994 resultados para PRE-MESSENGER-RNAS
News from the Iowa Downtown Resource Center, Main Street Iowa
News from the Iowa Downtown Resource Center, Main Street Iowa
Está demostrado que los buenos hábitos aprendidos durante la infancia actúan como factores protectores en la edad adulta; es por ello que se plantea un programa de educación emocional para ciclo superior de primaria, porque es en esta etapa pre-adolescente (11-13a) cuando se construyen los cimientos para conseguir cuotas de autonomía personal. En este estudio ponemos el acento en la autonomía emocional porque entendemos que es una de las competencias personales más complejas para conseguir una independencia saludable. Implica la capacidad de pensar, sentir, tomar decisiones responsables; implica el autoconocimiento, la autoaceptación, la confianza en uno mismo y adquirir una actitud positiva ante la vida. El trabajo continuado y sistemático de cada una de estas dimensiones permite un mayorgrado de autoeficacia emocional y en consecuencia un fortalecimiento de la autoestima. Constituye la mejor vacuna para la prevención de conductas disruptivas.
Introducción: La preeclampsia/eclampsia es una enfermedad del embarazo que puede producir cambios en el estado emocional de la mujer por su prolongado ingreso hospitalario. Objetivo: Conocer las experiencias vividas por las mujeres con preeclampsia/eclampsia durante el ingreso hospitalario. Los objetivos que se tendrán en cuenta serán conocer cómo se modifica el rol propio dentro de la organización familiar, conocer cómo impacta su ingreso respecto a suestado emocional, conocer cómo les afecta la estructura de la unidad a su estado emocional y conocer qué necesidades y/o cuidados terapéuticos reciben respeto al equipo sanitario. Ámbito: El estudio se realizará en el Hospital de la Vall d’ Hebrón de Barcelona. Metodología: Estudio fenomenológico. La muestra se escogerá intencionadamente que cumplirá con los criterios de inclusión (mujeres ingresadas por preeclampsia/eclampsia en launidad de materno infantil de la Vall d’ Hebrón de Barcelona), y se terminará hasta llegar al nivel de saturación teórico. Los datos se recogerán a través de entrevistas semi-estructuradas y de la observación participante. Consideraciones finales: Dada la baja incidencia que existe tanto a nivel nacional como internacional en estudios de este tipo, un estudio cualitativo que ayude a conocer las experiencias de las mujeres ingresadas por preeclampsia podría ayudar a mejorar la calidad y práctica asistencial enfermera.
Major burns are characterized by an initial capillary leak which requires fluid resuscitation for hemodynamic stabilisation. While under-resuscitation was the major cause of death until the 80ies, over-resuscitation has become an important source of complications: abdominal compartment syndrome, escharotomies, impaired gas exchange and prolonged mechanical ventilation and hospital stay. The fluid creep started in the 90ies with an increasing proportion of the first 24 hours' fluid delivery above the 4 ml/kg/% BSA Parkland prediction. The first alerts were published under the form of case reports of increased mortality due to abdominal compartment syndrome and respiratory failure. The paper analyses the causes of this fluid creep, and the ways to prevent it, which includes rationing prehospital fluid delivery, avoiding early colloids and permissive hypovolemia.
BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to evaluate a model of routine pre-IVF counselling focusing on the narrative capacities of couples. The acceptability of counselling, the effects on emotional factors and the participants' assessments were considered. METHODS: The study included 141 consecutive childless couples preparing for their first IVF. Randomization was carried out through sealed envelopes attributing participants to counselled and non-counselled groups and was accepted by 100 couples. Another 12 couples refused randomization because they wanted counselling and 29 because they did not. Questionnaires including the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, the Beck Depression Inventory and assessments of help were mailed to couples before IVF and counselling, and after the IVF outcome. RESULTS: Counselling was accepted by 79% (112/141) of couples. There was no significant effect of counselling on anxiety and depression scores which were within normal ranges at both times. Counselling provided help for 86% (75/87) of initially non-demanding subjects and 96% (25/26) of those initially requesting a session. Help was noted in areas of psychological assistance, technical explanations and discussing relationships. CONCLUSIONS: This model of routine counselling centred on the narrative provides an acceptable form of psychological assistance for pre-IVF couples.
Huntington's disease (HD) is an autosomal dominantly inherited disorder caused by the expansion of CAG repeats in the Huntingtin (HTT) gene. The abnormally extended polyglutamine in the HTT protein encoded by the CAG repeats has toxic effects. Here, we provide evidence to support that the mutant HTT CAG repeats interfere with cell viability at the RNA level. In human neuronal cells, expanded HTT exon-1 mRNA with CAG repeat lengths above the threshold for complete penetrance (40 or greater) induced cell death and increased levels of small CAG-repeated RNAs (sCAGs), of ≈21 nucleotides in a Dicer-dependent manner. The severity of the toxic effect of HTT mRNA and sCAG generation correlated with CAG expansion length. Small RNAs obtained from cells expressing mutant HTT and from HD human brains significantly decreased neuronal viability, in an Ago2-dependent mechanism. In both cases, the use of anti-miRs specific for sCAGs efficiently blocked the toxic effect, supporting a key role of sCAGs in HTT-mediated toxicity. Luciferase-reporter assays showed that expanded HTT silences the expression of CTG-containing genes that are down-regulated in HD. These results suggest a possible link between HD and sCAG expression with an aberrant activation of the siRNA/miRNA gene silencing machinery, which may trigger a detrimental response. The identification of the specific cellular processes affected by sCAGs may provide insights into the pathogenic mechanisms underlying HD, offering opportunities to develop new therapeutic approaches
This work compared the behaviour of pre-parturient sows housed in intensive confined and outdoor systems, during the morning and afternoon prior to delivery. Eight sows were kept individually in farrowing crates or in paddocks with access to fresh pasture from 8 to 10 days before expected parturition. All outdoor sows built a nest within 24 hours before farrowing. On the morning and afternoon before farrowing they spent 6.5% of the time collecting grass and 7.5% of the time organizing the nest. Outdoor sows were observed more often than confined sows rooting (4.60% vs. 0.25%), feeding (10.2% vs. 3.0%), standing (51% vs. 13%) and walking (8% vs. 0%). Indoor sows redirected the nesting behaviour to other behaviours like attempts to dig the ground, nosing, biting and rooting parts of the crate, feeder or drinker, during 4.7% of the time. They also spent more time than outdoor sows inactive (85% vs. 60%), lying (72% vs. 41%), drinking (2.1% vs. 0.5%) and vacuum chewing (3.7% vs. 0.1%). The pre-parturient behaviour of sows was considerably affected by the husbandry system. The outdoor system appears to be more appropriate for the sows' welfare than the conventional confinement.
This report includes the objectives, implementation responsibilities and target dates recommended and passed by the delegates to the Iowa Governor's Pre-White House Conference on Library and Information Services (April 30-May 2, 1991) or the White House Conference on Library and Information Services (July 9-13, 1991. Text of the relevant recommendations is included for each objective.
Little is known about the health of ambulance personnel, especially in Switzerland. This lack of knowledge is particularly striking in the specific field of occupational health. This study aims to identify and better understand protective and risk factors affecting the health of ambulance personnel. Both mental and physical health are considered. The approach used comprised two steps. The first step began in July 2008 and consisted in a qualitative study of real work activities performed by ambulance crews involved in pre-hospital emergency interventions. Researchers shadowed ambulance personnel for the duration of their entire work shift, in average for one week. The paper-pen technique was used to note dialogues, interactions, postural aspects, etc. When the situation allowed it, interventions were filmed. Some selected video sequences were used as a support for selfconfrontation interviews. Observations were performed by three researchers and took place in eleven services, for a total of 416 hours of observations (including 72 interventions + waiting time). Analysis, conducted by a multidisciplinary team (an ergonomist, an occupational therapist and a health psychologist), focused on individual and collective strategies used by ambulance personnel to protect their health. The second step, which is currently ongoing, aims to assess global health of ambulance personnel. A questionnaire is used to gather information about musculoskeletal complaints (Nordic questionnaire), mental health (GHQ-12), stress (Effort-Reward imbalance questionnaire), strategies implemented to cope with stress (Brief COPE), and working conditions. Specific items on strategies were developed based on observational data. It will be sent to all ambulance personnel employed in the French-speaking part of Switzerland. Preliminary analyses show different types of strategies used by ambulance personnel to preserve their health. These strategies involve postural aspects (e.g. use doorframe as a support to ease delicate manipulations), work environment adaptations (e.g. move furniture to avoid awkward postures), coping strategies (e.g. humor), as well as organisational (e.g. formal and informal debriefing) and collective (e.g. cooperation) mechanisms. In-depth analysis is still ongoing. However, patient safety and comfort, work environment and available resources appear to influence the choice of strategies ambulance personnel use. As far as possible, the strategies identified will be transformed into educational materials for professional ambulance personnel.
El treball que teniu a les mans és la memòria del projecte de final de grau, el documental Pre/parats?. Aquestes pàgines contenen la feina de nou mesos que va resultar en un documental que investiga la realitat dels joves universitaris dins del marc socioeconòmic actual. Pre/parats? és el títol que dóna nom a aquest documental. La nostra intenció era jugar amb el doble sentit de les paraules per a referir-nos a la situació postuniversitària. Així doncs, plantegem si estem preparats per afrontar el món laboral o si, per contra, som els pròxims a la cua de l’atur. El treball està dividit en funció de les fases que es duen a terme a l’hora de realitzar una peça audiovisual: començant per la primera fase, la presa de decisions; passant també per la resta de fases, com són el desenvolupament del guió, la preproducció, el rodatge, el muntatge i la postproducció; i acabant per la distribució del producte. Per últim, hi ha les conclusions finals de cada un dels membres del grup i les conclusions generals del projecte.
Intrathymic T-cell maturation critically depends on the selective expansion of thymocytes expressing a functionally rearranged T-cell receptor (TCR) beta chain. In addition, TCR-independent signals also contribute to normal T-cell development. It is unclear whether and how signals from the 2 types of pathways are integrated. Here, we show that T-cell factor-1 (TCF-1), a nuclear effector of the canonical wingless/int (wnt)/catenin signaling pathway, ensures the survival of proliferating, pre-TCR(+) thymocytes. The survival of pre-TCR(+) thymocytes requires the presence of the N-terminal catenin-binding domain in TCF-1. This domain can bind the transcriptional coactivator beta-catenin and may also bind gamma-catenin (plakoglobin). However, in the absence of gamma-catenin, T-cell development is normal, supporting a role for beta-catenin. Signaling competent beta-catenin is present prior to and thus arises independently from pre-TCR signaling and does not substantially increase on pre-TCR signaling. In contrast, pre-TCR signaling significantly induces TCF-1 expression. This coincides with the activation of a wnt/catenin/TCF reporter transgene in vivo. Collectively, these data suggest that efficient TCF-dependent transcription requires that pre-TCR signaling induces TCF-1 expression, whereas wnt signals may provide the coactivator such as beta-catenin. The 2 pathways thus have to cooperate to ensure thymocyte survival at the pre-TCR stage.
In this work we present a simulation of a recognition process with perimeter characterization of a simple plant leaves as a unique discriminating parameter. Data coding allowing for independence of leaves size and orientation may penalize performance recognition for some varieties. Border description sequences are then used to characterize the leaves. Independent Component Analysis (ICA) is then applied in order to study which is the best number of components to be considered for the classification task, implemented by means of an Artificial Neural Network (ANN). Obtained results with ICA as a pre-processing tool are satisfactory, and compared with some references our system improves the recognition success up to 80.8% depending on the number of considered independent components.