997 resultados para POSITIVE-IONS
本学位论文分为四个部分,第一部分报道了用串联质谱快速分析合成药物中的微量杂质成分以及分析中药材中的化学成分。第二部分报道了通过质谱和串联质谱发现并合成新型的PdPincer 催化剂,同时对其活性进行测试。第三部分为串联质谱自动解析软件的设计及应用。第四部分概述了应用在质谱中的各种碎裂方式。 第一部分首先总结了5-溴粉防己碱及其类似物的裂解规律,并以此为根据推测出2 个微量杂质的结构。随后针对无患子(Sapindus mukurossi Gatren.)中的皂苷成分,由ESI-QTOF 得到各个皂苷成份的高分辨质量数据进而得到其分子式,然后利用ESI-IT 电喷雾串联质谱对无患子总皂苷中各皂苷成分的结构进行进一步的鉴定。进而以同样的方式,先通过ESI-QTOF 得到黄山药(Dioscoreapanthaica)总皂苷中各个组分化合物的分子式,然后对已有的薯蓣皂苷标准品做串联质谱分析,以得到该类化合物的裂解规律并给出解析该类化合物的流程图。在此利用计算化学的方法讨论了离子的丰度与裂解活化能之间的关系。然后应用APCI-MS/MS 方法探讨了四对同分异构体和几个已知的化合物,并最后用液质联用对其进行确认,同时还给出了4 个未知化合物的可能结构。 第二部分报道通过质谱和串联质谱发现并合成新型的PdPincer 催化剂,同时对其活性进行测试。钯催化的交联反应是有机合成中C-C 键形成的最有效的方法,且硫脲是一类对空气和水都稳定的化合物,因此我们设计并合成了一系列的硫脲钯催化剂并得到了很好的催化活性。我们在对其中一类环状双硫脲化合物进行质谱实验的时候,在正离子模式下发现了反常的[M.H]+,通过串联质谱进一步确定了它是一种新型的PdPincer 结构。我们将其合成出来并通过X-ray 衍射实验确定了它的结构。同时测定其催化活性并与未形成pincer 的类似物进行比较发现该类化合物具有较宽的底物适用性。 第三部分为串联质谱自动解析软件的设计及应用。通过前面两部分的启示,独立设计开发了AuMass(1.0)。其算法是:先通过查找特殊的碎片离子,中性丢失或碎片离子质量差来确定某类化合物的骨架结构,然后利用该类化合物的自动解析流程来对其周边取代基进行确认。通过它快速地对白芍中的化学成分进行解析,并对未知的化合物进行了推测。为了增加它的解析能力,我又对其它类型的化合物裂解规律进行总结,并给出了自动解析流程。实践证明该软件具有相当好的应用价值。 第四部分综述了应用在质谱上的各类母离子的碎裂技术。这里包括了碰撞诱导裂解(CID)、光诱导碎裂(LID)、电子捕获裂解/电子转移裂解(ECD/ETD)、红外多光子解离(IRMPD)、黑体辐射解离(BIRD)和PQD 裂解技术。 This dissertation consists of four chapters. The first chapter reports the rapidanalysis of trace impurities from synthetical medicine and analysis of the chemicalconstitutents from Chinese herb medicines. The second chapter elaborates the studieson the discorvery and synthesis of new type of Pd Pincer catalyst by using MS andtandem MS together with the testing of its catalyst activity. The third chapter dwellson the designation and development of automatic tandem mass spectrometry analysissoftware. The last chapter presents a review on the dissociation technique of massspectrometry. The first chapter reports the rapid analysis of trace impurities from synthesismedicine and analysis of the chemical constitutents from Chinese herb medicines. The fission mechanism of 5-bromotetrandrine was obtained by analysis of the dissociationpathways of major product, by using which the possible structure of the two traceimpurties was assumed. There are lots of saponins in Sapindus mukurossi. Except forthe good spumescence and decontamination,it possesses the bioactivity of antigenand antitch. First of all, the high resolution mass information was obtained by ESI-QTOF. Hence the possible molecular formulars were acquired too. Then weconducted the further detection of the structures of its saponins by using ESI-ITtechnology. In the same manner, first the molecular formulars of every constituentfrom Dioscorea panthaica in total saponins were obtained by ESI-QTOF, and thenacquired the fission mechanism of this type of compounds by tandem massexperiment on a series of known and available saponins. In the same time, theanalysis flowchart was concluded. Here the relationship between the ion intensity andthe corresponding dissiociation activation energy was studied by computer chemistry.Then the four pairs of isomers were differentiated by APCI-MS/MS, as well as thecharacterization of known and unknown compounds. The assumption was confirmed by HPLC-MS/MS. Among them the possible structures of four unknown saponinswas presented. The second part was discovery and synthesis of a new type of Pd pincer catalystby MS and tandem MS. The coupling reaction catalyzed by Pd is the most effectivemethod in C-C formation in organic synthesis. Apart from that, thiourea is type ofcompounds that are stable to atmosphere and moisture. Hence we designed a series ofPd thiourea catalysts. Some of them show the excellent catalyst activity. The abnormalparent ion [M.H]+ was founded in positive ESI mode when we conduct some massspectrometry experiments on the bicyclical thiourea Pd complex. The structure wasproposed by mass and tandem mass spectrometry. Because it was a new type of pincer,we want to test its catalyst activity. So the Pd pincer was synthesized and the detailstructure was obtained by x-ray experiment. It shows the more fitness in catalysis ofSuzuki reaction by comparison with the analogue. The third chapter dwells on the design and development of automatic tandemmass spectrometry analysis software. Inspired by the former two chapters, theAuMass (version 1.0) was developed. Its algorithm is: first check the diagnostic ion,diagnostic neutral loss or diagnostic ions mass intervals in database to find out whatthe analyst’s skeleton belongs to, then identify the peripheral functional group by thecorresponding analysis flowchart. The chemical constituents of Paeonia lactiflorawere identified rapidly by using AuMass. To increase the analysis ability, the othertypes of compounds from Chinese herbs was concluded. Actually, the software isproven to have the much valuable application. The last chapter presented the review on the some kinds of fission technique ofmass spectrometry. It involves the collision induced dissociation (CID), laser induceddissociation (LID), electron capture dissociation/electron transfer dissociation(ECD/ETD), infrared multiple photons dissiociation, black body irraditiondissociation and PQD fission technique from Finnigan.
Surface damage of gallium nitride films irradiated by Arq+ (6 ≤ q ≤ 16) ions at room temperature is studied by the atomic force microscopy. It is found that when charge state exceeds a threshold value, significant swelling was turned into obvious erosion in the irradiated region. The surface change of the irradiated region strongly depends on the charge state and ion fluence. On the other hand, surface change is less dependent on the kinetic energy nearly in the present experimental range (120 keV≤ Ek ≤ 220 keV). For q ≤ 14, surface of the irradiated region iscovered with an amorphous layer, rough and bulgy. A step-up appears between the irradiated and un-irradiated region. Moreover, the step height and the surface roughness are functions of the ion dose and charge state...
Irradiation efect in three carbon allotropes C60, diamond and highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) induced by 170 keV B ions, mainly including the process of the damage creation, is investigated by means of Raman spectroscopy technique. The diferences on irradiation sensitivity and structural stability for C60, HOPG and diamond are compared. The analysis results indicate that C60 is the most sensitive for B ions irradiation,diamond is the second one and the structure of HOPG is the most stable under B ion irradiation. The damage cross sections ? of C60, diamond and HOPG deduced from the Raman spectra are 7.78×10−15 , 6.38×10−15 and1.31 × 10−15cm2, respectively.
Angular distribution and current dependence of the transmitted ion fraction are investigated for 40 keV Xe7+ bombarding on polycarbonate (PC) nanocapillaries. By measuring the angular distribution of the transmitted ion fraction, a strong guiding efect is found in PC nanocapillaries. Furthermore, with increase of the incident current, a turning point of the transmitted ion fraction is found, which is explained qualitatively by the discharge capacity of the nanocapillaries.
Up to now, clinical trials of heavy-ion radiotherapy for superficially placed tumors have been carried out for six times and over 60 selected patients have been treated with 80—100 MeV/u carbon ions supplied by the Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou (HIRFL) at the Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences since November, 2006. A passive irradiation system and a dose optimization method for radiotherapy with carbon-ion beams have been developed. Experimental verification of longitudinally ...
Abstract A state-of-the-art high energy heavy ion microbeam irradiation system is constructed at the Institute of Modern Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. This microbeam system operates in both full current intensity mode and single ion mode. It delivers a predefined number of ions to preselected targets for research in biology and material science. The characteristic of this microbeam system is high energy and vertical irradiation. A quadrupole focusing system, in combination with a series of slits, has been designed to optimize the spatial resolution. A symmetrically achromatic system leads the beam downwards and serves simultaneously as an energy analyzer. A high gradient quadrupole triplet finally focuses a C6+ ion beam to 1 µm in the vacuum chamber within the energy range from 10 MeV/u to 100 MeV/u. In this paper, the IMP microbeam system is described in detail. A systematic investigation of the ion beam optics of this microbeam system is presented together with the associated aberrations. Comparison is made between the IMP microbeam system and the other existing systems to further discuss the performance of this microbeam. Then the optimized initial beam parameters are given for high resolution and high hitting efficiency. At last, the experiment platform is briefly introduced.
In order to investigate the effect of carbon ion irradiation on apoptosis and Bax/Bcl-2 expression inhuman tongue carcinoma cells, exponentially growing human tongue carcinoma cells (Tb) cultured in vitro were irradiated with 0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 or 4.0 Gy of 12C6+ ions respectively. Survival rate of irradiated cells at various doses were measured by MTT assay. The nucleus changes of apoptosis and necrosis of cells stained by Hochest/PI were observed through fluorescence microscope. The cell cycle changes were detected by flow cytometry (FCM). The expressions of Bax and Bcl-2 were detected by Western blot analysis. The results show that the viability of Tb cells decreases gradually with increment of irradiation doses of carbon ions. The proportions of apoptosis cells in the irradiated groups are significantly higher than those in the control group. There is a positive correlation between irradiation doses and retardation strength in G2 /M phase at 24 h after irradiation (P<0.05). And the expressions of Bax and bcl-2 are significantly up-regulated and down-regulated respectively by 12C6+ ion irradiation. It can be concluded from above that cell apoptosis induced by heavy ion with high-LET may be mediated through the Bax/Bcl-2 expression pathway. 探讨重离子辐照对人舌鳞癌Tb细胞的凋亡及Bax/Bcl-2蛋白表达的影响。采用0、0.5、1.0、2.0、4.0 Gy重离子束辐照人舌鳞癌 Tb 细胞,应用 MTT 法检测细胞存活,流式细胞技术检测细胞周期变化,Hoechst33258/PI 复染法观察 Tb 细胞凋亡形态,并采用 Western-blot 法检测 Bax/Bcl-2 蛋白表达情况。结果发现,Tb细胞经12C6+离子束辐照后存活率显著下降,呈剂量依赖性的生长抑制;Tb细胞呈现蓝色荧光浓集成团的凋亡形态,且凋亡比例随辐照剂量增加;G2/M 期细胞百分数随照射剂量增加而增加(P<0.05) 。Western-blot结果显示 Bax 蛋白表达水平随辐照剂量逐渐上升,但在 4 Gy 组其表达不再增高,Bcl-2 蛋白在 1.0、2.0、4.0 Gy组随剂量增大呈下降趋势。以上结果提示重离子束辐照对 Tb 细胞有抑制作用,Bax/Bcl-2 蛋白表达是重离子治癌的机制之一。