605 resultados para Phonological recoding
Currently there is no consensus as to the specific cognitive impairments that characterize mathematical disabilities (MD) or specific subtypes such as an arithmetic disability (AD). The present study sought to address this concern by examining cognitive processes that might undergird AD in children. The present study utilized archival data to conduct two investigations. The first investigation examined the executive functioning and working memory of children with AD. An age-matched achievement-matched design was employed to explore whether children with AD exhibit developmental lags or deficits in these cognitive domains. While children with AD did not exhibit impairments in verbal working memory or colour word inhibition, they did demonstrate impairments in shifting attention, visual-spatial working memory, and quantity inhibition. As children with AD did not perform more poorly than their younger achievement-matched peers on any of these tasks, impairments in specific areas of executive functioning and working memory appeared to reflect a developmental lag rather than a cognitive deficit. The second study examined the phonological processing performance of children with AD compared to children with comorbid disabilities in arithmetic and word recognition (AD/WRD) and to typically achieving (TA) children. Results indicated that, while children with AD did demonstrate impairments on all isolated naming speed tasks, trail making digits, and memory for digits, they did not demonstrate impairments on measures of phonological awareness, nonword repetition, serial processing speed, or serial naming speed. In contrast, children with AD/WRD demonstrated impairments on measures of phonological awareness, phonological short-term memory, isolated naming speed, serial processing speed, and the alphabet a-z task. Overall, results suggested that phonological processing impairments are more prominent in children with a WRD than children with an AD. Together, these studies further our understanding of the nature of the cognitive processes that underlie AD by focusing upon rarely used methods (i.e., age-matched achievement-matched design) and under-examined cognitive domains (i.e., phonological processing).
Scientific reading research has produced substantial evidence linking specific reading components to a range of constructs including phonological awareness (PA), morphological awareness, orthographic processing (OP), rapid automatized naming, working memory and vocabulary. There is a paucity of research on Arabic, although 420 million people around the world (Gordon, 2005) speak Arabic. As a Semitic language, Arabic differs in many ways from Indo-European languages. Over the past three decades, literacy research has begun to elucidate the importance of morphological awareness (MA) in reading. Morphology is a salient aspect of Arabic word structure. This study was designed to (a) examine the dimensions underlying MA in Arabic; (b) determine how well MA predicts reading; (c) investigate the role of the standard predictors in different reading outcomes; and (d) investigate the construct of reading in Arabic. This study was undertaken in two phases. In Phase I, 10 MA measures and two reading measures were developed, and tested in a sample of 102 Grade 3 Arabic-speaking children. Factor analysis of the 10 MA tasks yielded one predominant factor supporting the construct validity of MA in Arabic. Hierarchical regression analyses, controlling for age and gender, indicated that the MA factor solution accounted for 41– 43% of the variance in reading. In Phase II, the widely studied predictor measures were developed for PA and OP in addition to one additional measure of MA (root awareness), and three reading measures In Phase II, all measures were administered to another sample of 201 Grade 3 Arabic-speaking children. The construct of reading in Arabic was examined using factor analysis. The joint and unique effects of all standard predictors were examined using different sets of hierarchical regression analyses. Results of Phase II showed that: (a) all five reading measures loaded on one factor; (b) MA consistently accounted for unique variance in reading, particularly in comprehension, above and beyond the standard predictors; and (c) the standard predictors had differential contributions. These findings underscore the contribution of MA to all components of Arabic reading. The need for more emphasis on including morphology in Arabic reading instruction and assessment is discussed.
There are two features of /æ/ in British Columbia (BC) English that are widely attested in the literature: it is undergoing retraction and lowering and it is sensitive to the influence of certain following consonants. The present study aims to utilize both features to evaluate the phonological status of /æ/ before nasal consonants in BC English by examining the progression of sound change and the phonemic organization of /æ/ in different environments. Specifically, production and perception results are taken together to evaluate the phonetic position of pre-nasal /æ/ relative to other environments. These results are interpreted within a modular feedforward architecture of phonology to establish the phonological (allophonic) and phonetic (shallowphonic) rules that govern the internal relationships between the subphonemic elements of /æ/ in BC English. Further, the findings of this study provide evidence for the allophone being the target of sound change, rather than the phoneme.
Following and contributing to the ongoing shift from more structuralist, system-oriented to more pragmatic, socio-cultural oriented anglicism research, this paper verifies to what extent the global spread of English affects naming patterns in Flanders. To this end, a diachronic database of first names is constructed, containing the top 75 most popular boy and girl names from 2005 until 2014. In a first step, the etymological background of these names is documented and the evolution in popularity of the English names in the database is tracked. Results reveal no notable surge in the preference for English names. This paper complements these database-driven results with an experimental study, aiming to show how associations through referents are in this case more telling than associations through phonological form (here based on etymology). Focusing on the socio-cultural background of first names in general and of Anglo-American pop culture in particular, the second part of the study specifically reports on results from a survey where participants are asked to name the first three celebrities that leap to mind when hearing a certain first name (e.g. Lana, triggering the response Del Rey). Very clear associations are found between certain first names and specific celebrities from Anglo-American pop culture. Linking back to marketing research and the social turn in onomastics, we will discuss how these celebrities might function as referees, and how social stereotypes surrounding these referees are metonymically attached to their first names. Similar to the country-of-origin-effect in marketing, these metonymical links could very well be the reason why parents select specific “celebrity names”. Although further attitudinal research is needed, this paper supports the importance of including socio-cultural parameters when conducting onomastic research.
This paper reports the findings from a study of the learning of English intonation by Spanish speakers within the discourse mode of L2 oral presentation. The purpose of this experiment is, firstly, to compare four prosodic parameters before and after an L2 discourse intonation training programme and, secondly, to confirm whether subjects, after the aforementioned L2 discourse intonation training, are able to match the form of these four prosodic parameters to the discourse-pragmatic function of dominance and control. The study designed the instructions and tasks to create the oral and written corpora and Brazil’s Pronunciation for Advanced Learners of English was adapted for the pedagogical aims of the present study. The learners’ pre- and post-tasks were acoustically analysed and a pre / post- questionnaire design was applied to interpret the acoustic analysis. Results indicate most of the subjects acquired a wider choice of the four prosodic parameters partly due to the prosodically-annotated transcripts that were developed throughout the L2 discourse intonation course. Conversely, qualitative and quantitative data reveal most subjects failed to match the forms to their appropriate pragmatic functions to express dominance and control in an L2 oral presentation.
Here we use two filtered speech tasks to investigate children’s processing of slow (<4 Hz) versus faster (∼33 Hz) temporal modulations in speech. We compare groups of children with either developmental dyslexia (Experiment 1) or speech and language impairments (SLIs, Experiment 2) to groups of typically-developing (TD) children age-matched to each disorder group. Ten nursery rhymes were filtered so that their modulation frequencies were either low-pass filtered (<4 Hz) or band-pass filtered (22 – 40 Hz). Recognition of the filtered nursery rhymes was tested in a picture recognition multiple choice paradigm. Children with dyslexia aged 10 years showed equivalent recognition overall to TD controls for both the low-pass and band-pass filtered stimuli, but showed significantly impaired acoustic learning during the experiment from low-pass filtered targets. Children with oral SLIs aged 9 years showed significantly poorer recognition of band pass filtered targets compared to their TD controls, and showed comparable acoustic learning effects to TD children during the experiment. The SLI samples were also divided into children with and without phonological difficulties. The children with both SLI and phonological difficulties were impaired in recognizing both kinds of filtered speech. These data are suggestive of impaired temporal sampling of the speech signal at different modulation rates by children with different kinds of developmental language disorder. Both SLI and dyslexic samples showed impaired discrimination of amplitude rise times. Implications of these findings for a temporal sampling framework for understanding developmental language disorders are discussed.
This article suggests that the impact of long-term language contact between the languages of Irish, Scots and English in the province of Ulster led to a hybridisation of accent which challenges traditional ethnolinguistic differentiations - namely, the myth that Catholics and Protestants can be differentiated by their accent. The digitisation of archive recordings from the Tape Recorded Survey of Hiberno-English (TRSHE) permitted a detailed phonetic analysis of two speakers from Atticall, a rural townland in the Mourne Mountains with a unique geographical and linguistic setting, due to the close proximity of Ulster Scots and Irish speakers in the area. Phonological features associated with Irish, Northern English and Lowland Scots were garnered from previous dialectological research in Irish, English and Scots phonologies, which aided with the interpretation of the data. Other contemporaneous recordings from the TRSHE allowed further comparison of phonological features with areas of Ulster in which linguistic interaction between Scots and Irish was expected to be less prevalent, such as Arranmore, Donegal (primarily Irish) and Glarryford, Antrim (primarily Scots). Accommodation theory and substrate/superstrate interaction illuminate patterns of phonological transfer in Mourne, Arranmore and Glarryford English, supporting the conclusion that accent in contemporary Northern Ireland is built upon a linguistic heritage of contact and exchange, rather than political or ethnolinguistic division
This PhD thesis examines a phenomenon known as Monosyllabic Circumflexion (MC, hereafter) from a historical linguistics / phonological point of view. MC denotes a Lithuanian or Balto-Slavic phenomenon according to which long vowels and diphthongs in monosyllabic words exhibit a circumflex tone instead of the expected acute tone. It is observed in the following four categories: I. 3rd person future forms of monosyllabic stems (e.g., šõks ― šókti `to jump;' vy͂s ― výti `to drive') II. reflexes of PIE root nouns (e.g., Latv. gùovs `cow;' Lith. šuõ `dog') III. prepositions/adverbs (e.g., nuõ `from' ~ nùotaka `bride;' vė͂l `again' ~ Latv. vêl `still, yet,' tė͂ (permissive particle) < *teh1) IV. pronominal forms (e.g., tuõ ~ gerúoju `the good (m.~sg.~instr.),' tie͂ ~ tíeji `id. (pl.nom)'). The unexpected circumflex tone in these categories is problematic and important for the solution of a Balto-Slavic accentological question on the etymological background of acute and non-acute tones. The aim of this thesis is to partially contribute to the solution of this problem by establishing the existence of MC and its relative chronology. The first category, the 3rd person future forms, provides a substantial number of examples and counterexamples. The examination of them has revealed the fact that the counterexamples constitute a morpho-semantic group of verbs whose future stems underwent considerable morphological changes in the prehistory, hence not exhibiting MC. This shows that the regular tonal reflex of the 3rd person future forms of monosyllabic acute stem must be circumflex, allowing for the establishment of MC as a regular phonological process, although this category does not provide much information on the relative chronology of MC. The second category, the reflexes of Proto-Indo-European root nouns, gives an important clue as to where MC is located in the relative chronology of Balto-Slavic sound changes. Next, there is a discussion of whether the results of the examinations of the first two categories can be maintained for the data of the third and fourth categories, which show an irregular distribution of the acute and circumflex tones in monosyllabic forms. It is shown that various morphological factors, such as homonymic clashes within the paradigms for pronouns, can explain why some monosyllabic forms have acute tone. Also, the linguistic feature of West Aukštaitian dialects of Lithuanian that tend to preserve the results of MC is revealed. These dialects are known to have played an important role in the formation of standard Lithuanian. In this way, the monosyllabic forms with unexpected circumflex tone in Lithuanian are explained as a combination of MC in the Proto-Balto-Slavic time and the dialectal tendency of West Aukštaitian dialects of Lithuanian.
La présente thèse examine les associations entre les dimensions du TDAH et les habiletés en lecture sur les plans phénotypique, génétique et cognitif. En premier lieu, les associations entre les dimensions du TDAH (inattention et hyperactivité/impulsivité) et les habiletés en lecture (décodage et compréhension en lecture) chez des enfants au début du primaire (6-8 ans) ont été examinées. Les résultats révèlent des associations similaires. Toutefois, seules celles entre l’inattention et les habiletés en lecture demeurent après que l’hyperactivité/impulsivité, les symptômes de trouble du comportement et les habiletés non verbales aient été contrôlés. De plus, les associations entre l’inattention et les habiletés en lecture s’expliquent en grande partie par des facteurs génétiques. En second lieu, les associations entre les dimensions du TDAH et les habiletés en lecture (lecture de mots et exactitude/vitesse lors de la lecture d’un texte) ont été étudiées à 14-15 ans. Seule l’inattention demeure associée aux habiletés en lecture après que l’hyperactivité/impulsivité, les habiletés verbales et les habiletés non verbales aient été contrôlées. L’inattention et les habiletés en lecture sont aussi corrélées sur le plan génétique, mais ces corrélations deviennent non significatives lorsque les habiletés verbales sont contrôlées. En dernier lieu, des habiletés cognitives ont été étudiées comme mécanismes sous-jacents potentiels de l’association entre l’inattention et les habiletés en lecture (décodage et compréhension en lecture) à l’enfance. Il apparait que la conscience phonologique, la vitesse de dénomination de chiffres, le traitement temporel bimodal et le vocabulaire sont des médiateurs de l’association entre l’inattention et le décodage alors que la conscience phonologique, la vitesse de dénomination de chiffres et de couleurs et le vocabulaire sont des médiateurs de l’association entre l’inattention et la compréhension en lecture. De plus, des facteurs génétiques communs ont été observés entre certains médiateurs (conscience phonologique, vitesse de dénomination des chiffres et traitement temporel bimodal), l’inattention et le décodage. Somme toute, la présente thèse montre que des facteurs génétiques expliquent en partie ces associations à l’enfance et l’adolescence. Des médiateurs cognitifs sous-tendent ces associations, possiblement par des processus génétiques et environnementaux qui devront être précisés dans le futur.
Swedish learners of French often experience large difficulties in understanding spoken French. Words that the learners know very well when written or when pronounced separately are often hard to recognize in the speech flow. The aim of this study is to examine Swedish learners’ perception of French speech in order to identify the problems. The thesis consists of two parts. The first part provides an introduction to the perception of a second language. It also describes the phonological structures of Swedish and French and gives an overview of studies of the perception of spoken French. The second part of the thesis contains a presentation and an analysis of four perception experiments conducted with Swedish learners of French. The results show that the learners often confuse phonological contrasts that do not exist in Swedish. It is furthermore found that the phonological processes of schwa deletion, liaison, enchaînement and voicing assimilation contribute to the perception problems. However, although liaison may complicate word recognition the results indicate that the so-called potential liaison does so to an even greater extent. In a listening test using nonsense words, the learners seem actually to expect liaison when perceiving a word that can be linked to a following nonsense word. In fact, sequences like un navas and un avas are both perceived as un avas. Paradoxically, liaison thus seems to be most problematic when it does not occur. As to schwa deletion, the results show that word recognition is delayed when the schwa in the first syllable is deleted, as in la s’maine. In addition, the learners make a large number of errors due to schwa deletion. This phonological process sometimes completely prevents word recognition, especially when combined with a voicing assimilation. Schwa deletion thus seems to strongly complicate Swedish learners’ word recognition in spoken French.
Second language (L2) learning outcomes may depend on the structure of the input and learners’ cognitive abilities. This study tested whether less predictable input might facilitate learning and generalization of L2 morphology while evaluating contributions of statistical learning ability, nonverbal intelligence, phonological short-term memory, and verbal working memory. Over three sessions, 54 adults were exposed to a Russian case-marking paradigm with a balanced or skewed item distribution in the input. Whereas statistical learning ability and nonverbal intelligence predicted learning of trained items, only nonverbal intelligence also predicted generalization of case-marking inflections to new vocabulary. Neither measure of temporary storage capacity predicted learning. Balanced, less predictable input was associated with higher accuracy in generalization but only in the initial test session. These results suggest that individual differences in pattern extraction play a more sustained role in L2 acquisition than instructional manipulations that vary the predictability of lexical items in the input.
O presente trabalho centra-se no desenvolvimento de um projeto de sensibilização à diversidade linguística e cultural, intitulado “Por ritmos nunca dantes navegados”, numa sala de um jardim de infância português, tendo como finalidade avaliar e compreender o desenvolvimento da consciência fonológica de um grupo de doze crianças entre os 3 e os 4 anos de idade. Para o efeito, recorremos a uma metodologia mista, que se traduziu em procedimentos de tipo quantitativo e qualitativo de recolha e análise de dados: no primeiro caso, recorremos a testes de consciência fonológica e de discriminação auditiva, aplicados a um grupo experimental e a um grupo de controlo de seis crianças antes e após as sessões de sensibilização; no segundo caso, recorremos à observação direta e à vídeo gravação das quatro sessões do projeto. A análise dos dados recolhidos, realizada através de análise estatística e de conteúdo, permitiu alcançar resultados relevantes, tendo-se registado um desenvolvimento significativo das capacidades de discriminação auditiva e de consciência fonológica (silábica e da palavra) do grupo experimental que esteve presente nas sessões de sensibilização. Os resultados da análise estatística parecem sugerir que o contacto com línguas diferentes, através de atividades de sensibilização, contribui para a descoberta de unidades segmentais das línguas, essenciais para realizar tarefas de discriminação auditiva e de consciência fonológica. A análise de conteúdo ajudou a corroborar os resultados obtidos nos testes de discriminação auditiva e de consciência fonológica, tendo as crianças do grupo experimental revelado, nas suas interações, ser capazes de discriminar sons, bem como segmentar e manipular palavras e sílabas. Estes resultados sustentam a importância das abordagens plurais na educação pré-escolar, pois o contacto com sonoridades, línguas e palavras diferentes faz com que a criança atente no objeto-língua, realizando sobre ele múltiplas e ricas atividades para o desenvolvimento de competências metalinguísticas e também sociais.
O presente estudo pretendeu desenvolver o capital lexical de crianças a frequentar a Educação Pré-Escolar a partir da exploração de campos lexicais com recurso a obras da literatura infantil e de jogos. Paralelamente, realizamos com as crianças atividades centradas no reconhecimento de palavras, na divisão silábica e na exploração da correspondência grafema-fonema. Recolhemos dados relativos ao desempenho das crianças, a partir das atividades em que estas participaram. A análise de conteúdo dos dados recolhidos revelou que as crianças tinham efetivamente adquirido novo vocabulário, que procuravam utilizar em novos contextos, e desenvolvido algumas competências no domínio da consciência fonológica.
Dissertação de Mestrado em Ciências da Educação - Especialização em Animação da Leitura, apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti
In the dialogue cinema-literature the issue of cinematographic adaptations has been abundantly discussed. This controversy has attended specially to the recoding of the text into cinematographic language, neglecting, nevertheless, the own imprint that the intervention can impose to the work. Therefore, the case of the short film À feu by Mavounia-Kouka based on «Le loup-garou», story by Vian, becomes significant. This one works, in order to question them, with commonplaces also present in the cinematographic work, although re-signified here with the introduction of a Virgin that represents morality. Thus, the subversion of commonplaces becomes in the film a moral questioning.