechanisms of action of this one on cement pastes properties and apply this material in systems slurries aimed to cementing a well with 800 m depth and geothermal gradient of 1.7 °F/100 ft, as much primary cementing operations as squeeze. To do this, the ash beneficiation methods were realized through the processes of grinding, sifting and reburning (calcination) and then characterization by X-ray fluorescence, XRD, TG / DTG, specific surface area, particle size distribution by laser diffraction and mass specific. Moreover, the ash pozzolanic activity added to the cement at concentrations of 0%, 20% and 40% BWOC was evaluated by pozzolanic activity index with lime and with Portland cement. The evaluation of the pozzolanic activity by XRD, TG / DTG and compressive strength confirmed the ash reactivity and indicated that the addition of 20% in the composition of cement slurries produces improvement 34% in the mechanical properties of the slurry cured. Cement slurries properties evaluated by rheological measurements, fluid loss, free fluid, slurry sedimentation, thickening time and sonic strength (UCA) were satisfactory and showed the viability of using the sugarcane ash in cement slurries composition for well cementing
Polymer-modified mortar is widely used to set ceramic tiles used as external finishing for high rise buildings in countries such as Brazil, Israel, Singapore and Portugal, mainly because it shows better bond strength and flexibility as compared to the traditional ones. Despite this, the results in the literature already published concerning the long-term performance of those composite mortars are is not conclusive. This paper, based on a laboratory program, compared the performance over time of four commercial polymer-modified adhesive mortars exposed to a typical Brazilian outdoor aging environment and to an indoor environment in terms of mortar flexibility and the bond strength to porcelain tiles. The results show that under laboratory condition, the mortars are more flexible and have higher bond strength than under external condition, and that there is an important correlation between the transversal deformability and the bond strength. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Adhesive mortars are widely used to set porcelain stoneware tiles on buildings because their bond strength and flexibility properties increase the cladding serviceability. However, their long-term performance is not well understood, mainly the degradation of the polymeric matrix. The influence of moisture content on the flexibility of six adhesive mortars is investigated, based on standard EN 12002. Four of them have defined formulations and the other two are commercial and are widely used to set porcelain stoneware tiles on building facades in Brazil. The results show that moisture content above 6% is sufficient to reduce 50% of the mortar deformability, but that the drying process allows it to recover to a value similar to that prior to saturation; a logarithmic function best fits the correlation between moisture content and flexibility; water immersion increases matrix rigidity. It is suggested that standards should consider flexibility tests on both dried and wet samples as a requirement for polymer-modified mortars. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Marble processing activities generates a.significant amount of waste in dust form. This waste, which is nowadays one of the environmental problems worldwide, presents great potential of being used as mineral addition in blended cements production. This paper shows preliminary results of an ongoing project which ultimate goal is to investigate the viability of using waste marble dust (WMD), produced by marble Portuguese industry, as cement replacement material. In order to evaluate the effects of the WMD on mechanical behaviour, different mortar blended cement mixtures were tested. These mixtures were prepared with different partial substitution level of cement with WMD. Strength results of WMD blended cements were compared to control cements with same level of incorporation of natural limestone used to produce commercial Portland-limestone cements. The results obtained show that WMD blended cements perform better than limestone blended cements for same replacement level up to 20% w/w. Therefore, WMD reveals promising attributes for blended cements production.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the hydrogenionic potential and electrical conductivity of Portland cements and MTA, as well as the amount of arsenic and calcium released from these materials. In Teflon molds, samples of each material were agitated and added to plastic flasks containing distilled water for 3, 24, 72 and 168 h. The results were analyzed with a Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric test for global comparisons and a Dunn-Tukey test for pairwise comparisons. The results revealed no significant differences in the pH of the materials (p > 0.05). The electrical conductivity of the cements were not statistically different (p > 0.05). White non-structural cement and MTA BIO released the largest amount of calcium ions into solution (p < 0.05), while arsenic release was insignificant in all of the materials (p > 0.05). The results indicated that the physico-chemical properties of Portland cements and MTA were similar. Furthermore, all materials produced an alkaline environment and can be considered safe for clinical use because arsenic was not released. The electrical conductivity and the amount of calcium ions released into solution increased over time.
Mortar is the material responsible for the distribution of stresses in masonry structures. The knowledge about the fresh and hardened properties of mortar is fundamental to ensure a good performance of masonry walls. Water/cement ratio and aggregates grading are among several variables that influence physical and mechanical behaviour of mortars. An experimental program is presented in order to evaluate the influence of aggregates grading and water/cement ratio in workability and hardened properties of mortars. Eighteen compositions of mortar are prepared using three relations cement:lime:sand, two types of sand and three water/cement ratios. Specimens are analyzed through flow table test, compressive and flexural strength tests. Results indicate that the increase of water/cement ratio reduces the values of hardened properties and increases the workability. Besides, sands grading has no influence in compressive strength. On the other hand, significant differences in deformation capacity of mortars were verified with the variation of the type of sand. Finally, some correlations are presented among hardened properties and the compressive strength. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper presents the results of a study on the behaviour of self-compacting concrete (SCC) in the fresh and hardened states, produced with binary and ternary mixes of fly ash (FA) and limestone filler (LF), using the method proposed by Nepomuceno. His method determines the SCC composition parameters in the mortar phase (self-compacting mortar - SCM) easily and efficiently, whilst guaranteeing the SCC properties in both the fresh and hardened states. For this, 11 SCMs were studied: one with cement (C) only; three with FA at 30%, 60% and 70% C substitution; three with LF at 30%, 60% and 70% C substitution; four with FA + LF in combinations of 10-20%, 20-10%, 20-40% and 40-20% C substitution. Once the composition of these mortars was defined, 18 SCC mixes were produced: 14 binary SCC mixes were produced with the seven binary mortar mixes, and four ternary SCC mixes were produced with the four ternary mortar mixes. In addition to the methodology proposed by Nepomuceno, the combined use of FA and LF in ternary mixtures was tested. The results confirmed that the method could yield SCC with adequate properties in both the fresh and hardened states. It was also possible to determine the SCC composition parameters in the mortar phase (self-compacting mortar - SCM) that will guarantee the SCC properties in both the fresh and hardened states, as confirmed through the optimized behaviour of the SCC in the fresh state and the promising results in the hardened state (compressive strength). The potential demonstrated by the joint use of LF and FA through the synergetic interaction of both additions is emphasized.
Present paper present the main results obtained in the scope of an ongoing project which aims to contribute to the valorization of a waste generated by the Portuguese oil company in construction materials. This waste is an aluminosilicate with high pozzolanic reactivity. Several different technological applications had already been tested with success both in terms of properties and compliance with the corresponding standards specifications. Namely, this project results already demonstrated that this waste can be used in traditional concrete, self-compacted concrete, mortars (renders, masonry mortar, concrete repair mortars), cement main constituent as well as alkali activated binders.
Materials Science Forum Vols. 730-732 (2013) pp 617-622
2nd Historic Mortars Conference - HMC 2010 and RILEM TC 203-RHM Final Workshop, Prague, September 2010
With the recent introduction of blended cements, many ready mix producers are using them as their sole source of cement. Iowa DOT specifications currently do not allow blended cements in patching due to their assumed slower strength gain. Patching specifications require opening at 5 hours on 2-lane or 10 hours on 4-lane pavement. This research will investigate early strength of concrete cast with ordinary Type I/II Portland cements and Type I(SM) blended Portland cements.
An alternative application of the humid sludge from the Passaúna WTP, located in Curitiba's metropolitan area, is proposed for concrete structures, partially replacing aggregates and cement. For the investigation, a reference concrete and four concrete mixtures with sludge were produced, and from these, two mixtures, containing 4% and 8% of sludge (m/m), were analyzed by different techniques: X ray fluorescence, X ray diffraction, thermo-gravimetric analysis, physicochemical analysis, compressive strength, etc. The properties were evaluated and the results indicate that the mixtures can be applied in different situations as cast structures for construction of concrete walls. Mixtures with more than 4% of sludge are restricted to applications where the workability of the concrete is not required, such as for residential pavements, sidewalks and stepping floors.
This paper discusses the properties of rice husk ash samples produced from different types of field ovens to compare the performance of the ovens and to identify the most feasible method to produce a reactive pozzolana as an alternative to cement for building applications requiring lower strengths. Different types of ashes are produced and long-term strength of rice husk ash pozzolanas with lime or cement is investigated to suggest a sustainable affordable option in rural building applications, especially for rural housing in Kerala, a southern state of India